Loxia pytyopsittacus, parrot crossbillPlate 46 from John Goulds The Birds of Great Britain, Vol. 3 (1873). Hand coloured lithograph
Northern cardinal, Brazilian grosbeak and crossbillNorthern cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis 1, Brazilian grosbeak (female rose-breasted grosbeak, Pheucticus ludovianus?) 2, crossbill, Loxia curvirostra 3
Evening grosbeak, brown creeper and black and white warblerEvening grosbeak, Coccothraustes vespertinus 1, 2, brown creeper, Certhia americana 3, and black and white warbler, Mniotilta varia 4
Pine grosbeak, red crossbill and white-winged crossbillPine grosbeak, Pinicola enucleator, male 1, female 2, American crossbill or red crossbill, Loxia curvirostra 3, white-winged crossbill, Loxia leucoptera 4, males
Woodcock, red crossbill and black skimmerWoodcock, Scolopax rusticola, red crossbill, Loxia curvirostra, and black skimmer, Rynchops niger Becasse, bec-croise, et bec en ciseaux
Bullfinch, Pyrrhula pyrrhula, and crossbill, Loxia curvirostra
Eggs of Bunting EtcEggs of brambling, linnet, redpole, twite, bullfinch, crossbill, corn-bunting, yellow bunting, cirl bunting. Date: 1898
Crossbill, Loxia curvirostra.. Handcolored copperplate engraving from The Naturalists Pocket Magazine, Harrison, London, 1800
Common crossbill, Loxia curvirostra.. Handcolored copperplate drawn and engraved by George Graves from his own British Ornithology, Walworth, 1821
Loxia curvirostra, red crossbill, Loxia scotica, Scottish crPlate 27 from William MacGillivrays Watercolour drawings of British Animals (1831-1841)
Loxia curvirostra, red crossbillPlate 152 from William MacGillivrays Watercolour drawings of British Animals (1831-1841)
Loxia leucoptera, white-winged crossbillPlate 364 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1835-38), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London
Crossbill (Morris)(Loxia curvirostra) This was formerly named the Parrot Crossbill (Loxia pityopsittacus) but was later recognised as a simple crossbill variant