Horn Lesson in a Wine CellarA group of gentlemen and a small boy congregate in a wine cellar to practice playing the horn whilst enjoying a drink or two (non-alcoholic for the small boy of course)
COUNTRY ESTATE / C18THCouples meet, individuals take a brisk walk and groups congregate in the formally designed parkland of a grand country estate. Date: 18th century
Seagulls a the DocksSeagulls congregate at the docks. Date: late 1960s
Gardens / Couples Meet 18CCouples meet, individuals take a brisk walk and groups congregate in a formally designed English parkland setting complete with temples, a lake and avenues of trees
Kings Sutton ChurchEast view of Kings Sutton Church. A small group of locals congregate outside
Venice / Canal / La FeniceVenice: gondoliers congregate as elegant operagoers leave La Fenice after a performance
Mania / SpeculatorsRailway speculators in Capel Court, a lane leading to the Stock Exchange, where dealers congregate to do business