Whistler V RuskinPunch comments on the Whistler-Ruskin libel case, in which Whistler was awarded one farthing damages
Preraphaelites MockedMillais, Rossetti and Hunt ride a donkey monogrammed JR (Ruskin) - a mischievous parody of Millais painting Sir Isumbras at the ford
Peabody and John BullGEORGE PEABODY the American philanthropist shames John Bull into digging into his own pocket to help Londons homeless. Date: 1860S
Naughty Wives ExchangedNAUGHTY WIVES EXCHANGED A distressingly politically incorrect and nauseatingly chauvinist attitude to the wedded state
Gallic Wars - Titus Labienus hatches a trapGallic Wars (58 BC-50 BC). Titus Labienus hatches a trap to get the Treveri to cross the river before his troops, attacking them later. Engraving
Gallic Wars (58 BC-50 BC). Ambiorix, leader of the Eburons tribe, joins the Hainaut and Namur tribes, attacks the camp of Quintus Tullius Cicero and sets fire to it. Engraving
Quintus Titurius Sabinus and Arunculcius Cotta are attackedGallic Wars (58 BC-50 BC). Quintus Titurius Sabinus and Arunculcius Cotta, attacked by Ambiorix, forming their troops in a circle. Engraving
Caesar disembarked in Britain (54 BC), placing his ships on dry ground within his camp. Engraving
Gallic Wars (58 BC-50 BC). Caesar attacks the Germanic campGallic Wars (58 BC-50 BC). Caesar led his troops across the Rhine in 55 BC for a punitive expedition against the Germanic tribes
Gallic Wars (58 BC-50 BC). Battle of the Sambre (July 57 BC)Gallic Wars (58 BC-50 BC). Caesar's campaign against the Belgae in 57 B.C. Battle of the Sambre (July 57 BC)
Gallic Wars (58 BC-50 BC). The battle of the Aisne (57 BC)Gallic Wars (58 BC-50 BC). Caesar's campaign against the Belgae in 57 BC. The battle of the Aisne (57 BC)
Gallic Wars (58 BC-50 BC). Battle of Vosges (58 BC)Gallic Wars (58 BC-50 BC). First campaign against the Germanic tribes (58 BC). Battle of Vosges (58 BC)
Gallic Wars - Ariovistus, Suebi leader, deploys his cavalryGallic Wars (58 BC-50 BC). First campaign against the Germanic tribes (58 BC)
Campaign against the Helvetii (58 BC). Defeat of the Helvetii and pursuit of Caesar. Engraving. Commentaires de Cesar, avec des notes historiques, critiques et militaires by Count Turpin de Crisse
Caesar's position to receive the HelvetiiCampaign against the Helvetii (58 BC). Caesar's position to receive the Helvetii advancing towards him. Engraving
Defeat of a quarter of the Swiss in the Saone passCampaign against the Helvetii (58 BC). Defeat of a quarter of the Helvetii in the Saone pass. Engraving
Gallic Wars. The Helvetii's attempt to cross the RhineGallic Wars (58 BC-50 BC). Campaign against the Helvetii (58 BC). The Helvetii's attempt to cross the Rhine and Caesar's entrenchments. Engraving
Dedication page to the King. Commentaires de Cesar, avec des notes historiques, critiques et militaires, by Count Turpin de Crisse. Volume I. Published in Montargis and sold in Paris, 1785
Commentaires de Cesar by Count Turpin de Crisse Volume ICommentaires de Cesar, avec des notes historiques, critiques et militaires, by Count Turpin de Crisse. Volume I. Published in Montargis and sold in Paris, 1785
Gaius Julius Caesar - Roman politician, general and writerGaius Julius Caesar (100 BC - 44 BC). Roman politician, general and writer. In 60 BC he established a triumvirate with Pompey and Crassus. Conquered Gaul
NAPOLEON'S HANDIWORKNapoleon views his handiwork : Death comments : Yet more atrocities, more deaths, more ruins... Date: 1815
Seen from the Box 1906Two ladies exchange comments while their male escort watches the action through his opera glass. Date: 1906
Adverts including for The Flying ScotsmanPage of adverts in The Bystander
A caddie comments on the golf ball lying by a sleeping hobo Date: 1910
High Art MaidenTHE HIGH ART MAIDEN sending up the aesthetic movement, portraying a lady in love with her chinaware... Date: circa 1880
Marriageable manThe Marriageable Man - one daughter sings, another sighs, while their mother hovers over her prey to make sure this eligible suitor is firmly hooked to one or the other Date: 1842
Spouses for SaleTHE MATRIMONIAL TATTERSALLS Marriageable ladies and gentlemen are put up for auction as if they were horses Date: 1847
ARAB POEM - 1The poetry is written in the central cartouches which are gold lined. Comments are in the margins. The script is nastaliq - one of the classic Middle Eastern scripts. Date: 16th century
ARABIC MANUSCRIPT - 2The poetry is written in the central cartouches which are gold lined. Comments are in the margins. The script is nastaliq - one of the classic Middle Eastern scripts. Date: 16th century
Money no object. Satire on marrying for money Date: circa 1850s
Paris, France - Satirical comments on street dangersSatirical comments by Robida on the dangers faced as a pedestrain on the streets of Paris, France. Date: 1903
Blessed San Pedro of Cardena. Illuminated codex. DetailBlessed San Pedro of Cardena. 12th century. Illuminated codex of the comments made by Blessed of A?a?A?a?Liebana in the 8th century to the Apocalypse of St. John. Miniature depicting St
Prince Pierre BonapartePrince PIERRE NAPOLEON BONAPARTE, son of Napoleons brother Lucien. Infuriated by newspaper comments on his family, he shot the journalist Victor Noir. Date: 1815 - 1881
Your Husbands Painting- and you say your husband has sent a painting of Jean Hachette on the ramparts of Beauvais to the Salon... Date: 1905
5 Years Without ParisOh, the horrors of war ! Imagine - five years without Paris fashions ! (German womans comments after World War One) Date: 1919
Page design, big moments in my life, School SilhouettesPage design for big moments in my life, in School Silhouettes, once owned by a female student of Fayetteville High School, New York, USA
WW1 - Comment on Scapa Flow, 21st June 1919WW1 - An illustration commenting on the Germans making a decision to scuttle the fleet at Scapa Flow, Orkney Islands in Scotland
WW1 - Punch comments on Lusitania sinkingWW1 - An illustration showing Britannia and Lusitania standing together. Britannia personified as Britain, and America as Lusitania
George ScottGEORGE SCOTT - Wesleyan methodist missionary to Sweden, where he instigated popular revival, but his derogatory comments on the Swedes led to his expulsion. Date: 1804 - 1874
Elderly woman comments to the vicar on the new graveyardCheerful Old Party (to the Vicar): " Th new Graveyards fillin up nicely, Sir!" Date: circa 1890s
PETRONIUS Arbiter, Gaius (1st century). Latin" PETRONIUS Arbiter, Gaius (1st century). Latin satirical writer. Page of " Satyricon". Latin edition printed in Amsterdam in 1634 with comments and notes. SPAIN. Barcelona
Satirical images of an Air BalloonSet of 12 satirical images with captions of an Air Balloon, showing filling, flying, reaching the moon, coming back to earth, and bursting. 1784
Satirical cartoon, An Aerial Excursion, showing a thin Englishman and a plump Frenchwoman in a balloon, while the crowd on the ground makes rude comments in speech bubbles. 1802
Titanic - Report and Timeline in the SpherePage from the Sphere with comments, reports and anecdotes relating to the sinking of the Titanic together with a timeline listing the events that eventually led the ship to sink
Peabody StatueGEORGE PEABODY Statue of the American philanthropist whose benefactions created homes for the homeless outcasts of London. Date: 1870
Our Costly ArmsA recruiting sergeant is shocked to discover that a volunteer for the Army turns out to have a wife and eleven children and comments that he will cost as much as the Colonel in army pay
Commune CartoonPunch comments on the Commune
Revolution CartoonPunch comments on the creation of Frances Third Republic
Satire on Religious ArtA satire on the literal nature of religious art, with St Anthony preaching to the fishes lampooned
The Marriage AuctionTHE MARRIAGE AUCTION Aristocratic families sell off their eligible daughters to the highest bidder
Nihilist Printing PressSt Petersburg police discover a nihilist printing press on which disrespectful comments are printed about the tsar, the police and other authorities
Oscar Wilde MoonshineOSCAR WILDE - some satirical comments
China / 100Bc / Wu-Ti & BookEmperor Wu-Ti comments to an assembly on books about Buddhism
Grandville / Marriage Martthe Marriage Market
Monkeys and SightseersA forlorn group of monkeys gaze out of their cage, as a large gathering of women stare fixedly at them - one of Dores most striking comments on London society
FUENTES D ONORO 1811Battle of Fuentes d Onoro : Wellington manages to defeat Massena but comments If Boney had been there we would have been damnably licked
Looking at Modern ArtAlthough the caption is in Norwegian, most of us can make a guess at what the gallery visitor is saying
Model Comes to Life 1919The modern artist whose Venus came to life
School Report / FrontA school report card for Ecole de Pont-Levoy for the academic year 1847 -8. Comments are passed on this pupils character
Sectarian SymptomsSatirical comments on four religious sects - Jumpers, Quakers, Shakers and Millenarians