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Dead Collection

Background imageDead Collection: Book of the Dead or Papyrus of Any. ca. 1275

Book of the Dead or Papyrus of Any. ca. 1275 BC. 19th Dynasty. Scene from the dead judgement before the presence of Osiris. Egyptian art. New Kingdom. Painting. UNITED KINGDOM. London

Background imageDead Collection: The Burial of Atala

The Burial of Atala by Anne-Louis Girodet de Roussy-Trioson (1767-1824). Atala is an early novella by Francois-Rene de Chateaubriand, first published in 1801

Background imageDead Collection: The Witchs Frolic by Alfred Bestall

The Witchs Frolic by Alfred Bestall
The witchs frolic, taking place on Hallowe en, the date when Saman, Lord of Death

Background imageDead Collection: The Great Sacrifice by James Clark, WW1

The Great Sacrifice by James Clark, WW1
The Great Sacrifice by James Clark, originally published in the 1914 Christmas number of The Graphic

Background imageDead Collection: Smithfield Market

Smithfield Market
The vast interior of Smithfield meat market, with carcasses hanging from hooks all down the central aisle

Background imageDead Collection: Papyrus of Ani (Book of the Dead) - The Judgement

Papyrus of Ani (Book of the Dead) - The Judgement
(Above) -Twelve Gods seated in Order, as judges before a table of offerings. (Below) - The Psychostasia of Weighing of the Conscience of Ani

Background imageDead Collection: Freya in her Chariot

Freya in her Chariot
In Scandinavian mythology, the Goddess of love, marriage and the dead. She was the wife of Odin, and is the counterpart of Venus, and is sometimes identified as Frigg

Background imageDead Collection: Map of Palestine and the Holy Land

Map of Palestine and the Holy Land - all places named in their Latin form. Date: 1806

Background imageDead Collection: Odin and Hounds

Odin and Hounds
Odin (Wodan), Scandinavian supreme god of the dead etc with his hounds Hugin, Munin, Geri and Freki, fierce enough but they will not save him from the wolf Fenrir

Background imageDead Collection: Scottish Deerhound

Scottish Deerhound, guarding a dead deer Date: 20th century

Background imageDead Collection: Thomas Chatterton

Thomas Chatterton
THOMAS CHATTERTON The young English poet lies dead, having taken arsenic

Background imageDead Collection: Book of the Dead Plate 3

Book of the Dead Plate 3
The weighing of Anis conscience by Anubis : Thoth notes the result - Anemit waits to devour him if guilty (which he is not)

Background imageDead Collection: Charge of Light Brigade

Charge of Light Brigade
The charge of the Light Brigade Cardigan in action

Background imageDead Collection: Lions and Dead Quagga, by Thomas Baines

Lions and Dead Quagga, by Thomas Baines
Lions and Dead Quagga, Vultures and Adjutants, Zululand, by Thomas Baines (1820-1875). (3 of 5) Date: 1874

Background imageDead Collection: Ossuary Chapel of skulls - Valletta, Malta

Ossuary Chapel of skulls - Valletta, Malta - destroyed by a bomb during World War II. Date: circa 1910s

Background imageDead Collection: MANTEGNA, Andrea (1431-1506). The Lamentation

MANTEGNA, Andrea (1431-1506). The Lamentation over the Dead Christ. ca. 1490. Renaissance art. Quattrocento. Tempera. ITALY. Milan. Pinacotheca of Brera

Background imageDead Collection: A gamekeeper and the bag of a days shooting

A gamekeeper and the bag of a days shooting Date: circa 1910s

Background imageDead Collection: Assassination of Sir Curzon Wyllie

Assassination of Sir Curzon Wyllie
The assassination of Sir William Hutt Curzon Wyllie (1848-1909), an official of the British Indian government, at the Imperial Institute, South Kensington, London

Background imageDead Collection: Hunting Series (1 of 5) - Deer Stalking

Hunting Series (1 of 5) - Deer Stalking - returning with the spoils

Background imageDead Collection: Princess Louise

Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll (1848-1939) shown in the late 1860s with a pet dog. Louise was the fourth daughter and sixth child of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert

Background imageDead Collection: Saint George / Byam Shaw

Saint George / Byam Shaw
SAINT GEORGE " What Every Johnnie Bull Knows" drawn by Byam Shaw depicting a rather vicious looking St. George and a very dead dragon

Background imageDead Collection: Weighing of the Heart

Weighing of the Heart
Ani, recently dead, is judged in the Underworld where his heart is weighed

Background imageDead Collection: Odin Drinks at Mimir

Odin Drinks at Mimir
Odin (Wodan), Scandinavian supreme god of the dead etc acquires his wisdom by drinking at the fountain of Mimir

Background imageDead Collection: Book of the Dead / 34

Book of the Dead / 34
Scene of the sepulchral chamber : the mummy guarded by Anubis, Isis kneels at the foot and Nephthys at the head - four children of Horus at each corner

Background imageDead Collection: Judgement Day / Osiris

Judgement Day / Osiris
Judgement of the dead before Osiris in the Underworld

Background imageDead Collection: Hoffmann / Augustus / Soup

Hoffmann / Augustus / Soup
THE STORY OF AUGUSTUS WHO WOULD NOT HAVE ANY SOUP "...& on the fifth day he was dead!"

Background imageDead Collection: Saint Michael

Saint Michael
SAINT MICHAEL, the warrior angel, has weighed the devil in his scales and found him wanting; so now he raises his sword to slay him. Alas, Satan will not stay dead

Background imageDead Collection: The Morning

The Morning Lady Dedlock is found dead by the gates of the cemetery in which Captain Hawdon lies buried

Background imageDead Collection: Soldiers Relaxing Ww1

Soldiers Relaxing Ww1
Sikh and English soldiers in the British army enjoy a relaxed time chatting and playing a game of cards

Background imageDead Collection: Mariner, Watersnakes

Mariner, Watersnakes
The Mariner, the dead albatross slung round his neck, watches the sea snakes and blesses them as living things in his desolate world

Background imageDead Collection: Book of the Dead / 28

Book of the Dead / 28
The coot, the lotus, and the god who lightens the darkness, illustrating transformations

Background imageDead Collection: Wellington reorganizes his defence - Battle of Waterloo

Wellington reorganizes his defence - Battle of Waterloo
7pm - June 18, 1815. The Duke of Wellington reorganizes his central defence after the loss of La Haye Sainte. At the same time, The Prussians once again regain control of Plancenoit

Background imageDead Collection: Ossuary Chapel of skulls - Valletta, Malta

Ossuary Chapel of skulls - Valletta, Malta - destroyed by a bomb during World War II. Date: circa 1910s

Background imageDead Collection: Fame Visits the Heroic Unknown Dead

Fame Visits the Heroic Unknown Dead
Fame hovers over a makeshift grave on the former Western Front choosing an unknown soldier to be buried in Westminster Abbey in the tomb of the unknown warrior

Background imageDead Collection: Dickens / M. Chuzzlewit

Dickens / M. Chuzzlewit
The Life & Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit. Sarah (Sairey) Gamp, midwife, nurse and layer out of the dead, wearing an apron and a bonnet

Background imageDead Collection: Oxford V Cambridge 1877

Oxford V Cambridge 1877
(L) Danger Ahead (R) At Barnes Race which had a controversial dead heat finish

Background imageDead Collection: Satirical cartoon on German army recruitment, WW1

Satirical cartoon on German army recruitment, WW1
A satirical cartoon by the German artist George Grosz on German army recruitment, showing a doctor examining a decaying skeleton to see if it is fit for military service

Background imageDead Collection: RAF Belize - No. 1417 Flight RAF July 1990 informal

RAF Belize - No. 1417 Flight RAF July 1990 informal
RAF Belize - No.1417 Flight RAF, July 1990 informal photograph. Taken at Foxy-Golf hide on Philip S. W. Goldson International Airport, Ladyville, Belize

Background imageDead Collection: Publication on the death of Queen Victoria 1901

Publication on the death of Queen Victoria 1901
Front cover reporting on the death of Her Majesty Queen Victoria in The Queen, The Ladys Newspaper & Court Chronicle, dated 26 January 1901, four days after her death

Background imageDead Collection: King George V shooting Tigers in India from a howdah

King George V shooting Tigers in India from a howdah - 1911. Date: 1911

Background imageDead Collection: Southern Railway Ratcatcher

Southern Railway Ratcatcher
Official Rat catcher for Southern Railway with Terriers and quarry. Date: 1924

Background imageDead Collection: Two dead birds hanging upside down -- A Brace of Birds

Two dead birds hanging upside down -- A Brace of Birds
Two dead birds hanging upside down, entitled A Brace of Birds

Background imageDead Collection: City of Living Dead

City of Living Dead
CITY OF THE LIVING DEAD (L Manning and F Pratt) Virtual reality foreseen : these sleepers choose to live adventures transmitted to them by sensory control

Background imageDead Collection: Religion / Egypt / Menqet 2

Religion / Egypt / Menqet 2
The provider of food for the living and the dead - she holds two pots to prove it

Background imageDead Collection: Odysseus & Tiresias

Odysseus & Tiresias
Odysseus descends to the Kingdom of the Dead, thanks to lavish sacrifices, to consult the prophet Tiresias

Background imageDead Collection: Book of the Dead / 12

Book of the Dead / 12
Ani and his wife pass the Seven Gates and Ten Pylons and follow priest in a panther- skin

Background imageDead Collection: Book of the Dead / 11

Book of the Dead / 11
Ani and his wife approach the Seven Gates of Arit, the 10 pylons of Osiris

Background imageDead Collection: Book of the Dead Plate 2

Book of the Dead Plate 2
INVOCATION TO OSIRIS Ani and his wife make offerings; Isis and Nephthys (sisters of Osiris) kneel in adoration to Tat, symbol of Osiris on Solar Mount

Background imageDead Collection: Book of the Dead / Plate 4

Book of the Dead / Plate 4
PAPYRUS OF ANI The dead Ani, judged innocent, is presented by Horus to Osiris. He kneels with whitened hair

Background imageDead Collection: Hermanville War Cemetery France

Hermanville War Cemetery France
Two small children walk hand in hand past the gravestones of Hermanville War Cemetery, Normandy, France. First published The Sunday Times Date: 1988

Background imageDead Collection: Perov, Vasily (1833-1882). Seeing-off of the

Perov, Vasily (1833-1882). Seeing-off of the dead man. 1865. Oil on canvas. RUSSIA. Moscow. Tretyakov Gallery

Background imageDead Collection: Spain. Valley of the Fallen (Valle de los Caidos). 1940-1958

Spain. Valley of the Fallen (Valle de los Caidos). 1940-1958. Monumental memorial dedicated by the Franco regime to the dead of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)

Background imageDead Collection: Scapegoat Holman Hunt Pre Raphaelite Dead Sea

Scapegoat Holman Hunt Pre Raphaelite Dead Sea
Scapegoat, Holman, Hunt, Pre, Raphaelite, Dead, Sea, Symbolism, history, historical, 10804576

Background imageDead Collection: World Record Broadbill Swordfish Catalina Island, California

World Record Broadbill Swordfish Catalina Island, California
World Record Broadbill Swordfish - Catalina Island, California, USA. Weighting a whopping 571lb (before the addition of a small child!). Date: 1930s

Background imageDead Collection: Dead Mans Handle

Dead Mans Handle
A dead mans handle is a switch that is automatically operated in case the human operator becomes incapacitated. Photograph by Heinz Zinram

Background imageDead Collection: EMBALMING

Egyptians embalming their dead with strips of fine linen smeared with gum. In the foreground there are three jars for the organs of the body

Background imageDead Collection: Japanese Giant Carp

Japanese Giant Carp
In a Japanese legend, O Tsuru sees a giant carp, dead, washed up on the shore of Lake Biwa : it is a monster that eats dogs, cats and even swimming people

Background imageDead Collection: Writing from Bk of Dead

Writing from Bk of Dead
Chapter 78 (continued) of the Book of the Dead

Background imageDead Collection: Britannia and Cetewayo

Britannia and Cetewayo
Retribution : Britannia seizes the Zulu chief Cetewayo round the neck, in a landscape dominated by the dead bodies of both British soldiers and Zulus

Background imageDead Collection: Hammersmith Ghost

Hammersmith Ghost
A mysterious figure in white terrifies the populace, so vigilantes lie in wait and shoot dead Thomas Milwood, a bricklayer whose dusty clothing led to the error

Background imageDead Collection: Michaelmas Goose

Michaelmas Goose
You are invited to admire this dead goose before it is plucked and prepared for your Michaelmas feast

Background imageDead Collection: Ww1 Wife with Medal

Ww1 Wife with Medal
In a suburban home in the south of London a war widow observes the two minutes silence by reverent contemplation of her dead husbands medal

Background imageDead Collection: Parsee Tower of Silence

Parsee Tower of Silence
The Parsees (= Persians) (worshippers of Zoroaster) flee Muslim persecution in Persia and settle in India; their dead are exposed naked on these Towers of Silence

Background imageDead Collection: HEAVEN AS A GARDEN

Heaven depicted as a walled garden, with the Virgin Mary reading a book, saints, an angel, a monkey and a dead dragon Date: 15th century

Background imageDead Collection: Burial of De Soto on the Mississippi

Burial of De Soto on the Mississippi
Spanish soldiers lower the wrapped body of Hernando De Soto into the Mississippi River. A soldier holds a torch as a priest reads from the Bible

Background imageDead Collection: Emperor Napoleon lying in state: crowds at Chislehurst

Emperor Napoleon lying in state: crowds at Chislehurst
The exiled Emperor Napoleon lying in state: the crowd at the gate of his home in Chislehurst, England. Date: January 1873

Background imageDead Collection: Newfoundland, Canada - Hunting Caribou

Newfoundland, Canada - Hunting Caribou. Date: 1902

Background imageDead Collection: Military honours for dead of R101

Military honours for dead of R101
French homage to Britains dead in the great airship R101 disaster: the moving final scene at Beauvais - Spahis saluting the coffins, borne on French artillery wagons

Background imageDead Collection: Not dead yet

Not dead yet. Illustration shows the British Lion confronting two vultures labeled France and Russia who have come to see if the lion, labeled England, is dead. Date 1900 January 17. Not dead yet

Background imageDead Collection: Mel Roy on the stage mid-nite, spook party talking skulls, s

Mel Roy on the stage mid-nite, spook party talking skulls, spirit slate writing, spirit table raising, ghosts from the dead. Date ca. 1935

Background imageDead Collection: Match Girl (Hey) 1921

Match Girl (Hey) 1921
The little match girl, dead of cold, is carried by an angel to heaven, where it is warmer without going to the extreme of the other place

Background imageDead Collection: Surtees / Handley Cross

Surtees / Handley Cross
Or Mr Jorrockss Hunt ; Jorrocks with the dead fox

Background imageDead Collection: Mariner, Seraph-Band

Mariner, Seraph-Band
The angelic spirits leave the dead bodies of the sailors: This seraph-band, each waved his hand: It was a heavenly sight!

Background imageDead Collection: POSTER FOR TOSCA 1900

The first production, at Romes Teatro Costanzi on 14 January 1900, is received coolly by many critics, but is a resounding success with the audience and the public

Background imageDead Collection: Lincoln Funeral Process

Lincoln Funeral Process
The body of the dead president Lincoln is carried through the streets of Washington, to general if not universal mourning

Background imageDead Collection: Book of the Dead / 35

Book of the Dead / 35
1. Anis occupations in the Elysian fields between rivers of water 2. A Hall in which Ani adores Ra between two alters

Background imageDead Collection: Bluebottle maggots

Bluebottle maggots
Numerous bluebottle fly maggots or larvae feeding on carrion

Background imageDead Collection: Postcard, Woman and dog feeling lonely - The roses are dead

Postcard, Woman and dog feeling lonely - The roses are dead, the sunshine has fled since we lost you. Date: 1914-1918

Background imageDead Collection: Tomb of Alexander, 10th Duke of Hamilton. Date: 1882

Tomb of Alexander, 10th Duke of Hamilton. Date: 1882

Background imageDead Collection: Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Illustration by Edmund Dulac to the 88th Quatrain. Oh Thou, who Man of baser Earth didst make. Date: 1909

Background imageDead Collection: Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. Edgar Linton had his head laid on the pillow, and his eyes shut. Edgar at Catherine's deathbed. Illustration by Edmund Dulac. Date: 1922

Background imageDead Collection: Orpheus and Eurydice - Edmund Dulac

Orpheus and Eurydice - Edmund Dulac
Orpheus realises he has lost his love Eurydice to the underworld. Date: 1935

Background imageDead Collection: ILN cover - the end of Mahdism

ILN cover - the end of Mahdism
The end of Mahdism - the dead Yakur and his followers beside the Khalifa's black flag

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