Cymbeline - title page - Iachimo emerges from the trunk as Imogen sleeps. 1862
Scene from Shakespeares CymbelineA scene from shakespeares Cymbeline, in which Imogen, dressed as a boy, has found a hut in the forest and, being hungry, has eaten some food
Illustration by Kenny Meadows to Cymbeline, by William Shakespeare. Cast list, with dead deer and two spears. Date: 1840
IMOGEN SUPPOSED DEADImogen is supposed dead
Primrose, Hare-bell, Eglantine and Moss (Cymbeline). Handcoioured botanical illustration drawn and lithographed by Jane Elizabeth Giraud from The Flowers of Shakespeare, Day and Haghe, London, 1845
Cymbeline and Winters TaleMiss Kemble as Imogen in Cymbeline and Mrs Ward as Hermione in The Winters Tale Date: late 18th century
Imogen, by H G Schmalz (from Cymbeline). 1888
Shakespeare - Cymbeline - Imogen: Oh! - no answer? then I ll enter. circa 1830
CymbelinePosthumus & Imogen Date: first performed in 1609
G Craig as ArviragusGORDON CRAIG Actor and stage designer in the roll of Arviragus in Shakespeares Cymbeline
J Arthur as CymbelineJULIA ARTHUR Canadian born actress in the roll of Cymbeline in Shakespeares play of the same name
Play / Cymbeline
Ellen Terry as ImogenELLEN TERRY English actress in the role of Imogen in Shakespeares Cymbeline
Cybeline ShakespearePosthumus and Imogen