Tagore, Rabindranath (1861-1941)
Tango. Watercolor by Marcel Vertes (1895-1961) published in l Illustration on November 26, 1925. Watercolour
Tango, 1912. Dance originating in Argentina that was introduced in Europe after World War I
Ballet Petrouschka. Vaslav NijinskyBallet Petrouschka, music by Igor Stravinsky (1911). Illustration by Georges Lepape with the dancer Vaslav Nijinsky. Art Deco. Drawing
Clarinet. ITALY. LOMBARDY. Milan. Museum of Musical Instruments
ZULOAGA ZABALETA, Ignacio. Portrait of the countessZULOAGA ZABALETA, Ignacio (1870-1945). Portrait of the countess Mathieu de Noailles. 1913. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. BASQUE COUNTRY. VIZCAYA. Bilbao. Bilbao Fine Arts Museum
COMTE, Auguste (1798-1857). French positivist philosopher and sociologist. Litography
Music-Hall. Folies-Bergere. The wall of the death
San Sebastiᮮ Festival 2012. Javier RebolloSPAIN. Donostia. Spanish director Javier Rebollo poses after the screening of his film El Muerto y Ser Feliz, (The dead man and being happy)
San Sebastiᮮ Festival 2009. Qin LanSPAIN. Donostia. Chinese actress Qin Lan poses at Kursaal Palace after the screening Lu Chan's film City of Life and Death (Nanjing! Nanjing!). 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival
San Sebastiᮮ Festival 2009. Lu ChanSPAIN. Donostia. Chinese director Lu Chan poses at Kursaal Palace after the screening of his film City of Life and Death (Nanjing! Nanjing!). 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival
San Sebastiᮮ Festival 2009. Liu YeSPAIN. Donostia. Chinese actor Liu Ye poses at Kursaal Palace after the screening Lu Chan's film City of Life and Death (Nanjing! Nanjing!). 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival
Puppet theatre with marionettes, 18th c. Early Modern Era. ITALY. VENETO. Venice. Ca Rezzonico
Taoism. Last phase of alchemical meditation. Chinese art. Engraving. FRANCE. Ό E-DE-FRANCE. Paris. National Library
TEILHARD DE CHARDIN, Pierre (1881 - 1955). French Jesuit priest paleontologist and philosopher. Oil
Rebec, a string instrument. Made by Ignacio Gleta and J. M. Lama 1945), Barcelona. SPAIN. CATALONIA. Barcelona. Museum of Music
Vaslav Nijinsky. Le Pavillon d ArmideBallets Russes. The dancer Vaslav Nijinsky in the ballet Le Pavillon d Armide, with choreography by Mikhail Fokin and music by Nikolai Tcherepine (1911)
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Brad PittPITT, Brad (1963). American film actor. Presentation of Quentin Tarantinos film Inglourious Basterds during the 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival, on September 18, 2009. SPAIN. Donostia
Montserrat CaballCABALLE, Montserrat (1933). Spanish soprano. 28/12/2009. SPAIN. Barcelona. Gran Teatre del Liceu
Ballet Symphonie. FantastiqueBallet Symphonie Fantastique, music by Hector Berlioz and choreography by Leonide Massine (1936). Sketch for the scene in the ballroom, by Christian B鲡 rd
Ballet Les Sylphides, performed by the Diaghilevs Ballets Russes after the choreography by Mikhail Fokin. Watercolour by Ernst Oppler (1925). Watercolour
Antonio Paoli. PortraitAntonio Paoli. Puerto Rican Tenor. Portrait
Anna Pavlova and. Vaslav NijinskyBallets Russes. Anna Pavlova and Vaslav Nijinsky (1909)
MORITZ, Karl Phillip (1757-1793). German author. Oil on canvas. GERMANY. SAXONY-ANHALT. Halberstadt. Municipal Museum
FOURIER, Charles (1772-1837). French philosopher and economist. Utopian socialist, feminist and one of the fathers of cooperation. Painting
ROCA DE TOGORES, Mariano (1812-1889). Poet, writer and conservative politician. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. ANDALUSIA. Sevilla. Royal Seville Academy of Fine Letters
MOMMSEN, Theodor (1817-1903). Nobel Prize in Literature in 1902. Engraving
ISOCRATES (436-338 BC). Ancient Greek rhetorician and one of the ten Attic orators. From the book Pinacotheca imaginum illustrium by Gian Vittorio de Rossi (1577-1647). Engraving. SPAIN
GORRITI, Juana Manuela (1818-1892). Argentine writer. Engraving
Red Book of Montserrat. 14th c. - 16th c. Medieval music from Aquitaine to be danced in a church. Score, 15th century. Gothic art. Miniature Painting. SPAIN. CATALONIA. BARCELONA
GUILLESPIE, John Birks (1917 - 1993). Dizzy Gillespie. American jazz trumpeter, bandleader, composer and occasional singer. 1989
Tango apache. Illustration by Marinero for the cover of the entertainment magazine Sparta, Madrid 1933. Engraving
La Tour de Feu, opera by Sylvio Lazzari. Scenery by Maxime Dethomas. Mr. Thill (as the guardian of the lighthouse) and Fanny Heldy (his wife), 1928. Engraving
Adelaide Ristori in the role of Lady MacbethVERDI, Giuseppe (1813-1901). The Italian opera singer Ad鬡 ide Ristori as Lady Macbeth
Woody Allen. Premiere in AvilAllen, Woody. American film director, writer and actor. Poses with his wife Soon Yi Previn during the premiere of his latest film You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger. August 24, 2010. SPAIN
Toulouse-Lautrec, HenriTOULOUSE-LAUTREC, Henri de (1864-1901). Trapeze artist getting dressed. 1890. Post-Impressionism. Drawing. FRANCE. MIDI-PYRɎ Ʌ S. TARN. Albi. Toulouse-Lautrec Museum
San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Jens AlbinusSPAIN. Donostia. German actor Jens Albinus poses for photographers after the screening of Mathias Glasners film This is Love. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 20, 2009
Richard Wagner. SiegfriedWAGNER, Richard (1813-1883). German composer of Romanticism. Skech of the dragon Fafner for the opera Siegried. Paris Opera. 1902
Richard Wagner. ParsifalWAGNER, Richard (1813-1883). German composer of Romanticism. Scenario for the second act of the opera Parsifal, designed by Joseph Urban
San SebastiᮮFestival 2003. Sean PennPENN, Sean (1960). American actor and film director. US actor Sean Penn poses few hours before receiving the 51 San Sebastian International Film Festival Donostia Award. 23-09-2003. SPAIN. Donostia
Ponziano Loverini. Gaetano DonizettiLOVERIANO, Ponziano (1845-1929). Gaetano Donizetti. 1875. Oil on canvas. ITALY. LOMBARDY. Bergamo. Donizetti Museum
Lucius Annaeus Seneca. BustSENECA, Lucius Annaeus (4 BC-65). Latin philosopher, statesman, politician and dramatist. Oil
Herman MelvilleMELVILLE, Herman (1819-1891). American novelist. Moby Dick. Engraving
FRY, Roger. Bertrand RussellRUSSELL, Bertrand (1872-1970). British mathematician and philosopher. Nobel Prize in Literature, 1950. Oil on canvas
Franz FerdinandScottish Rock band Franz Ferdinand. Estadio de Anoeta (San Sebastiᮬ Spain). 09/08/2005
Japanese artThe Revenge of the Soga Brothers. 17th c. Detail of the screen with figures of samurais. Japanese art. Tokugawa shogunate period. Painting. ITALY. VENETO. Venice. Museum of Oriental Art
Cooking classes. Illustration published in the Illustrated London News, 1921. Engraving
Dance scene. 6th c. BC. Kylix with black figures. Archaic Greek art. Ceramics. ITALY. LAZIO. Rome. National Etruscan Museum of Villa Julia
Camoes or Camoens, Luis Vaz de (1524-1580). Portuguese Renaissance writer and poet. Monument dedicated to the writer. Sculpture. INDIA. Goa
GALLEN KALELLA, Axel-Gallen (1865-1931). Lemminkainen sGALLEN KALELLA, Axel-Gallen (1865-1931). Lemminkainens Mother. 1897. Oil on canvas. FINLAND. UUDENMaN. Helsinki. Ateneum Museum of Finnish Art
QUINTANA, Manuel Jos頨1777-1857). Spanish writerQUINTANA, Manuel Jos頨 1777-1857). Spanish writer and liberal politician. Engraving. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. National Library
GAMBOA, Federico (1864-1939). Mexican Writter. Engraving
LOPEZ LOPEZ, JoaquMar(1798-1855). SpanishLOPEZ LOPEZ, Joaqu Maric (1798-1855). Spanish liberal politician, lawyer and writer. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. National Library
HERVAS Y PANDURO, Lorenzo (1735-1809). Spanish Jesuit and famous philologist. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. Royal Academy of History
G܉RALDES, Ricardo (1886-1927). Argentinian writerG܉ RALDES, Ricardo (1886-1927). Argentinian writer
LOPEZ VELARDE, Ram1888-1921). Mexican poetLOPEZ VELARDE, Ram 1888-1921). Mexican poet
SCARLATTI, Alessandro (1660-1725). Italian Baroque composer. Italian anonymous portrait of the 18th c. Oil on canvas. ITALY. EMILIA-ROMAGNA. Bologna. Musical Bibliographical Museum
SIENKIEWICZ, Henryk (1846-1916). Polish writer, Nobel Prize winner in 1905. Engraving
Maupassant, Guy de (1850-1893). French writer. Title page of Bel-Ami, in an edition of the collected works of Guy de Maupassant printed in Paris. SPAIN. CATALONIA. Barcelona
FLAUBERT, Gustave (1821-1880). French writer. Engraving. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. National Library
ARNICHES, Carlos (1866-1943). Spanish playwright. Engraving
Mensa scrutiniorum (scrutiny table), 18th-19th c. It was made for receiving the professor election in the Cervera University. SPAIN. CATALONIA. LLEIDA. Cervera. Cervera Museum
ALARCON Y ARIZA, Pedro Antonio de (1833-1891). Spanish poet, novelist and journalist. Engraving
GUERRERO, Francisco (1528-1599). Spanish composer. Engraving
BREUIL, Henri (1877-1961). French abbot. ArchaeologistHenri Breuil (1877-1961), often referred to as Abbe Breuil. French Catholic priest, archaeologist, anthropologist, ethnologist and geologist. Portrait
A child pretending he is a musician. Illustration published in Harpers Magazine. Engraving
VICENTE, Gil (1465-1537). Portuguese playwright and poet, considered the chief dramatist of Portugal. Auto da Barca do Purgat (Act of the Ship of Purgatory), 1518. Facsimil edition
BRONTE, Charlotte (1816-1848). English novelist and poet. Litography. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. National Library
PEREZ ESCRICH, Enrique (1829-1897). Spanish writer. Cover of La Caridad Cristiana. 1863. Engraving. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. National Library
MARIN DEL SOLAR, Mercedes (1804-1866). Writter of Chile. Engraving
MANRIQUE, Jorge (1440-1479). Spanish poet. Sculpture. SPAIN. Paredes de Nava
MɒIMɅ, Prosper (1803-1870). French novelist, playwrightMɒ IMɅ, Prosper (1803-1870). French novelist, playwright, essayist and Hispanist. Title page of Colomba, 1840. Publication created in Leipzig
AMADOR DE LOS RIOS, Jos頨1818-1878). Spanish historianAMADOR DE LOS RIOS, Jos頨 1818-1878). Spanish historian and semitic. La Ilustraci spa y Americana. Engraving
TERTULLIAN (160-220). Church Father, writer and theologian
ENGELS, Friedrich (1820-1895). German socialist philosopher and political theoretician. SPAIN. CATALONIA. Barcelona. Biblioteca de Catalunya (National Library of Catalonia)
SPENSER, Edmund (1552-1599). English poet. Engraving. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. National Library
BELLO, Andr鳠(1781-1864). Venezuelan writer, poetBELLO, Andr鳠 (1781-1864). Venezuelan writer, poet, journalist and humanist. Oil
SHOSTAKOVICH, Dmitri (1906 - 1975). Russian composer. Oil
STRADIVARI, Amtonio (1644-1737). Italian luthier and a crafter of string instruments such as violins, cellos, guitars, violas, and harps. Oil
VOLTAIRE, Fran篩s-Marie Arouet, also known as (1694-1778)VOLTAIRE, Fran篩 s-Marie Arouet, also known as (1694-1778). French Enlightenment writer and philosopher. Oil
ORTEGA Y GASSET, Jos頨1883-1955). Spanish philosopherORTEGA Y GASSET, Jos頨 1883-1955). Spanish philosopher and essayist. Oil
MONTAIGNE, Michel de (1533-1592). French writer, humanist and philosopher. Oil
ACOSTA DE SAMPER, Soledad (1833 - 1903). Colombian writer and journalist. Oil