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Consulting Collection

Background imageConsulting Collection: The Loss Book at Lloyds of London, 1877

The Loss Book at Lloyds of London, 1877
Engraving showing a group of Lloyds underwriters consulting the Loss Book in their offices, after a bad spell of storms in the winter of 1876-7

Background imageConsulting Collection: Dr Jean-Martin Charcot, Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital, Paris

Dr Jean-Martin Charcot, Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital, Paris
The neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot in a consulting room of the mental hospital Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital in Paris. Patients wait for treatment with an electric current. Date: 1885

Background imageConsulting Collection: Building the Severn Bridge

Building the Severn Bridge - Mr A.E. Farr, consulting engineer for the substructure contractors, John Howard and Co. Date: 1963

Background imageConsulting Collection: Building the Severn Bridge

Building the Severn Bridge - Mr A.E. Farr, consulting engineer for the substructure contractors, John Howard and Co. Date: 1963

Background imageConsulting Collection: Building the Severn Bridge

Building the Severn Bridge - Mr A.E. Farr, consulting engineer for the substructure contractors, John Howard and Co. Date: 1963

Background imageConsulting Collection: Building the Severn Bridge

Building the Severn Bridge - Mr A.E. Farr, consulting engineer for the substructure contractors, John Howard and Co. Date: 1963

Background imageConsulting Collection: Building the Severn Bridge

Building the Severn Bridge - Mr A.E. Farr, consulting engineer for the substructure contractors, John Howard and Co. Date: 1963

Background imageConsulting Collection: Building the Severn Bridge

Building the Severn Bridge - Mr A.E. Farr, consulting engineer for the substructure contractors, John Howard and Co. Date: 1963

Background imageConsulting Collection: Building the Severn Bridge

Building the Severn Bridge - Mr A.E. Farr, consulting engineer for the substructure contractors, John Howard and Co. Date: 1963

Background imageConsulting Collection: WW2 - Inside A Reconnaissance Plane

WW2 - Inside A Reconnaissance Plane
A photograph portraying a British WW2 Royal Air Force pilot consulting the sergeant observer while flying over enemy territory in a reconnaissance plane. Date: circa 1940s

Background imageConsulting Collection: Brutus consulting Cato

Brutus consulting Cato Date: early 19th century

Background imageConsulting Collection: Construction of the Queensway Mersey Tunnel

Construction of the Queensway Mersey Tunnel
The Queensway tunnel is a road tunnel under the River Mersey, between Liverpool and Birkenhead. Construction began in 1925

Background imageConsulting Collection: Sir William Henry White, British naval architect

Sir William Henry White, British naval architect
Sir William Henry White (1845-1913), British naval architect, warship designer and Chief Constructor at the Admiralty

Background imageConsulting Collection: Satirical cartoon, A Senatus Consultum

Satirical cartoon, A Senatus Consultum. Napoleon is making his will and consulting the Devil about his fate. The Devil carries a flaming plaque: Death Bonaparte Death'

Background imageConsulting Collection: English gentleman consulting a somniloquist, 18th century

English gentleman consulting a somniloquist, 18th century
English gentleman consulting a somniloquist in his chambers, 18th century. The sleeping fortune teller lies in a bed in a room decorated with crocodile skin, Egyptian figures and incense burners

Background imageConsulting Collection: Customs inspectors opening luggage at the border

Customs inspectors opening luggage at the border, 18th century. Searched by the Douaniers at the French frontiers

Background imageConsulting Collection: PARANORMAL / MAGIC

A magicians consulting room, original William Hogarth Date: 17th Century

Background imageConsulting Collection: British and American soldiers with map, France, WW1

British and American soldiers with map, France, WW1
British and American soldiers consulting a map on a road near the Western Front in France during World War One. Date: circa 1916

Background imageConsulting Collection: Matania as consultant on the film, Susie in the Bath

Matania as consultant on the film, Susie in the Bath
The Italian-born artist, Fortunino Matania, leading illustrator for The Sphere magazine, pictured giving professional hints to actor Gene Gerrard on the set of the new John Stafford film

Background imageConsulting Collection: Cartoon, Kaiser Wilhelm and a fortune teller, WW1

Cartoon, Kaiser Wilhelm and a fortune teller, WW1
Cartoon, Kaiser Wilhelm goes to consult a fortune teller to find out when the war will end. Date: 1916

Background imageConsulting Collection: Priests consulting the omens in Classical Rome

Priests consulting the omens in Classical Rome

Background imageConsulting Collection: Greek Oracle

Greek Oracle
Consulting an oracle, in Ancient Greece

Background imageConsulting Collection: Andre Dupin - 5

Andre Dupin - 5
ANDRE MARIE JEAN-JACQUES DUPIN (aine = elder) French lawyer, jurist and statesman, seated in his chambre d etudes, consulting a legal book from his library, no doubt. Date: 1783 - 1865

Background imageConsulting Collection: Mussolini / Three Soldiers

Mussolini / Three Soldiers
BENITO MUSSOLINI Italian dictator consulting with General Vaccari and others in September 1930 Date: 1930

Background imageConsulting Collection: Advert for Electropathic & Zander Institute 1892

Advert for Electropathic & Zander Institute 1892
Electropathic treatment showing the interior of a private consulting and treatment room in Oxford Street, the comfortable Harness Belt for men and women that gives support

Background imageConsulting Collection: UFO investigation group at work in an office

UFO investigation group at work in an office
An American UFO investigation group at work in an office. Files are consulted, locations plotted, and a field investigator writes up his notes. Date: 1950s

Background imageConsulting Collection: Consulting the Oracle

Consulting the Oracle. Male and female anti-suffragists consult the oracle on how to rid themselves of the child who personifies the womens suffrage movement

Background imageConsulting Collection: Womens Royal Air Force -- Fortune Teller

Womens Royal Air Force -- Fortune Teller
Illustration, Eight Months with the Womens Royal Air Force. Showing four women consulting a Fortune Teller colleague, with cards laid out on the table. Date: 1919-1920

Background imageConsulting Collection: Russian Cossack officers, WW1

Russian Cossack officers, WW1
A group of Russian Cossack officers examining a document during the First World War. Date: 1914-1918

Background imageConsulting Collection: Prisoners consulting room, Newgate Prison

Prisoners consulting room, Newgate Prison
Prisoners consulting room at Newgate Prison, London. Date: 1862

Background imageConsulting Collection: I-CHING

Consulting the I-CHING in the elaborately decorated establishment of a Chinese fortune-teller Date: circa 1835

Background imageConsulting Collection: Girls Reading Inside

Girls Reading Inside
Three young Victorian women consulting a magazine on a table. Date: 1881

Background imageConsulting Collection: James Hallett, the Sussex Charlata

James Hallett, the Sussex Charlata
Illustration of James Hallett, " the Sussex Charlatan" in his consulting room with ladies waiting outside the door, circa 1795, by Clifford Thompson, circa 1822. HPG/8/2/1 (xxii)"

Background imageConsulting Collection: Papua People & Spirits

Papua People & Spirits
PAPUA NEW GUINEA Tribesmen consult the spirits regarding a proposed expedition. Please note: Credit must appear as Courtesy of the estate of Mrs J.C.Robinson/Pollinger Ltd/Mary Evans Picture Library

Background imageConsulting Collection: King of Florida consulting his Magician before battle

King of Florida consulting his Magician before battle
A King of Florida consulting his Magician before he marches into the field of battle

Background imageConsulting Collection: 16th Century Astronomer

16th Century Astronomer
As astronomer at his desk, consulting his books : a celestial sphere hangs over his head, and he can see the stars themselves through his window

Background imageConsulting Collection: Lenormand - Wise Woman

Lenormand - Wise Woman
Consulting a Wise Woman in ancient times

Background imageConsulting Collection: Lenormand - Soothsayer

Lenormand - Soothsayer
GRAND JEU DE MLLE. DE LENORMAND Consulting a soothsayer in ancient times

Background imageConsulting Collection: Lenormand - Augur

Lenormand - Augur
Romans consulting an augur

Background imageConsulting Collection: Consulting the Prophet

Consulting the Prophet
A man consults a fortune teller on a matter of some importance

Background imageConsulting Collection: Albrecht Von Wallenstein

Albrecht Von Wallenstein
ALBRECHT VON WALLENSTEIN Austrian general, generally but not consistently loyal to the Emperor : depicted consulting an astrologer

Background imageConsulting Collection: Phrenology Session

Phrenology Session
Consulting the phrenologist - the parents wait while the practitioner assesses their sons qualities

Background imageConsulting Collection: Hogarths Quack Doctor

Hogarths Quack Doctor
Marriage a la Mode Consulting the quack doctor

Background imageConsulting Collection: Ladies in a conservatory

Ladies in a conservatory
Four elegant ladies and a child in a large conservatory (or greenhouse). They are tending plants and one of them is consulting a large book

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