Elizabeth Inchbald, English novelist, actress, and dramatistElizabeth Inchbald (1753-1821), English novelist, actress, and dramatist. She married the actor Joseph Inchbald
Scissor-tailed flycatcher, white bellbird and Andean cock-of-theScissor-tailed flycatcher, Tyrannus forficatus 1, white bellbird, Procnias albus 2, and Andean cock-of-the-rock, Rupicola peruvianus 3
Pacific robin, white-winged fairywren and rainbow pittaPacific robin, Petroica pusilla 1, white-winged fairywren, Malurus leucopterus 2 and rainbow pitta, Pitta iris 3
Friarbird and lyrebirdNoisy friarbird, Philemon corniculatus, and Albert's lyrebird, Menura alberti, building a nest
Hummingbird speciesEcuadorian hillstar, Oreotrochilus chimborazo 1, green-bearded helmetcrest, Oxypogon guerinii 2 and white-necked jacobin, Florisuga mellivora 3
Paradise kingfisher, Victoria's riflebird and extinct huiaNumfor paradise kingfisher, Tanysiptera carolinae 1, Victoria's riflebird, Lophorina victoriae 2, and extinct huia or New Zealand wattlebird, Heteralocha acutirostris 3
Jamaican tody, respendlent quetzal and banded broadbillJamaican tody, Todus todus 1, resplendent quetzal, Pharomachrus mocinno 2, and banded broadbill, Eurylaimus javanicus 3
Oilbird, swiftlets and mustached treeswiftOilbird or guacharo, Steatornis caripensis 1, white-rumped swiftlet, Aerodramus spodiopygius 2, Indian edible-nest swiftlet, Collocalia nidifica 2, and mustached treeswift, Hemiprocne mystacea 3
Canada goose, Mandarin duck and hooded merganserCanada goose, Branta canadensis 1, Mandarin duck, Aix galericulata 2, hooded merganser, Lophodytes cucullatus 3
Black skimmer, Oriental darter and emperor penguinBlack skimmer, Rhynchops nigra 1, Oriental darter, Anhinga melanogaster 2, and emperor penguin, Aptenodytes forsteri 3
Egyptian vulture, Andean condor, and wedge-tailed eagleEndangered Egyptian vulture, Neophron percnopterus 1, Andean condor, Vultur gryphus 2, wedge-tailed eagle, Aquila audax 3, and head of snowy owl, Bubo scandiacus 4
Asian openbill, pheasant-tailed jacana and takaheAsian openbill, Anastomus oscitans 1, pheasant-tailed jacana, Hydrophasianus chirurgus 2, and endangered takahe, Porphyrio hochstetteri 3
Blood pheasant, wattled curassow and mountain quailBlood pheasant, Ithaginis cruentus 1, endangered wattled curassow, Crax globulosa 2, and mountain quail, Oreortyx pictus 3
Gweela and orange-footed scrubfowlAustralian brushturkey or gweela, Alectura lathami 1, and orange-footed scrubfowl, Megapodius reinwardt 2
Kakapo, Major Mitchell's cockatoo and Alexandrine parakeetCritically endangered kakapo or owl parrot, Strigops habroptilus 1, Major Mitchell's cockatoo, Lophochroa leadbeateri 2 and Alexandrine parakeet, Psittacula eupatria 3
Tooth-billed pigeon, white-bibbed fruit dove and Luzon bleedingCritically endangered tooth-billed pigeon, Didunculus strigirostris 1, white-bibbed fruit dove, Ptilinopus rivoli 2, and Luzon bleeding-heart, Gallicolumba luzonica 3
Green-billed toucan, curl-crested aracari and ivory-billed woodpGreen-billed toucan, Ramphastos dicolorus 1, curl-crested aracari, Pteroglossus beauharnaisii 2, and critically endangered ivory-billed woodpecker, Campephilus principalis 3
Satin and fawn-breasted bowerbirdsSatin bowerbird, Ptilonorhynchus violaceus, building a nest 1 and fawn-breasted bowerbird, Chlamydera cerviniventris 2
Sociable weaver, large ground finch and Gouldian finchSociable weaver, Philetairus socius 1, large ground finch, Geospiza magnirostris 2, and Gouldian finch, Chloebia gouldiae 3
Blue jay, king and greater birds-of-paradiseBlue jay, Cyanocitta cristata 1, king bird-of-paradise, Cicinnurus regius 2, and greater bird-of-paradise, Paradisaea apoda 3
Blue-eared pheasant, Palawan peacock-pheasant and Lady Amherst'sBlue eared pheasant, Crossoptilon auritum 1, Palawan peacock-pheasant, Polyplectron napoleonis 2, and Lady Amherst's pheasant, Chrysolophus amherstiae 3
View of Langley House, in Long-Acre, Covent Garden, 1807
Mrs. Frances Abington, English actress and fashion leaderMrs. Frances Abington (1737-1815), English actress who performed at Drury Lane and Covent Garden. In bonnet with plumes and veil, dress with lacey collar and large ribbon bow tied at the bosom
Louisa Brunton, English actress who performed at Covent GardenMiss Louisa Brunton (1785-1860), English actress who performed at Covent Garden, London. She became the Countess of Craven in 1812 on her marriage to General William Craven, 1st Earl of Craven
Miss Sophia Lee (1750-1824), English dramatist and authorPortrait of Miss Sophia Lee (1750-1824), English dramatist and author of The Chapter of Accidents, the historical romance The Recess, or a Tale of other Times, etc
Joseph Munden, English comic actorMr. Joseph Munden (1758-1832), English comic actor who performed at Covent Garden and Drury Lane. In wig, high-collar coat with cravat
Mrs Frances Abington or Fanny Abington, English actressMrs Frances Abington or Fanny Abington (1737-1815), English actress who performed at Drury Lane and Covent Garden. Born Frances Baeton, she married royal trumpeter and music teacher James Abington
Joseph Shepherd Munden (1758-1832), English comedian, actor and manager who appeared at Drury Lane and Covent Garden. In wig, overcoat and white cravat
John Philip Kemble, English actor at Drury Lane and Covent GardeJohn Philip Kemble (1757-1823), English actor-manager at Drury Lane and Covent Garden theatres. Son of Roger Kemble, actor-manager of a touring troupe
Oval portrait of Joseph George Holman, English actor, dramatistOval portrait of Joseph George Holman (1764-1817), English actor, dramatist and actor-manager
William Pocock's reclining patent chair, 1813Pocock's reclining patent chair. Reclining fauteuil chair with sliding footstools and reading desk. A Designed with classical taste by the ingenious inventors, Messrs
Charlotte Wattell, Mrs Twisleton, English actressCharlotte Wattell, English Georgian actress and singer, wife of Thomas Twisleton, 1770-1812. Hair in ringlets, dress with ruffles, pearl choker
Gothic side table and cellaret designed by John TaylorA Gothic side table designed by John Taylor, upholsterer and furniture designer at Bedford Court, Covent Garden, London 1821-1829. The table is of carved wood with eight legs on plafforms
Two chairs designed by John Taylor, upholsterer and furniture designer at Bedford Court, Covent Garden, London 1821-1829
A drawing-room sofa designed by John Taylor, upholsterer and furniture designer at Bedford Court, Covent Garden, London 1821-1829
Regency lady in lace evening dress decorated with leaves, 1820Regency lady in lace evening dress decorated with leaves
Regency lady in evening dress reading a musical score, 1820Regency lady in evening dress reading a musical score. Round dress in white crape over sarsnet slip, trimmed with roses, black velours corsage, hair decorated with flowers and pearls
Regency lady in mourning evening dress, 1820Regency lady in mourning evening dress at a party, seated on a chair with footrest.. Black crape dress over sarsnet slip, white crepe trim, demi-cornette under a black crape hat
Regency lady in evening dress reading a musical score, 1820Regency lady in evening dress reading a musical score. Black crape round dress over sarsnet slip, single flounce edged with bugles, low-cut bodice with tucker, black toque with bugles
Regency lady in evening dress reading a book, 1819Regency lady in evening dress reading a book at a party. Dress of cambric muslin with flounce of Urling's lace at bottom, new-style pelerine at the bust, cornette a la Valliere head-dress
Lady in evening dress for a private concert, 1819Regency lady in evening dress for a private concert standing next to a harp
Regency lady in evening dress with bandeau headdress, 1819Regency lady in evening dress. Round dress of pink polka dot gauze with flounces, bodice with lace and bows, lace scarf, bandeau headdress with feather
Regency lady in morning dress sealing a letter, 1819Regency lady in morning dress sealing a letter with wax at a writing table
Regency woman in court dress, 1820Regency woman in court dress with blue satin petticoat under lace petticoat, white satin corsage, blue zephyrine robe. Hair in ringlets with ostrich feathers
Regency woman in evening dress seated on a stool, 1820Regency woman in full evening dress seated on a stool, holding a fan, 1820
Regency lady in evening dress, 1820Regency lady in evening dress seated on a chair at a party
Traditional Ironmongers ShopF. W. Collins & Sons Ltd. 14 Earlham Street, Covent Garden, London WC2. A family ironmongers business for 7 generations. The eldest son was alwas called Fred so that the name would not change