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Coral Collection

Background imageCoral Collection: The attack carrier USS Coral Sea enters Pearl Harbour

The attack carrier USS Coral Sea enters Pearl Harbour
September 1960

Background imageCoral Collection: Lichens

Lichens: coral lichen, Cladia retipora 1, cup lichen, Cladonia perfoliata 2, Cladonia cervicornis ssp

Background imageCoral Collection: Sinking of the Emden

Sinking of the Emden
The predatory German cruiser Emden is sunk upon coral reef by the Australians

Background imageCoral Collection: Caiman crocodilus crocodilus and Anilius scytale

Caiman crocodilus crocodilus and Anilius scytale
Spectacled caiman and South American false coral snake. Plate 69 from Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium of de Verandering der Surinaamsche Insecten (1705) by A. Maria Sybilla Merian (1647-1717)

Background imageCoral Collection: Decapoda crabs and shrimps

Decapoda crabs and shrimps: horrid elbow crab, Daldorfia horrida, sentinel crab, Podophthalmus vigil, Gibbs sea spider, Pisa armata, angular crab, Goneplax rhomboides, Solenolambrus tenellus

Background imageCoral Collection: Poster, Monaco Aquarium

Poster, Monaco Aquarium. Date: 20th century

Background imageCoral Collection: Cauliflower coral mushroom, Ramaria botrytis, edible

Cauliflower coral mushroom, Ramaria botrytis, edible.. Chromolithograph by C. Krause from Fritz Leubas Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 1890

Background imageCoral Collection: Coral fungus varieties

Coral fungus varieties
White coral fungus, Clavulina cristata (Clavaria cristata), Clavulina cinerea (Clavaria cinerea), pink-tipped coral mushroom, Ramaria botrytis (Clavaria botrytis), and wrinkled coral fungus

Background imageCoral Collection: Coral Gallery c. 1895

Coral Gallery c. 1895
Photograph of coral display cases by Anthony Gepp. The Coral Gallery opened in 1881 in the West Wing of the Waterhouse Building. Date: 1881

Background imageCoral Collection: Tea estate, Sri Lanka

Tea estate, Sri Lanka
Australian coral tree in a tea estate in Agrapatana, Sri Lanka. Photographed by Harry Taylor

Background imageCoral Collection: Coral Snake

Coral Snake
Latin name: Elaps Corallinus

Background imageCoral Collection: Woman in ball gown of coral taffeta with silk ruffles

Woman in ball gown of coral taffeta with silk ruffles. Robe de bal en taffetas corail a volants de gaze de soie. Handcoloured pochoir (stencil) etching after an illustration by H

Background imageCoral Collection: Organ pipe coral, Tubipora chamissonis

Organ pipe coral, Tubipora chamissonis. Handcoloured steel engraving from Georg Friedrich Treitschkes Gallery of Natural History, Naturhistorischer Bildersaal des Thierreiches, Liepzig, 1842

Background imageCoral Collection: Mushroom coral species

Mushroom coral species: Amaranthus saxeus 1, Meandrina meandrites 2, Eschara retiformis 3, and Fungia fungites 4. (Amaranthus saxeus, Madrepora meandrites, Eschara retiformis, Madrepora fungites)

Background imageCoral Collection: Costumed group at Baroness D Erlangers costume ball, Venice

Costumed group at Baroness D Erlangers costume ball, Venice
A group on the theme of Neptunes Embassy at Baroness D Erlangers celebrated costume ball at the Fenice Theatre, Venice in 1926

Background imageCoral Collection: Timber Barge 1940S

Timber Barge 1940S
Underneath the arches - timber barges ( Bill and Coral ) being unloaded on the River Thames under Kingston Bridge, Surrey, England. Date: 1940s

Background imageCoral Collection: Venetian Pools, Coral Gables, Florida, USA

Venetian Pools, Coral Gables, Florida, USA
Swimmers enjoying the Venetian Pools at Coral Gables, just south of Miami, Florida, USA. Date: 1952

Background imageCoral Collection: The Tempest by William Shakespeare

The Tempest by William Shakespeare. Act I, scene II. Ariel: Full fathom five thy father lies; Of his bones are coral made; Those are pearls that were his eyes. Illustration by Edmund Dulac. Date: 1908

Background imageCoral Collection: The Mermaid - Edmund Dulac

The Mermaid - Edmund Dulac
The Merman King had been for many years a widower, but his old mother kept house for him; she was a clever woman, but so proud of her noble birth that she wore twelve oysters on her tail

Background imageCoral Collection: American pipe snake and slow worm

American pipe snake and slow worm
American pipe snake or false coral snake, Anilius scytale 1, 2, and slow worm, Anguis fragilis. Amphibia, Anguis, Coral, black banded, Jamaica, Anguis jamaiciensis, Anguis ater, Anguis coraline

Background imageCoral Collection: Gorgonian soft corals and red coral

Gorgonian soft corals and red coral
Gorgonian soft corals, Annella reticulata and Verrucella umbraculum, and red coral, Corallium rubrum

Background imageCoral Collection: Soft coral sea fan, sea whip, red tree coral and octocoral

Soft coral sea fan, sea whip, red tree coral and octocoral
Soft coral sea fan, Antillogorgia americana, sea whip, Ellisella ceratophyta, red tree coral, Primnoa resedaeformis, and octocoral, Swiftia exserta

Background imageCoral Collection: Red coral, coralline, raven and lizard

Red coral, coralline, raven and lizard
Red coral, endangered, Corallium rubrum 1, 2, Coralline algae, Corallina officinalis 3, cape crag lizard, Pseudocordylus microlepidotus 5, common raven, Corvus corax 4

Background imageCoral Collection: Elephant shrew, clam and corals

Elephant shrew, clam and corals
Round-eared elephant shrew, Macroscelides proboscideus (Macroscelides typus) 1, Atlantic surf clam, Spisula solidissima (Mactra gigantea) 2, staghorn coral, Acropora muricata (Madrepora muricata) 3

Background imageCoral Collection: Various types of coral

Various types of coral

Background imageCoral Collection: Varieties of corals

Varieties of corals. Lithograph by C. Schach from Lorenz Okens Universal Natural History, Allgemeine Naturgeschichte fur alle Stande, Stuttgart, 1841

Background imageCoral Collection: Edible mushroom and fungi varieties

Edible mushroom and fungi varieties. Including truffle, sickener, weeping milkcap, saffron milkcap, golden chanterelle, elfin sadde, Caesars mushroom, coral mushroom and morel. Lithograph by J.H

Background imageCoral Collection: Chinese wisteria, Wisteria sinensis

Chinese wisteria, Wisteria sinensis (Wistaria sinensis)

Background imageCoral Collection: White peony, Paeonia lactiflora

White peony, Paeonia lactiflora (Paeonia albiflora). Chromolithograph from an illustration by Desire Bois from Edward Steps Favourite Flowers of Garden and Greenhouse, Frederick Warne, London, 1896

Background imageCoral Collection: Painted coral snake, Micrurus corallinus

Painted coral snake, Micrurus corallinus, native to Brazil. Handcoloured lithograph from Carl Hoffmanns Book of the World, Stuttgart, 1848

Background imageCoral Collection: Hexacorallia stony coral skeletons

Hexacorallia stony coral skeletons: Dendrophylliidae species, Pavona frondifera, Pavona divaricata, Hydnophora exesa, Pectinia lactuca, Mancinia species, Scolymia lacera, Goniastrea aspera

Background imageCoral Collection: Dusky coral pea, false sarsaparilla and blackhorm

Dusky coral pea, false sarsaparilla and blackhorm
Dusky coral pea, Kennedia rubicunda 1, false sarsaparilla, Hardenbergia violacea 2, and blackhorm. Kaempferia rotunda 3. Kenedies, Kempferie

Background imageCoral Collection: McDonnell F-4B 150419

McDonnell F-4B 150419
United States Navy - McDonnell F-4B-12-MC 150419 (MSN 205, unit code NL, call-sign 103'), of VF-151, embarked on the USS Coral Sea. Date: circa 1966

Background imageCoral Collection: A horse coral on the Elbow River, Alberta, Canada

A horse coral on the Elbow River, Alberta, Canada, early 1900s Date: early 1900s

Background imageCoral Collection: Peggy Sue, by Buddy Holly, 78prm record label

Peggy Sue, by Buddy Holly, 78prm record label
Peggy Sue, by Buddy Holly, 78rpm record label Date: circa 1957

Background imageCoral Collection: Japanese women picnicing in a field, Tokyo, 18th century

Japanese women picnicing in a field, Tokyo, 18th century
Japanese women picnicing in a field outside Tokyo, 18th century. Women smoking a tobacco pipe while waiting for a soba-shop woman to bring a kettle and tray of noodles

Background imageCoral Collection: Coral tree, Erythrina crista-galli

Coral tree, Erythrina crista-galli. Chromolithograph from an illustration by Desire Bois from Edward Steps Favourite Flowers of Garden and Greenhouse, Frederick Warne, London, 1896

Background imageCoral Collection: Porcelain crab, shrimp and extinct crustacean

Porcelain crab, shrimp and extinct crustacean
Porcelain crab, Porcellana species 1, shrimp, Megalopa mutica 2, and fossil of extinct crustacean, Eryon cuvieri 3. Porcellana larga-chela, Megalopa mutica, Erio di Cuvier

Background imageCoral Collection: Spotted drum, Equetus punctatus

Spotted drum, Equetus punctatus Eques punctatus, Cavaliere punteggiato

Background imageCoral Collection: Fossils of extinct molluscs

Fossils of extinct molluscs. Ichthyosarcolites triangularis 1 and Gervillia solenoidea 2. Ittiosarcolite triangolare, Gervillia solenoide

Background imageCoral Collection: Swimming crab and moon crab

Swimming crab and moon crab
Swimming crab, Polybius henslowii 1, and moon crab, Matuta victor 2. Polibio di Henslow, Matuta vittoriosa

Background imageCoral Collection: Coral clinging crab, arrow crab and Leachs spider crab

Coral clinging crab, arrow crab and Leachs spider crab
Coral clinging crab, Mithrax hispidus 1, arrow crab, Stenorhynchus lanceolatus 2, and Leachs spider crab, Inachus phalangium 3. Mitrace a margini spinosi, Pattolo di Bosc, Macropodia Falangio

Background imageCoral Collection: Horn coral and extinct coral

Horn coral and extinct coral
Horn coral or spine coral, Hydnophora exesa 1, and extinct Turbinolia sulcata 2. Monticolaria foglia 1, Turbinolia solcata 2

Background imageCoral Collection: Gutweed or grass kelp, Ulva intestinalis

Gutweed or grass kelp, Ulva intestinalis

Background imageCoral Collection: Extinct fossil coral Palaeocyclus porpita 1, and Fungia

Extinct fossil coral Palaeocyclus porpita 1, and Fungia
Extinct fossil coral Palaeocyclus porpita 1, Fungia fungites 2, 3. Ciclolite numismale, Fongia patellare, Fongia lumaca

Background imageCoral Collection: Fossils of extinct coral

Fossils of extinct coral. Chenendopora fungiformis 1, Chrysaora damaecornis 2, sponge, Eudea clavata 3, stony coral, Lochmaeosmilia radiata 4, tabulate coral, Favosites alcyon 5

Background imageCoral Collection: Bristle fern, Trichomanes elegans

Bristle fern, Trichomanes elegans, Feea polypodina, Feea polipodina

Background imageCoral Collection: Indian chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum

Indian chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum indicum, Crisantemo indiano, Matricale della China

Background imageCoral Collection: Woman in costume as a page in La Mascotte, 1880s

Woman in costume as a page in La Mascotte, 1880s
Woman in costume as a page in La Mascotte at the Theatre des Bouffes Parisiens, 1880s. Handcoloured lithograph by Chatiniere published by Martinet, Paris, 1880s

Background imageCoral Collection: Reconstruction of extinct synapsid dinosaur Dimetrodon

Reconstruction of extinct synapsid dinosaur Dimetrodon
Reconstruction of an extinct synapsid dinosaur Dimetrodon, Cisuralian (Early Permian), North America, 3m

Background imageCoral Collection: Woman in house gown of coral-print silk over a linen

Woman in house gown of coral-print silk over a linen petticoat. Aquarium with coral and goldfish. Robe d interieur en soie brochee, ouverte sur un dessous de linon

Background imageCoral Collection: Woman in tweed coat, check skirt and high laced

Woman in tweed coat, check skirt and high laced booties. Golf bag and weekend bag behind her. Petit loden tailleur en laine d Ecosse, grosses bottines lacees

Background imageCoral Collection: Porcelain vases, jardiniere, ashtray, figures, etc

Porcelain vases, jardiniere, ashtray, figures, etc
Porcelain vases, jardiniere, ashtray, figures from Geo Rouards shop A la Paix, 30 avenue d Opera. Modeles de Geo Rouard A la Paix

Background imageCoral Collection: Woman in fine serge suit with coral buttons looking

Woman in fine serge suit with coral buttons looking at herself in a mirror, choosing a hat. Costume de serge fine garni de petits boutons de corail

Background imageCoral Collection: Woman in green ratine and black velvet suit

Woman in green ratine and black velvet suit, raspberry taffeta gilet. Tailleur de ratine verte et velours noir, Gilet de taffetas fraise

Background imageCoral Collection: Woman in a blue pagoda dress with necklaces and pantaloons

Woman in a blue pagoda dress with necklaces and pantaloons. Pagode

Background imageCoral Collection: Cup caryophylla coral, Caryophyllia cyathus

Cup caryophylla coral, Caryophyllia cyathus. Handcoloured copperplate engraving drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder from William Elford Leachs Zoological Miscellany, McMillan, London, 1814

Background imageCoral Collection: Mushroom coral, Fungia fungites

Mushroom coral, Fungia fungites (Fungia agariciformis)

Background imageCoral Collection: Coral drops or elegant bessera, Bessera elegans

Coral drops or elegant bessera, Bessera elegans. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by G. Barclay after Miss Sarah Drake from John Lindley and Robert Sweets Ornamental Flower Garden and Shrubbery, G

Background imageCoral Collection: Mr. Bidwills erythrina, Erythrina bidwillii

Mr. Bidwills erythrina, Erythrina bidwillii. Flame tree or coral tree. Hybrid of Erythrina herbacea x Erythrina crista-galli

Background imageCoral Collection: Cock s-comb or cockspur coral tree, Erythrina crista-galli

Cock s-comb or cockspur coral tree, Erythrina crista-galli

Background imageCoral Collection: Porella compressa

Porella compressa (Millepora compressa)

Background imageCoral Collection: Sea fan, Gorgonia species

Sea fan, Gorgonia species (Slender gorgonia, Gorgonia viminalis?)

Background imageCoral Collection: Painted coral snake and Egyptian cobra

Painted coral snake and Egyptian cobra
Painted coral snake, Micrurus corallinus (Elaps corallinus), and Egyptian cobra, Naja haje

Background imageCoral Collection: Coral cylinder snake and common slug eater

Coral cylinder snake and common slug eater
Coral cylinder snake, Anilius scytale (Tortrix scytale), and common slug eater, Duberria lutrix (Homalosoma arctiventris)

Background imageCoral Collection: Lizards and skinks

Lizards and skinks
Caecilian, amphisbaenian or worm lizard, grass lizard, blindsnake, false coral snake, European legless lizard, and skinks

Background imageCoral Collection: Varieties of corals, seafans, polyps and sea anemones

Varieties of corals, seafans, polyps and sea anemones
Varieties of soft corals, seafans, bryozoans, polyps and sea anemones. Lithograph from Lorenz Okens Universal Natural History, Allgemeine Naturgeschichte fur alle Stande, Stuttgart, 1841

Background imageCoral Collection: Smooth flower coral, Eusmilia fastigiata

Smooth flower coral, Eusmilia fastigiata (Fastigiated madrepore, Madrepora fastigiata). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageCoral Collection: Least valley coral, Leptoria phrygia

Least valley coral, Leptoria phrygia (Lace madrepore, Madrepora phrygia). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageCoral Collection: Lace coral, Alveopora retipora

Lace coral, Alveopora retipora (Netted madrepore, Madrepora retepora). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageCoral Collection: Lettuce coral, Pectinia lactuca

Lettuce coral, Pectinia lactuca (Lettuce madrepore, Madrepora lactuca). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageCoral Collection: Cyathelia axillaris coral

Cyathelia axillaris coral (Axillary madrepore, Madrepora axillaris). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageCoral Collection: Blue gorgonia coral species

Blue gorgonia coral species (Thick-armed gorgonia, Gorgonia briareus). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageCoral Collection: Thick gorgonia, Gorgonia crassa?

Thick gorgonia, Gorgonia crassa?
Thick gorgonia, Gorgonia crassa (Candelabra coral, Plexaura flexuosa?). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageCoral Collection: Red-whip coral, Ellisella ceratophyta

Red-whip coral, Ellisella ceratophyta (Purple gorgonia, Gorgonia ceratophyta). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageCoral Collection: Blue coral, Heliopora coerulea. Vulnerable

Blue coral, Heliopora coerulea. Vulnerable. (Blue millepore, Millepora caerulea). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageCoral Collection: Halomitra pileus coral

Halomitra pileus coral (Oblong madrepore, Madrepora pileus). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageCoral Collection: Pezizoid madrepore coral, Madrepora pezizoides

Pezizoid madrepore coral, Madrepora pezizoides. Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageCoral Collection: Sea fans or Alcyonacea species

Sea fans or Alcyonacea species
Coral sea fan, Alcyonacea species, Corallium acarbarium nigrum ramosum 1, sea fan, Keratophyton crusta muricata 2, soft coral covered in stony coral 3

Background imageCoral Collection: Coral sea fans or Alcyonacea species

Coral sea fans or Alcyonacea species
Coral sea fan, Alcyonacea species, Isidis palma 1, Erica marina 2, and sea fan, Alcyonacea species, Keratophyton spinosum nigrum 3

Background imageCoral Collection: Stony coral species

Stony coral species
Stony corals: Diploria labyrinthiformis 1, Madrepora favosa 2, Madrepora astroites 3, Galaxea fascicularis 4, Amaranthus saxea 5

Background imageCoral Collection: Red coral, Corallium rubrum, and organ pipe

Red coral, Corallium rubrum, and organ pipe coral, Tubipora musica

Background imageCoral Collection: Sea fan, sea moss and sea fir corals

Sea fan, sea moss and sea fir corals
Fine coral from the Cape of Good Hope 1, sea fan, Keratophyton album 2, sea moss, Fucus longifoliis simbriatus 3, sea moss, Lichenastrum 4, and sea fir, Sertularia pennata 5

Background imageCoral Collection: Seaweed without coral bark 1, and smaller

Seaweed without coral bark 1, and smaller seaweed with yellow coral bark 2

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