Bust of Maecenas, political advisor to OctavianGaius Cilnius Maecenas c. 70 BC - 8 BC, friend and political advisor to Octavian, who later reigned as Augustus. Signed by AVAOY in cornelian and dactylotheca. Maecenas in Cornel & Dactyl
Lion in cornelian and dactylotheca. Leo in Carneolo & Dactyl. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville
Unknown woman, perhaps the Lemnian AthenaUnknown woman by Heioy or Heius. Perhaps the Lemnian Athena. On cornelian and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville. Incognita in Carneolo & Dactyl
Etruscan faun playing with a tiger. In cornelian and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville. Faunus Etruscus Tigride ludens in Cor. & Dactyl
Egyptian chimera with lion's head, goat's body and dragon's tail. On cornelian and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville
The lyre player on cornelian and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville. Lyricen in Carneolo & Dactyl
Portrait of Othryadess, Spartan warriorPortrait of Othryades or Othryadas, the last surviving Spartan of the 300 Spartans selected to fight against 300 Argives in the Battle of the 300 Champions. In cornelian and dactylotheca
Portrait of Mercury, Roman god of communicationPortrait of Mercury, Roman god of commerce and communication with lyre, petasos, cloak and winged ankles. In cornelian and dactylotheca. From the collection of antiquarian Charles Francis Greville
Unknown figure in profile in carnelian and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville. Incognito in Cornel. & Dactyl. Hon. C. F. Greville
Ovid, Roman Augustan poet, 43 BC-c.17 ADOvid, Roman poet who lived during the reign of Augustus, 43 BC-c.17 AD. In laurel crown. Engraved cornelian gem. Publius Ovidius Naso. Incis. in Corneola
Solon, Athenian statesman and poet, c.630-560 BCSolon, Athenian statesman, constitutional lawmaker and poet, c.630-560 BC. Depicted as an old man of about 80. Engraved gem in cornelian. Solon in Corneola
Roman messenger god Mercury in petasosHead of the Roman messenger god Mercury in petasos hat or helmet. Etruscan Turms, Greek Hermes. From a cornelian gem. Mercurius Incis in Corneola
Emperor Julian as Graeco-Egyptian deity SerapisGraeco-Egyptian deity Serapis in breastplate and modius headdress. Roman Emperor Julian (331-363) rejected Christianity and was depicted as the god Serapis in this engraved cornelian gem
Etruscan haruspex holding a bird in his right hand. In Etruscan religion, the haruspex found omens or augurs in the entrails of sacrificed animals. From an engraved cornelian gem. Haruspex Etruscus
Allegorical figure of Rome with Romulus and RemusAllegorical figure of Rome, with spear, cloak, crested Corinthian helmet, Victoria and globe. She is surrounded by birds and the she-wolf Lupa nursing the twins Romulus and Remus
The shepherd Faustulus finding Romulus and Remus suckled by the she-wolf Lupa. In Roman mythology, the twins would become founders of Rome. From an engraved cornelian gem
Greek hero Diomedes with the Palladium statue of Athena stolen from Troy. From an engraved cornelian gem in the collection of Marcello Venuti. Diomedes in Corneola apud March Marcellum de Venutis
Daedalus fixing wings on his son Icarus. In Greek myth, Daedalus was an Athenian craftsman and architect of the labyrinth of Crete. Taitle and Vikare in Etruscan. From an engraved cornelian gem
A mounted Amazon spearing a lion (or chimera)A mounted Amazon impaling a lion (or chimera) with a spear. Woman warrior in helmet, breastplate, skirt and boots armed with a lance. From an engraved cornelian gem
Allegorical figure of Piety holding a veilAllegorical figure of Piety wearing a robe, holding a veil, next to a column with tripod, a stork at her feet. From an engraved cornelian gem. Pietas Incis in Corneola
Fortuna with cornucopia and gubernaculumFigure of Fortuna, Roman goddess of fortune, with cornucopia (horn of plenty) and gubernaculum (ship's rudder). From an engraved cornelian gem. Fortuna. Incis in Corneola
A lion holding a butterfly in its mouth. The lion was attributed to Diana, Cybele, Ceres and Isis. From an engraved cornelian gem. Leo Papilion Ore Ferens in Corneol in Acad. Etrus
Hercules subduing the three-headed hellhound CerberusRoman hero Hercules subduing the three-headed hellhound Cerberus. From an engraved cornelian gem. Hercules Cerberum Domans in Corn ap March de Venutis
Roman god Mercury with caduceus and winged hatRoman god Mercury with caduceus, staff, winged petasos hat and winged feet. In Etruscan religion, messenger god and god of trade Turms. Roman Mercury, Greek Hermes. From an engraved cornelian gem
Roman god Amor attacking a dolphinRoman god Amor riding a swan and attacking a dolphin with a trident. From an engraved cornelian gem owned by Ridolfino Venuti. Amor Cycno Insid Tridente Delphin Impetens in Corneol ap Rodulph Venuti
Venus, Roman goddess of love, offering a ball to Cupid. The Etruscan goddess of love and fertility was Turan. From an engraved cornelian gem. Venus Inci. in Corneola
Symbols of the Greek god Apollo, Etruscan ApuluSymbols of the Greek god Apollo: raven standing on a quiver, bow and arrows, holding a weighing scale in its beak. A thunderbolt over its head. Apulu, chthonic sky god, to the Etruscans
Caelestis Afrorum Dea riding a lionCaelestis Afrorum Dea, Roman goddess in crown, riding a lion, clutching thunderbolts. Known in Carthage as Tanit or Tanith, the Punic sky goddess. From an engraved cornelian gem. Dea Coelestis Inci
Apollo, god of music and dance, and his attributesFragment of the face of Apollo, god of music and dance, Apollo Musicus holding a lyre from a cameo in Stosch's collection, figure of Apollo with bow from a cameo in the Marlborough Collection
Figure of Diomedes, with the PalladiumFigure of Diomedes with short sword holding the Palladium, a wooden image of Pallas. King of Argos, hero in the Trojan War. On cornelian in the Duke of Devonshire's collection
Gems illustrating Cupid and Psyche. Cameo in the Florentine Museum (top), Cupid burning a butterfly on cornelian in the possession of Mr
Head of Psyche, Greek goddess of the soul, holding a butterfly on her throat. From a cast engraved on cornelian in Tassie's collection
Fragments and attributes of Roman god Jupiter
The marriage of Cupid and Psyche. Winged Cupid, god of love, with bow and arrow approaches the seated figure of Psyche, Greek goddess of the soul
Bust of bearded Hercules the Cynic, Greek hero. In cornelian. Hercole cinico. In corniola
Bust profile of a poetess in cornelianBust profile of a poetess in laurel wreath in cornelian. Or a priestess laureate. Poetessa in corniola
Aristomachus of Soli, ancient Greek entomologistAristomachus of Soli, natural historian who studied bees for 62 years. Seated bearded man watching bees on a plant pot. In cornelian. Aristomaco in corniola
Exotic hunting spectacle from the Roman Circus in cornelian. Men and women mounted on horesback with lances watch lions hunt bull and boar chased by hounds. Caccia in corniola
Nereid riding hippocamps in the oceanSea nymph or Nereid riding two hippocamps in the ocean. In cornelian. Nereide in corniola
Mercury with his caduceus riding a ramNaked Mercury with his caduceus riding a ram. Mercurio cum Ariete in corniola. Romae MDCLXX
Lyre of the Greek god Apollo in cornelian. With two dolphins, his sacred animal, for sides and a bull for a base. Lira di Apollo in corgnola
Rooster of Mars, Roman god of war, on a globeRooster of Mars, Roman god of war, standing in triumph on a globe. The bird holds a triumphal helmet and cuirass. In cornelian. Gallo di Marte, in corniola
Mercury with his sacred bird, a rooster with ear of wheat. The Roman god of commerce and commyunication holds a caduceus. In cornelian. Gallo et Mercurio in corniola
Eagle and dog, celestial or Zodiac signnsEagle and dog, celestial or Zodiac signs, in cornelian. The Thebans worship the eagle, and the Cynopolitans in Egypt worship the dog. Aquila et cane, in corniola
Triumphal eagle with laurel wreath on a column. Standard of a Roman legion known as Aquila Lucano. With two cornucopia, globe and dolphins. In cornelian. Aquila trionfale. In corniola
Bust of Virgil or Vergil, ancient Roman poet, author of the Aenied, 70-19 BC. In laural wreath facing a Bucolic mask. Publius Vergilius Maro. Virgil. in carnelian. Virgilio. In corniola
Bust of Silenus, companion to the wine god DionysusBust of Silenus, companion and tutor to the wine god Dionysus in Greek mythology. In carnelian. Sileno. In corniola
Bust of Philemon, Athenian poet and playwright of the New Comedy, c. 362 - c. 262 BC. In cornelian. Filemone. In corniola
Bust of Egyptian gods Isis and SerapisIsis and Serapis. Serapis, Greaco-Egyptian sun deity wearing a modius or calato, a cylindrical crown decorated with vine leaves and rushes
Bird of paradise flower, Strelitzia reginaeCrane flower or bird of paradise flower, Strelitzia reginae, Strelitzia della Regina
Cornelian Bay, Scarborough, North Yorkshire - two women trapped on the beach in a storm Date: 1812
Cornelian cherry, Cornus mas (Corniolo). Handcoloured woodblock print by Wolfgang Meyerpick after an illustration by Giorgio Liberale from Pietro Andrea Mattiolis Discorsi di P.A
Gold etruscan jewelry. 350-300 BCGold etruscan jewelry. Rings. 350-300 BC. From a tomb near Tarquinia. British Museum. London. England. United Kingdom
Advert for Goldsmiths & Silversmiths jewellery 1894A selection of Victorian diamond jewellery. Date: 1894
Cornelian cherry Cornus mascula Austrian cherry with fruit on the branch.. Illustration by Miss C. Curtis (Samuels daughter), engraved by Weddell
Variety of GemstonesLeft to right, top: Onyx, cornelian, tigers eye, jet, turquoise, lapis lazuli, hematite, jade. Bottom: Ivory, amber, coral, cultured pearl, freshwater pearl, shell, cameo
Carved carnelian bowlCarnelian is a transluscent yellow to orange variety of chalcedony (micro-crystalline quartz). This bowl was once the property of Sir Hans Sloane
Birthstone Series: CarnelionA specimen of the mineral, carnelion (BM58673a) from the Natural History Museum, London. Carnelion is the birthstone for the month of July (along with Ruby). Photographed by Harry Taylor
Carnelian specimen
Zodiac Charms Virgo(cornelian)