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Conveniently Collection

Background imageConveniently Collection: Adam, Eve, Serpent

Adam, Eve, Serpent
Conveniently placed foliage conceals the private parts of Adam and Eve, of which they are about to become modest thanks to the apple Eve is inviting Adam to taste

Background imageConveniently Collection: Adoration of Magi

Adoration of Magi
The Magi reach Jesuss birthplace, conveniently signposted by a star

Background imageConveniently Collection: Clerkenwell Prison

Clerkenwell Prison
Engaving depicting the old House of Detention, Clerkenwell. Clerkenwell (old) Prison, also known as the Clerkenwell House of Detention or Middlesex House of Detention, was a prison in Clerkenwell

Background imageConveniently Collection: German U-Boats

German U-Boats
Terrified by German U-boats, the English pretend to be neutral (the Norwegian and British merchant navy flags are conveniently similar !)

Background imageConveniently Collection: French Workers Homes

French Workers Homes
Cites ouvrieres at Mulhouse, Alsace - conveniently close to the factory, yet each with its own garden where vegetables may be cultivated. Date: 1861

Background imageConveniently Collection: Water Tricycle - 1

Water Tricycle - 1
Several inventors propose forms of water-tricycle. Frenchman Romanes-Rousseau demonstrates his project at Marseille, on a conveniently calm day. Date: 1880

Background imageConveniently Collection: Deputies to Tennis Court

Deputies to Tennis Court
The deputies of the troisieme etat (third estate) are locked out of their meeting hall, so they adjourn to a tennis court, conveniently close at hand. Date: 20 June 1789

Background imageConveniently Collection: Hospital at Scutari

Hospital at Scutari
The hospital at Scutari and, conveniently close, the cemetery : it was here that Florence Nightingale worked

Background imageConveniently Collection: Abraham, his Son, a Ram

Abraham, his Son, a Ram
Abraham is quite prepared to sacrifice his son, but an angel says that God will be just as pleased to have a ram, conveniently caught in a thicket close by

Background imageConveniently Collection: Biarritz - Miramar Beach

Biarritz - Miramar Beach
The Miramar Plage at Biarritz, with the Bar Miramar conveniently close at hand

Background imageConveniently Collection: Social / Ranelagh Polo 20C

Social / Ranelagh Polo 20C
Polo at Ranelagh, conveniently close to London, is part of the social season : one goes there in ones best clothes - top hats and elegant dresses

Background imageConveniently Collection: Boy Picking Apples

Boy Picking Apples
A boy picks apples from a conveniently low-hanging tree, filling a wheelbarrow

Background imageConveniently Collection: Royal Cockpit, London

Royal Cockpit, London
The Royal Cockpit, located conveniently near the palace, in Birdcage Walk, St James Park, attracts sportsmen of all ranks to enjoy this delightful and exciting fun

Background imageConveniently Collection: Easter Island Figures

Easter Island Figures
Somewhat to the displeasure of the people of the island, men of the French navy destroy some of the monumental figures so that they may be more conveniently taken to France

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