Catalan literature. 14th and 15th Centuries. Book of the Consulate of the Sea. Cover of the edition printed in Barcelona by Ballester and Gilio in 1523
Chile - Bank and Spanish Consulate - Punta ArenasChile - The Anglo Bank and Spanish Consulate - Punta Arenas (Magallanes Province). Date: circa 1910s
British Consulate, Beirut, Lebanon Date: circa 1910s
Felix-Julien-Jean Bigot de Preameneu (1747-1825). French lawyer and politician. He was one of the four legal authors of the Napoleonic Code, enacted on 21 March 1804. Portrait. Engraving
Charles-Francois Lebrun (1739-1824). 1st duc de Plaisance, Prince of the Empire. French statesman. Third Consul of France (12 December 1799-18 May 1804). Portrait. Engraving
Henry Abbott (1834-1876). British merchant. German consul in the Ottoman city of Thessaloniki in 1876. Portrait. Engraving. La Guerra de Oriente (The Russo-Turkish War). Volume I. 1877
Napoleon Bonaparte as First Consul during the Consulate, 1799-1804
Jean-Jacques-Regis de Cambaceres, Duke of Parma 1753-1824Jean-Jacques-Regis de Cambaceres, Duke of Parma, duc de Parme, in the uniform of an arch-chancellor of the empire, 1753-1824
British Consulate, St Vincent Island, Cape Verde IslandsBritish Consulate and beach cottage, St Vincent (Sao Vicente) Island, Cape Verde Islands, Atlantic Ocean. Date: 1922
Mosque El-Djedid, Algiers, Algeria, with the consular building on the right. Date: circa 1910s
The British Consulate Building - Cairo, Egypt. Date: circa 1908
The British Consulate in Cairo, EgyptThe British Consulate in Cairo, the capitol of Egypt. Date: circa 1905
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821). Vote to confer the life ConsNapoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821). Military and political leader of France and Emperor of the French as Napoleon I. Vote to confer the life Consulate of Napoleon Bonaparte. Colored engraving
Visa pages with stamps in a French passport valid for one year from 15 March 1921, belonging to Mlle Henriette Stephanie Pannier, student
Signature page, French passport valid for one year from 15 March 1921, belonging to Mlle Henriette Stephanie Pannier, student. Date: 1921
Rostov-on-Don - Grand Hotel Moscow & French ConsulateThe Grand Hotel Moscow and the French Consulate - Rostov-on-Don, a port city and the administrative center of Rostov Oblast and the Southern Federal District of Russia. Date: 1910
British Consulate General Headquarters, BushehrThe British Consulate General Headquarters at Bushehr (Bushire), Iran Date: circa 1903
Yemen - Hodeidah - English Consulate in the old Turkish Quarter of the city with its fine Ottoman-influenced architecture (note the cumba)
Sousse, Tunisia - Maison du Consul de France - sent by Francois Gustave He. Riflemen Regiment stationed at Sousse in June 1915. Date: 1915
Russian Consulate General, Shanghai, China Date: circa 1910s
The gathering of people from Nottinghams diverse communitieThe gathering of 15 men and women from Nottinghams diverse communities at the British Consulate in Nottingham. Table left of picture with glasses and drinks. Date: 1960s
Dance - black couple on the dance floor at event at BritishNottingham. Dance- black couple on the dance floor at an event at the British Consulate in Nottingham. Man in dark framed glasses, lady wearing a white dress- facing the camera
Dance - Caribbean couple at the British Consulate eventNottingham. Dance - Caribbean couple at an event at the British Consulate. Man in dark suit and tie, woman in printed dress. Couple sitting by the window- back of picture
African man, English lady and man at an event at British ConNottingham. African man, English lady and man at an event at the British Consulate- facing the camera. Lady in white dress, both men in suits. Date: 1960s
African couple, smiling at the camera at a dinner at the ConNottingham. African couple, smiling at the camera at a dinner at the British Consulate a in Nottingham Man wearing black suit and stripe tie, woman in stripe dress. Date: 1960s
British Consulate dinner in Nottingham Nottingham, including people from diverse ethnicity at the dinner table. Date: 1960s
African man and wife around the dinner table at a ConsulateBritish Consulate event in Nottingham. African man and wife facing the camera around the dinner table. People seated in the back of the picture, eating and drinking. Date: 1960s
Tarabya (Therapia), Istanbul, TurkeyTarabya (Therapia) - world famous for aromatic raspberries, restaurants, hotels. Also the site of the former British Consulate - who still own a garden there. Date: circa 1907
Spain. Catalonia. Barcelona. The House of La Llotja, 1883. 19th Century. Historial building. Facada neoclassical. Engraving by painter Onofre Alsamora (1810-1880)
Consulate of the Sea. Book with five process. Detail. Diocesan Archive. Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain
Letter from the Consulate of Naples in Barcelona to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Naples with news about shipwrecks of neapolitans ships in the catalan coast
Heerenstraat, Punda, Curacao, West Indies, with the corner of Bredestraat visible on the right. Date: circa 1930
Oura Bund - Waterfront opposite the English Consul, Nagasaki, Japan. The word Bund is an Anglo-Indian term meaning " waterfront street". Date: circa 1908
Old French Consulate, Monterey, California, USAOld French Consulate building, dating back to about 1830 (the first French Consulate in California, later turned into a girl scouts headquarters), Monterey, California, USA. Date: circa 1920
Details and photo, French passport valid for one year from 15 March 1921, belonging to Mlle Henriette Stephanie Pannier, student. Date: 1921
Mosque El-Djedid, Algiers, Algeria, with the consular building on the right. Date: circa 1920
Mosque Djemaa-Djedid, Algiers, Algeria, with the consular building on the right, the Bar Maison Doree in the left foreground, and passing trams. Date: circa 1910
Mosque Djensah-el-Khebir, Algiers, AlgeriaAerial view of the Mosque Djensah-el-Khebir, Algiers, Algeria, with the consular building on the right and the Bar Maison Doree in the foreground. Date: circa 1910
Enquirers at the British Consulate, Paris at outbreak of WW1Enquirers at the British Consulate, Paris at the outbreak of WW1 Date: 1914
Boy Scouts in China celebrating Coronation of George VIBoy Scouts in Shanghai, China, celebrating the Coronation of George VI by hoisting the flag at the British Consulate. Date: 1937
Germans outside German Consulate General, WW1Germans cheering outside the German Consulate General in Bedford Place, London, on the declaration of war. Date: August 1914
Austrian ReservistsAt the Austro-Hungarian Consulate in London, Austrian Reservists answer the call to arms following the outbreak of war Date: August 1914
German Reservists at London ConsulateAt their Consulate in Bedford Place, London, German Reservists gather following the mobilisation order. Germany declared war on Russia on 1 August. Date: August 1914
Rioting at Lyon - 1When president Carnot is assassinated by Italian anarchist Caserio, there is rioting in the streets of Lyon, where the Italian consulate is attacked. Date: June 1894
The Bund from the Pier - Kobe, Japan. Left to right can be seen: The Shipping Office, The Oriental Hotel and the British Consulate. Date: circa 1907
China - Shanghai - The French General Consulate. Date: circa 1910s
Shanghai, China - Japanese Consulate and N. Y. K. CompanyShanghai, China - Japanese Consulate and N.Y.K. (Nippon Yusen Kaisha Lin) Shipping Company - Hunagpu River Waterfront. Date: circa 1910s
Shanghai, China - Huangpu Road, German Consulate and ChurchShanghai, China - Huangpu (Whangpoo) Road, German Consulate and German Church. Date: circa 1909
Shanghai, China - British Consulate General Date: circa 1909
WW1 - Thessaloniki - Allied troops guard Austrian ConsulateWW1 - Thessaloniki - Allied troops of the International Expeditionary Force guard the Austrian Consulate. Date: circa 1916
Ayvansaray, Ayasofya and German Consulate at TarabyaIstanbul, Turkey - Ayvansaray, Ayasofya and German Consulate at Tarabya Date: 1898
Monument to General Moltke - German Consulate, IstanbulIstanbul, Turkey - Monument to General Moltke in the Garden of the German Consulate at Tarabya. Amavutkoy and Bosphorus, Goksu, Ayaspasa, German Consulate (Taksim). Date: 1898
Consular map of the city of Barcelona in the Mediterranean sea. SPAIN. Barcelona. Barcelona City History Museum
Events / Syria / MassacreContinual harassment of Christian Maronites by Druses leads to their taking refuge in the French Consulate at Damascus, but the Druses break in and massacre them Date: summer 1860
Japanese navy department tests balloons in front of the American Consulate. Date 1867
Crimea - The Russian ConsulateCrimea (Tauris) - The Russian Consulate Date: circa 1910s
Skopje, Macedonia - River Vardar and other scenes Date: 1904
The English Consulate in Shanghai, China. Shanghai was officially opened to foreigners as a commercial treaty port on November 17th, 1843. The British consulate to Shanghai was built in July 1849
Algeria - Quays and Custom HousePort and quayside at Algiers, looking toward the distinctive Consulate Palace. Note the French flag flying above the Customs Building (and the Palace). Date: circa 1910s
Fort Jalali and the Britis Consulate, Muscat, OmanFort Jalali and the British Consulate (right), Muscat, Oman
Argostoli - The British ConsulateThe British Consulate at Argostoli, the capital and administrative centre of Kefalonia, Greece
Greece, Crete - Foreign ConsulatesForeign Consulates in Crete at the time of Cretan Independence, including the English Consulate, the Austro-Hungarian Consultae, the Russian Consulate
Cardinal Lavigerie - StatueStatue of Cardinal Lavigerie (1825 - 1892) at Tunis, Tunisia. The British Consulate can be seen in the background
Bursa, Turkey - The house of the French Consulate. Fourth largest city and the first Ottoman Capital
Tunisia - Sfax - Rue de la RepubliqueRue de la Republique, Sfax, Tunisia. The British Vice Consulate is in the middle distance on the left-hand side of the street
Sfax, Tunisia - Rue de la RepubliqueThe Rue de la Republique with the British Vice Consulate at Sfax, Tunisia
Spanish Consulate - Mansourah, EgyptThe Spanish Consulate at Mansourah, Egypt
Djemaa el-Djedid Mosque and Consulate Palace - AlgiersThe Consulate Palace and Djemaa el-Djedid Mosque at Algiers, Algeria
The Consulate Palace and MosquesThe Consulate Palace and the two Mosques close to the Quayside at Algiers. The Mosque on the left is the Djemaa el-Djedid
Mosque & Consulate Palace - AlgiersThe Djemaa el-Djedid Mosque and the Consulate Palace, Algiers, Algeria
Tarabya - TurkeyA very interesting view of Tarabya (Therapia) showing the market garden known as L Etablissement Horticole de Therapia
Fold-out postcard with scenes of Shanghai, China
Tunis, Tunisia - Town View - The British ConsulateThe British Consulate and the French Gate
Constantinople - TarabyaTarabya (Therapia) - world famous for aromatic raspberries, restaurants, hotels. Also the site of the former British Consulate - who still own a garden there
Belgian people kissing the Union JackIllustration by Lascelles, of a crowd of Belgian people gathered outside the British consulate in Ostend, kissing the Union Jack
De Lesseps HonouredDE LESSEPS HONOURED - the French engineer is guest of honour at a reception at the Dutch consulate at Alexandria - a young girl presents him with a beribboned pick !
Consulate SatirisedAn English satire on the French Consulate