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Communis Collection

Background imageCommunis Collection: Juniper tree, Juniperus communis

Juniper tree, Juniperus communis. Handcoloured lithograph by Hanhart after a botanical illustration by David Blair from Robert Bentley and Henry Trimens Medicinal Plants, London, 1880

Background imageCommunis Collection: Ripe fruit and leaves of Brown Beurre Pear, Pyrus communis

Ripe fruit and leaves of Brown Beurre Pear, Pyrus communis.. Handcolored illustration by Edwin Dalton Smith engraved by Watts from Charles McIntoshs Flora and Pomona 1829

Background imageCommunis Collection: Nuts with shells, Fruits en chaton

Nuts with shells, Fruits en chaton. Filbert, Corylus maxima 1, chestnut, Castanea sativa 2, 6, hazelnut, Corylus avellana 3, almond, Prunus amygdalus 4, walnut, Juglans regia 5, 7, 8

Background imageCommunis Collection: Herbsts bloodleaf varieties, Iresine herbstii

Herbsts bloodleaf varieties, Iresine herbstii a) var. acuminata, b) var. aureo-reticulata. Chromolithograph from an illustration by Desire Bois from Edward Steps Favourite Flowers of Garden

Background imageCommunis Collection: Larch-leaf or tree triggerplant, Stylidium laricifolium

Larch-leaf or tree triggerplant, Stylidium laricifolium. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Jussieus Dizionario delle Scienze Naturali, Dictionary of Natural Science, Florence, Italy

Background imageCommunis Collection: Common scorpionfly, Panorpa communis

Common scorpionfly, Panorpa communis
Common scorpionfly or common panorpa, Panorpa communis. Handcoloured copperplate engraving drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder from William Elford Leachs Zoological Miscellany, McMillan

Background imageCommunis Collection: Nipplewort, Lapsana communis

Nipplewort, Lapsana communis. Handcoloured copperplate engraving after a drawing by James Sowerby for James Smiths English Botany, 1801

Background imageCommunis Collection: Spear lily or gladiolus, Gladiolus communis

Spear lily or gladiolus, Gladiolus communis. Handcoloured lithograph from Diederich von Schlechtendals German Flora (Flora von Deutschland), Jena, 1871

Background imageCommunis Collection: Black bryony, Tamus communis

Black bryony, Tamus communis. Handcoloured lithograph from Diederich von Schlechtendals German Flora (Flora von Deutschland), Jena, 1871

Background imageCommunis Collection: Wall painting showing Bacchus, Venus and Apollo

Wall painting showing Bacchus, Venus and Apollo from a secluded seated area in a corner of a garden in the Domus M. Herenulli Communis or House of Apollo, Reg. VI, Ins. VII, No. 23

Background imageCommunis Collection: Myrtle and Melaleuca species

Myrtle and Melaleuca species
Splended fringe myrtle, Verticordia insignia, twiggy calythrix, Calythrix virgata, oleander-leaved melaleuca, Melaleuca neriifolia, scaly-branched melaleuca, Melaleuca squamea, and common myrtle

Background imageCommunis Collection: Villous deadly carrot, Thapsia villosa

Villous deadly carrot, Thapsia villosa, and giant fennel, Ferula communis. A herb with leaves like fennel called Thapsia. Handcoloured woodblock engraving of a botanical illustration from Adam

Background imageCommunis Collection: Gladiolus, German iris and Florentine iris

Gladiolus, German iris and Florentine iris
Gladiolus, Gladiolus communis, German iris, Iris germanica, and Florentine iris, Iris florentina. Handcoloured woodblock engraving of a botanical illustration from Adam Lonicers Krauterbuch

Background imageCommunis Collection: Ragwort or St. James wort and castor oil plant

Ragwort or St. James wort and castor oil plant
Ragwort or St. James wort, Jacobaea vulgaris, and castor oil plant, Ricinus communis. Handcoloured woodblock engraving of a botanical illustration from Adam Lonicers Krauterbuch, or Herbal

Background imageCommunis Collection: Almond tree, Amygdalus communis

Almond tree, Amygdalus communis. Chromolithograph after a botanical illustration from Hermann Adolph Koehlers Medicinal Plants, edited by Gustav Pabst, Koehler, Germany, 1887

Background imageCommunis Collection: Castor bean or castor oil plant, Ricinus communis

Castor bean or castor oil plant, Ricinus communis, Ricin. Handcoloured steel engraving by Debray after a botanical illustration by Edouard Maubert from Pierre Oscar Reveil, A. Dupuis, Fr

Background imageCommunis Collection: Sunda pangolin, leopard, horse fly and scorpion fly

Sunda pangolin, leopard, horse fly and scorpion fly
Sunda pangolin, Manis javanica, critically endangered 1, leopard, Panthera pardus 4, horse fly, Tabanus rostratus 3, scorpion fly, Panorpa communis 3

Background imageCommunis Collection: Pear variety, Duchesse de Mouchy, Pyrus communis

Pear variety, Duchesse de Mouchy, Pyrus communis. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaires Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe

Background imageCommunis Collection: Pear variety, Jules d Airoles, Pyrus communis

Pear variety, Jules d Airoles, Pyrus communis. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaires Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe

Background imageCommunis Collection: Pear varieties

Pear varieties
Varieties of pear, Pyrus communis: Helene Gregoire, Colmar d Arenberg, Colmar Kennes, President Muller and Premices d Ecully

Background imageCommunis Collection: Shamrock pea or blue oxalis, Parochetus communis

Shamrock pea or blue oxalis, Parochetus communis. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaires Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe

Background imageCommunis Collection: Common juniper, Juniperus communis

Common juniper, Juniperus communis. Handcoloured copperplate engraving after an illustration by Richard Duppa from his The Classes and Orders of the Linnaean System of Botany, Longman, Hurst, London

Background imageCommunis Collection: Black bryony, Dioscorea communis

Black bryony, Dioscorea communis (Tamus communis). Handcoloured copperplate engraving after an illustration by Richard Duppa from his The Classes and Orders of the Linnaean System of Botany, Longman

Background imageCommunis Collection: Common myrtle, Myrtus communis

Common myrtle, Myrtus communis. Handcoloured stipple engraving by Demachy after an illustration by Pierre-Joseph Redoute from Henri Louis Duhamel du Monceaus Traite des Arbres et Arbustes, Paris

Background imageCommunis Collection: Castor oil plant, Ricinus communis

Castor oil plant, Ricinus communis
Palma christi or castor oil plant, Ricinus communis. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by Weddell after a drawing by John Curtis for Samuel Curtis continuation of William Curtis Botanical Magazine

Background imageCommunis Collection: Montpelier, Aesculapian and four-lined snakes

Montpelier, Aesculapian and four-lined snakes
Montpelier snake, Malpolon monspessulanus 1, Aesculapian snake, Zamenis longissimus 2, and four-lined snake, Elaphe quatuorlineata 3

Background imageCommunis Collection: Castor oil or palma-christi, Ricinus communis

Castor oil or palma-christi, Ricinus communis. Handcoloured lithograph by Hanhart after a botanical illustration by David Blair from Robert Bentley and Henry Trimens Medicinal Plants, London, 1880

Background imageCommunis Collection: Castorbean or castor-oil plant, Ricinus communis

Castorbean or castor-oil plant, Ricinus communis. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Dr. Willibald Artus Hand-Atlas sammtlicher mediinisch-pharmaceutischer Gewachse

Background imageCommunis Collection: Almond tree, Prunus dulcis

Almond tree, Prunus dulcis (Amygdalus communis). Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Dr. Willibald Artus Hand-Atlas sammtlicher mediinisch-pharmaceutischer Gewachse

Background imageCommunis Collection: Juniper, Juniperus communis

Juniper, Juniperus communis. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Dr. Willibald Artus Hand-Atlas sammtlicher mediinisch-pharmaceutischer Gewachse, (Handbook of all medical-pharmaceutical plants)

Background imageCommunis Collection: Gladiolus, Gladiolus dalenii, cudweed, pomegranate

Gladiolus, Gladiolus dalenii, cudweed, pomegranate
Sword lily, Gladiolus communis 1, Gladiolus dalenii 2, cudweed, Helichrysum luteoalbum 3, pomegranate flower, Punica granatum 4 and blood lily, Haemanthus sanguineus 5

Background imageCommunis Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 578

Curtis British Entomology Plate 578
Lepidoptera: Papilio podalirius = Iphiclides podalirius (Scarce Swallow-tail) [Plant: Pyrus communis (Pear)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageCommunis Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 519

Curtis British Entomology Plate 519
Lepidoptera: Thera coniferata = Thera cognata (Durham Juniper Moth) [Plant: Juniperus communis, male (Juniper Tree)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageCommunis Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 443

Curtis British Entomology Plate 443
Coleoptera: Callicerus spencii = Callicerus obscurus (Spencean Staphylinus) [Plant: Tamus communis (Black Bryony)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageCommunis Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 253

Curtis British Entomology Plate 253
Hymenoptera: Sirex juvencus (Fir-destroying Wood-wasp) [Plant: Lapsana communis (Common Nipple-wort)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageCommunis Collection: Plants / Prunus Communis

Plants / Prunus Communis

Background imageCommunis Collection: Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)

Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274). Italian priest in the Dominican Order, philosopher and theologian

Background imageCommunis Collection: Skeleton of Ichthyosaurus communis (fish lizard)

Skeleton of Ichthyosaurus communis (fish lizard) and Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus.. Handcolored copperplate stipple engraving from Jussieus Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles 1816-1830

Background imageCommunis Collection: Ichthyosaurus communis, lias, Lyme Regis, Dorset

Ichthyosaurus communis, lias, Lyme Regis, Dorsetshire coast, a view of a fossilised dinosaur. (Location: Ireland). Date: circa early 1900s

Background imageCommunis Collection: Summa Theologica of Saint Thomas Aquinas

Summa Theologica of Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274). Codex 296. Folio 5. Parchment. Chapter Archive. Tortosa. Catalonia. Spain

Background imageCommunis Collection: Illustration, Saturniidae

Illustration, Saturniidae -- Endromis Versicolora, Saturnia Pyri, Saturnia Carpini. The plants are Pear (Pyrus Communis), Birch (Betula Alba) and Dog Rose (Rosa Canina). Date: 1898

Background imageCommunis Collection: Ripe fruit and leaves of Gansels Bergamot

Ripe fruit and leaves of Gansels Bergamot pear, Pyrus communis.. Handcolored illustration by Edwin Dalton Smith engraved by Watts from Charles McIntoshs Flora and Pomona 1829

Background imageCommunis Collection: Ripe fruit and leaves of the Bon Louis Pear, Pyrus communis

Ripe fruit and leaves of the Bon Louis Pear, Pyrus communis.. Handcolored illustration by E.D. Smith engraved by Watts from Charles McIntoshs Flora and Pomona 1829

Background imageCommunis Collection: Plesiosaurus, extinct aquatic carnivore

Plesiosaurus, extinct aquatic carnivore, and ichthyosaurus communis, extinct nektonic carnivore.. Colour printed (chromolithograph) illustration by F

Background imageCommunis Collection: Ichthyosaurus communis, extinct nektonic carnivore

Ichthyosaurus communis, extinct nektonic carnivore of the Jurassic.. Colour printed (chromolithograph) illustration by F. John from Tiere der Urwelt Animals of the Prehistoric World, 1910, Hamburg

Background imageCommunis Collection: Pear cultivar, Beurre Giffard, Pyrus communis

Pear cultivar, Beurre Giffard, Pyrus communis.. Chromolithograph from The Florist and Pomologist Robert Hogg, London, published from 1878 to 1884

Background imageCommunis Collection: Peach pear, Pyrus communis cultivar

Peach pear, Pyrus communis cultivar.. Chromolithograph from The Florist and Pomologist Robert Hogg, London, published from 1878 to 1884

Background imageCommunis Collection: Common juniper tree, Juniperus communis, with berries

Common juniper tree, Juniperus communis, with berries.. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by French botanist Jean Baptiste Francois Pierre Bulliard from Herbier de la France, Paris, 1780

Background imageCommunis Collection: Pear cultivar, Beurre d Amarilis panachee, Pyrus communis

Pear cultivar, Beurre d Amarilis panachee, Pyrus communis.. Chromolithograph from The Florist and Pomologist Robert Hogg, London, published from 1878 to 1884

Background imageCommunis Collection: Louise Bonne de Pentecote pear, Pyrus communis cultivar

Louise Bonne de Pentecote pear, Pyrus communis cultivar.. Chromolithograph from The Florist and Pomologist Robert Hogg, London, published from 1878 to 1884

Background imageCommunis Collection: Grandville Myrtle 1847

Grandville Myrtle 1847
MYRTE myrtle (myrtis communis) Date: 1847

Background imageCommunis Collection: Juniperus Communis (Common Juniper)

Juniperus Communis (Common Juniper), a woody plant of the Cupressaceae family. Seen here is the Prostrata variety, a low-growing shrub covering some rocks

Background imageCommunis Collection: Plants Juniperus Communi

Plants Juniperus Communi
Common juniper

Background imageCommunis Collection: Plants / Ricinus Communis

Plants / Ricinus Communis
Castor Oil Plant Also Known as Palma Christi

Background imageCommunis Collection: Curtis / Common Gladiolus

Curtis / Common Gladiolus
Gladiolus or Common Cornflap Gladiolus Communis

Background imageCommunis Collection: Birds / Turtle Doves

Birds / Turtle Doves
TURTLE DOVE (Turtur communis) A summer visitor to the British islands

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