Rasputin, Grigory Yefimovich (1872-1916). Siberian monk, Tsar Nicholas IIs councillor. Portrait of Rasputin. Photography. RUSSIA
The new coffee tavern at BradfordInterior and exterior views of the new coffee tavern in Bradford, inaugurated by W. E Forster, M.P in 1879. The Coffee Tavern movement was a Victorian effort to get people out of pubs
Councillor to Parliament in town costume, late 18th centuryRear view of the town costume of a Councillor to Parliament, during the reign of King Louis XVI, 1774-1792. With long wig, black bicorne, coat and hose, white lace cuffs and gloves
Councillor to a Parlement of France, 1555. In scarlet mantle with full sleeves, robe with ruff collar. Conseiller au Parlement sous le Regne de Henry II
Fragment of tombstone with relief depicting a warriorFragment of a tombstone with relief depicting a warrior, ruler of La Coruna. 1475-1499. From the Convent of Santo Domingo (A Coruna, Galicia, Spain)
Juan Bravo (1484-1521). Castilian nobleman. He took part during the War of the Communities of Castile. Illustration by Santigo Llanta. Lithograph
Hernando de Villafane. Spanish commander and alderman in the Leon City Council, 17th century. Knight of the Order of Santiago. Portrait. Illustration by Letre. Detail. Lithography
Editorial Board, Daily Worker newspaper, LondonEditorial Board of the Daily Worker newspaper, London: J R Campbell, William Rust, Professor J Bs Haldane, the Dean of Canterbury (Hewlett Johnson), R Page Arnot, Councillor J Owen, Sean O'Casey
David Wetzel, trades unionist in the transport industryDavid (Dave) Wetzel (b 1942), trades unionist (TGWU) with a background in London Transport and Transport for London, where he began his working life as a bus conductor, driver and inspector
ALL EQUAL IN DEATHCouncillor and king, woman and child - together in death Date: 1808
Councillor William AgarView of Councillor Agars house in Somers Town, London 1830
Councillor to the Parlement de Paris, reign of King Henri III of France
Monumental Brass Rubbing, Edward and Dorothy WottonMonumental Brass Rubbing, Sir Edward Wotton and his wife Dorothy, Boughton Malherbe, Kent. Sir Edward Wotton (1489-1551) was Treasurer of Calais and a privy councillor to King Edward VI of England
Henry Fisher, of the Common Council, City of London. 1836
Common CouncilmanCostume, Common Councilman. 19th century
Joseph Chamberlain, as a Birmingham City councillorJoseph Chamberlain, early portrait as a Birmingham City councillor. 19th century
COUNCILLOR / VOTER 1970SThe councillor-elect Rupert Kinross talks to a constituent in Shepperton Date: 1970s
Johannes BaumannJOHANNES BAUMANN Federal Councillor of Switzerland, representing the Free Democratic Party. Swiss President in 1938. Date: 1874 - 1953
Marcel Pilet-GolazMARCEL PILET-GOLAZ Federal Councillor of Switzerland, representing the Free Democratic Party. Swiss President 1934 and 1940. Date: 1889 - 1958
Rudolf Minger, Swiss Federal Councillor, President (1935) and Vice President (1934, 1940) of Switzerland. Date: 1881 - 1955
Sir Reginald BraySIR REGINALD BRAY English statesman, Privy Councillor to Henry VII
Councillor Ennes Street, Beira, Mozambique, East AfricaCouncillor Ennes Street, Beira, Mozambique, Portuguese East Africa. Date: circa 1920
Cartoon, Councillor Wilders at his EngineCartoon, Councillor Wilders, Chairman of the Fire Brigade Committee, at his Engine. 1888
Costume styles, 17th century, from left to right: Dutch couple circa 1610, French couple circa 1640, King Louis XIV and his wife (Maria Theresa of Spain) circa 1670
Samuel FavellSAMUEL FAVELL Common councillor of London and political reformer. with his autograph Date: 1754 - 1830
ERNST WETTER (1877-1963)Ernst Wetter, Swiss Federal Councillor, Head of Finance (1939 - 1943). President of Switzerland 1941. Here with a drink in one hand, standing next to his seated wife. Date: 1877 - 1963
German Officials 1670German professionals (possibly legal dress): full-bottomed wigs, hats with cocked brims, coats with deep turned back cuffs like boot-cuffs, cloaks. Date: 1670
ENRICO CELIO (1889-1980)Enrico Celio, Swiss politician and Federal Councillor of Switzerland from 1940 to 1950. President of Switzerland twice, in 1943 and 1948. Date: 1889 - 1980
Group photo, Essex football team 1894Group photo, Essex football team: Russell, Wells, Sheldrake, Porter, Brewerton, Johnson, Baker, Earle, Hughes, Mayes (Captain), Porter, Markham
Woman wearing a dress of English silk with hair in the councillor style.. Handcolored lithograph from Fashions and Customs of Marie Antoinette and her Times, by Le Comte de Reiset, Paris, 1885
PICO, Jos頨17th century). Conseller Quart (CouncillorPICO, Jos頨 17th century). Conseller Quart (Councillor fourth) of the Consell de Cent (Council of One Hundred). Government of the city of Barcelona. 1692. Painting. SPAIN. CATALONIA. Barcelona
Queens Scout selling Coronation programmeQueens Scout A Summerfield of the 1st Leighton Buzzard Group selling a Coronation programme to local councillor F A Meyer JP, at the time of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II on 2 June 1953
Sir Edgar Speyer (1862-1932), 1st Baronet. American born financier and philanthropist, chairman of the Underground Electric Railways Company of London from 1906 to 1915 and a Privy Councillor
Councillor James A. Doran, JP 1848-1934 (1930). Conor, William 1881-1968. Portrait of Councillor James A. Doran. Date: 1930
Earl of MintoGilbert Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, 4th Earl of Minto (1845-1914) - Governor-General of Canada (1898-1904) and Viceroy Governor-General of India (1905-1910)
SOROLLA, Joaqu(1863-1923). People from RoncalSOROLLA, Joaqu (1863-1923). People from Roncal. 1912. Oil on canvas. Private Collection
GUALBES, Juan de (16th century). Head Councillor of Barcelona in 1595. Painting. SPAIN. Barcelona. Barcelona City History Museum
Johann Heinrich BoeclerJOHANN HEINRICH BOECLER German philologist, churchman and councillor. Date: 1611 - 1692
Pierre BrousselPIERRE BROUSSEL - French statesman, councillor of the Paris Parlement, who opposed Mazarins fiscal policy, for which he was arrested, leading to the Fronde popular rising. Date: FLOURISHED 1648
Council of the South Arabian Boy Scouts AssociationMembers of the Council of the South Arabian Boy Scouts Association sitting in the audience at the Annual General Meeting in Aden, Yemen. 1965
Leviathan refuelingThe fuel ship British Councillor bunkering (refueling) the large liner Leviathan
John HamiltonJOHN HAMILTON privy councillor who strongly opposed the union of England with Scotland
Johann Lorenz FleischerJOHANN LORENZ FLEISCHER German lawyer and councillor