Chesapeake Retriever, Curly Coated Retriever and Irish Water Spaniel. The Chesapeake retrieves ducks in marsh land for a hunter
Shirley Temple / Fox FilmsSHIRLEY TEMPLE American child star of the 1930s
Shirley Temple / CakeSHIRLEY TEMPLE American child star of the 1930s, tucking into her birthday cake
Sir Isaac Newton, English mathematician, physicist, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, theologian and occultist
Judi Trott as Maid MarionThe actress Judi Trott (b 1962) as Maid Marion in the popular 1980s television series Robin of Sherwood (1984-86)
Saint George. Byzantine icon. XIV century. GreeceBYZANTINE ART. GREECE. Icon with Saint George made by the workshop of Constantinople. Dated at XIV century. Byzantine Museum. Athens
Antonio Vivaldi / AnonANTONIO VIVALDI Italian composer and violinist
OctopusWatercolour 401 by the Port Jackson Painter, from the Watling Collection
Herodotus / Freeman / BustHERODOTUS Greek historian
Female high jumper in orange costumeA female high jumper in an orange costume leaping over a pole
Js Bach (Reutsch)JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH German musician Date: 1685 - 1750
David Wright woman holding black negligeeElegant naked woman sitting on a red and gold couch, holding a flimsy black negligee or underskirt. David Wright (1912 - 1967), was a popular British artist specialising in glamour
Anne, Lady Byron (Anon)ANNA ISABELLA MILBANKE Lady Byron (1815 to 1816)
Hippocrates / Vander GuchtHIPPOCRATES. Greek medical
Charles Ii / Players / 31 / 50CHARLES II British Royalty
Jb Lully / BustJEAN BAPTISTE LULLY French composer and court musician: portrait bust
Wolfe Tone, Irish patriot(Theobald) Wolfe Tone, Irish patriot, regarded as the father of Irish republicanism
Gottfried von Leibniz, German mathematician and philosopherGottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, German mathematician and philosopher
Epicurus / CookeEPICURUS Greek philosopher Date: 341 - 270 BC
Herodotus / Gooch / SepiaHERODOTUS Greek historian
Donizetti / IndunoGAETANO DONIZETTI Italian opera composer
Earhart / Lockheed VegaAmelia Mary Earhart (Mrs Putnam) and her Lockheed Vega: she was the first woman to fly the Atlantic solo (1932)
Music cover, On the Good Ship Lollipop, Shirley TempleMusic cover, On the Good Ship Lollipop, words and music by Sidney Clare and Richard A Whiting, as sung by Shirley Temple in the film Bright Eyes. 1934
Phoenician art. Cyprus. Bust of a bearded man. 6th century BC. Archaic Period. Limestone. It comes from Golgoi (Cyprus). Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York. United States
Music cover, Animal Crackers in My Soup, Shirley TempleMusic cover, Animal Crackers in My Soup, music by Ray Henderson, words by Ted Koehler, Edward Heyman and Irving Caesar, sung by Shirley Temple in the film Curly Top. 1935
Advertisement for Castellane champagneThe first advertisement for Vicomte de Castellane Epernay champagne, France. Date: 1902
Sir Francis Crossley, businessman, philanthropist and MPSir Francis Crossley (1817-1872), 1st Baronet of Halifax, British carpet manufacturer, philanthropist and Liberal Party politician. Date: 1860s
Wigs in HairdressersA blonde curly wig on a dummy with a tiara in a hairdresser s
Archimedes, Greek mathematician and inventor
Cartoon, Signor Foli, Irish bass opera singerCartoon, Signor Foli (Allan James Foley, 1837-1899), Irish bass opera singer -- He has studied Bradshaw (probably a reference to his travels and tours). 1884
Man on veteran motorcycle with young girl riding pillion circa 1915/20
Caricature of Edgar Bruce, actor-managerCaricature of Tom Mead (1821-1889), English actor, frequently cast as the villain because of his deep voice
Lawyers books, brief and wig in a leather chair. Date: circa 1990s
Titus (39-81 AD). Roman Emperor. Bust. MarbleTitus (39-81 AD). Roman Emperor. Flavian dynasty. Bust. Marble. 70-80 AD. From Utica, near Carthage. British Museum. London. England. United Kingdom
Woman reclining on couchA rather annoyed looking young woman reclines on a couch, deep in thought
Anthony Asquith as a boy at 10 Downing Street, LondonAnthony Asquith (1902-1968) as a boy at 10 Downing Street, Central London, when his father, Herbert Henry Asquith, was Prime Minister
Democritus / Blake / RubensDEMOCRITUS Greek philosopher
Sir James Brooke / CensusSIR JAMES BROOKE Governor of Labuan, later Rajah of Sarawak, at a time when the overseas population of the British Empire numbered 139 million
Farinelli / Carlo Broschialias CARLO BROSCHI Italian castrato singer famous throughout Europe
Democritus / Day / RomeDEMOCRITUS Greek philosopher
Cornelius Tacitus / BustCORNELIUS TACITUS Roman orator, politician and historian
Prince Eugene of Savoy, military commanderPrince Eugene of Savoy (1663-1736), military commander. early 18th century
John Palmer BrabazonJOHN PALMER BRABAZON Military Date: 1843 -
Albania - Peasant shepherdAlbanian peasant shepherd wearing a cloak make out of a long-haired goat and traditional footwear of the curled-up and slightly pointy variety
Robert Graves / MorganROBERT RANKE GRAVES British poet, novelist and critic, with a reference to his autobiography, " Goodbye To All That"
Goat / Syrian 19CSyrian goat
Hannibal / Naples BronzeHANNIBAL Carthaginian general, famous for his crossing of the Alps
Donizetti / CookGAETANO DONIZETTI Italian opera composer
Demosthenes / Dean / BustDEMOSTHENES Bust of the Greek orator and statesman
Erasmus Darwin / HopwoodERASMUS DARWIN Writer and scientist, grandfather of Charles Darwin
Richard Savage / Van GuchtRICHARD SAVAGE English poet and playwright, friend of Dr Samuel Johnson
John Churchill / MiniatureJOHN CHURCHILL Duke of Marlborough, Commander in Chief over the armies of England and Holland in the war of the Spanish Succession
Hesiod / Thevet / 1584HESIOD Greek poet: portrait bust
Maud Gonne / Munsey / 1903MAUD GONNE Irish actress and patriot
Hannah Cowley / Belle AsseHANNAH COWLEY Comic dramatist
Matthew Boulton / SharpMatthew Boulton Engineer
Queen Mary / Col Lith DownQUEEN MARY Wife of George V in 1911
Curly Locks 2Bonny lass, pretty lass, wilt thou be mine ? Thou shalt not wash dishes nor yet feed the swine... (except for the opening words, its the Curly locks rhyme)
Hippocrates / Chapman / ColHIPPOCRATES Greek medical
John Keats / Crayon PortrJOHN KEATS English poet
John Keats / J SevernJOHN KEATS English poet
Pepys / Rw / OvalSAMUEL PEPYS Statesman & diarist
Curly Locks Date: circa 1918
Manuela Isidra Tellez-Giron, future Duchess ofAgustin Esteve Marques (1753-1820). Spanish painter. Manuela Isidra Tellez-Giron, future Duchess of Abrantes, 1797. Oil on canvas, 110, 5 x 86 cm. Prado Museum. Madrid. Spain
The Artist's Son, Ignacio, Seated. Portrait byIgnacio Pinazo (1849-1916). Spanish painter. The Artist's Son, Ignacio, Seated, 1887. Oil on canvas, 65 x 53 cm. Prado Museum. Madrid. Spain
Mary, Princess Royal and Countess of HarewoodMary, Princess Royal (Victoria Alexandra Alice Mary, 1897-1965) and Countess of Harewood - the only daughter of King George V and Queen Mary, the sister of Kings Edward VIII and George VI
Aboriginal man, Australia, Victorian period. Date: late 19th century
Head of Hermes. 2nd century AD. From Serdica. BulgariaHead of Hermes. Probably a bigger part of a slab with face in high relief. 2nd century AD. From Serdica. National Archaeological Museum. Sofia. Bulgaria
Kate GreenawayKathleen and Monica from Stories for Little Curly Locks Date: 1880
Head of Alexander the Great, king of Macedon, 356-323 BC. Bust of a young bare-headed man with curly hair. From a cornelian gem, possibly used an amulet. Alexander Macedo in Corneola
Head of a 20-year-old Khoekhoe man of South Africa, 1814Portrait and profile of a 20-year-old Khoekhoe or Khoikhoi man of South Africa. With figure of foot 3, hand 4, finger 5 and locks of curly hair 6, 7. Der Hottentots oder Buschmann
Siberian horse with winter coat - Lemaitre, Vernier, MonninSiberian horse with winter coat. Engraving by Lemaitre, Vernier and Monnin. History of Russia by Jean Marie Chopin (1796-1870). Panorama Universal, Spanish edition, 1839
English medieval wood carving - church pew decorationEnglish 15th century medieval wood carving - likely a bench end, the wooden end panel of a church pew
Common water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes. Chromolithograph from an illustration by Desire Bois from Edward Steps Favourite Flowers of Garden and Greenhouse, Frederick Warne, London, 1896
Mrs Roy Devereux, editor of Mayfair magazine. 1897
Aboriginal Warramunga man, Northern Territory, AustraliaAboriginal Warramunga (Warumungu) man, Northern Territory, Australia. Seen here in profile, with his nostrils broken under the weight of a large wooden spike. Date: 1922
Contemplation of the female form Date: circa 1910s
Comic postcard, Woman with baby in maternity home Date: 20th century
Wright's Biscuits drawn by Mabel Lucie Attwell - advertising playing card back
Ella Hall, actress in The Master Key'. Date: 1915
Manuela Gonzalez Velazquez playing the piano, 1820-1821Zacarias Gonzalez Velazquez (1763-1834). Spanish painter. Manuela Gonzalez Velazquez playing the piano, 1820-1821. Lazaro Galdiano Museum. Madrid. Spain