French Palmistry ManualL ART DE LIRE DANS LES LIGNES DE LA MAIN ( The art of reading the lines of the hand ) - a popular French manual
La Guerre dans Mars (The War on Mars), by Arnould Galopin. The evil Zapatos attack the benevolent Megacephales. From Aventures Fantastiques d un Jeune Parisien
Silky anteater and black tamanduaSilky anteater or pygmy anteater (Azaras cagouare), Cyclopes didactylus, and black tamandua, Tamandua tetradactyla. From Felix de Azaras Voyages dans l Amerique Meridionale, 1801
Siberian tea, Bergenia crassifoliaLa Saxifrage de Siberie. Siberian tea, Bergenia crassifolia. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
Ichthyosaur, Plesiosaur and PterosaursIchthyosaur and Plesiosaur fighting at left, Pterosaurs at right. Fantastic image copied from a mezzotint by John Martin from Thomas Hawkins Book of the Great Sea-Dragons
Dans L'Attente, Looking Forward ToA sketch which shows the back of a lady who is resting on her balcony overlooking a French street, thinking to herself quietly. Date: circa 1901
Un Petit Pierrot Dans Son NidThis sketch shows a small child placed in a nest, on the branch of a tree, he represents the pantomime stock character, Pierrot the clown. Date: circa 1901
Woman reading a book wearing a giant bonnet, era of Marie Antoinette. Copperplate etching by Auguste Etienne Guillaumot from Costumes et coiffures du XVIIIe siecle
Chinese-style wall hanging, circa 1900. Gilt pelmet, damask valance, satin curtains with gold and silver decoration, embroidered silk wall decorations. Planche 3. Croisee Genre Chinois
Varnish tree or wax treeVarnish tree, Ailanthus altissima, or wax tree, Rhus succedanea. (Albonia peregrina, Nobis. Rhus succedaneum, Linn.) Le faux vernix
View of the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. From Felix de Azaras Voyages dans l Amerique Meridionale. Copperplate engraving by Dell Acqua handcoloured by Lazaretti from Giovanni Battista Sonzognos
Guarani man and woman of ParaguayGuarani people of Paraguay. They wear cotton skirts and hats with nets to hold harvested corn and fruit. From Felix de Azaras Voyages dans l Amerique Meridionale
Jaguarundi and grey-headed tayraJaguarundi, Puma yagouaroundi, and grey-headed tayra, Eira barbara. From Felix de Azaras Voyages dans l Amerique Meridionale
Jaguar or yaguarete, Panthera onca. From Felix de Azaras Voyages dans l Amerique Meridionale. Copperplate engraving by Dell Acqua handcoloured by Lazaretti from Giovanni Battista Sonzognos Raccolta
Masquerade party on the rollercoaster at the Salle de l Odeon, 1815. Fashionable society at a masked ball in the pleasure gardens, and women wearing the Swiss Bernese style
Jean-Baptiste Fontenay as Martin in Le Pauvre Diable by Balisson and Dumersan, Theatre du Vaudeville. Handcoloured lithograph by F
Ballerina Marie Cheza in the ballet-pantomime Jenny, 1824Ballerina Mlle Marie Cheza as Jenny in the ballet-pantomime Jenny by Jean-Louis Aumer, Panorama Dramatique, 1824. Handcoloured lithograph by F
Lafeuillade as Montfort in La Bergere Chatelaine, 1820Tenor singer Lafeuillade as Montfort in La Bergere Chatelaine by Daniel Auber, Theatre Royal de l Opera Comique, 1820. Handcoloured lithograph by F
Charles Gabriel Potier as Jacques in The Conscript, 1824Charles Gabriel Potier as Jacques in Le Conscrit by Antoine Simonnin and Ferdinand Laloue, Theatre des Varietes, 1824. Handcoloured lithograph by F
Charles-Edme Vernet as Dominique in La Famille du Porteur d Eau by Allarde, Gabriel de Lurieu, Theatre des Varietes, 1824. Handcoloured lithograph by F
Mlle Pauline as Jeanny in the vaudeville piece Trilby, 1823Mlle Pauline as Jeanny in the vaudeville piece Trilby by Theaulon, Lafontaine and Jouslin, Theatre des Varietes, 1823. Handcoloured lithograph by F
French actor Lepeintre as Birbeth in Trilby, 1823French actor Lepeintre as Birbeth in the vaudeville piece Trilby by Theaulon, Lafontaine and Jouslin, Theatre des Varietes, 1823. Handcoloured lithograph by F
Mlle Henrietta Charton as Leonore in Fiesque, 1824Mlle Henrietta Charton as Leonore in Fiesque by Francois Ancelot, Theatre Royal de l Odeon, 1824. Handcoloured lithograph by F
Henri Bernard Dabadie as Telasco in Fernand CortezBaritone opera singer Henri Bernard Dabadie as Telasco in Fernand Cortez by Gaspare Spontini, Academie Royale de Musique. Handcoloured lithograph by F
French tenor singer Adolphe Nourrit as Alamede in Ipsiboe by Rodolphe Kreutzer, Academie Royale de Musique, 1824. Handcoloured lithograph by F
Mlle. Anais as Misael in Les Macchabees, 1822Mlle. Anais or Anais-Pauline-Nathalie Aubert as Misael in Les Macchabees by Alexandre Guiraud, Theatre Royal de l Odeon, 1822. Handcoloured lithograph by F
Joseph David as Idamore in Le Paria, 1821Joseph David as Idamore in Le Paria by Casimir Delavigne, Theatre Royal de l Odeon, 1821. Handcoloured lithograph by F. Noel after an illustration by Lavigne Marin from Portraits d Acteurs et d
Tenor singer Lecomte as Almaviva in the opera Le Barbier de Seville by Gioachino Rossini, Theatre Royal de l Odeon, 1823. Handcoloured lithograph by F
Alexandre Damas as Alceste in Le Misanthrope by Moliere, Theatre Francais, 1823. Handcoloured lithograph by F. Noel after an illustration by Alexandre-Marie Colin from Portraits d Acteurs et d
Mlle. Dupuis as Madame Dorval in La Mere RivaleMlle. Rose Dupuis as Madame Dorval in La Mere Rivale by Casimir Bonjour, Theatre Francais. Handcoloured lithograph by F. Noel after an illustration by Alexandre-Marie Colin from Portraits d Acteurs
Emilie Leverd as Celimene in Le Misanthrope, 1808Dancer and actress Mlle. Emilie Leverd as Celimene in Le Misanthrope by Moliere, Theatre Francais, 1808. Handcoloured lithograph by F
Grandville as Lisimon in Le Glorieux, 1824Charles Francois Grandin Grandville as Lisimon in Le Glorieux by Nericault Destouches, Theatre Francais, 1824. Handcoloured lithograph by F
Francois Joseph Talma as Nero in Britannicus, 1817Francois Joseph Talma as Nero in Britannicus by Jean Racine, Theatre Francais, 1817. After the painting by Eugene Delacroix. Handcoloured lithograph by F
Armand as Henri V in La Jeunesse de Henri VArmand or Armand Benoit Roussel as Henri V in La Jeunesse de Henri V by Alexandre Duval, Theatre Francais, Handcoloured lithograph by F
Tenor opera singer Louis Augustin Lemonnier as Henriquez in Le Muletier by Ferdinand Herold, Theatre Royal de l Opera Comique, 1823. Handcoloured lithograph by F
Lucinde Paradol as Emilie in Cinna, 1823Madame Lucinde Paradol as Emilie in Cinna by Pierre Corneille, Theatre Francais, 1823. Handcoloured lithograph by F. Noel after an illustration by Alexandre-Marie Colin from Portraits d Acteurs et d
Mlle. Josephine Duchesnois in Alzire, 1813Mlle. Josephine Duchesnois as Alzire in Alzire by Voltaire, Theatre Francais, 1813. Handcoloured lithograph by F. Noel after an illustration by Alexandre-Marie Colin Lavigne Marin from Portraits d
Pierre Lafon as Dom Pedre in Pierre de Portugal, 1823Pierre Lafon as Dom Pedre in Pierre de Portugal, by Lucien Arnault, Theatre Francais, 1823. Handcoloured lithograph by F. Noel after an illustration by Alexandre-Marie Colin Lavigne Marin
Anne Demerson as Liselle in Le Mari et l Amant, 1821Mlle. Anne Demerson as Liselle in Le Mari et l Amant by Jean-Claude Vial, Theatre Francais, 1821. Handcoloured lithograph by F
Claude Cartigny as Capitaine Coop in La Jeunesse de Henri V by Alexandre Duval, Theatre Francais, 1823. Handcoloured lithograph by F
Claude Louis Monrose Sr. as Mascarille in L Etourdi, 1823Claude Louis Monrose Sr. as Mascarille in L Etourdi or The Miser by Moliere, Theatre Francais, 1823. Handcoloured lithograph by F
Marie-Therese Bourgouin as Roxelane in Les Trois Sultanes by Charles Simon Favart, Theatre Francais, 1803. Based on the story of Hurrem, a Ukrainian girl kidnapped for Suleyman IIs harem
Mlle. Eleonore as Floretta in Le Belvedere by Rene Charles Guilbert de Pixerecourt, Ambigu Comique, 1823. Handcoloured lithograph by F
Marie Jacqueline Levesque as Milady AdermaleMadame Marie Jacqueline Levesque as Milady Adermale in Remorse, Le Remords, Ambigu Comique, 1824. Handcoloured lithograph by F
Jean Audeville Fresnoy as Menzicoff in La Famille de Menzicoff by J-J-M Duperche, Ambigu Comique, 1823. Handcoloured lithograph by F
Raffile as Michau in Coelina, 1801Raffile as Michau in Coelina by Rene Charles Guilbert de Pixerecourt, Ambigu Comique, 1801. Handcoloured lithograph by F. Noel after an illustration by Alexandre-Marie Colin from Portraits d Acteurs
Mlle Stephany Clara as Celanie in l Ile des Noirs, 1828Mlle Stephany Clara as Celanie in l Ile des Noirs by Armand d Artois and Xavier Boniface Saintine, Theatre du Vaudeville, 1828. Handcoloured lithograph by F
Nicolas Anselme Baptiste as Capitaine in Les Deux Freres by Kotzebue, Theatre Francais, 1802. Handcoloured lithograph by F
La Labordere. Rhododendron species? Named for Labordere, chief physician to the Comte d Artois. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus
Sasanqua camellia, Camellia sasanquaLa Mandarine. Sasanqua camellia, Camellia sasanqua. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
Helleborine orchid, Cephalanthera longifoliaL Elleborine de la Chine. Helleborine orchid, Cephalanthera longifolia. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus
Differentes especes de Champignons. Mushroom varieties. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
Common peony, Paeonia officinalisLa Pivoine commune. Common peony, Paeonia officinalis. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
Grapevine, Vitis viniferaLa Vigne. Grapevine, Vitis vinifera. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
Le Liseron rouge a fleurs doubles. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
Yellow jasmine, Jasminum odoratissimumLe Jasmin. Yellow jasmine, Jasminum odoratissimum. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
Lilac, Syringa vulgarisLe Lilas. Lilac, Syringa vulgaris. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
La Brunier. Named for Brunier, doctor to the Dauphin and the royal children of France. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et
Tuberose, Polianthes tuberosaLa Tubereuse. Tuberose, Polianthes tuberosa. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
Garden phlox, Phlox paniculataLe Phlox. Garden phlox, Phlox paniculata. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
Blackthorn, Prunus spinosa, with sphinx mothL Epine violette. Blackthorn, Prunus spinosa, with sphinx moth. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
Purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicariaLa Salicaire. Purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
French marigold, Tagetes patulaL Oeillet d Inde. French marigold, Tagetes patula. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
Garden nasturtium, Tropaeolum majusLa Capucine. Garden nasturtium, Tropaeolum majus. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
Snapdragon, Antirrhinum majusLe Mufle de Lyon. Snapdragon, Antirrhinum majus. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
Foxglove, Digitalis purpureaLa Digitale a fleurs purpurines. Foxglove, Digitalis purpurea. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
Spanish jasmine, Jasminum grandiflorumLe Jasmin d Espagne. Spanish jasmine, Jasminum grandiflorum. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
Edible amaranth, Amaranthus tricolorLa Tricolor. Edible amaranth, Amaranthus tricolor. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
Hungarian iris, Iris variegataDes Iris panachees. Hungarian iris, Iris variegata. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
African asclepias, Stapelia gigantea?L Asclepias d Affrique. African asclepias, Stapelia gigantea? Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
Philadelphia lily, Lilium philadelphicumLe Lys de Philadelphie. Philadelphia lily, Lilium philadelphicum. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
Pancratium zeylanicumLe Pancration asiatique. Pancratium zeylanicum. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
Belladonna lily, Amaryllis belladonnaL Amaryllis d Ete. Belladonna lily, Amaryllis belladonna. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
African daisy, Arctotis speciesL Arctotis d Ethiopie. African daisy, Arctotis species. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
Nerine undulataL Amaryllis ondule. Nerine undulata. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
Philadelphia fleabane, Erigeron philadelphicusL Erigeron de Philadelphie. Philadelphia fleabane, Erigeron philadelphicus. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus
Yellow spider lily, Lycoris aureaGenre de Liliace approachant de celui de l Amaryllis connu improprement sous le nom d Amaryllis jaune. Yellow spider lily, Lycoris aurea
American turnsole, Heliotropium speciesL Heliotrope d Amerique. American turnsole, Heliotropium species. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
Cockscomb, Celosia cristataL Amarante rouge a Crete. Cockscomb, Celosia cristata. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
Mountain laurel, Kalmia latifoliaLe petit Kalm. Mountain laurel, Kalmia latifolia. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
Caper bush, Capparis spinosaLa Caprier. Caper bush, Capparis spinosa, with sphinx moth. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
Kings spear or yellow asphodel, Asphodeline luteaL Asphodele jaune. Kings spear or yellow asphodel, Asphodeline lutea. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus
Helianthus annuus, common sunflowerLe Tournesol annuel. Helianthus annuus, common sunflower. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses
Rooipypie, Antholyza cunoniaL Antholyze de Cunon. Rooipypie, Antholyza cunonia. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Collection precieuse et enluminee des fleurs les plus belles et les plus curieuses