BABBAGEs ENGINE (2)Charles Babbages Difference Engine, an instrument which went beyond simple calculation to embody some of the principles of computers
BABBAGEs ENGINE (1)Babbages Difference Engine - he was continually modifying the design, as with modern computers, so it is not possible to date this precisely
Central Computer / HarwellThe Central Computer at Harwell serves over 600 users and has 200 typewriter terminals distributed around the site. This view shows the IBM 360/75
Computer Envisaged 1927A COMPUTER, as envisaged in 1927 [illustration to The Thought Machine by Ammianus Marcellinus]
Computer 1960SA compact modern computer with built in screen
Promotional photograph for the IBM 1410A female computer technician sits at an IBM 1410, in a promotional photograph for this business computer system. Photograph by Heinz Zinram
Adjusting a tape storage deviceA computer technician adjusts the large reels on a computer tape storage device. A promotional photograph for ICT. Photograph by Heinz Zinram
Chimp with computerBecky the chimpanzee (18 months old and raised at Twycross Zoo)sits on a cushion next to a IBM AT-5170 computer, touching the keyboard with her hand. Date: 1987
Boy on 80S ComputerA boy sits at a desk typing on his Commodore 64 keyboard. A printer, joystick and lamp sit on the desk. Two televisions and a strange model of a mushroom are in the background
Girl Using Computer 1974A young woman office worker using what now looks like a rather cumbersome computer
ICT 1900 COMPUTERA man in a suit loads an Information and Communications Technology (I.T.C.) " 1900" magnetic tape computer in his " space age" minimalistic office
LASERCOMP 3000 1979Lasercomp system 3000 photosetter, winner of the design council Engineering award 1979. Date: 1979
Advertisement, IBM CorporationAdvertisement, IBM (International Business Machines) Corporation -- speeding business through electronics. 1950
Silicon ChipAn Integrated Circuit, (IC), more commonly known as a Silicon Chip, a vital component of all computers. Date: 1981
New Worker - Fisher & Ludlows, TiptonA photograph taken for an advertisement for the Daily Mirror of the type of New Worker the paper was trying to attract into its readership
A computer technician with data tapeA computer technician stretches out a piece of data recording tape, from the ICT Atlas I computing system. A colleague speaks on the telephone in the background. Photograph by Heinz Zinram
An advertisement for ICTA wonderful advertising picture taken for International Computers and Tabulators, showing their office building and lines of light left by the passing traffic. Photograph by Heinz Zinram
Computer Systems - Tape StorageThree men examine a tape storgae device for a large industrial computer system. Photograph by Heinz Zinram
Model of a computer room layoutA planned layout of a computer room, including terminals and long banks of tape storage devices.Photograph by Heinz Zinram
Measuring the current of a large electronic deviceA man measures the current running through a large electronic device, possibly an early computer or exchange. Photograph by Heinz Zinram
The factory floor of an electronics manufacturerMen at work on the busy factory floor of an electronics company, assembling complicated-looking devices. Photograph by Heinz Zinram
Commodore 64A person wearing a digital watch types at a Commodore keyboard. A notebook and floppy disk drive sit on the desk beside