Contemplating EmigrationAn Irish farmer contemplates the prospect of a new life in America
R was a rubicund rustic who wrote a romantic acrostic, in which roses and thrushes, and rabbits and rushes, to the thyme gave a flavour agrestic. Date: 1908
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Illustration by Edmund Dulac to the 12th Quatrain
The Tempest by William Shakespeare. Act V, scene I. Prospero: Where every third thought shall be my grave. Illustration by Edmund Dulac. Date: 1908
The Tempest by William Shakespeare. Act I, scene II. Prospero: And by my prescience I find my zenith doth depend upon a most auspicious star. Illustration by Edmund Dulac. Date: 1908
Bridal Ballad by Edgar Allan Poe, Dulac illustrationIllustration by Edmund Dulac to the poem Bridal Ballad by Edgar Allan Poe. Date: 1912
The Lawyer. A lawyer takes money in the middle of the street when he is bribed. Death is depicted as the centre of the scene contemplating the bribe
United States. Niagara Falls - Van der BurghUnited States. Niagara Falls. Engraving by Van der Burgh. Panorama Universal. History of the United States of America, from 1st edition of Jean B.G
United States. Niagara Falls - MilbertUnited States. Niagara Falls. Engraving by Milbert. Panorama Universal. History of the United States of America, from 1st edition of Jean B.G
Exhibition of the painting by painter Francisco PradillaSpain, Madrid. Exhibition of the painting by the Spanish painter Francisco Pradilla (1848-1921) La Rendicion de Granada (The Surrender of Granada), in the Senate conference room
Austria, Vienna. International Exhibition of Fine Arts in 1882, held in the Kunstlerhaus. The German Section. Engraving by Capuz. La Ilustracion Espanola y Americana, 1882
The Garden of El Retiro near the Walls of the Bronze HorseJose del Castillo (1737-1793). Spanish painter. The Garden of El Retiro near the Walls of the Bronze Horse, 1779. Detail. History Museum. Madrid. Spain. (On loan, Prado Museum, Madrid)
United States. Niagara Falls. Engraving by Van der Burgh. Panorama Universal. History of the United States of America, from 1st edition of Jean B.G
United States. Niagara Falls. Engraving by Milbert. Panorama Universal. History of the United States of America, from 1st edition of Jean B.G
Armourer at BelizeFoxy-Golfs tame armourer and 2/ic contemplating the Armourers alphabet: A: I m an armourer, B: I m an armourer, C: I m an armourer, etc. etc. Date: 1990
Narcissus contemplating his reflection inWall painting of Narcissus contemplating his reflection said to have been found in the Casa delle Vestali or House of the Vestals, Reg. VI, Ins. 1, No. 7
LADY RELAXING 1940SA young woman with bare feet lies on her back on a grassy bank and stares up at the sky in a mood of relaxation and contemplation Date: 1940s
Walther van der Vogelweide (1165 - 1230) German minnesinger
AT THE CHANNELContemplating England across the Straits of Dover, Napoleon thinks that with a superior navy - or a tunnel - he could be in London in four days ! Date: 1805
Lord Byron contemplating the Colosseum in RomeLord Byron (1788-1824) contemplating the Colosseum in Rome. circa 1850
Women looking The Night Watch, painting by Rembrandt (1606-1Holland. Amsterdam. Rijksmuseum. Women looking The Night Watch, painting by Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606-1669)
The War of the Worlds - Comtemplating life in the sewers" We will have to lead a life underground, do you understand? I thought about the sewers..." Date: First published: 1898
Daniel Dunglas Home, medium, with skullDaniel Dunglas Home (1833-1886), Scottish-American medium, contemplating a skull. Date: 19th century
Susi - playing chess. 1950s
Princess of Orange visiting the workshop of Bartholomeus vanHendrik Jacobus Scholten (1824-1907). Dutch painter. The Princess of Orange visiting the workshop of Bartholomeus van der Helst, c.1850-1870. Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam. Holland
Young woman looking the painting The Windmill at Wijk bij DuHolland. Amsterdam. Rijksmuseum. Young woman looking a Jacob Isaackz van Ruisdael (c. 1628-1682) painting The Windmill at Wijk bij Duurstede, c. 1668-1670
Cowper / Westall / GoldingWILLIAM COWPER English poet contemplating his mothers picture: O that those lips had language! Date: 1731 - 1800
Gui. Bat. CornianiGiovanni Battista, conte CORNIANI Italian writer, depicted contemplating the distant scene in hope of inspiration Date: 1742 - 1813
Martians watching scenes of life on EarthA group of Martians watching scenes of life on Earth through special viewfinders. Date: 1906
Aesthetic young man with sunflowerAesthetic young man contemplating a sunflower, with blue-and-white china displayed on the wall behind him. Date: circa 1890s
Isaiah contemplating. Date: circa late 19th century
Man in classical dress contemplating a skeleton lying on the ground. From: Osteographia, or, The anatomy of the bones. Date: 1733
Steevens MemorialGEORGE STEEVENS literary critic, depicted contemplating a bust of Shakespeare on whose plays he had written commentaries. Date: 1736 - 1800
James Hervey - 3JAMES HERVEY English churchman and writer, immensely popular in his day, depicted meditating and contemplating the works of God as expressed in Nature. Date: 1714 - 1758
A curly-haired boy playing with wooden building bricksA young boy takes a break from playing with his wooden building bricks, clearly in deep contemplation about something. c. 1915
A man or monk seated, seen from behind, holding a short dagger(?) in right hand, while meditating or contemplating seppuku. Date between 1800 and 1850
Young Napoleon IIEmperor Napoleon II (1811 - 1832) Contemplating his fathers sword
Music cover, Hilda, a waltz by Dan GodfreyMusic cover for Hilda, a waltz by Dan Godfrey, dedicated to the Baroness Ferdinand de Rothschild. Showing a young woman sitting contemplating a miniature portrait of the man she loves
Gaius Marius at CarthageGAIUS MARIUS Roman military commander, depicted contemplating the ruins of Carthage Date: 157 - 86 BC
Francis Bacon in his gardenBacon was generally accompanied by a gentleman of his household, who was ready to set down his thoughts. Sir Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626), philosopher and statesman, in his garden contemplating
RAF cadet with skull of YorickCartoon of an RAF trainee cadet at Heaton Park, Manchester, during World War Two contemplating the skull of Yorick as though he were Hamlet to accompany Historical Notes
SERBIA NIS(formerly k a Nish) A person - possibly a spy - lies contemplating the town from a distance
Rabbit for dinnerAn early Victorian print showing a couple outside their rural cottage contemplating eating one of their rabbits. The woman seems rather upset about it all but the dog looks hopeful
Girl Relaxing OutsideA young woman with bare feet lies on her back on a grassy bank and stares up at the sky in a mood of relaxation and contemplation
Vietnamese SoldierA young, disheartened South Vietnamese soldier rests on a sandbag, contemplating the vast landscape of debris which surrounds him
Saint Jerome, theologian, with crucifix and skullSaint Jerome, theologian, with a crucifix and a skull. He is best known for his translation of the Bible into Latin (known as the Vulgate)
Marys PremonitionMary, contemplating her son, suddenly has a premonition of the crown of thorns which one day will be thrust onto his head
November / RichardsonA young woman contemplating the month of November
Colorado River FallsFalls of the Little Colorado River (note the two figures contemplating the spectacle !)
At the Channel 1805INVASION PLANS - Contemplating England across the Straits of Dover, he thinks that with a superior navy - or a tunnel - he could be in London in four days !
Chess Game Duboy 18CA smartly-dressed young man studies the pieces on a chessboard
Jesus in WildernessJesus spends forty days in the wilderness, contemplating his mission