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Crustacean Collection

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Crustaces - crustaceans

Crustaces - crustaceans
A variety of crustaceans including some rather fierce looking crabs and lobsters. Date: 1930

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Partial fossil remains of the giant millepede, Arthropleura

Partial fossil remains of the giant millepede, Arthropleura
Measuring 7.1 cm long, this Carboniferous fossil represents only part of a leg of the giant millepede Arthropleura

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Norway lobster and shrimp

Norway lobster and shrimp
Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus 1, and shrimp, Atya scabra 2. Nefrope di Norvegia, Atia spinosa. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Antoine Laurent de Jussieus Dizionario delle

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Carantec, Brittany, France, Crevette fishergirls

Carantec, Brittany, France, Crevette fishergirls
Carante cin the Finistere department of Brittany in north-western France - Crevette fishergirls. Date: circa 1910s

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Astacus astacus Linnaeus, crayfish

Astacus astacus Linnaeus, crayfish
Suppl. Tb LVI from Insecten-Belustigung 1756-61, Volume 3 by August Johann R� von Rosenhof (1705-1759)

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Phragmites australis (Cav. ), common reed

Phragmites australis (Cav. ), common reed
A herbarium sheet containing Phragmites australis (Cav.), a common reed which grows in wetlands throughout the America, Europe and parts of Asia. This specimen is from Panama

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Asaphus (Neoasaphus) kowalewskii, stalk- eyed trilobite

Asaphus (Neoasaphus) kowalewskii, stalk- eyed trilobite
A complete 3-dimensional stalk-eyed trilobite measuring about 5 cms, discovered at Wolchow River, near St. Petersburgh, Russia. The specimen dates back to the Middle Ordovician period

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Tetratheca glandulosa

Tetratheca glandulosa, Tetrateca glandulosa. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Antoine Laurent de Jussieus Dizionario delle Scienze Naturali, Dictionary of Natural Science, Florence

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Fossils of extinct ammonite species

Fossils of extinct ammonite species. Ammonite di Caen, Ammonite di Deslongchamps, Ammonite di Bayeux, Ammonite di Braikenridge

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Fossils of extinct lamp shells

Fossils of extinct lamp shells. Kirkidium knightii 1, Araxilevis intermedius 2, Uncites grifoides 3. Pentamerus knightii, Productus martini, Uncite grifoide

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Yellow mombin or hog plum, Spondias monbin

Yellow mombin or hog plum, Spondias monbin. Spondia di frutti rossi. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Antoine Laurent de Jussieus Dizionario delle Scienze Naturali

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Fossils of extinct scallops

Fossils of extinct scallops. Spondylus spinosus 1, etc. Plagiostoma spinosa, Pachite punteggiato, Diancora marginata. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Antoine Laurent de Jussieus

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Porcelain crab, shrimp and extinct crustacean

Porcelain crab, shrimp and extinct crustacean
Porcelain crab, Porcellana species 1, shrimp, Megalopa mutica 2, and fossil of extinct crustacean, Eryon cuvieri 3. Porcellana larga-chela, Megalopa mutica, Erio di Cuvier

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Narwal shrimp, leptostracan and mysid shrimp

Narwal shrimp, leptostracan and mysid shrimp
Narwal shrimp, Plesionika narval 1-4, leptostracan, Nebalia herbstii 5, and mysid shrimp, Mysis oculata 6. Palemon pristis Palemone seghettato, Rostro del Palemo, Rostri del Palemone variabile

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Squat lobster, Galathea strigosa 1, and Aegla laevis 2

Squat lobster, Galathea strigosa 1, and Aegla laevis 2. Galatea striata or scagliosa, Eglea unita o liscia. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Antoine Laurent de Jussieus Dizionario

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Crown crab and Indian egera crab

Crown crab and Indian egera crab
Crown crab, Hymenosoma orbiculare 1, and Indian egera crab, Phalangipus indicus 2. Imenosomo orbicolare, Egeria dell India

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Mediterranean buckthorn, Rhamnus alaternus

Mediterranean buckthorn, Rhamnus alaternus
Italian buckthorn or Mediterranean buckthorn, Rhamnus alaternus. Nerprun alaterne. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Antoine Laurent de Jussieus Dizionario delle Scienze Naturali

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Mantis shrimp, Lysiosquilla scabricauda

Mantis shrimp, Lysiosquilla scabricauda, dorsal and ventral. Stomapodi. Squilla coda-scabra. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Antoine Laurent de Jussieus Dizionario delle Scienze

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Pisa tetraodon and Micippa philyra

Pisa tetraodon and Micippa philyra
Pisa tetraodon 1, and spider crab, Micippa philyra 2. Pisa tetraodonte, Micippa filira. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Antoine Laurent de Jussieus Dizionario delle Scienze Naturali

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Fossils of extinct corals

Fossils of extinct corals. Receptaculites 1, Aptychus 2. Recettaculite di Nettuno, Trigonellite di Parkinson. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Antoine Laurent de Jussieus Dizionario

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Fossils of extinct molluscs

Fossils of extinct molluscs. Ichthyosarcolites triangularis 1 and Gervillia solenoidea 2. Ittiosarcolite triangolare, Gervillia solenoide

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Himalayan goji berry, Lycium barbarum

Himalayan goji berry, Lycium barbarum, Licio di Barberia. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Antoine Laurent de Jussieus Dizionario delle Scienze Naturali, Dictionary of Natural Science

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Fiddler crab and angular crab

Fiddler crab and angular crab
Fiddler crab, Gelasimus vocans 1, and angular crab, Goneplax rhomboides 2. Gelasimo di Marion, Gonoplace romboide. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Antoine Laurent de Jussieus

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Himber tree, Rajania cordata

Himber tree, Rajania cordata
Himber, Rajania cordata, Raiane en coeur. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Antoine Laurent de Jussieus Dizionario delle Scienze Naturali, Dictionary of Natural Science, Florence

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Swimming crab and moon crab

Swimming crab and moon crab
Swimming crab, Polybius henslowii 1, and moon crab, Matuta victor 2. Polibio di Henslow, Matuta vittoriosa. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Antoine Laurent de Jussieus Dizionario

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Periscope crab and flower crab

Periscope crab and flower crab
Periscope crab, Podophthalmus vigil 1, and flower crab, Portunus pelagicus 2. Podoftalmo spinoso, Lupa pelagica. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Antoine Laurent de Jussieus Dizionario

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Hemigrapsus penicillatus and Potamon fluviatile

Hemigrapsus penicillatus and Potamon fluviatile
Varunid crab, Hemigrapsus penicillatus 1 and freshwater crab, Potamon fluviatile 2 Grapso penicillato, Telfusa fluviatile

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Olax stricta

Olax stricta. Spermaxirum strictum, Olace stremenzita. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Antoine Laurent de Jussieus Dizionario delle Scienze Naturali, Dictionary of Natural Science

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Species of crab

Species of crab. Ebalia tuberosa 1, Leucosia craniolaris 2, Ilia nucleus 3. Ehalia di Pennant, Leucosia craniolare, Ilia nocciolo

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Warty crab and flat rock crab

Warty crab and flat rock crab
Warty crab or yellow crab, Eriphia verrucosa 1, and flat rock crab, Percnon planissimum 2. Erifia fronte spinosa, Plagusia clavimana

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Panama tree or camoruco, Sterculia apetala

Panama tree or camoruco, Sterculia apetala. Sterculia chicha, Sterculia chica. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Antoine Laurent de Jussieus Dizionario delle Scienze Naturali

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Species of shrimp

Species of shrimp. Spirontocaris spinus 1, Hippolyte variabilis 2, Penaeus species 3, Processa canaliculata 4, Athanas nitescens 5

Background imageCrustacean Collection: European spiny lobster, Palinurus elephas

European spiny lobster, Palinurus elephas. Aliusta comune. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Antoine Laurent de Jussieus Dizionario delle Scienze Naturali

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Carrier crab and dorripd crab

Carrier crab and dorripd crab
Carrier crab or porter crab, Homola barbata 1, and dorripd crab, Medorippe lanata 2. Omola fronte-spinosa, Dorippe lanosa

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Bristly crab, light-blue soldier crab and pea crab

Bristly crab, light-blue soldier crab and pea crab
Bristly crab, Pilumnus hirtellus 1, light-blue soldier crab, Mictyris longicarpus 2, pea crab, Pinnotheres pisum 3. Pilunno irto, Mittire longicarpo, Pinnotere pisello

Background imageCrustacean Collection: European spider crab, Maja squinado

European spider crab, Maja squinado. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Antoine Laurent de Jussieus Dizionario delle Scienze Naturali, Dictionary of Natural Science, Florence, Italy

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Edible crab and furrowed crab

Edible crab and furrowed crab
Edible crab or brown crab, Cancer pagurus 1, and furrowed crab or Montagus crab, Xantho hydrophilus 2. Granchio Paguro, Santo Florida

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Fossils of extinct sea snails

Fossils of extinct sea snails. Proto maraschinii, Turritella, Potamides fragilis, Nerina tuberculosa. Proto del Maraschiini, Proto turritella, Potamide fragile, Nerina turbercolosa

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Coarse stinkweed, Opercularia aspera

Coarse stinkweed, Opercularia aspera. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Antoine Laurent de Jussieus Dizionario delle Scienze Naturali, Dictionary of Natural Science, Florence, Italy

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Scorpion spider crab and Leachs spider crab

Scorpion spider crab and Leachs spider crab
Scorpion spider crab, Inachus dorsettensis 1, and Leachs spider crab, Inachus phalangium 2. Inaco scorpione, Inaco dorinco

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Species of ostracods

Species of ostracods. Cypris fusca 1, Cypris ornata 2, 3, Cypris vidua 4, Cypris unifasciata 5, 6, Cypris monacha 7, Cythere lutea 8

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Circular crab and swimming crab

Circular crab and swimming crab
Circular crab, Atelecyclus rotundatus 1, and swimming crab, Portumnus latipes 2. Ateleciclo con sette denti, Portunno variegato

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Copepod species

Copepod species
Species of copepods. Cyclops vulgaris 1-4, Diaptomus castor 5, Cyclops staphylinus 6. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Antoine Laurent de Jussieus Dizionario delle Scienze Naturali

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Atlantic horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus

Atlantic horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus. Percilopi Limulo polifemo. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Antoine Laurent de Jussieus Dizionario delle Scienze Naturali

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Wild mignonette, Reseda lutea

Wild mignonette, Reseda lutea

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Rubble crab or horrid parthenope, Parthenope horrida

Rubble crab or horrid parthenope, Parthenope horrida. Handcoloured copperplate engraving drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder from William Elford Leachs Zoological Miscellany, McMillan

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Bigclaw river shrimp, Macrobrachium carcinus

Bigclaw river shrimp, Macrobrachium carcinus (Jamaica prawn, Palaemon carcinus). Handcoloured copperplate engraving drawn

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Homola barbata crab

Homola barbata crab (Spiny-fronted homola, Homola spinifrons). Handcoloured copperplate engraving drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder from William Elford Leachs Zoological Miscellany

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus

Horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus (Sowerbean limulus, Limulus sowerbii). Handcoloured copperplate engraving drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder from William Elford Leachs Zoological

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Gouty lissa crab, Lissa chiragra

Gouty lissa crab, Lissa chiragra. Handcoloured copperplate engraving drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder from William Elford Leachs Zoological Miscellany, McMillan, London, 1815

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Rissos doclea crab, Doclea rissonii

Rissos doclea crab, Doclea rissonii. Handcoloured copperplate engraving drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder from William Elford Leachs Zoological Miscellany, McMillan, London, 1815

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Phalangipus indicus crab

Phalangipus indicus crab (Indian egeria, Egeria indica, Egeria indicus). Handcoloured copperplate engraving drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder from William Elford Leachs Zoological

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Carinated atyla, Atylus carinatus

Carinated atyla, Atylus carinatus. Handcoloured copperplate engraving drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder from William Elford Leachs Zoological Miscellany, McMillan, London, 1815

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Eastern Atlantic arrow crab, Stenorhynchus lanceolatus

Eastern Atlantic arrow crab, Stenorhynchus lanceolatus (Boscs pactolus, Pactolus boscii). Handcoloured copperplate engraving drawn

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Yellowline arrow crab, Stenorhynchus seticornis

Yellowline arrow crab, Stenorhynchus seticornis (Dart-bearing leptopodia, Leptopodia sagittaria). Handcoloured copperplate engraving drawn

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Forceps crab, Lupella forceps

Forceps crab, Lupella forceps (Slender-fingered lupa, Lupa forceps). Handcoloured copperplate engraving drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder from William Elford Leachs Zoological Miscellany

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Herbstian neballa, Nebalia herbstii

Herbstian neballa, Nebalia herbstii. Handcoloured copperplate engraving drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder from William Elford Leachs Zoological Miscellany, McMillan, London, 1814

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Balmain bug or butterfly fan lobster, Ibacus peronii

Balmain bug or butterfly fan lobster, Ibacus peronii. Handcoloured copperplate engraving drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder from William Elford Leachs Zoological Miscellany, McMillan

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Sentinel crab, Podophthalmus vigil

Sentinel crab, Podophthalmus vigil
Sentinel crab or common podophthalmus, Podophthalmus vigil. Handcoloured copperplate engraving drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder from William Elford Leachs Zoological Miscellany

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Portly spider crab or notched libinia, Libinia emarginata

Portly spider crab or notched libinia, Libinia emarginata. Handcoloured copperplate engraving drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder from William Elford Leachs Zoological Miscellany, McMillan

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Thumbnail crab, Thia scutellata

Thumbnail crab, Thia scutellata (Polished thia, Thia polita). Handcoloured copperplate engraving drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder from William Elford Leachs Zoological Miscellany

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Spearer mantis shrimp, Lysiosquillina maculata

Spearer mantis shrimp, Lysiosquillina maculata (Squilla maculata). Handcolored engraving by Fournier after an illustration by Blanchard from Charles d Orbignys Dictionnaire Universel d Histoire

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Tahitian prawn, Macrobrachium lar

Tahitian prawn, Macrobrachium lar (Palaemon ornatum). Handcolored engraving by Fournier after an illustration by Blanchard from Charles d Orbignys Dictionnaire Universel d Histoire Naturelle

Background imageCrustacean Collection: European or common lobster, Homarus gammarus

European or common lobster, Homarus gammarus (Blue lobster, Homarus vulgaris). Handcolored engraving by Fournier after an illustration by Vaillant from Charles d Orbignys Dictionnaire Universel d

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Coconut crab, Birgus latro

Coconut crab, Birgus latro. Handcolored engraving by Fournier after an illustration by Vaillant from Charles d Orbignys Dictionnaire Universel d Histoire Naturelle

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Blue swimming crab, Portunus (Portunus) pelagicus

Blue swimming crab, Portunus (Portunus) pelagicus. Handcolored engraving by Fournier after an illustration by Blanchard from Charles d Orbignys Dictionnaire Universel d Histoire Naturelle

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Fiddler crab, Uca tangeri

Fiddler crab, Uca tangeri (Uka crab, Cancer uka). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from George Shaw

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Horrid elbow crab, Daldorfia horrida

Horrid elbow crab, Daldorfia horrida (Crested crab, Cancer cristatus). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Slipper lobster, Scyllarus arctus

Slipper lobster, Scyllarus arctus (Oval-tailed crab, Cancer scyllarus). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Saduria entomon

Saduria entomon (Sharp-tailed oniscus, Oniscus entomon). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from George Shaw

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Skeleton shrimp, Caprella linearis

Skeleton shrimp, Caprella linearis (Linear crab, Cancer linearis). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Red-eyed rock crab, Eriphia sebana

Red-eyed rock crab, Eriphia sebana (Seban crab, Cancer sebanus). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Northern stone crab, Lithodes maja 1

Northern stone crab, Lithodes maja 1, and brown crab, Cancer pagurus 2 (Crab epineuse, Cancer spinosus, and ecrevisse a coque unie, Brachyurus laevis)

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Copepod crustaceans

Copepod crustaceans
Copepoda or copepod crustaceans.: Calocalanus pavo male, Clytemnestra scutellata female, Oncaea venusta male, Cryptopontius thorelli female, Acontiophorus scutatus female, Corycaeus venustus female

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Deaths head hawkmoth, digger wasps, ball lichen

Deaths head hawkmoth, digger wasps, ball lichen
Ball lichen, Sphaerophorus globulus 1, Dynamene crustacean 2, digger wasps, Sphex species 3, 4, and African deaths head hawkmoth, Acherontia atropos, and caterplillar 5

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Munida gregaria, lobster krill

Munida gregaria, lobster krill
Ff. 9 Vol 3. Watercolour painting by Sydney Parkinson made during Captain James Cooks first voyage to explore the southern continent 1768-1771

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Scampi, shrimp, crayfish, and mantis shrimp

Scampi, shrimp, crayfish, and mantis shrimp.. Scampi, Nephrops norvegicus 1, shrimp, Macrobrachium carcinus 2, crayfish species 3, and mantis shrimp, Squilla mantis 4

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Callinectes sapidus, blue crab

Callinectes sapidus, blue crab

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Macrocheira kaempferi, giant Japanese giant spider crab

Macrocheira kaempferi, giant Japanese giant spider crab
Specimen of the giant Japanese spider crab (Macrocheira kaempferi). This bottom-feeding, deep-sea crustacean is the largest crab in the world reaching a leg span of almost 4m

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Isopod, Glyptonotus antarcticus

Isopod, Glyptonotus antarcticus
Specimen collected by Robert Falcon Scotts British Antarctic Expedition 1910-1913, also known as the Terra Nova expedition

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Rugose squat lobster or plated lobster, Munida rugosa

Rugose squat lobster or plated lobster, Munida rugosa.. Handcolored copperplate zoological engraving from George Shaw and Frederick Nodders The Naturalists Miscellany, 1792

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Species of lobsters

Species of lobsters.. Slipper lobster, Scyllarides squammosus 1, homard lobster, Homarus gammarus 2, pitu shrimp, Macrobrachium carcinus 3, and spiny lobster, Palinurus elephas 4

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Macrocheira kaempferi, Japanese spider crab

Macrocheira kaempferi, Japanese spider crab
Specimen of the largest crab alive. When fully grown its legs can span amost 4m. It lives at the bottom of the Pacific around Japan

Background imageCrustacean Collection: Lingula sp. brachiopod

Lingula sp. brachiopod
Lingula is a genus of brachiopods within the class Lingulata. Lingula has been around for more that 550 million years

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