Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by William McLarenKing Arthur welcomes the Green Knight into the Banqueting Hall and invites him to dismount and eat with the company
Animal Band Good NightPoodle conductor, standing on a dais, raps the baton on the music stand while a donkey bass player, a goat trumpeter & a ? dog percussionist strike up a tune
Jean-Paul Marat (1743-1793). French politicianJean-Paul Marat (1743-1793). French scientist and physician who became an important politician during the French Revolution. Jacobin leader, he defended the Terror
Istanbul, Turkey. A session of the Turkish Parliament. Engraving by Roch-Regnier. La Guerra de Oriente (The Russo-Turkish War). Volume I. 1877
Chinese musical instruments, 1800sChinese musical instruments
Madrid - Extraordinary General Meeting of industrial guildsSpain, Madrid. Extraordinary General Meeting of the industrial guilds, held in the Salon Capellanes on 13 February 1882. Illustration by J. Comba. Engraving by Capuz
The benediction of Maximilians Body at Capuchin ChurchVarious nobles stand in attendance as the bishops perform the benediction on the body of Emperor Maximilian, at the Capuchin Church in Vienna
Columbus explains his plans to Ferdinand and Isabella c. 1492Christopher Columbus explains his plans to Ferdinand and Isabella in the royal court. Columbus kneels holding a scroll, as Ferdinand and Isabella listen from their thrones. Date: 1492
King Prempeh Is humiliation, 1896" One of the Govenors demands made after the Ashanti rebellion was that King Prempeh should make abject submission in accordance with the native custom
Liszt conducting at Pest, 1856Franz Liszt(1811 -1886), Hungarian composer, conducting at Pest in 1856, as viewed from a familys box in the audience. Date: September 1856
Queen Victoria at the Liverpool Exhibition Knight the MayorQueen Victoria knighting the Mayor of Liverpool on the Dais in the Central Gallery, during her visit to the city for the Liverpool Exhibition in 1886. Date: 1886
The Cortes Generales proclaimed Juan Carlos King of Spain. 22/11/1975
Men taking part in a scouting event, Greece
Cub scouts running past VIPs, British Guyana, South America. On the dais are Sir Richard Luyt, Governor and Chief Scout of Guyana, his wife Lady Luyt, and Dr P A Reid, Minister for Youth. Date: 1966
Vancouver Scouts saluting dais, CanadaVancouver Scouts saluting the dais during an official parade, Canada. Date: 20th century
Vancouver Scouts presentation, CanadaVancouver Scouts presentation before the dais, Canada. Date: 20th century
The Royal Aeronautical Society?s 80th anniversary dinner?The Royal Aeronautical Society?s 80th anniversary dinner at Guildhall, London, on 11 January 1946. The photo was taken from the orchestra dais
China (18th c. ). Hitsiu. Etching. FRANCE. ParisChina (18th c.). Hitsiu. Etching. FRANCE. Paris. National Library
The Hunting Party at Aranjuez. Mazo, Juan Bautista (1612-1667). Oil on canvas, 187 x 246cm. The painting depicts a stag hunt where the game is driven into a narrow enclosure for easy sport
The Princess Royal sits for a portraitVictoria(Vicky)(1840-1901), eldest daughter of Queen Victoria, sits when just two years old for her portrait in Buckingham Palace
Concert at Princes Hall, 1883Concert at Princes Hall for the New Building of Institute of Painters in Water Colours, Piccadilly. Date: 1883
Mobilisation of 4th Grand Infantry Regiment, Berlin, WW1Scene at the mobilisation of the German 4th Grand Infantry Regiment in Berlin, at the beginning of the First World War. Standing on the dais is Major von Stuelpnagel. Date: circa 1914-1915
Coronation. BBC camera opposite Abbey entranceThe BBC camera on a dais in front of the Coloniual Office in Queen Victoria Street. 1953
Queen Victoria at Aston HallQueen Victorias visit to Birmingham-reading of the address to the interim managers in the Great Gallery of Aston Hall
Viceroy speech at unveiling of the Four Dominion Columns, NeLord Irwin, Viceroy of India, standing before a microphone in the right foreground on the dais in front of the southern secretariat, speaking before the unveiling of the four Dominion columns