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Coleoptera Collection

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Entomology Specimens

Entomology Specimens
A specimen tray from the Natural History Museums Entomology Department showing the diversity of insects in terms of shape, size and colours

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Chrysina limbata, silver chafer beetle

Chrysina limbata, silver chafer beetle
Silver chafer beetle specimen. The beetles have a base pigment covered by several colourless microscopically thin layers called laminae

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Ocypus olens, devils coach horse beetle model

Ocypus olens, devils coach horse beetle model
A large scale model of the devils coach horse beetle (Ocypus olens). A beetle that is commonly found beneath logs. Held within the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Cladognathus sp. stag beetle

Cladognathus sp. stag beetle
A specimen of a large stag beetle from Asia. Stag beetles belong to the family (Lucanidae). Only male stag beetles have horns or antlers

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Beetles

Double page spread of pencil and watercolour illustrations and sketches of beetles by Henry Walter Bates

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Longhorn beetle

Longhorn beetle

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Beetle illustrations

Beetle illustrations
Double page spread of pencil and watercolour illustrations of beetles by Henry Walter Bates

Background imageColeoptera Collection: 20th Century Art: Weevil (Rhopalomesites tardyi), 1998 by Ma

20th Century Art: Weevil (Rhopalomesites tardyi), 1998 by Ma
Watercolour. Russell is an example of a scientist turned artist. Trained initially as an entomologist his combined love of beetles and art resulted in a series of exceptional drawings of weevils

Background imageColeoptera Collection: A fine ripe Pomelo, peeled and cut ornamentally for table

A fine ripe Pomelo, peeled and cut ornamentally for table
Watercolour by Olivia Fanny Tonge 1858-1949. 180 x 260mm. From one of sixteen sketchbooks presented to the Museum in 1952

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Hydroporus rufifrons, diving beetle

Hydroporus rufifrons, diving beetle
Close-up shot of a diving beetle (Hydroporus rufifrons). Specimen held in the Natural History Museums Entomology Department

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Scarab beetles

Scarab beetles
The largest shown here, (Scarabaeus sacer), was regarded as sacred in ancient Egypt. Today the species are important to agriculture for their dung burying activities

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Coleoptera sp. metallic beetles

Coleoptera sp. metallic beetles
A pair of gold and silver metallic beetles side by side

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Plate from The Natural History of Carolina by Mark Catesby

Plate from The Natural History of Carolina by Mark Catesby
Illustration from The Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama islands (1731) Vol 1 by Mark Catesby (1683-1749)

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Harvestmen, harvesters or daddy longlegs, Opiliones species

Harvestmen, harvesters or daddy longlegs, Opiliones species. Phalangiens. Handcoloured steel engraving from Felix-Edouard Guerin-Menevilles Dictionnaire Pittoresque d Histoire Naturelle

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Specimens collected by Darwin on the voyage of the Beagle 18

Specimens collected by Darwin on the voyage of the Beagle 18
A case displaying various beetle specimens collected by Charles Darwin during the Beagle voyage, as well as a map of the ships route

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Chrysolina menthastri, mint leaf beetle eating a mint leaf

Chrysolina menthastri, mint leaf beetle eating a mint leaf
A bronze-green rounded leaf beetle feeding on a mint leaf. These beetles are common in the U.K and favour damp waterside habitats

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Spanish fly, wasp beetle and long-horn beetles

Spanish fly, wasp beetle and long-horn beetles
Spanish fly beetle, Lytta vesicatoria 1, wasp beetle, Clytus arietis 2, Altica equinoctialis 3, Clytra quadripunctata 4, longhorn beetles, Chlorida festiva 5 and Trachyderes succinctus 6

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 262

Curtis British Entomology Plate 262
Coleoptera: Aphanisticus pusillus (Smallest Buprestid) [Plant: Melampyrum cristatum (Crested Cow-wheat)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 80

Curtis British Entomology Plate 80
Coleoptera: Parnus impressus = Dryops luridus (Impressed Parnus) [Plant: Aster tripolium (Sea Starwort)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 387

Curtis British Entomology Plate 387
Coleoptera: *Anobium pertinax Linn. (Obstinate Death-watch Beetle). Binomial not located in 20th Century British checklists. Perhaps A

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Malachite beetle, net winged beetle, etc

Malachite beetle, net winged beetle, etc
Malachite beetle, Malachius bipustulatus 1, net-winged beetles, Lycus melanurus 2, Lycus punctatus 3, Saperda punctata 4, Saperda species 5, Trichodes octopunctatus 6 and Trichodes apiarius 7

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Rove and chafer beetles

Rove and chafer beetles
Lampyris beetle, rove beetle, Staphylinus erythropterus 2, Staphylinus species 3, Ampedus sanguineus 4, Silpha pedemonta 5, Temnoscheila virescens 6, and rose chafer, Cetonia aurata 7

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Ground beetle, scarab and cockchafer

Ground beetle, scarab and cockchafer
Dytiscus bimaculatus 1, scarab 2, cockchafer, Melolontha melolontha 3, Cantharis beetle 4, Carabus sexpunciatus 5 and Omophron limbatum 6

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Weevils and beetles

Weevils and beetles
Weevils: Eudomychus striata 1, Calandra hemiptera 2, pleasing fungus beetle, Erotylus species 3, Chrysomela striata 4, Acalymma vittatum 5, Chrysomela arcuata 6 and Eumorphus marginata 7

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Leaf beetles

Leaf beetles, Galeruca species 1, Aulacophora analis 2, Cyclotrypema furcata 3, Donacia vittata 4, flat bark beetle, Cucujus clavipes 5, Pyrrhidium sanguineum 6 and Chlorophorus varius 7

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Ladybirds and flea beetles

Ladybirds and flea beetles
Callidium longipes 1, ladybirds, Jauravia dorsalis 2, Coccinella septempunctata 3, flea beetles, Altica cincta 4, Altica emarginata 5, and Altica chrysis 6

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Dogbane beetle, banksia jewel beetle, etc

Dogbane beetle, banksia jewel beetle, etc
Dogbane beetle, Chrysochus auratus 1, Hoplia argentea 2, banksia jewel beetle, Cyrioides imperialis 3, Eumolpus fulgidus 4, and Eumolpus surinamensis 5

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Marsh beetle, jewel beetle, rose chafer, etc

Marsh beetle, jewel beetle, rose chafer, etc
Marsh beetle, Elodes 1, Harpalus beetle 2, jewel beetle, Buprestis 3, flea beetle, Altica famelica 4, and rose chafer, Cetonia species 5

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Calligraphic title and vignette of beehive with bees

Calligraphic title and vignette of beehive with bees
Title page with calligraphic title and vignette of beehive with bees. Handcoloured stipple engraving by Pancrace Bessa from Charles Malos Les Insectes, The Insects, Louis Janet, Paris, 1820

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Fiery searcher beetle, Calosoma scrutator

Fiery searcher beetle, Calosoma scrutator
Fiery searcher beetle or caterpillar hunter, Calosoma scrutator. Handcoloured copperplate engraving drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder from William Elford Leachs Zoological Miscellany

Background imageColeoptera Collection: American burying beetle, Nicrophorus americanus

American burying beetle, Nicrophorus americanus
American burying beetle or giant carrion beetle, Nicrophorus americanus, critically endangered, and Necrophorus medianus. Handcoloured copperplate engraving drawn

Background imageColeoptera Collection: King Christmas beetle and Christmas beetle

King Christmas beetle and Christmas beetle
King Christmas beetle, Anoplognathus viridiaeneus, and Christmas beetle, Anoplognathus viriditarsis (Green brassy rutela, Rutela viridi-aenea, and green-footed rutela, Rutela viridi-tarsis)

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Four-lined cicindela beetle, Cicindela quadrilineata

Four-lined cicindela beetle, Cicindela quadrilineata
Four-lined cicindela or tiger beetle, Cicindela quadrilineata. Handcoloured copperplate engraving drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder from William Elford Leachs Zoological Miscellany

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Plinthocoelium columbinum beetle

Plinthocoelium columbinum beetle. Green capricorn, Cerambyx virens. Handcoloured copperplate engraving drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder from William Elford Leachs Zoological Miscellany

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Ctenicera cuprea beetle

Ctenicera cuprea beetle (Elater chalybeus). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects, London

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Sarosesthes fulminans beetle

Sarosesthes fulminans beetle (Cerambyx fulminans). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Giant longhorn beetle, Enoplocerus armillatus

Giant longhorn beetle, Enoplocerus armillatus
Giant longhorn beetle or imperious sawyer, Enoplocerus armillatus. Handcolored engraving by Fournier after an illustration by Blanchard from Charles d Orbignys Dictionnaire Universel d Histoire

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Goliath beetle, Goliathus cacicus

Goliath beetle, Goliathus cacicus. Handcolored engraving by Choubard after an illustration by Vaillant from Charles d Orbignys Dictionnaire Universel d Histoire Naturelle

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Eastern Hercules and jewel scarab beetle

Eastern Hercules and jewel scarab beetle
Eastern Hercules beetle, Dynastes tityus (Scarabaeus hyllus), and jewel scarab, Chrysina macropus (Chrysophora macropa). Handcolored engraving by Sebin after an illustration by Oudart from Charles d

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Long-armed chafer beetle, Euchirus longimanus

Long-armed chafer beetle, Euchirus longimanus (Long-armed beetle, Scarabaeus longimanus). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Moose beetle, Odontolabis alces

Moose beetle, Odontolabis alces (Elk-horned stag-chafer, Lucanus alces). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Typhon beetle, Scarabaeus typhon

Typhon beetle, Scarabaeus typhon. Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from George Shaw and Frederick Nodders The Naturalists Miscellany

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Long-horned beetles on a tree

Long-horned beetles on a tree
Herophila tristis beetle 1, great capricorn beetle, Cerambyx heros 2, Rosalia longicorn beetle, Rosalia alpina 3 (endangered), musk beetle, Aromia moschata 4, and long-horned beetle

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Admiral cone, larval stage of lamprey, and extinct ammonite

Admiral cone, larval stage of lamprey, and extinct ammonite
Admiral cone, Conus ammiralis 1, ammocete or larval stage of lamprey, Petromyzon marinus 2, and extinct ammonite mollusc fossil 3

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Fossil skeleton of an extinct pterodactyl

Fossil skeleton of an extinct pterodactyl, Pterodactylus antiquus, and red lionfish, Pterois volitans. Handcoloured steel engraving by du Casse after an illustration by Adolph Fries

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Fossil skeleton of an extinct plesiosaurus, and wasps

Fossil skeleton of an extinct plesiosaurus, and wasps
Fossil skeleton of an extinct plesiosaurus 4, and wasps, Plesia species 1-3. Handcoloured steel engraving by du Casse after an illustration by Adolph Fries from Felix-Edouard Guerin-Menevilles

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Leaf insect, Phyllium species, and nudibranch

Leaf insect, Phyllium species, and nudibranch, Phylliroe species. Phyllie, Phylliroe. Handcoloured steel engraving from Felix-Edouard Guerin-Menevilles Dictionnaire Pittoresque d Histoire Naturelle

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Buprestis beetles, flowering rush and pill beetle

Buprestis beetles, flowering rush and pill beetle
Buprestis beetles 1-5, flowering rush, Butomus umbellatus 6, and pill beetle, Byrrhus pilula 7. Handcoloured steel engraving from Felix-Edouard Guerin-Menevilles Dictionnaire Pittoresque d Histoire

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Goliath beetle, Goliathus goliatus 1 and common

Goliath beetle, Goliathus goliatus 1 and common gull, Larus canus 2. Handcoloured steel engraving by Pedretti after an illustration by A

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Varieties of pyralid moths with fruit and leaves

Varieties of pyralid moths with fruit and leaves
Varieties of pyralid moths, Pyralidae, causing damage to leaves and fruit. Pyrales. Handcoloured steel engraving from Felix-Edouard Guerin-Menevilles Dictionnaire Pittoresque d Histoire Naturelle

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Menelaus blue morpho butterfly, Morpho menelaus

Menelaus blue morpho butterfly, Morpho menelaus, caterpillar and pupa. Morpho menelas. Handcoloured steel engraving by Pedretti after an illustration by Adolph Fries from Felix-Edouard

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Macrotoma hayesii beetle

Macrotoma hayesii beetle. Handcoloured steel engraving by August Dumenil from Felix-Edouard Guerin-Menevilles Dictionnaire Pittoresque d Histoire Naturelle (Picturesque Dictionary of Natural History)

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Giant whip scorpion, beetle and cobweb spider

Giant whip scorpion, beetle and cobweb spider
Giant whip scorpion, Mastigoproctus giganteus, beetle, Theratus species, and cobweb spider, Theridion species. Thelyphone, Themisto, Therate, Theridion

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Harvester termite and mound, and sea slug

Harvester termite and mound, and sea slug
Harvester termite and mounds, Microhodotermes species, and sea slug, Tergipes tergipes. Handcoloured steel engraving from Felix-Edouard Guerin-Menevilles Dictionnaire Pittoresque d Histoire Naturelle

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Goliath birdeater spider, Theraphosa blondi

Goliath birdeater spider, Theraphosa blondi. Mygale de Leblond, grandeur naturelle. Handcoloured steel engraving by du Casse after an illustration by Adolph Fries from Felix-Edouard Guerin-Menevilles

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Stick insects or phasmids and wandering crab spider

Stick insects or phasmids and wandering crab spider
Stick insects or phasmids, Carausius morosus and Clonopsis gallica, and wandering crab spider, Philodromus aureolus. Phasmies, Philodrome

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Darkling beetles, Pimelia species

Darkling beetles, Pimelia species. Handcoloured steel engraving from Felix-Edouard Guerin-Menevilles Dictionnaire Pittoresque d Histoire Naturelle (Picturesque Dictionary of Natural History), Paris

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Mygalomorph trapdoor spider and its nest

Mygalomorph trapdoor spider and its nest, and beetles, Mylabris species. Mygale pioniere et son nid, Mylabres. Handcoloured steel engraving by Pedretti from Felix-Edouard Guerin-Menevilles

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Dragon stick insect and Stagmomantis domingensis

Dragon stick insect and Stagmomantis domingensis
Dragon stick insect, Haplopus jamaicensis 1, and Stagmomantis domingensis 2. Handcoloured lithograph from John O. Westwoods new edition of Dru Drurys Illustrations of Exotic Entomology, Bohn, London

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Exotic crickets and grasshoppers

Exotic crickets and grasshoppers
Eupropacris coeruleus grasshopper 1, Chromacris miles 2, and Gryllacris tessellata 3. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Exotic weevils

Exotic weevils
Stem-boring weevil, Hadroplontus litura 1, 2, Curculio longipes weevil, Calandra serrirostris male? 3, and Phyllobius oblongus 4, 5. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Exotic insects

Exotic insects
Jewel bug, Poecilocoris druraei 1, 5, Galerita americana 2, snout weevil, Brenthus minutus 3, magnified 7, and Casnonia longicollis, natural size 4, magnified 6. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Exotic longhorn beetles

Exotic longhorn beetles
Longhorn beetles: Stenodontes damicornis 1, hardwood stump borer, Mallodon dasystomus 2, Nothopleurus maxillosus 3. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Goliath beetle, Goliathus giganteus

Goliath beetle, Goliathus giganteus. Handcoloured lithograph from John O. Westwoods new edition of Dru Drurys Illustrations of Exotic Entomology, Bohn, London, 1837

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Hercules beetle and sculptured pine borer

Hercules beetle and sculptured pine borer
Hercules beetle, Dynastes hercules male 1, female 2, and sculptured pine borer, Chalcophora virginiensis 3. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Titan and other exotic beetles

Titan and other exotic beetles
Titan beetle, Titanus giganteus 1, Heilipus? scalaris 2, Cosmisoma plumicorne 3, Cyphus 16-punctatus 4, and Solenopus cacicus 5. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Flower beetle and other exotic beetles

Flower beetle and other exotic beetles
Flower beetle, Mecynorrhinella torquata 1, Agrilinus rufus 2, Rutela lineola 3, and Macraspis cincta 4. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Royal goliath beetle, Goliathus regius

Royal goliath beetle, Goliathus regius. Handcoloured lithograph from John O. Westwoods new edition of Dru Drurys Illustrations of Exotic Entomology, Bohn, London, 1837

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 766

Curtis British Entomology Plate 766
Coleoptera: Baris analis [Plant: Aster linosyris (Chrysocoma linosyris, Goldilocks)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 762

Curtis British Entomology Plate 762
Coleoptera: Tachyporus littoreus = Sepedophilus littoreus [Plant: Linnaea borealis (Twinflower)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 758

Curtis British Entomology Plate 758
Coleoptera: Staphylinus pubescens [Plant: Ligusticum scoticum (Scots Lovage)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 754

Curtis British Entomology Plate 754
Coleoptera: Bruchus ater = Bruchidius ater [Plant: Doronicum pardalianches (Leopard?s-bane)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 750

Curtis British Entomology Plate 750
Coleoptera: Rhagium inquisitor = Rhagium mordax [Plant: Sium latifolium (Great Water Parsnip)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 746

Curtis British Entomology Plate 746
Coleoptera: Prionus coriarius [Plant: Sabucus nigra (Elder)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 742

Curtis British Entomology Plate 742
Coleoptera: Silpha opaca = Aclypea opaca [Plant: Arrhenatherum elatius (Arrhenatherum avenaceum, Oat-grass)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 738

Curtis British Entomology Plate 738
Coleoptera: Aromia moschata [Plant: Phyteuma orbiculare (Round-headed Rampion)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 734

Curtis British Entomology Plate 734
Coleoptera: Trogosita mauritanica = Tenebroides mauritanicus [Plant: Isatis tinctoria (Woad)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 730

Curtis British Entomology Plate 730
Coleoptera: Haliplus ferrugineus = Haliplus fulvus [Plant: Ceratophyllum demersum (Rigid Hornwort)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 726

Curtis British Entomology Plate 726
Coleoptera: Anthribus albinus = Platystomos albinus [Plant: Monotropa hypopitys (Yellow Bird?s-nest)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 723

Curtis British Entomology Plate 723
Coleoptera: Platyrhinus latirostris = Anthribus resinosus [Plant: Clinopodium acinos (Acinos vulgaris, Basil Thyme)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 718

Curtis British Entomology Plate 718
Coleoptera: Phytosus spinifer Curtis [Plant: Zannichellia palustris (Horned Pondweed)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 714

Curtis British Entomology Plate 714
Coleoptera: Anthicus tibialis = Anthicus instabilis [Plant: Oxyria digyna (Rumex digynus, Mountain Sorrel)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 710

Curtis British Entomology Plate 710
Coleoptera: Attelabus curculionoides = Attelabus nitens [Plant: Milium effusum (Wood Millet)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageColeoptera Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 706

Curtis British Entomology Plate 706
Coleoptera: Triplax aenea [Plant: Carex divisa (Divided Sedge)] Date: 1824-39

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