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Conchology Collection

Background imageConchology Collection: Denticulate rock oyster, Striostrea denticulata

Denticulate rock oyster, Striostrea denticulata (Denticulated oyster, Ostrea denticulata). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageConchology Collection: Elegant venus shell, Hysteroconcha dione

Elegant venus shell, Hysteroconcha dione.. Handcolored copperplate zoological engraving from George Shaw and Frederick Nodders The Naturalists Miscellany, 1792

Background imageConchology Collection: Pilgrims scallop, Pecten jacobaeus

Pilgrims scallop, Pecten jacobaeus (Jacobaean scallop, Ostrea jacobaea). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageConchology Collection: Freshwater long snails, Bulimus, Pupa, Balea, etc

Freshwater long snails, Bulimus, Pupa, Balea, etc

Background imageConchology Collection: Garden snail, Cornu aspersum, Roman snail, Helix pomatia, etc

Garden snail, Cornu aspersum, Roman snail, Helix pomatia, etc

Background imageConchology Collection: Freshwater snails, Limnæus, Physa, Ancylus, Planorbis, etc

Freshwater snails, Limnæus, Physa, Ancylus, Planorbis, etc

Background imageConchology Collection: Land slugs and sea snails, Succinea, Limax, etc

Land slugs and sea snails, Succinea, Limax, etc
Land slugs and sea snails, Succinea, Conovulus, Carychium, Limax, etc

Background imageConchology Collection: Rock snails, Tritia, Nassa, Mangelia, Erato, Cypraea, etc

Rock snails, Tritia, Nassa, Mangelia, Erato, Cypraea, etc
Rock snails and European cowrie, Tritia, Nassa, Mangelia, Erato, Cypraea, etc

Background imageConchology Collection: Bubble snails and sea snail varieties, Cylichna, Bulla, etc

Bubble snails and sea snail varieties, Cylichna, Bulla, etc
Bubble snails and sea snail varieties, Cylichna, Ovula, Bulla, Philine, etc

Background imageConchology Collection: Minute sea shell varieties, Rissoa, Cingula, Assimina, etc

Minute sea shell varieties, Rissoa, Cingula, Assimina, etc
Minute sea shell varieties, Rissoa, Jeffreysia, Aclis, etc

Background imageConchology Collection: Triton shells, Ranella, rock snails, Murex, whelk, Bucchinum, et

Triton shells, Ranella, rock snails, Murex, whelk, Bucchinum, et
Triton shells, Ranella, rock snails, Murex, whelk, Bucchinum, Furus, Trophon, etc

Background imageConchology Collection: Minute pyramid sea shell varieties, Odostomia, etc

Minute pyramid sea shell varieties, Odostomia, etc

Background imageConchology Collection: Small sea shell varieties, Turbonilla, etc

Small sea shell varieties, Turbonilla, etc
Small sea shell varieties, Turbonilla, Chemnitzia, Natica, Velutina, etc

Background imageConchology Collection: Sea snails, Turritella, pelican's foot, Aporrhais pespelecani, e

Sea snails, Turritella, pelican's foot, Aporrhais pespelecani, e
Sea snails, Turritella, pelican's foot, Aporrhais pespelecani, Cæcum, Cerithiopsis, Scalaria, Eulima, etc

Background imageConchology Collection: Minute sea shell varieties, Rissoa, Cingula, Assimina, etc

Minute sea shell varieties, Rissoa, Cingula, Assimina, etc

Background imageConchology Collection: Sea cradles or coat-of-mail shells, etc

Sea cradles or coat-of-mail shells, etc
Sea cradles or coat-of-mail shells, Chiton, limpet, Patella, Spirialis, Acmaea, Dentalium, etc

Background imageConchology Collection: Wentletraps, Ianthina, freshwater shells, Bithynia, etc

Wentletraps, Ianthina, freshwater shells, Bithynia, etc
Wentletraps, Ianthina, freshwater shells, Bithynia, Littorina, Lacuna, etc

Background imageConchology Collection: Ear shell, Haliotis, sea snails, Trochus, Margarita, etc

Ear shell, Haliotis, sea snails, Trochus, Margarita, etc
Ear shell, Haliotis vulgaris, sea snails, Trochus, Margarita, etc

Background imageConchology Collection: Scallops, Pecten maximus, Terebratula, Argiope, etc

Scallops, Pecten maximus, Terebratula, Argiope, etc

Background imageConchology Collection: Oyster, Ostrea vulgaris, pen shell, Pinna pectinata, etc

Oyster, Ostrea vulgaris, pen shell, Pinna pectinata, etc
Oyster, Ostrea vulgaris, pen shell, Pinna pectinata, and Nucula, Arca, Lima, Anomia, etc

Background imageConchology Collection: Marine bivalves, Kelliadae, and freshwater shells, Cycladidae

Marine bivalves, Kelliadae, and freshwater shells, Cycladidae

Background imageConchology Collection: Freshwater and marine mussels

Freshwater and marine mussels
Freshwater mussels, Unio, Anodon, and marine mussels, Modiola, Crenella, Mytilus, Dreissina, etc

Background imageConchology Collection: Saltwater clams, Venus casina, Astarte elliptica, etc

Saltwater clams, Venus casina, Astarte elliptica, etc
Saltwater clams, Venus casina, Astarte elliptica, Lutraria, Tapes, Lucinopsis, etc

Background imageConchology Collection: Cockles, Cardium exiguum, Circe minima, etc

Cockles, Cardium exiguum, Circe minima, etc
Cockles, Cardium exiguum, Circe minima, Lucina lactea, Axinus, etc

Background imageConchology Collection: Tellin shells, Tellina crassa, Psammobia, Mactra. etc

Tellin shells, Tellina crassa, Psammobia, Mactra. etc
Tellin shells, Tellina crassa, Psammobia, Ervillia, Donax, Mactra. etc

Background imageConchology Collection: Ship worms, piddocks and other borers

Ship worms, piddocks and other borers
Ship worms, Teredo vulgaris, piddocks, Pholas dactylus, Xylophaga, and other borers and gapers

Background imageConchology Collection: Razor shells, Solen marginata, Poromya granulata, etc

Razor shells, Solen marginata, Poromya granulata, etc
Razor shells, Solen marginata, Poromya granulata, Pandora obtusa, Syndosnya nitida, Thracia distorta, etc

Background imageConchology Collection: Greater argonaut, glassy nautilus and chambered nautilus

Greater argonaut, glassy nautilus and chambered nautilus
Greater argonaut, Argonauta argo, glassy nautilus, Carinaria cristata, and chambered nautilus, Nautilus pompilius

Background imageConchology Collection: Varieties of shells, molluscs

Varieties of shells, molluscs
Varieties of shellfish, gastropod molluscs, mitre shells, cone snails, whelks, etc. Handcoloured lithograph by C

Background imageConchology Collection: Varieties of shells, molluscs

Varieties of shells, molluscs
Varieties of shellfish, molluscs, oysters, hammer oysters, mussels, clams, scallops, etc. Handcoloured lithograph by C

Background imageConchology Collection: Anatomy of bivalve molluscs

Anatomy of bivalve molluscs. Plate 7. Schulter Muscheln. 1 Loripes, 2 Pandora, 3 Petricola, 4 Psilopus, 5 Glossus, 6 Cardium, 7 Unio, 8 Cardita, 9 Arca, and 10 Axinoea. Handcoloured lithograph by C

Background imageConchology Collection: Anatomy of bivalve molluscs

Anatomy of bivalve molluscs. Schultermuscheln. Various shell species: Arytaene, Teredo, Fistulana, Pholas, Mya, Solen, Macha, Tellina, Cyclas, Calliste, and Artemis. Plate 6

Background imageConchology Collection: Worm snails, Vermetidae family, and bivalve clams, Carditidae fa

Worm snails, Vermetidae family, and bivalve clams, Carditidae family, on a beach. Fishing boat on the coast in the background. Vermets, Clovisse, Venericarde

Background imageConchology Collection: Babylon turrid, Raphitoma echinata and kitten's paws clams

Babylon turrid, Raphitoma echinata and kitten's paws clams
Babylon turrid, Turris babylonia, sea snail, Raphitoma echinata and kitten's paws clam, Plicatula gibbosa. Pleurotome, Tour de Babel, Herisse, Plicatule, Rameuse

Background imageConchology Collection: Tiger cowrie, Cypraea tigris

Tiger cowrie, Cypraea tigris. Porcelaine fiore. Copied from an illustration by Adolph Fries from Felix-Edouard Guerin-Meneville's Dictionnaire Pittoresque d'Histoire Naturelle

Background imageConchology Collection: Orders of Molluscs

Orders of Molluscs. Cuttlefish, chambered nautilus, sea angel, sea butterfly, slug, floating sea snail, chiton, oyster, mussel, clam, lingula, brachiopod, barnacle, etc

Background imageConchology Collection: Iris, mussel and beetle

Iris, mussel and beetle
Engraver beetle, Ips quadripunctata 1, mussel, Iridina exotica 2, bearded iris, Iris germanica 3, Persian iris, Iris persica 5, Spanish iris, Iris xiphium 7. Ips, Iridine, Iris

Background imageConchology Collection: Paper fig shell and amethystine python

Paper fig shell and amethystine python
Paper fig shell, Ficus ficus (Pyrula ficus), and amethystine python, Simalia amethistina (Python amethystinus)

Background imageConchology Collection: Crested porcupine and tiger cowrie

Crested porcupine and tiger cowrie
Crested porcupine, Hystrix cristata, and tiger cowrie, Cypraea tigris. Porc-epic, Porcelaine

Background imageConchology Collection: Spider conch and drain flies

Spider conch and drain flies
Spider conch, Lambis lambis (Pterocera lambis), and drain fly, Psychoda phalaenoides. Psyche, Psychode, Pterocere

Background imageConchology Collection: Tun shells and Eurasian wryneck

Tun shells and Eurasian wryneck
Partridge tun, Tonna perdix, Pacific grinning tun, Malea pomum, Eurasian wryneck with nest and chicks, Jynx torquilla (Yunx torquila). solid pupa, Pupa solidula, Tornatella solidula

Background imageConchology Collection: Oyster, seaweed and great white shark

Oyster, seaweed and great white shark
Ram's horn squid, Spirula spirula (Spirula peronii) 1, Atlantic thorny oyster, Spondylus americanus 2, seaweed, Codium tomentosum (Spongodium dichotomum) 3, and great white shark

Background imageConchology Collection: Elephant shrew, clam and corals

Elephant shrew, clam and corals
Round-eared elephant shrew, Macroscelides proboscideus (Macroscelides typus) 1, Atlantic surf clam, Spisula solidissima (Mactra gigantea) 2, staghorn coral, Acropora muricata (Madrepora muricata) 3

Background imageConchology Collection: Pod razor shell, Ensis siliqua, on a beach

Pod razor shell, Ensis siliqua, on a beach. Tall ships and sail boats in the channel behind. Aquatint drawn and engraved by William Daniell from William Wood's Zoography, Cadell and Davies, 1807

Background imageConchology Collection: Common piddock shells, Pholas dactylus, on a beach

Common piddock shells, Pholas dactylus, on a beach
Common piddock or pholas shells, Pholas dactylus, on a beach. Tall ships and sail boats in the channel behind

Background imageConchology Collection: Sunburst star turban, Astraea heliotropium

Sunburst star turban, Astraea heliotropium
Sunburst star turban or the circular saw shell, Astraea heliotropium, dorsal 1, ventral 2. Large sea snail, marine gastropod mollusc. Le soleil imperial ou l'eperon royal, Trochus imperialis

Background imageConchology Collection: Black-lip pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera

Black-lip pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera (Chinese pearl shell, Margarita sinensis)

Background imageConchology Collection: Twin flowered agave, Agave geminiflora

Twin flowered agave, Agave geminiflora

Background imageConchology Collection: Extinct horn of plenty cerith shell, Cerithium cornucopia

Extinct horn of plenty cerith shell, Cerithium cornucopia
Fossil of an extinct horn of plenty cerith, Cerithium cornucopia, Ceritio corno d abbonanza

Background imageConchology Collection: Plankton, Surirella striatula

Plankton, Surirella striatula, Surirella striata

Background imageConchology Collection: Babylon turrid shell, Turris babylonia

Babylon turrid shell, Turris babylonia (Spotted pleurotoma, Pleurotoma babylonica)

Background imageConchology Collection: Precious wentletrap, Epitonium scalare

Precious wentletrap, Epitonium scalare (Common wendeltrap, Aciona scalaris)

Background imageConchology Collection: Odontocymbiola magellanica

Odontocymbiola magellanica (Slightly-knotted volute, Voluta subnodosa)

Background imageConchology Collection: Horse mussels

Horse mussels
Tulip mussel, Modiolus americanus (Modiola americana), bearded horse mussel, Modiolus barbatus (Modiola gibbsii), and bent mussel (Modiola incurvata)

Background imageConchology Collection: Ceylon razor-shell, Solen ceylonensis

Ceylon razor-shell, Solen ceylonensis. Handcoloured copperplate engraving drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder from William Elford Leachs Zoological Miscellany, McMillan, London, 1814

Background imageConchology Collection: Black abalone, Haliotis cracherodii. Critically endangered

Black abalone, Haliotis cracherodii. Critically endangered
Black abalone or cracherodian earshell, Haliotis cracherodii. Critically endangered

Background imageConchology Collection: Baggy pen shell or bag pinna, Pinna saccata

Baggy pen shell or bag pinna, Pinna saccata. Handcoloured copperplate engraving drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder from William Elford Leachs Zoological Miscellany, McMillan, London, 1815

Background imageConchology Collection: Pearl oyster, Cristaria plicata

Pearl oyster, Cristaria plicata (Folded dipsas, Dipsas plicatus)

Background imageConchology Collection: Atlantic pearl-oyster, Pinctada radiata

Atlantic pearl-oyster, Pinctada radiata (Rayed birdshell, Avicula radiata)

Background imageConchology Collection: Pteria avicular shells

Pteria avicular shells (Chinese avicula, Avicula chinensis, and black avicula, Avicula morio)

Background imageConchology Collection: Undulated and least carychium

Undulated and least carychium, Carychium undulatum and Carychium minimum

Background imageConchology Collection: Magasella evansii

Magasella evansii (Blood-red terebratula, Terebratula sanguinea)

Background imageConchology Collection: Midass ear shell, Ellobium aurismidae

Midass ear shell, Ellobium aurismidae (Midas auricula, Auricula midae)

Background imageConchology Collection: Rose-mouthed bulimus, Bulimus haemastomus

Rose-mouthed bulimus, Bulimus haemastomus. Handcoloured copperplate engraving drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder from William Elford Leachs Zoological Miscellany, McMillan, London, 1814

Background imageConchology Collection: Staircase abalone, Haliotis scalaris

Staircase abalone, Haliotis scalaris (Staircase padollus, Padollus scalarius)

Background imageConchology Collection: Blacklip abalone, Haliotis rubra

Blacklip abalone, Haliotis rubra (Red earshell, Haliotis ruber)

Background imageConchology Collection: Fighting conch, Strombus pugilis

Fighting conch, Strombus pugilis (Sloanes strombus, Strombus sloanii)

Background imageConchology Collection: Bulimulus snails

Bulimulus snails
Acute and three-banded bulimulus snails, Bulimulus acutus and Bulimulus trifasciatus

Background imageConchology Collection: Caryodes dufresnii dufresnii

Caryodes dufresnii dufresnii (Dufresnes bulimus, Bulimus dufresnii), Tasmanian landsnail

Background imageConchology Collection: Zebra volute, Amoria zebra

Zebra volute, Amoria zebra (Voluta zebra, Voluta lineata)

Background imageConchology Collection: Tree oyster, Isognomon isognomum

Tree oyster, Isognomon isognomum (Tranquebar perna, Perna tranquebarensis)

Background imageConchology Collection: Ringent snail, Helix ringens

Ringent snail, Helix ringens (Grinning tomiger, Tomigeres ringens)

Background imageConchology Collection: Clithon coronatum

Clithon coronatum (Crowned clithon, Clithon coronata)

Background imageConchology Collection: Harpa crenata shell

Harpa crenata shell (Rivolis harp shell, Harpa rivoliana). After an illustration by Rene-Primevere Lesson

Background imageConchology Collection: Candystick tellina shell, Tellina similis

Candystick tellina shell, Tellina similis

Background imageConchology Collection: Spiny cockle, Acanthocardia aculeata

Spiny cockle, Acanthocardia aculeata (Cardium spinosum)

Background imageConchology Collection: Thorny cockle, truncated purr and eight-ridged tooth shell

Thorny cockle, truncated purr and eight-ridged tooth shell
Thorny cockle, Cardium echinatum, truncated purr, Donax crenulata, and eight-ridged tooth shell, Dentalium octangulatum

Background imageConchology Collection: Elastic bulla, Bulla resiliens, and pale or

Elastic bulla, Bulla resiliens, and pale or cylindric bulla, Bulla pallida. Handcoloured copperplate engraving after Sydenham Edwards from John Mason Goods Pantologia, a New Encyclopedia, G

Background imageConchology Collection: Pelagic gooseneck barnacle and barnacle anatomy

Pelagic gooseneck barnacle and barnacle anatomy
Pelagic gooseneck barnacle, Lepas anatifera (Anatifa laevis) 1, and anatomy of barnacles 2-9. Handcolored engraving by Choubard after an illustration by Martin St

Background imageConchology Collection: Pila ampullacea

Pila ampullacea (Dilated snail, Helix ampullacea). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageConchology Collection: Slit worm shell, Tenagodus anguinus

Slit worm shell, Tenagodus anguinus (Anguine serpula, Serpula anguina). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageConchology Collection: Helicine cornucopia shell, Cornucopia helicina

Helicine cornucopia shell, Cornucopia helicina. Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageConchology Collection: West Indian magpie shell, Cittarium pica

West Indian magpie shell, Cittarium pica (Magpie turbo, Turbo pica). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageConchology Collection: Hebrew volute, Voluta ebraea

Hebrew volute, Voluta ebraea (Veined volute, Voluta hebraea). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

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