Children & Teddy BearsChildren creep into the bedroom with gifts to fill the stockings of their sleeping Teddy Bears. Date: circa 1922
Warriors of Louisiana creep up on the enemy in single file. The leader carries a large foliage bush as camouflage while the last warrior erases their tracks
Children and Santa ClausXmas. Children creep up on a sleeping Santa to see what gifts he has in his sack. Date: circa 1935
Lighthouse at Dawn Date: 1948
Cartoon, Taking advantage of the dark, WW1Cartoon, Taking advantage of the dark -- a Zeppelin airship creeps over Paris at night with deadly intent. Date: 1916
John Bull - Zeppelins 1914Forewarned. Zeppelin (as The Fat Boy ): " I wants to make your flesh creep!" John Bull: " Right O!" Date: 1914
Sikh soldiers in France during the First World War stealthily creep up on a German artillery battery. Date: 1915
New Year Baby with mother on a New Year card -- Learn to Creep Before You Run. Date: circa 1890s
A rather boring date companion. A glamorous young lady slightly regrets her choice of evening companion as his tales of carpet salesmanship fail to create the necessary spark
Sheep creep near St Davids, Pembrokeshire, South WalesA sheep creep near St David s, Pembrokeshire, Dyfed, South Wales. This is a small gap which allows sheep to pass from one field to another, but is too small for animals such as cattle or horses
Clematis / Virginia CreepClematis and virginian creeper