CREIGHTON GLASS WORKSCracking off the end of the glass cylinder at the Creighton glass works, Pittsburgh USA Date: circa 1880
Mandell Creighton PhotoMANDELL CREIGHTON Churchman : bishop of Peterborough (when this photo was taken), and subsequently of London. Date: 1843 - 1901
Creighton Orpheum Theatre, Omaha, Nebraska, USAThe Creighton Orpheum Theatre, 15th and Harney, Omaha, Nebraska, USA, named after John A Creighton, a local businessman and philanthropist. Date: circa 1908
Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip in CanadaIn Winnipeg, during the Royal tour of Canada, Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip are presented with a gift for Princess Anne
Creighton Hale - American silent film actorPatrick Creighton Hale FitzGerald Senior ( Creighton Hale ) (1882-1965) - American silent film actor. A Pathe Serial Star. Starred in The Exploits of Elaine with Pearl White (1914). Date: circa 1915
Blowing Hole in CylinderBlowing a hole in a glass cylinder at the Creighton Works, Pittsburgh, USA Date: circa 1880
Mandell Creighton, Bishop of London (1843 - 1901). Prior to his premature death, it was widely believed that Creighton would go on to become the Archbishop of Canterbury