Dante & Virgil on IceVirgil is Dantes guide on a tour of Inferno; they come across some evildoers punished by being placed up to their necks in ice
Dante & Virgil in HellSinners stand in a frozen lake, with only the tops of their heads above the ice; the rest of their bodies are subjected to a permanent cold bath: Dante & Virgil look on
Eugene Manet on the Isle of Wight, 1875, by Berthe MorisotBerthe Morisot (1841-1895). French Impressionist painter. Eug?¨ne Manet on the Isle of Wight, 1875. Marmottan Monet Museum. Paris. France
Half a Mile to EgyptA cyclist near Burnham Beeches, Buckinghamshire, England, pauses to contemplate a strange sign reading Egypt half a mile !
Damned in HellVirgil and Dante contemplate some of the damned
Climbing / Alps / NadelhornFive climbers contemplate the daunting peak of the Nadelhorn (Switzerland), from their vantage point on the Ulrichshorn
United States. Niagara Falls - Van der BurghUnited States. Niagara Falls. Engraving by Van der Burgh. Panorama Universal. History of the United States of America, from 1st edition of Jean B.G
United States. Niagara Falls - MilbertUnited States. Niagara Falls. Engraving by Milbert. Panorama Universal. History of the United States of America, from 1st edition of Jean B.G
Exhibition of the painting by painter Francisco PradillaSpain, Madrid. Exhibition of the painting by the Spanish painter Francisco Pradilla (1848-1921) La Rendicion de Granada (The Surrender of Granada), in the Senate conference room
Austria, Vienna. International Exhibition of Fine Arts in 1882, held in the Kunstlerhaus. The German Section. Engraving by Capuz. La Ilustracion Espanola y Americana, 1882
DIVINE COMEDY / DAMNEDDante & Virgil contemplate some of the damned... Date: First published: 1307-21?
The Garden of El Retiro near the Walls of the Bronze HorseJose del Castillo (1737-1793). Spanish painter. The Garden of El Retiro near the Walls of the Bronze Horse, 1779. Detail. History Museum. Madrid. Spain. (On loan, Prado Museum, Madrid)
United States. Niagara Falls. Engraving by Van der Burgh. Panorama Universal. History of the United States of America, from 1st edition of Jean B.G
United States. Niagara Falls. Engraving by Milbert. Panorama Universal. History of the United States of America, from 1st edition of Jean B.G
Das grosse Kaiserwappen - the imperial German coat of arms, whereon two begirdled toughies contemplate the crown of Charlemagne. Date: circa 1890
The Triumph of Death In the midst of lifeThe Living contemplate the Dead : as they are now, so we shall be... Date: 14th century
Welsh National Memorial Dragon, Hagebos - Iron CrossThis fine memorial in Belgium is not only to the 38th Welsh Division, but to all Welsh Forces who fought in the Ypres Salient. It is similar to the dragon at Mametz on the Somme
Convicted Communard Prisoners - Fort d EnetIncarcerated in the Fort d Enet, in the harbour of the Ile d Aix, convicted Communards gaze out and contemplate the chances of escape...are incarcerated. 1871
Couple on Couch Date: 1950
FAMILY / ALL TOGETHERTHEIR NEW LOVE Husband and wife contemplate their first child Date: circa 1908
PAOLO & FRANCESCA PAOLO & FRANCESCAVirgil and Dante contemplate Paolo and Francesca as they whirl by, condemned - like other adulterous lovers - to spend eternity in each others arms
FARINATA ROASTSVirgil and Dante contemplate Farinata degli Uberti as he roasts for ever, expiating his wickedness on Earth
9TH HEAVEN OF PARADISEDante and Beatrice, standing on a cloud, contemplate the Ninth Heaven of Paradise
Women looking The Night Watch, painting by Rembrandt (1606-1Holland. Amsterdam. Rijksmuseum. Women looking The Night Watch, painting by Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606-1669)
Princess of Orange visiting the workshop of Bartholomeus vanHendrik Jacobus Scholten (1824-1907). Dutch painter. The Princess of Orange visiting the workshop of Bartholomeus van der Helst, c.1850-1870. Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam. Holland
Young woman looking the painting The Windmill at Wijk bij DuHolland. Amsterdam. Rijksmuseum. Young woman looking a Jacob Isaackz van Ruisdael (c. 1628-1682) painting The Windmill at Wijk bij Duurstede, c. 1668-1670
Spain. Barcelona. Movement of the plinth of the column to the monument of Christopher Columbus. Engraving by Llonch. The Illustration, 1887. Colored
Christian HermitA hermit kneels outside his cell, to read the Holy Word and contemplate Jesus on the Cross
Cartoon, The opinion of Saturn, WW1Cartoon, The opinion of Saturn. The Saturnians contemplate Earth from their rings, and find the sight of war discouraging. Date: 1918
George Denison Faber, Vanity Fair, STUFGEORGE DENISON FABER, 1st Baron Wittenham (1852-1931) Conservative Party politician. Member of Parliament MP for York from 1900-1910 and for Clapham 1910-1918. Caption: Ex Opera Date: 1852 - 1931
Elkhorn PyramidElks contemplate the Elkhorn Pyramid in Missouri. Date: 1850
Arriving in HellCharon brings a boatload of new residents to the infernal shores, accompanied by barking from Charon : Mercury and other deities contemplate the scene
Communards EmprisonedIncarcerated in the Fort d Enet, in the harbour of the Ile d Aix, convicted Communards gaze out and contemplate the chances of escape...are incarcerated
Family at GalleryA German family contemplate a religious triptych
Wizard of Oz / China PeoplDorothy and Toto contemplate the inhabitants of the Land of the China People
Observing the HeavensTwo young sixteenth century astronomers contemplate the sun, moon and stars while their elderly colleague contemplates the consolations of philosophy
Napoleon after DefeatAFTER WATERLOO It is he ! - a French peasant family contemplate their Emperor after his final defeat
The Ruins of LondonOne day in the future, a visitor from New Zealand will come to London, and sit and contemplate the ruins of this once-great city
San Francisco Quake 14Standing amid the desolation, two ladies contemplate the prospect at the corner of Ellis and Powell streets
Weber / Oberon / Liebig 2Act one, scene twelve : in the garden of the Caliphs palace, his daughter Reiza and Fatima her attendant contemplate their coming bliss
Monkey Hse, Regents PkRegents Park zoo, London A lesson in evolution, as visitors contemplate their ancestors in the Monkey House
Newly Created Earth 1550God and his angels look down on the innocent planet he has just created, while demons contemplate the possibilities of messing it all up
Fenian ExplosionLondoners contemplate damage caused by Fenian terrorists dynamite attack on Scotland Yard : most of the damage was to the Rising Sun pub
Welsh TearoomsTwo lucky cyclists contemplate whether or not to enter some tea rooms, which also have Hovis bread, in the mountains of Snowdonia, near Lake Tal-y- Llyn, north Wales
To Die AlcoholicIn our Republic To die an alcoholic Is the happiest fate We can contemplate !