Man prepares his hair ready for his wedding day - Djibouti, East Africa. Date: 1908
Gossip about Fairies 24Fairies live on good terms with animals and birds - here, fairies are combing goats beards, something which goats themselves find it hard to do, having no hands (or combs)
T W Rust & Co. Combing Room in 1892 Date: 1892
Combing Room, T W Rust & Co in 1892 Date: 1892
Woman Combing Hair - Advertisement illustration of an attractive young lady in a negligee combing her hair at her mirror. Date: 1929
Men wearing heavy oilskin protective clothing would go into the tunnels under the streets of London to unblock the sewers with a combing method. Date: 1881
Our amateur politicians by Edmund Blampied. Men chatting at a pub bar: Me? Vote for him? Oh dear, no! Besides, his Astrakhan hair and his cross-eyed views carry no blinkin conviction
Comic postcard, Elderly woman combing mans beard Date: 20th century
Little Mother by Peggy Earnshaw. 1937
Swahili women, Zanzibar island, Tanzania, East AfricaTwo Swahili women of Zanzibar island, Tanzania (then part of the British Empire), East Africa. One is helping the other with her hair. Date: 1922
Flushing the sewers 1860sWith the population expanding and dumping coursing blockages below the depths of London
Hairdressing in Sierra Leone, West Africa. Date: circa 1930s
Joshua Heilmann, German textile innovatorJoshua Heilmann, German innovator in textile manufacture. He invented the first machine for combing cotton, and helped to revolutionise the embroidery industry
Woman Combing Her Hair at Goyu by HokusaiWoman Combing Her Hair at Goyu: 16 Cho to Akasaka, no. 39 from a series of Stations of the Tokaido by Katsushika Hokusai (17601849). Date: 1804
Glamorous American Lady in white dress combing her hair Date: circa 1920s
Wool-ComberA wool comber teasing out a bundle of clean wool on a comb which can then be spun Date: 1827
Heilmann / Cotton MachineJosua Heilmann, the German innovator is inspired by watching his wife combing their daughters hair to invent a combing machine for cotton. Date: 1796 - 1848
Lady Lilith by D G Rossetti (1828-1882), engraved by Theodor Knesing (1840-?). Date: 1884
Cobming HairProfile of a man combing his hair. Date: late 1960s
TERBORCH, Gerard (1617-1681). A mother combing the hair of her child. 1652 - 1653. Baroque art. Oil on canvas. NETHERLANDS. The Hague. Mauritshuis
Mermaid in the park
Sea Scout grooming a dogA young Sea Scout grooming a dog during Bob-a-Job Week. 1949
Samuel Lister StatueSAMUEL CUNLIFFE LISTER His statue in Lister Park, Bradford, Yorkshire, England. A prolific inventor of over 150 inventions, including a wool-combing machine. Date: 1815 - 1906
Combing Cotton 18th CVarious ways to comb cotton in France in the 18th century Date: Circa 1760
Djibouti, East Africa - HairdressersDjibouti, East Africa - Traditional methods of hairdressing. Date: circa 1910s
Mother searching for nits in boys hair" Another Air Raid - Many Casulaties...!" A Mother searching for headlice in a boys hair with a large comb. The lad seems to be finding the whole experience singularly unpleasant
Patons & Baldwins - wool processingA woman factory worker in blue uniform feeds light blue thread into a large piece of (possibly weaving?) machinery at Patons & Baldwins factory in Darlington
Manufacturing Wool YarnThe Worlds largest (at the time) single line of worsted carding machines for opening scoured raw wool prior to combing at Patons & Baldwins factory in Darlington
Two thatchers at workTwo thatchers repair the thatch on the roofs of two traditional country cottages. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith
Looking for Nits and liceA Russian woman searches a teenage boys head for lice (pediculis capitis) and nits (eggs or young lice)
Chemise & Nightgown 1919WOLFHEAD UNDERGARMENTS: a lady in black stockings wears an Empire chemise with a lace yoke, her friend wears a nightdress, while the maid brings in a tiered under-skirt
Dog being GroomedA dog being groomed by its owner
Wool / Early ProcessesEarly processes in the manufacture of wool: sheep shearing, washing, beating, combing
Folklore / Mer-PeopleA mermaid combing her hair