George & Fenian DragonCartoon depicting the Fenian dragon defeating Saint George
Scipio Africanus meeting Hannibal at Battle of ZamaSECOND PUNIC WAR : the Roman general and statesman Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus meets the Carthaginian leader Hannibal before defeating him at the Battle of Zama, near Carthage in North Africa
TIPU SULTAN (1749?-1799)TIPU SULTAN (TIPPU SAHIP) Sultan of Mysore Son of Hyder Ali - fought against Marathas - pictured here at Pollilur in 1780 defeating British under Baille
100 Years War / AgincourtHenry V leads the English to victory at Agincourt, defeating an army four times as large : the French lost 8000, the English 400
Battle of ZorndorfBATTLE OF ZORNDORF Friedrich der Grosse leads his soldiers at the Battle of Zorndorf, defeating the Russians though he loses 11, 000 men in the process
Alexander and PorusAlexander accepts the surrender of PORUS, king of the Pauravas, after defeating him on the Hydaspes (now Jhelum) river in northwest India/Pakistan
Jack Dempsey just before defeating Jess Willard in a boxing match
Edward of Woodstocks English army defeating" Edward of Woodstocks English army defeating Jean IIs French army. Poitiers battle, 1356. Illustration from " Grandes Chroniques de France" (14th century). Gothic art
Triumph of Scipio Africanus after defeating HannibalSECOND PUNIC WAR : the triumph of the Roman general and statesman Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus after defeating the Carthaginian leader Hannibal at the Battle of Zama
Admiral Rodney defeats French navy, Battle of the SaintesAdmiral Rodney defeats the French navy, Battle of the Saintes (Dominica), American War of Independence, 9-12 April 1782 Date: 1782
Vietnamese Patriotic Poster - Remember Dien Bien Phu (victory for Vietnamese forces against the French after a four-month siege led by Vietnamese nationalist Ho Chi Minh in May 1954)
Victory of Heraclius over the Saracens. Miniature. Le MiroirVictory of Heraclius over the Saracens. Fol. 65v. Miniature in Le Miroir Historial by Vincent de Beauvais (c.1190-c.1264). French school. 15th century. Conde Museum. Castle of Chantilly. France
Hannibal stripping the dead Romans after battleSECOND PUNIC WAR : Hannibal, the Carthaginian leader, after defeating the Romans, stripping the dead of their armour and weapons. Date: 218 BC
St Patrick defeats druids and converts kingSAINT PATRICK The Saint defeats the Druids and converts the King. 390? - 461?
Medieval knight defeating another knight at a joust. Sir Ethelbert breaking a lance as he knocks a knight from his mount in the lists
GEORGE II / DETTINGEN 1743GEORGE II, KING OF ENGLAND leads his men into battle, successfully defeating a much larger French army at Dettingen during the Austrian Succession War Date: 27 June 1743
JEWS IN CAPTIVITYNebuchadnezzar II, after defeating the Jews, takes many of them captive to Babylon, where they are very unhappy Date: 597 BC
CLOVIS BAPTISED (2)Clovis, Merovingian king of the Franks, converts to Christianity after defeating the Alemanni at TOLBIAC, as he promised his wife Clothilde he would do Date: 25 December 496
ALEXANDER&DARIUS FAMILY ALEXANDER&DARIUS FAMILYALEXANDER THE GREAT in 333 BC, after defeating Darius at Arbela, visits his family. Date: 356 - 323 BC
The Standard of England - Girl Guides Association. Date: circa 1940s
King Henry VII after the Batte of BosworthAfter defeating King Richard III at Bosworth, Henry VII is offered the crown of England. Date: 1485
WW1 - The Central Powers unified holding the Balkan ExpressWW1 - A propaganda postcard depicting The Central Powers unified holding the Balkan Express - symbolising the Victories in defeating (and capturing) Serbia in January 1916 and 18th January 1916
Pyrrhus fighting the Romans at Battle of AsculumPyrrhus, King of Epirus and Macedon, fighting the Romans at the Battle of Asculum (or Ausculum), in his bid to defend the Greek city of Taranto (Tarentum) in southern Italy
The First Balkan War - An AllegoryThe First Balkan War in allegorical depiction, showing the Forces of the Cross (the countries of the Balkan League: Serbia, Greece)
Salvador Correia attacks Fort San Miguel, Luanda, AngolaThe attack by Salvador Correia de Sa e Benevides (1602-1688) - Portuguese soldier and politician - on the Dutch-held Fort Of San Miguel in Luanda, Angola
Macbeth Meets WitchesMacbeth and Banquo, after defeating the invading Norsemen, encounter three witches on a blasted heath, who predict wonderful events
Scipio Africanus defeats Hannibal at Battle of ZamaSECOND PUNIC WAR : the Roman general and statesman Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus defeats the Carthaginian leader Hannibal at the Battle of Zama, near Carthage in North Africa
First Punic War, Catulus wins naval victory at AegusaPUNIC WARS : Gaius Lutatius Catulus wins a major naval victory, defeating Hanno the Greats Carthaginian fleet at the Battle of the Aegates Islands or Aegusa (the Aegadian Islands)
The defeat of the Midianites - Judges 7. circa 1690
Admiral RodneyEngraving of Admiral Rodnet defeating the French. Date: circa 1785
Theodoric I. Visigothic king (418-451). Walia successor. Portrait. Engraving
Inauguration of Abraham LincolnIn 1864, Abraham Lincoln was re-elected as President defeating Democrat George B McClellan with 55% of the popular vote. He was inaugurated at the Capitol Date: 1865
German Victory Feast / 9AdGermans hold a victory feast after defeating the Romans Date: 9 AD
Andrea Doria WoodcutANDREA DORIA Genoese naval commander who sometimes fought for and sometimes against the French, but always against the Turks defeating them at Patras 1532 Date: 1466 - 1560
Allies Enter Paris 1815ALLIES ENTER PARIS After defeating Napoleon at Waterloo, the Allies travel to Paris where they are received enthusiastically by those who are pleased to see them Date: June 1815
Allies Enter ParisAFTER WATERLOO After defeating Napoleon at Waterloo, the Allies march south and enter Paris Date: October 1815
Allies Outside ParisAfter defeating Napoleon at Waterloo, the Allies march south and camp outside Paris, where Wellington reviews the British troops beneath the heights of Montmartre Date: 21 October 1815
Battle of the Saintes, 1782Battle of the Saintes (Battle of Dominica) in 1782 in which a British fleet under Admiral Rodney defeated the French forces during the American Revolutionary War. Date: C.1800
WW1 - Hindenburg checkmates the RussiansWW1 - A German illustration showing Paul von Hindenburg (1847 - 1934) and the Grand Duke Nikolay Nikolayevich Romanov of Russia (1856 1929), ending a game of chess
Marconi strangles Ocean Cable and Land Telegraph snakesTHE INFANT HERCULES Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937), strangling the twin snakes of Ocean Cable and Land Telegraph with his new Wireless telegraph system
Anthony Wilding at Wimbledon in 1913Captain Anthony Frederick Wilding, New Zealand born tennis player and Wimbledon champion in 1910, 1911, 1912 and 1913 pictured playing on court and defeating M. E
Merchant Ship Fighter Unit by G. H. DavisThe Merchant Ship Fighter Unit (MSFU) at work during the Second World War: a system which was able to defeat the long-range bomber
The Story of Cruel Joseph - Joseph ChamberlainThe Story of Cruel Joseph. Joseph Chamberlain (1836-1914) as the political menace, making trouble for Tories and Radicals
French encouraged to pour their gold into French WW1 effortDramatic patriotic postcard encouraging the French population to pour their gold into the French WW1 war effort or to exchange their gold at banks for real money to contribute. Date: 1915
WWI - National Loan Scheme from French Bank Societe GeneraleBy supporting the National Loan Scheme from French Bank Societe Generale, this card gives the distinct impression one was aiding the French war effort against Germany! Date: circa 1916
La Journee du Pas-de-Calais Charity card - WWIA postcard relating to a charity drive in the Pas de Calais region in France, calling on to the generosity of the public. Repeated several times in about 700 communes in the department during World
Boyacᠢattle, Bolrs soldiers defeating Jos項Boyacᠢ attle, Bol rs soldiers defeating Jos頍.Barreiros royalist soldiers, making sure Nueva Granada was independent. Painting
Clovis Baptised (1)Clovis, Merovingian king of the Franks, converts to Christianity after defeating the Alemanni at TOLBIAC, as he promised his wife Clothilde he would do Date: 25 December 496
Constantine Halts RevoltThe emperor CONSTANTINE crushes the revolt of MAXENTIUS, defeating the Italians at Saxa Rubra, near Rome Date: 28 October 312
French Invade AlgeriaBATTLE OF STAOUELI The French land here, and after defeating an army of Turks and Arabs, march on to take Algiers Date: 14 June 1830
Battle of BreitenfeldA satirical broadsheet showing Gustav defeating Tilly at the Battle of Breitenfeld, just outside Leipzig. 1631
Austrians in MilanoAfter defeating the Piedmontese, the Austrian army once again occupies Milano
George Ii / Dettingen 1743BATTLE OF DETTINGEN George II, king of England, leads his men into battle, successfully defeating a much larger French army : he is the last English king to do this
Battle of PrimolanoThe Italians invade the Trentino and engage the Austrians, defeating them at Primolano
Jews in Captivity - 2Nebuchadnezzar II, after defeating the Jews, takes many of them captive to Babylon, where they are very unhappy and sit around moping
Marlborough at BlenheimBATTLE OF BLENHEIM - Marlborough gives orders which enable him to win the decisive battle of the war, defeating a superior force of French under marshal Tallard
Italian Campaign / LodiITALIAN CAMPAIGN Marching on Milan, Napoleon successfully leads the French army across the bridge of Lodi, defeating the Austrians, but with heavy losses of life. Date: 10 May 1796
Clovis Becomes ChristianClovis, pagan king of the Franks, invokes Gods help in defeating the invading Germans. He converts to christianity after victory
Clovis Baptised (3)Clovis, Merovingian king of the Franks, converts to Christianity after defeating the Alemanni at TOLBIAC, as he promised his wife Clothilde he would do
Nat Langham, BoxerLangham (1820 - 1871) entered boxings hall of fame by defeating Tom Sayers in 1853. He was the only man to ever do so
Black Prince WaitsAfter defeating him at the battle of Poitiers, Edward the Black Prince waits on the French king at table
Wilhelm Returns HomeTHE HONOURS OF WAR - After defeating France, Kaiser Wilhelm I returns home with Alsace and Lorraine - and a sceptre dripping with French blood
Jews in Captivity / DoreNebuchadnezzar II, after defeating the Jews, takes many of them captive to Babylon, where they are very unhappy and sit around moping and thinking about Jerusalem
Jews in CaptivityNebuchadnezzar II, after defeating the Jews, takes many of them captive to Babylon, where they are very unhappy
1845 NY Election DemoThe Democratic party mounts a massive demo in favor of their candidate James Polk. It pays off, and he will be elected president, defeating Henry Clay, and be a good one
Coriolanus ListensCoriolanus, intent on defeating Rome, is dissuaded when his wife and mother visit his camp : he agrees to call off the siege, thereby causing his own downfall
Montegabello SurrenderAfter defeating the Austrians at Montegabello, Jean Aulay de Launay accepts the sword of the Austrian commander
Francois I KnightedAfter defeating the Swiss at the battle of Marignano, Francois I is knighted at the hands of the Chevalier Bayard
French Take GaetaITALIAN CAMPAIGN French troops, under Massena, take Gaeta, defeating the Italians despite English support
Alexander&darius FamilyALEXANDER THE GREAT in 333 BC, after defeating Darius at Arbela, visits his family