Leaning Tower BolognaLeaning towers of Bologna, Italy - La Garidenda and Torre degli Asinelli
SUSTERMANS, Joost (1597-1681). Portrait of Galileo Galilei. ca. mid. 17th c. Detail. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on canvas. ITALY. Florence. Galleria degli Uffizi (Uffizi Gallery)
Angel playing a lute, Melozzo da ForliMelozzo da Forli (1438-1494). Italian painter. Fresco depicting an Angel playing a lute. From the Church of the Twelve Holy Apostles. Pinacoteca Vaticana. Vatican City. Date: circa 1480
Palazzo Contarini degli Scrigni - Venice, ItalyPalazzo Contarini degli Scrigni in Venice, Italy. A complex, charming building formed by two palaces in the sestiere of Dorsoduro, at San Trovaso on the Canal Grande. Date: 1916
Riva degli Schiavoni, Venice, Italy. Date between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900
Venice, Italy - Isola S. Giorgio (Island of San Giorgio Maggiore) - Riva degli schiavoni waterfront Date: circa 1910s
Ancient Persian musical instrumentsBaglama or tanbur 1, sciehizdeh 2, kemancheh or rebab 3, setar 4, scienk 5, 7, psalter 6, nefir 8, carhana 9, sciak-nefir or horn 10, sorna 11, musicar 12, dembal 13, dohol drum 14
Podestas or Mayors of Milan, 13th / 14th centuryEquestrian statue of Oldrado da Tresseno, Podesta or Mayor of Milan, 13th century. Grave effigy of Mafiolo Visconti, Podesta of Milan, brother of Matteo I Visconti, 14th century
The Riva degli Schiavoni in Venice by Leandro BassanoLeandro Bassano (1557-1622). Italian mannerist painter. The Riva degli Schiavoni in Venice. Detail. San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts. Madrid. Spain. Date: 2019
Riva DegliAn artwork of the Riva Degli Schiavoni, in Venice, Italy. The foreground shows the monument to Victor Emmanuel II, created in 1887. Date: circa 1922
Blue field madder, Sherardia arvensis, Sherarde des champs
Costume of ancient Germanic peoples on a journey. They wear short capes and tunics and carry spears and swords. After Philipp Cluvers Germania Antiqua. Antichi Germani in viaggio
People of the Osage Nation. Minckchtahooh or Little Soldier, 22, lower left, Gretomih, young woman, 18, upper left, and Kishagashugah or Little Chief, age 28, right
Entrance of the Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre, 1800s. Ingresso alla Cappella del S. Sepolcro
Ruins on the road between Ramla and Jerusalem, Isreal, 1800s. Rovine fra Rama e Gerusalemme
View of the Loggia degli Osii, Milan, Italy, 14th centuryView of the Loggia degli Osii, Milan, Italy. Gothic portico and loggia in the facade. Built by Matteo I Visconti, Podesta of Milan, in 1321. Palazzo degli Anziani
Penelope and her attendants spinning threadA depiction of Penelope, wife of Odysseus, with her attendants. Penelope sits on a chair at work on a thread. A servant takes away a mirror, and another brings todays cloth
View of Saint Peters Basilica, Rome. Esterno di S. Pietro
A winged genius carries Emperor Antoninus Pius to heavenA winged genius carries Emperor Antoninus Pius and his wife Faustina to heaven. Campus Martius holds an obelisk at left, and Roma in armour sits at right with shield depicting Romulus and Remus
MUSSOLINI AT TE DEUMAt a solemn Te Deum in the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli at Rome, Mussolini is seated next to king Vittorio Emanuele III. Date: 1927
FARINATA ROASTSVirgil and Dante contemplate Farinata degli Uberti as he roasts for ever, expiating his wickedness on Earth
Two gondoliers wait for tourist clients at St Marks, Venice. One gondolier is silhouetted in the background, the other sits and reads a newspaper Date: 2013
Angel playing a violin, c. 1480. Melozzo da Forli (1438-1494Melozzo da Forli (1438-1494). Italian painter. Fresco depicting an Angel playing a violin, c. 1480. From the Church of the Twelve Holy Apostles. Pinacoteca Vaticana. Vatican City
The Divine Comedy. Dante and Virgil in Hell. Folio 25 r. 148The Divine Comedy. Poem by Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). Miniature depicting Dante and Virgil in Hell. The meeting of Dante with Farinata degli Uberti and Cavalcante de Cavalcanti. Folio 25 r
Lorenzo Monaco (1370-1422). The Coronation of the Virgin. 1413. Detail of the predella depicting the Nativity. Renaissance art. Quattrocento. Tempera on wood. ITALY. Florence
BONIFACE VIII. Pope of Rome (1294-1303). Painting. ITALY. Florence. Galleria degli Uffizi (Uffizi Gallery)
Livius Andronicus, Lucius (c.284-c.204BC). Latin poet. Illustration of the work BiografС degli uomini del regno de Napoli
Italy. Ferrara. Emilia-Romagna. Cathedral. The bell tower. 15Italy. Ferrara. Emilia-Romagna. The Cathedral of Saint George. The bell tower, in the Renaissance style. It dates from 1451-1493, but the top floor was added in the late sixteenth century
LEONARDO DA VINCI (1452-1519). Adoration of the Magi. 1481 - 1482. Preparation of Cologne earth and bistre on panel. Flemish art. Oil on wood. ITALY. Florence. Galleria degli Uffizi (Uffizi Gallery)
BRONZINO, Agnolo di Cosimo di Mariano, also called Il (1502-1572). Portrait of Eleonora di Toledo with her Son Giovanni. ca. 1545. Wife and son of Cosimo I de Medici. Mannerism art. Oil on wood
The Torri degli Ardinghelli, San Gimignano, Italy, 1944Photograph showing the Torri degli Ardinghelli, or Towers of the Guelphs, at the eleventh-century hill-top town of San Gimignano, near Siena, Italy, prior to July 1944
Lugano, Switzerland - Church of Santa Maria degli Angioli
Palermo, Italy - Chiesa di S. Giovanni degli Eremili. The churchs origins date to the 6th century. After the Islamic conquest of Sicily, it was converted into a mosque
Italy - Venice Lagoon - San Lazzaro degli ArmeniItaly, Estuario, San Lazzaro degli Armeni is a small island in the Venetian Lagoon which has been home to the monastery of the Mekhitarists, an Armenian Catholic congregation, since 1717
Italy. Rome. Church of Saint Jerome of the Croats. 16th centItaly. Rome. Church of Saint Jerome of the Croats (San Girolamo degli Schiavoni). Rebuilt between 1588-1589, under the pontificate of Sixtus V, by Martino Longhi the Elder (15341591). Facade
Piazetta and Riva degli Schiavoni in Venice by Antonio CanalAntonio Canaletto (1697-1768). Italian painter. Piazetta and Riva degli Schiavoni in Venice. Alte Pinakothek. Munich. Germany
Venice / Cafe ShiavoniVenice: a crowded cafe on the Riva degli Schiavoni Date: 1874
Castruccio CastracaniCASTRUCCIO CASTRACANI DEGLI ANTELMINELLI Italian soldier and Ghibelline leader Date: 1281 - 1328
Church of San Giovanni Degli Eremiti, Palermo, ItalyThis churchs origins date back as far as the 6th century. After the Islamic conquest of Sicily, it was converted into a mosque
Pillow seller. Augustus reign (1st c. BF- 1st c. )Pillow seller. Augustus reign (1st c.BF- 1st c.). Roman art. Early Empire. Relief. ITALY. TUSCANY. Florence. Galleria degli Uffizi (Uffizi Gallery)
Chiesa di Angeli, Lugano, SwitzerlandChiesa di Santa Maria degli Angeli (Angioli), Lugano, Switzerland, with a church procession
Castruccio Castracani degli Antelminelli (1281-1328) - Italian condottiero and Duke of Lucca. Date: circa 1328
Cia degli Ubaldini - Italian noblewoman, who valiantly defended the lands of her husband Francesco Ordelaffi when attacked by the Papal forces : a notable warrior. circa 1357
CASTAGNO, Andrea del (1423-1457). Dante Alighieri. ca. 1450. Portrait holding a book, from a cycle of famous personages. Fresco transferred to canvas. Renaissance art. Quattrocento. Fresco. ITALY
LEONARDO DA VINCI (1452-1519). Painting. ITALY. Florence. Galleria degli Uffizi (Uffizi Gallery)
CASTAGNO, Andrea del (1423-1457). Francesco Petrarca. ca. 1450. Portrait holding a book, from a cycle of famous personages. Fresco transferred to canvas. Renaissance art. Quattrocento. Fresco. ITALY
Roger II (1095-1154). Count of Sicily (1101-1127)" Roger II (1095-1154). Count of Sicily (1101-1127), Duke of Puglia and Calabria (1127-1130) and first king of Sicily (1130-1154)
REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua (1723-1792). Self-Portrait
Raphael (1483-1520). Self-portrait (Autoritratto). 1506. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on canvas. ITALY. Florence. Galleria degli Uffizi (Uffizi Gallery)
CARPACCIO, Vittore (1455-1525). Halberdiers and Old Men. c. 1493 - 1505. Renaissance art. Quattrocento. Venetian school. Oil on wood. ITALY. Florence. Galleria degli Uffizi (Uffizi Gallery)
Bust of Julia T. F. Bust of Julia T. F. RomanBust of Julia T. F. Bust of Julia T.F. Roman art. Sculpture. MᲢ le. Roman art. Sculpture on marble. ITALY. Florence. Galleria degli Uffizi (Uffizi Gallery)
CASTAGNO, Andrea del (1423-1457). Portrait of Farinata degli Uberti. ca. 1450
ANGELICO, Fra (1387-1455). The Last Judgement. 1432-1435. Renaissance art. Quattrocento. Tempera on wood. ITALY. Florence. Museo di San Marco (St. Marks Museum). Proc: ITALY. Florence
BELLINI, Giovanni (1430-1516). Man wearing a turban. Sketch. Renaissance art. Quattrocento. Venetian school. Drawing. ITALY. Florence. Galleria degli Uffizi (Uffizi Gallery)
BRONZINO, Agnolo di Cosimo di Mariano, also called Il (1502-1572). Pope Clement VII. 16th c. Mannerism art. Oil on canvas. ITALY. Florence. Galleria degli Uffizi (Uffizi Gallery)
Honthorst, Gerrit van, also called Gherardo" Honthorst, Gerrit van, also called " Gherardo Della Notte" (1590-1656). Adoration of the Shepherds (Adoration of the Shepherds). 1639 - 1649. Renaissance art. Trecento
RICHELIEU, Armand-Jean du Plessis, cardinal de (1585-1642). French statesman and clergyman, King Louis XIIIs chief minister. Portrait of Richelieu. Oil. ITALY. Florence
Veduta, Degli archi di Costantino, e di Tito, e della meta sudante
Assisi - Chiesa di S. Maria degli Angeli (St. Mary of the Angels) - Italy Date: circa 1908
Italy - Rome - Arco Degli ArgentariArco Degli Argentari - (The Arcus Argentariorum) (Latin)
Spedale Degli InnocentiCeramic plate of a child on the Spedale Degli Innocenti in Florence, Italy
Rome / Sta Maria AngeliSANTA MARIA DEGLI ANGELI constructed within the ancient baths of Diocletian
Food and Drink / PastaThe Festa degli gnocchi is held annually at Guastalla, Italy; before distribution to the crowd, it is tasted by the king, chosen from the noted eaters of the region
Castruccio of LuccaCASTRUCCIO CASTRACANI degli Antelminelli prince of Lucca, Italy
Venice / Riva SchiavoniVenice: Riva degli Schiavoni, with the statue of Vittorio Emanuele