Iguanodons were herbivorous dinosaurs from the mid-Jurassic to late Cretaceous.. Colour printed illustration by Heinrich Harder from Tiere der Urwelt Animals of the Prehistoric World, 1916, Hamburg
IguanodonThis dinosaur was a large bipedal herbivore which stood 14 feet high and 30 feet long. It lived during the Lower Cretactous around 140 to 110 million years ago
The Last Days of the Dinosaurs - Time of Great ChangeThe Last Days of the Dinosaurs - Cretaceous Period - a time of great change, about 80 Million Years ago. Illustration by Neave Parker (with the co-operation of Dr. W. E. Swinton)
Pteranodon was a giant flying reptile - a pterosaur - a close relation of the dinosaur. They lived during the Cretaceous period aroun 85 to 75 million years ago. Illustration by Neave Parker
CorythosaurusThe Corythosaurus, meaning Corinthian helmet lizard, was a bipedal herbivorous dinosaur that lived during the Upper Cretaceous period, 76 to 74 million years ago
TriceratopsThe three-horned dinosaur which lived during the Upper Cretaceous period, 67 to 65 million years ago. It grew up to 9 metres in length and fossils have been discovered in USA
Scene in Wealden TimesScene from the Wealden times, during the Cretacous period. Painting, oil on canvas, by Eli Marsden Wilson (1877-1965), before 1935. Original held at the Natural History Museum, London
PterodactylDrawing of a Pterodactyl, an extinct flying reptile that lived during the Mesozoic era from around 251 millon years ago to 65 million years ago during the time of the K-T extinction
Dinosaurs of the Upper Cretaceous Period - Alberta, CanadaDinosaurs of the Upper Cretaceous Period (which began 100.5 million years ago, and ended 66 million years ago) found in the region of Alberta, Canada. Date: circa 90 Million Years BC
Mosasaur, Mosasaurus hoffmannii, extinct genus of carnivorous aquatic lizards.. Colour printed (chromolithograph) illustration by F
Pteranodon, large flying pterosaur from the Late Cretaceous period.. Colour printed illustration by Heinrich Harder from Tiere der Urwelt Animals of the Prehistoric World, 1916, Hamburg
Map of the continents and seas in the Upper Triassic period. North America, Atlantis, Europe, Asia, Gondwanaland
Extinct Nothosaurus, mid-Triassic periodNothosaurus, extinct genus of sauropterygian reptile from the shell-bearing limestone seas, mid-Triassic period
Ceratodus latissimus, extinct sarcopterygiian lungfish from mid Triassic to late Cretaceous
Tyrannosaurus rex skeletonA skeleton of the carnivorous dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus rex at the Natural History Museum
Iguanodon & MegalosaurusIguanodon was a bipedal herbivorous dinosaur that lived 140-110 million years ago. Less is known about the Megalosaurus, but it lived a little earlier than Iguanodon as a large carnivorous dinosaur
Euoplocephalus tail clubEuoplocephalus was a heavily armoured ankylosaur dinosaur with a huge tail club formed by two bony knobs fused together. They lived around 71 million years ago during the Upper Cretaceous period
Temnocidaris sceptrifera, fossil echinoidTemnocidaris (Stereocidaris) sceptrifera, 5.5 cm in diameter, from the Cretaceous Chalk of Hertfordshire, England, apical view
Tylosaurus species hunting a Rhynchocephalia speciesTylosaurus, a type of mosasaur, a large, predatory marine lizard from the Cretaceous. In its jaws is an extinct Rhynchocephalia species, Simaedosaurus erquelinensis (Champsosaurus dolloi?)
Theoretical cross-section of geological formations and terrains: granitic, schistose, carboniferous, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Supercretaceous, chysmian, pyroide, and volcanic
Hylaeosaurus armatus, extinct herbivorous ankylosaurian dinosaur of the late Valanginian stage of the early Cretaceous. Hylaeosaurus oweni Mantell. Colour printed illustration by F
Battle between a Megalosaurus bucklandii and Iguanodon bernissartensis. Megalosaurus, genus of large meat-eating theropod dinosaurs of the Middle Jurassic
Two battling Dryptosaurus aquilunguis, an extinct species of tyrannosauroid that lived during the latter Cretaceous. Laelaps aquilunguis Cope (Kanguruh-Dinosaurier) im Kampf
Fossil skeleton of an extinct Brontosaurus excelsus. Illustration from Wilhelm Bolsches Das Leben der Urwelt, Prehistoric Life, Georg Dollheimer, Leipzig, 1932
Skeleton of an extinct Rhamphorhynchus genusComplete skeleton of an extinct long-tailed pterosaur, Rhamphorhynchus genus. Illustration from Wilhelm Bolsches Das Leben der Urwelt, Prehistoric Life, Georg Dollheimer, Leipzig, 1932
Dinosaurs of the Cretaceous Period - Gobi DesertDinosaurs of the Gobi Desert (Russia) of the Cretaceous Period, which spanned 79 million years from the end of the Jurassic Period 145 million years ago
Reconstruction of a Diplodocus, Lower CretaceousReconstruction of a giant dinosaur Diplodocus genus in a swamp lake, North America, Lower Cretaceous. 22m long
Predatory Megalosaurus feeding on a dinosaur corpsePredatory Megalosaurus dinosaurs, Allosaurusgenus, feeding on the corpse of a large herbivorous animal. North America, Cretaceous
Reconstruction of a Diplodocus, Cretaceous periodReconstruction of a Diplodocus genus dinosaur in a coniferous and cycad forest, Cretaceous period. About 22m long and 34500kg alive
Skeleton of an extinct Kentrosaurus aethiopicusFossil skeleton of an extinct Kentrosaurus aethiopicus (Kentrurosaurus) found in East Africa, Late Jurassic
Reconstruction of an extinct Stegosaurus, North America, Jurassic and Cretaceous period
Extinct Iguanodon bernissartensisReconstruction of an extinct Iguanodon bernissartensis, late Barremian to early Aptian, Early Cretaceous
Fossil skeleton of an extinct Iguanodon bernissartensis, late Barremian to early Aptian, Early Cretaceous
Fossil skeleton of an extinct Hesperornis regalis, penguin-like bird of the Campanian era, Late Cretaceous
Reconstruction of extinct Archaeopteryx birds in a Gingko forest. Illustration by Hugo Wolff-Maage from Wilhelm Bolsches Das Leben der Urwelt, Prehistoric Life, Georg Dollheimer, Leipzig, 1932
Extinct giant Pterosaurs, Pterandodon genus, CretaceousExtinct giant Pterosaurs, Pterandodon genus, with a 9m wingspan, of the Niobrara sea, North America, Cretaceous period
Triceratops skin detailDetail of showing skin texture of an animated model of the dinosaur Triceratops created by Kokoro of Japan for the Natural History Museum, London (3/4 scale)
Oviraptor skeletonThis dinosaur is belived to have been an egg thief. It lived during the Upper Cretaceous period, 85 to 75 million years ago. Fossils have been found in Mongolia. Illustration by Jo Konopelko
Psittacosaurus skullA fossil skull that belonged to the parrot-beaked like dinosaur, Psittacosaurus. It lived during the lower Cretaceous period aroun 120 - 100 million years ago
AnkylosaurusAn animatronic model of the dinosaur Ankylosaurus created by Kokoro Dreams of Japan. This model was on display in the T-Rex Killer Question temporary exhibition from 1st August 2002 to 3rd May 2003
Cycadeoidea marylandica, fossil cycad144-149 million year old specimen of a cycad from the Early Cretaceous, Maryland, USA
OviraptorA model head of an Oviraptor. These dinosaurs are believe to have fed on eggs or shell fish due to the shape of their mouths. They lived 85-75 million years ago and fossils have been found in Mongolia
Triceratops hornTriceratops which lived during the Upper Cretaceous period, 67 to 65 million years ago had three horns. It grew up to 9 metres in length and fossils have been discovered in USA
Daspletosaurus teethFossil teeth from the Daspletosaurus, a large carnivorous dinosaur closely related to, but not as big as, the Tyrannosaurus
Parasaurolophus skullA fossil skull belonging to the dinosaur Parasaurolophus on display at the Natural History Museum, London. This large crested dinosaur lived around 70 million years ago during the Upper Cretaceous
Cretaceous chalk seafloorAn artists impression of a Cretaceous (144 to 65 million years ago) hard chalk seafloor, where an ammonite floats above crinoids, sea urchins, brachiopods, molluscs, and a lobster
Magnolia sp. fossil magnolia leafA fossil magnolia leaf from the Upper Cretaceous, Senonian, leaf from Harz, Saxony. Specimen 240 mms long
The Country of the IguanodonFrontispiece by John Martin from The Wonders of Geology, Volume 1, 1857 by Gideon Mantell (1790-1852). Gideon Mantell was a palaeontologist who discovered Iguanodon fossils in England
Microraptor skeletonThe Microraptor was unique in having feathers. It has only been found in China and dates back to the Lower Cretaceous, 125 to 122 million years ago. It grew to around half a metre in length
Iguanodon skeletonAn illustration of an Iguanodon, a herbivorous dinosaur whose fossil remains have been in many parts of the world making it one of the most successful of all dinosaur species
Deinonychus skeletonA fast moving pretador that lived duirng the Lower Cretaceous period, 120 to 110 million years ago. Fossils have been found in the USA, being first described by Ostrom, 1969
Lepidotes sp. wealden fishFosillised scales and teeth of the wealden fish (Lepidotes) found inside the ribs of the dinosaur Baryonyx walkeri, Surrey
Early Cretaceous landscape, Southern EnglandArtists impression of an Early Cretaceous (144 to 90 million years ago) landscape in Southern England, with Iguanodon, turtle, and crocodiles
Triceratops skeleton on display in the central hall at the Natural History Museum, London. This specimen is now in the Dinosaur Gallery
Nipponites mirabilis, ammoniteThis ammonite from the Upper Cretaceous of Japan displays a loose, tangled coil
CarnotaurusThis was a carnivore that lived during the Lower Cretaceous period, around 70 million years ago. Fossil evidence in the unusual form of skin has been discovered in Argentina
Pachycephalosaurus skullA fossil skull that once belonged to the dinosaur, Pachycephalosaurus. It features a huge dome of bone which may have protected the brain. The skull is also covered in decorative bony studs
Maiasaura with nest of eggs and hatchlingsAn animated model of the dinosaur Miasaura, created by Kokoro Ltd. for the Natural History Museum, London. This dinosaur whose name meand good mother lizard lived during the Upper Cretaceous 60-85 mya
Hippurites radiosus, rudist mollusc shellRudist mollusc shells are elongated molluscs and were also reef builders. Specimen dates from the Late Cretaceous, Des Moulins, Charente, France
EuoplocephalusA model of Euoplocephalus, one of the armoured plated dinosaurs from the family Ankylosauria. It lived during the Upper Cretaceous period 76 to 70 million years ago
DeinonychusA model of the Deinonychus, meaning terrible claw. It was a carnivorous dinosaur that lived during the Lower Cretaceous period, around 144 million years ago
Dinosaur footprints at SwanageFossilised footprint of a dinosaur dating back to around 135 million years ago from a Purbeck Stone quarry near Swanage, Dorset, UK. Scientists believe that they may have belonged to the Iguanodon
Chalk sea dioramaDiorama of Cretaceous (144 to 65 million years ago) sea floor chalk deposits, and various cephalopods
Cretaceous L scapeCretaceous landscape with a few animals, birds and reptiles Date: 146-65 million BC
Hypsilophodon skullHypsilophodons narrow mouth would have been suitable for picking out soft shoots and leaves. Narrow mouths allow animals to select food with more care. This specimen lived 125 million years ago
Hypsilophodon footHypsilophodons upper foot bones were long and the lower foot thin and flexible, very like todays running birds
Restoration of a landscape in Cretaceous Europe.. Chromolithograph from Dr. Fr. Rolles Geology and Paleontology section in Gotthilf Heinrich von Schuberts Natural History, Schreiber, Munich, 1886
Torosaurus latus and Monoclonius, extinct ceratopsid dinosaurs from the late Cretaceous.. Colour printed (chromolithograph) illustration by F
Tylosaurus pelor, a type of mosasaur, a large, predatory marine lizard from the Cretaceous.. Colour printed (chromolithograph) illustration by F
Hylaeosaurus, extinct genus of herbivore from the Cretaceous.. Colour printed (chromolithograph) illustration by F. John from Tiere der Urwelt Animals of the Prehistoric World, 1910, Hamburg
Hadrosaur, extinct genus of ground dwelling herbivore from the Cretaceous.. Colour printed (chromolithograph) illustration by F
Dryptosaurus aquilunguis, extinct genus of primitive tyrannosaur that lived in the Cretaceous.. Colour printed (chromolithograph) illustration by F
Hesperornis regalis, extinct genus of flightless aquatic birds that lived in the Cretaceous.. Colour printed (chromolithograph) illustration by F
Triceratops prorsus Marsh, extinct genus ofTriceratops prorsus Marsh. extinct genus of herbivorous ceratopsid dinosaur of the Cretaceous.. Colour printed (chromolithograph) illustration by F
Pteranodon, Nyctodactylus gracilis, extinct reptile from the Cretaceous period.. Colour printed (chromolithograph) illustration by F
Geosaurus suevicus, an extinct marine crocodyliform.. Colour printed (chromolithograph) illustration by F. John from Tiere der Urwelt Animals of the Prehistoric World, 1910, Hamburg
Teleosaurus, extinct crocodilian carnivore of the Cretaceous.. Colour printed (chromolithograph) illustration by F. John from Tiere der Urwelt Animals of the Prehistoric World, 1910, Hamburg
Hadrosaurs or duck-billed dinosaurs of the family Hadrosauridae.. Colour printed illustration by Heinrich Harder from Tiere der Urwelt Animals of the Prehistoric World, 1916, Hamburg
Hesperornis regalis, a species of ancient flightless bird of the late Cretaceous period.. Descended from earlier flying birds of the Mesozoic Era
Ichthyornis dispar skeleton.. Woodcut engraving from H. N. Hutchinsons Extinct Monsters and Creatures of Other Days, Chapman and Hall, London, 1894
Hesperornis regalis.. Lithograph after an illustration by J. Smit from H. N. Hutchinsons Extinct Monsters and Creatures of Other Days, Chapman and Hall, London, 1894
Pteranodon longiceps.. Lithograph after an illustration by J. Smit from H. N. Hutchinsons Extinct Monsters and Creatures of Other Days, Chapman and Hall, London, 1894
Tylosaurus proriger.. Lithograph after an illustration by J. Smit from H. N. Hutchinsons Extinct Monsters and Creatures of Other Days, Chapman and Hall, London, 1894
Hypsilophodon foxii dinosaurs and flying pterodactyls.. Lithograph after an illustration by J. Smit from H. N. Hutchinsons Extinct Monsters and Creatures of Other Days, Chapman and Hall, London, 1894