Packing Parachutes at US Air Fields, San Antonio, Texas, USA Date: circa 1942
Costume of a woman of Granada, Andalusia, Spain, 16th century. She wears a velvet cap, large cape like a poncho, short boots with wooden soles attached by cords. Costume de femme de Grenade
Anglo Saxon soldiers and nobleman
French sofa and drawing room chair, 1812. In mahogany with French stuffed seats covered with silk, ornamented with tassels, cords, etc
Drawing-room window curtains, Regency style. Ornate gilt carving over a fringed pelmet, heavy drapes tied with tassels
James North Hardy & Son Ltd. Manchester. Aircraft Tapes & Cords - James North Hardy & Son Ltd. Date: 1919
James North Hardy & Son Ltd. Manchester. Aircraft Tapes & Cords - James North Hardy & Son Ltd. Date: 1918
James North Hardy Aircraft Tapes & Cords - James North Hardy & Son Ltd. Date: 1917
Spain, Extremadura, Badajoz. Gate of PalmsSpain, Extremadura, Badajoz. View of the Gate of Palms (Puerta de Palmas). Built in the first half of the 16th century to control the bridge over Guadiana river
Morocco - a leather goods boutique/shop/stall. Date: circa 1910s
Collar of bandoleers (bandoliers), a shoulder belt used to hold sets of ammunition, with cords, rings, bullet-bag and primer. Date: 17th century
Advert, John Todd & Son, Rope Manufacturers, RutherglenAdvert for John Todd & Son, Rope and Twine Manufacturers and Yarn Spinners, Rutherglen, Scotland. 1905
Fairy with flowers and a butterfly on a greetings cardFairy in moonlight with flowers and a butterfly on a greetings card. Date: circa 1900s
Two Lovers - ShamisenTwo Japanese lovers play the shamisen. The girl touches the cords, whilst her lover determines the sounds by the pressure of his fingers on the strings. Date: 18th century
Peruvian QuipoQuipos - coloured cords, with knots at appropriate points, enabled the ancient Peruvians and Mexicans to communicate in a non-verbal manner
Fairy looking at a squirrel on a greetings card -- To bring you all good wishes. Date: circa 1900s
Mouldings and cornices, Plate 175Best English gilt, oak, maple and rosewood mouldings, cornices, picture cords, etc, Plate 175, showing a range of styles and patterns. Date: circa 1880s
Pauls Male BoutiqueA young man and an old man, side by side, window shopping at Pauls Male Boutique, Carnaby Street, London. Date: 1960s
Autumn Dress 1899Grey & black dress: open bodice, embroidered revers with short cape, gored skirt with pleated panels contained to the knee with cords & buttons & flaring out below. 1899
Initiation of the Sovereign Commander of the TempleAt the end of the procession, the candidate is release from the cords that bind him to show the difference between being a slave and a free man. Date: 1890s
Belgian Grotto 4Hollow cords, junctions and stalagmites at Tilff
Fireworks on Cords / 1626Rockets attached to cords, accompanied by a dragon in flight