Heroic deeds of the War - Corporal Josephine M C RobinsHeroic deeds of WW2 - Corporal Josephine M C Robins, a member of the Womens Auxiliary Air Force (WaF)
The Seven Good Deeds of Bonzo (Monday) -- he carries a cute little kitten out of harms way, watched by three other dogs. Date: 1923
The skeleton of Death and the lawyer. The barrister in wig and gown sits at a table writing a document with a quill pen. Death enters his chambers with a brief
Rerum sicularum libri VIII, by Nicolai Specialis (Nicola Speciale, 14th century historian of Sicilian origin)
Paper and Parchment Binding FragmentsFragments of paper and parchment salvaged from the binding of a book. Two pieces of parchment are from the same document, possibly a letter or deed
Advert, wrought-iron fireproof safes and deed boxesAdvert, wrought-iron fireproof safes, deed boxes and cash boxes. 1854
GOOD RESOLUTIONSGood resolutions - a child carries food to a man and his son tramping the roads. Date: circa 1860
Bransby Williams as Sydney Carton, A Tale of Two CitiesBransby Williams as Sydney Carton, in the Noble Deed, a theatre production based on the Dickens novel, A Tale of Two Cities. circa 1898
Lorries of Army Service Corps in Great War Deeds, WW1A train of motor lorries of the Army Service Corps charging through a body of German cavalry
Mary Cornish - Heroine - WW2 - Sinking of SS City of BenaresHeroic Deeds of the War - Miss Mary Cornish. During the Second World War the City of Benares was used as an evacuee ship to evacuate 90 children from Britain to Canada
Assyrian-Babylonian tablet with cuneiform characters. Purchasing contract. 2000 B.C. Babylonian art. Terra-cotta. ITALY. LOMBARDY. Como. Civic Museum
WW2 poster, Rush Aid To Russia! We have pledged your faith, the faith of the men and women of Britain. You must do the deed... Stalin must be sustained
George Ernest Studdy, Saturdays Good Deed (The Sketch, 19 December 1923). Bonzo gives the fattened Christmas turkey a little exercise (in a series, The Seven Good Deeds of Bonzo). Date: 1923
The Deed by H. M. BatemanScene at a solicitors where one partner rubs his hands as a monocle wearing gentleman signs a deed. Everyone else looks aghast - what can he have signed away? Date: 1928
Royal West Kents in Great War Deeds, WW1The Queens Own (Royal West Kent Regiment) gallantly holding a road on the Western Front at a critical time
Ninth Lancers in Great War Deeds, WW1The Ninth (Queens Royal) Lancers charging to recapture British guns temporarily in the hands of the Germans, a deed that won the Victoria Cross for Captain F O Grenfell
British rescuing men from German destroyer, Heligoland, WW1British sailors rescuing men of a German destroyer, under fire, at the Battle of Heligoland Bight - a gallant deed officially recognised by Germany
The Seven Good Deeds of Bonzo (Sunday) -- he adopts Chee-Kees pup (but not for long). Date: 1923
The Seven Good Deeds of Bonzo (Saturday) -- he gives the fattened Christmas turkey a little exercise. Date: 1923
The Seven Good Deeds of Bonzo (Friday) -- he removes an infernal machine (a leaking hot water bottle) from the bed. Date: 1923
The Seven Good Deeds of Bonzo (Tuesday) -- he helps to dry his mistresss shoes in front of the gas fire. Date: 1923
Middlesex Pauper Lunatic Asylum Cemetery, 1851The consecration of the cemetery of the new Middlesex Pauper Lunatic Asylum at Colney Hatch, near Friern Barnet, Middlesex (North London), 1851
William Walworth - 1SIR WILLIAM WALWORTH wealthy fishmonger, lord mayor of London, slayer of political radical Wat Tyler, for which noble deed he was knighted. Date: ? - 1385
William Walworth - 2SIR WILLIAM WALWORTH wealthy fishmonger, lord mayor of London, slayer of political radical Wat Tyler, for which noble deed he was knighted. Date: ? - 1385
POUSSIN, Nicolas (1594-1665). The Noble Deed of Scipio. ca. 1640. Classicism. Oil on canvas. RUSSIA. Moscow. Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts
Ancient Deeds Series B, Robert de Broc, undated
Child Learns to WriteInstruction is the first good deed - a mother (or is she a muse ?) instructs a child in the use of the alphabet. Date: circa 1820
Edward Vii / Wedding 1863MARRIAGE to Princess Alexandra Signing of the Attestation Deed Date: 10 March 1863
British Ballad, Sir CaulineSIR CAULINE (Sir Cawline) British ballad telling the story of Sir Cawline who is in love with the kings daughter
Her Good Deed by Muriel DawsonA tiny little girl charmingly dressed in a red dress with a bow in her hair, helps out by podding a large number of freshly picked peas
Washing Day by Millicent SowerbyTwo jolly girl guides and a little Brownie hard at work on washing day
Colossians Iii: 17COLOSSIANS III:17 Whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him
Fable / Dove and AntTHE DOVE AND THE ANT The ant bites the hunter on the ankle when he is about to shoot the dove, so repaying the doves good deed in rescuing him from the stream
START OF 100 YEARS WAREdward III sends his challenge to Philip VI de Valois thus starting the 100 Years War; the Bishop of Lincoln & others wear an eyepatch until they have performed a gallant deed
Edmund I / Cig CardEDMUND I called the DEED-DOER and THE MAGNIFICENT King of England (939-946)
Dragon Hunt Series - 6The knight is presented to the Master of the Order of the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem, who applauds his deed as worthy of their oath of chivalry
Caracallas BathsThough overall an unpleasant character, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, k.a. Caracalla, did one good deed, building the Thermae Antonianae or Baths of Caracalla for Romes citizens