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Crab Collection

Background imageCrab Collection: Tarot Card 18 - La Lune (The Moon)

Tarot Card 18 - La Lune (The Moon)
The Moon, as depicted on a Tarot card

Background imageCrab Collection: Crustaces - crustaceans

Crustaces - crustaceans
A variety of crustaceans including some rather fierce looking crabs and lobsters. Date: 1930

Background imageCrab Collection: Decapoda crabs and shrimps

Decapoda crabs and shrimps: horrid elbow crab, Daldorfia horrida, sentinel crab, Podophthalmus vigil, Gibbs sea spider, Pisa armata, angular crab, Goneplax rhomboides, Solenolambrus tenellus

Background imageCrab Collection: Mother Shows You How

Mother Shows You How: on the beach. From Teddy Bear (11 August 1973)

Background imageCrab Collection: Lobster, Crab & Friends

Lobster, Crab & Friends
An attractive blue lobster with red feelers and a crab and a shrimp and some other crustacea on the sea bed

Background imageCrab Collection: Alice in Wonderland, Alice in the Pool of Tears

Alice in Wonderland, Alice in the Pool of Tears
Alice in Wonderland -- Alice swims with various birds and animals in the Pool of Tears. Date: early 20th century

Background imageCrab Collection: In Possession. By A. E. Bestall

In Possession. By A. E. Bestall
Three girls sat on a bank by a stream watching a crab under the water. Alfred Bestall (1892-1986) is best-known as the artist who drew Rupert Bear for thirty years

Background imageCrab Collection: Female Gurner

Female Gurner
A woman gurner pulls a truely awful face through a leather ring during the gurning contest at Egremont Crab Fair, Whitehaven, Cumbria, England

Background imageCrab Collection: Norway lobster and shrimp

Norway lobster and shrimp
Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus 1, and shrimp, Atya scabra 2. Nefrope di Norvegia, Atia spinosa

Background imageCrab Collection: Phragmites australis (Cav. ), common reed

Phragmites australis (Cav. ), common reed
A herbarium sheet containing Phragmites australis (Cav.), a common reed which grows in wetlands throughout the America, Europe and parts of Asia. This specimen is from Panama

Background imageCrab Collection: Boy silhouetted against the sky, holding a crab

Boy silhouetted against the sky, holding a crab
A boy wearing a diving mask stands silhouetted against the sea and sky, holding a crab

Background imageCrab Collection: Fishermen by the sea with lobster / crab pots

Fishermen by the sea with lobster / crab pots
Fishermen with their pots and nets. Watercolour Painting by Malcolm Greensmith

Background imageCrab Collection: The Old Crab Tree Inn, Fulham, 1898

The Old Crab Tree Inn, Fulham, 1898
Photograph showing the Old Crab Tree Inn, Fulham, in London, 1898, which was due for demolition that year

Background imageCrab Collection: Children on Beach 3 of 4

Children on Beach 3 of 4
Children on the beach - a boy in a sailor suit has his trousers bitten by a crab

Background imageCrab Collection: Crab varieties

Crab varieties
Purple land crab, Gecarcinus ruricola 1, hermit crab, Paguristes eremita 2, sea hermit crab, Pagurus bernhardus 3, and sand crab, Cancer arenarius 4

Background imageCrab Collection: A man using withies (willow branches) to make a lobster or crab pot at Beesands

A man using withies (willow branches) to make a lobster or crab pot at Beesands, Start Bay, Devon. Date: 1960

Background imageCrab Collection: A man using withies (willow branches) to make a lobster or crab pot at Beesands

A man using withies (willow branches) to make a lobster or crab pot at Beesands, Start Bay, Devon. Date: 1960

Background imageCrab Collection: Local withies (willow branches) for making crab or lobster pots

Local withies (willow branches) for making crab or lobster pots, Beesands, Start Bay, Devon Date: 1960

Background imageCrab Collection: A man using withies (willow branches) to make a lobster or crab pot at Beesands

A man using withies (willow branches) to make a lobster or crab pot at Beesands, Start Bay, Devon. Date: 1960

Background imageCrab Collection: Crab and Lobster pub, Shanklin, Isle of Wight

Crab and Lobster pub, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, Victorian period Date: circa late 19th century

Background imageCrab Collection: Crab and Lobster pub, Shanklin, Isle of Wight

Crab and Lobster pub, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, Victorian period Date: circa late 19th century

Background imageCrab Collection: Varieties of crustaceans

Varieties of crustaceans
European crayfish, Astacus astacus c, hermit crab, Pagurus bernhardus f, purple land crab, Gecarcinus ruricola g, European spider crab, Maja squinado h, mantis shrimp, Squilla mantis k

Background imageCrab Collection: Hermit crabs, mantis shrimp and amphipods

Hermit crabs, mantis shrimp and amphipods
Red reef hermit, Dardanus arrosor, hermit crabs, Cancellus canaliculatus and Pagurus excavatus in shell, mantis shrimp, Squilla mantis, and amphipods, Gammarus ampullas, Gammarellus paludosus

Background imageCrab Collection: Purple land crab, shell-carrying crab, etc

Purple land crab, shell-carrying crab, etc
Purple land crab, Gecarcinus ruricola, shell-carrying crab or sponge crab, Conchoecetes artificiosus, Dorippoides facchino, and Muradium tetragonum. Crustacea

Background imageCrab Collection: Tasmanian giant crab, Pseudocarcinus gigas, and European lobster

Tasmanian giant crab, Pseudocarcinus gigas, and European lobster, Homarus gammarus. Crabe geante, Homard. Handcoloured steel engraving printed by F

Background imageCrab Collection: Imaginary coats of arms of the Knight of the Seven Ways and Broa

Imaginary coats of arms of the Knight of the Seven Ways and Broa
Imaginary coats of arms of the Eighth Chapter of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table: Knight of the Seven Ways, with three gold bridges over silver river on a red field, Broadas

Background imageCrab Collection: Tea, beetle and crab

Tea, beetle and crab
Checkered beetle, Clerus mutillarius (Thanasimus mutillarius), tea plant, Camellia sinensis (Thea), and freshwater crab, Potamon fluviatile (Thelphusa fluviatilis). Thanasime, The, Thelphuse

Background imageCrab Collection: Coin with depiction of a quadriga driven by a charioteer

Coin with depiction of a quadriga driven by a charioteer. Dated ca. 425-400 BC. Agrigentum. Calouste Gulbenkian Museum. Lisbon, Portugalon, Portugal

Background imageCrab Collection: Fossils of extinct ammonite species

Fossils of extinct ammonite species. Ammonite di Caen, Ammonite di Deslongchamps, Ammonite di Bayeux, Ammonite di Braikenridge

Background imageCrab Collection: Hermit crabs and coconut crab

Hermit crabs and coconut crab
Hermit crab, Pagurus excavatus 1, common hermit crab in shell, Pagurus bernhardus 2, and coconut crab, Birgus latro 3. Paguro angoloso, Paguro bernardo, Birgo ladro

Background imageCrab Collection: Fossils of extinct lamp shells

Fossils of extinct lamp shells. Kirkidium knightii 1, Araxilevis intermedius 2, Uncites grifoides 3. Pentamerus knightii, Productus martini, Uncite grifoide

Background imageCrab Collection: Yellow mombin or hog plum, Spondias monbin

Yellow mombin or hog plum, Spondias monbin. Spondia di frutti rossi

Background imageCrab Collection: Horseshoe crab, Tachypleus gigas

Horseshoe crab, Tachypleus gigas (Limula moluccanus). Ventral and dorsal views

Background imageCrab Collection: Crab and Lobster pub, Shanklin, Isle of Wight

Crab and Lobster pub, Shanklin, Isle of Wight

Background imageCrab Collection: Crab and Lobster Inn, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, early 1900s

Crab and Lobster Inn, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, early 1900s

Background imageCrab Collection: Girls on beach with a crab, St Ives, Cornwall

Girls on beach with a crab, St Ives, Cornwall

Background imageCrab Collection: Boys fishing on a pier early 1900s

Boys fishing on a pier early 1900s Date: circa 1900s

Background imageCrab Collection: Crab fishermen Victorian period

Crab fishermen Victorian period Date: 19th century

Background imageCrab Collection: Crab Fishing in Cornwall

Crab Fishing in Cornwall Date: 19th century

Background imageCrab Collection: Mending crab pots, early 1900s

Mending crab pots, early 1900s

Background imageCrab Collection: Alican Land, Sidney Squirrel

Alican Land, Sidney Squirrel
A WW2 children's story book illustration from The Story Of Alican Land, written by Joan Hunt. The image shows Mr. Crab using his strong pincers to release Sidney Squirrel from a steel trap

Background imageCrab Collection: Pretty young lady making a splash with a dive into the sea

Pretty young lady making a splash with a dive into the sea
I'm making a big splash down here'! A pretty young lady in a vivid red swimsuit and headscarf leaps into the sea, sending some of the other occupants of the waters flying into the air!

Background imageCrab Collection: Allenburys Advertisement

Allenburys Advertisement
An advertisement for Allen & Hanburys Ltd, promoting the importance of a healthy diet for child development from baby through to infancy

Background imageCrab Collection: The Fish Market, Venice

The Fish Market, Venice
A painting which depicts the busy scene of a fish market in Venice, Italy, beside a canal, customers can be seen in great numbers, bartering with merchants for their catch, which consists of fish

Background imageCrab Collection: Two young girls on the sea shore encounter a crab Date: 1905

Two young girls on the sea shore encounter a crab Date: 1905

Background imageCrab Collection: Comic postcard, Man and woman bathing in the sea - and a crab! Date: 20th century

Comic postcard, Man and woman bathing in the sea - and a crab! Date: 20th century

Background imageCrab Collection: Fossils of extinct scallops

Fossils of extinct scallops. Spondylus spinosus 1, etc. Plagiostoma spinosa, Pachite punteggiato, Diancora marginata

Background imageCrab Collection: Porcelain crab, shrimp and extinct crustacean

Porcelain crab, shrimp and extinct crustacean
Porcelain crab, Porcellana species 1, shrimp, Megalopa mutica 2, and fossil of extinct crustacean, Eryon cuvieri 3. Porcellana larga-chela, Megalopa mutica, Erio di Cuvier

Background imageCrab Collection: Narwal shrimp, leptostracan and mysid shrimp

Narwal shrimp, leptostracan and mysid shrimp
Narwal shrimp, Plesionika narval 1-4, leptostracan, Nebalia herbstii 5, and mysid shrimp, Mysis oculata 6

Background imageCrab Collection: Crown crab and Indian egera crab

Crown crab and Indian egera crab
Crown crab, Hymenosoma orbiculare 1, and Indian egera crab, Phalangipus indicus 2. Imenosomo orbicolare, Egeria dell India

Background imageCrab Collection: Tiger crab and frog crab

Tiger crab and frog crab
Tiger crab, Orithyia sinica 1, and frog crab, Notopus dorsipes 2. Oritia mammillare, Ranina dorsipede

Background imageCrab Collection: Mediterranean buckthorn, Rhamnus alaternus

Mediterranean buckthorn, Rhamnus alaternus
Italian buckthorn or Mediterranean buckthorn, Rhamnus alaternus. Nerprun alaterne

Background imageCrab Collection: Pisa tetraodon and Micippa philyra

Pisa tetraodon and Micippa philyra
Pisa tetraodon 1, and spider crab, Micippa philyra 2. Pisa tetraodonte, Micippa filira

Background imageCrab Collection: Shaggy sponge crab and Dynomene hispida

Shaggy sponge crab and Dynomene hispida
Shaggy sponge crab, Dromidia hirsutissima 1 and Dynomene hispida 2. Dromia irsutissima, Dinomene ispida

Background imageCrab Collection: Fossils of extinct corals

Fossils of extinct corals. Receptaculites 1, Aptychus 2. Recettaculite di Nettuno, Trigonellite di Parkinson

Background imageCrab Collection: Fossils of extinct molluscs

Fossils of extinct molluscs. Ichthyosarcolites triangularis 1 and Gervillia solenoidea 2. Ittiosarcolite triangolare, Gervillia solenoide

Background imageCrab Collection: Himalayan goji berry, Lycium barbarum

Himalayan goji berry, Lycium barbarum, Licio di Barberia

Background imageCrab Collection: Fiddler crab and angular crab

Fiddler crab and angular crab
Fiddler crab, Gelasimus vocans 1, and angular crab, Goneplax rhomboides 2. Gelasimo di Marion, Gonoplace romboide

Background imageCrab Collection: Himber tree, Rajania cordata

Himber tree, Rajania cordata
Himber, Rajania cordata, Raiane en coeur

Background imageCrab Collection: Swimming crab and moon crab

Swimming crab and moon crab
Swimming crab, Polybius henslowii 1, and moon crab, Matuta victor 2. Polibio di Henslow, Matuta vittoriosa

Background imageCrab Collection: Coral clinging crab, arrow crab and Leachs spider crab

Coral clinging crab, arrow crab and Leachs spider crab
Coral clinging crab, Mithrax hispidus 1, arrow crab, Stenorhynchus lanceolatus 2, and Leachs spider crab, Inachus phalangium 3. Mitrace a margini spinosi, Pattolo di Bosc, Macropodia Falangio

Background imageCrab Collection: Periscope crab and flower crab

Periscope crab and flower crab
Periscope crab, Podophthalmus vigil 1, and flower crab, Portunus pelagicus 2. Podoftalmo spinoso, Lupa pelagica

Background imageCrab Collection: Hemigrapsus penicillatus and Potamon fluviatile

Hemigrapsus penicillatus and Potamon fluviatile
Varunid crab, Hemigrapsus penicillatus 1 and freshwater crab, Potamon fluviatile 2 Grapso penicillato, Telfusa fluviatile

Background imageCrab Collection: Olax stricta

Olax stricta. Spermaxirum strictum, Olace stremenzita

Background imageCrab Collection: Horned ghost crab and zombie crab

Horned ghost crab and zombie crab
Horned ghost crab, Ocypode ceratophthalmus 1, and zombie crab, Gecarcinus ruricola 2. Ocipode ceratostalmo, Gecarcino tourlourou

Background imageCrab Collection: Species of crab

Species of crab. Ebalia tuberosa 1, Leucosia craniolaris 2, Ilia nucleus 3. Ehalia di Pennant, Leucosia craniolare, Ilia nocciolo

Background imageCrab Collection: Warty crab and flat rock crab

Warty crab and flat rock crab
Warty crab or yellow crab, Eriphia verrucosa 1, and flat rock crab, Percnon planissimum 2. Erifia fronte spinosa, Plagusia clavimana

Background imageCrab Collection: Panama tree or camoruco, Sterculia apetala

Panama tree or camoruco, Sterculia apetala. Sterculia chicha, Sterculia chica

Background imageCrab Collection: Species of shrimp

Species of shrimp. Spirontocaris spinus 1, Hippolyte variabilis 2, Penaeus species 3, Processa canaliculata 4, Athanas nitescens 5

Background imageCrab Collection: Carrier crab and dorripd crab

Carrier crab and dorripd crab
Carrier crab or porter crab, Homola barbata 1, and dorripd crab, Medorippe lanata 2. Omola fronte-spinosa, Dorippe lanosa

Background imageCrab Collection: Bristly crab, light-blue soldier crab and pea crab

Bristly crab, light-blue soldier crab and pea crab
Bristly crab, Pilumnus hirtellus 1, light-blue soldier crab, Mictyris longicarpus 2, pea crab, Pinnotheres pisum 3. Pilunno irto, Mittire longicarpo, Pinnotere pisello

Background imageCrab Collection: European spider crab, Maja squinado

European spider crab, Maja squinado

Background imageCrab Collection: Edible crab and furrowed crab

Edible crab and furrowed crab
Edible crab or brown crab, Cancer pagurus 1, and furrowed crab or Montagus crab, Xantho hydrophilus 2. Granchio Paguro, Santo Florida

Background imageCrab Collection: Fossils of extinct sea snails

Fossils of extinct sea snails. Proto maraschinii, Turritella, Potamides fragilis, Nerina tuberculosa. Proto del Maraschiini, Proto turritella, Potamide fragile, Nerina turbercolosa

Background imageCrab Collection: Coarse stinkweed, Opercularia aspera

Coarse stinkweed, Opercularia aspera

Background imageCrab Collection: Velvet swimming crab and marbled swimming crab

Velvet swimming crab and marbled swimming crab
Velvet swimming crab, Necora puber 1 and marbled swimming crab, Liocarcinus marmoreus 2. Portuno stregghia, Portuno marezzato

Background imageCrab Collection: Scorpion spider crab and Leachs spider crab

Scorpion spider crab and Leachs spider crab
Scorpion spider crab, Inachus dorsettensis 1, and Leachs spider crab, Inachus phalangium 2. Inaco scorpione, Inaco dorinco

Background imageCrab Collection: Species of ostracods

Species of ostracods. Cypris fusca 1, Cypris ornata 2, 3, Cypris vidua 4, Cypris unifasciata 5, 6, Cypris monacha 7, Cythere lutea 8

Background imageCrab Collection: Circular crab and swimming crab

Circular crab and swimming crab
Circular crab, Atelecyclus rotundatus 1, and swimming crab, Portumnus latipes 2. Ateleciclo con sette denti, Portunno variegato

Background imageCrab Collection: Copepod species

Copepod species
Species of copepods. Cyclops vulgaris 1-4, Diaptomus castor 5, Cyclops staphylinus 6

Background imageCrab Collection: Atlantic horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus

Atlantic horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus. Percilopi Limulo polifemo

Background imageCrab Collection: Horn coral and extinct coral

Horn coral and extinct coral
Horn coral or spine coral, Hydnophora exesa 1, and extinct Turbinolia sulcata 2. Monticolaria foglia 1, Turbinolia solcata 2

Background imageCrab Collection: Illuminated calendar for May 1846

Illuminated calendar for May 1846
Calendar for May with figures of Olee and St. Thomas, quote from Ephesians, disciples, Adam and Eve, birds, foliage and castles. From an illuminated Book of Hours of the Duke the Anjou. 1380

Background imageCrab Collection: Reconstruction of extinct synapsid dinosaur Dimetrodon

Reconstruction of extinct synapsid dinosaur Dimetrodon
Reconstruction of an extinct synapsid dinosaur Dimetrodon, Cisuralian (Early Permian), North America, 3m

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