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Coat Of Arms Collection

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Sir Bulstrode Whitelocke, English lawyer, diplomat, 1605-1675

Sir Bulstrode Whitelocke, English lawyer, diplomat, 1605-1675
Sir Bulstrode Whitelocke, English lawyer, diplomat, writer, parliamentarian and Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England, 1605-1675. In collar and cloak, with coat of arms and wreath

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Robert Rich, 2nd Earl of Warwick, 1587-1658

Robert Rich, 2nd Earl of Warwick, 1587-1658. English colonial administrator, admiral, and Puritan, commander of the Parliamentarian navy during the Wars of the Three Kingdoms

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: William the Conqueror as Saint George

William the Conqueror as Saint George slaying a dragon. In oval frame with crown and coat of arms and dates of the kings of England. William I, first Norman king of England, c.1028-1087

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Sir George Rawdon, 1st Baronet of Moira, 1604-1684

Sir George Rawdon, 1st Baronet of Moira, 1604-1684
Sir George Rawdon, 1st Baronet of Moira, County Down, 1604-1684. English army officer and politician in Ireland. Captain Sir George Rawdon, Knight and Barronet

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Matthew Parker, English bishop, 1504-1575

Matthew Parker, English bishop, 1504-1575. Archbishop of Canterbury in the Church of England from 1559 until his death in 1575. Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: James Hamilton, 2nd Marquis of Hamilton, 1589-1625

James Hamilton, 2nd Marquis of Hamilton, 1589-1625
James Hamilton, 2nd Marquis of Hamilton and 4th Earl of Arran, 1589-1625. Scottish nobleman and politician. In van Dyke beard, ruff collar, brocade doublet, gloves. James Hamleton

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: James Graham, 1st Marquess of Montrose, 1612-1650

James Graham, 1st Marquess of Montrose, 1612-1650
James Graham, 1st Marquess of Montrose, Scottish poet and soldier, 1612-1650. The Great Montrose, Earl of Kingcairne, Lt. Governour and Captain General in the Kingdom of Scotland

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Edward Littleton and Henry Montagu, British Judges, 17th century

Edward Littleton and Henry Montagu, British Judges, 17th century
Edward Littleton, 1st Baron Lyttelton, Chief Justice of North Wales, 1589-1645. Edwardus Littleton, Mag Sigil Ang Custos

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, 1594-1632

Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, 1594-1632. In crown, breastplate and plate armour, broad collar and sash, embroidered skirt, hose, shoes with spurs. Coat of arms

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: John Gilbert, Archibishop of York, 1693-1761

John Gilbert, Archibishop of York, 1693-1761. Oval portrait of Reverend John Gilbert with coat of arms. Johannes Gilbert, Ecclesiae Cathedralis Exon Cononicus Resedentiarius

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Thomas Egerton, Baron Ellesmere, 1540-1617

Thomas Egerton, Baron Ellesmere, 1540-1617. English noble, judge and statesman, 1st Viscount Brackley, Lord Keeper and Lord High Chancellor of England

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Laurens Janszoon Coster, Dutch inventor of printing, c.1370-1440

Laurens Janszoon Coster, Dutch inventor of printing, c.1370-1440. Printer and typographer who invented printing simultaneously with Johannes Gutenberg. In cap, fur-lined coat, holding a letter

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Richard Sackville, Lord Buckhurst, 3rd Earl of Dorset, 1589-1624

Richard Sackville, Lord Buckhurst, 3rd Earl of Dorset, 1589-1624. Gambler, wastrel, womaniser, debtor. Portrait in ruff collar, sash, breastplate and armour, gauntlet holding a staff

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Charles, Prince of Wales, later King Charles I of England

Charles, Prince of Wales, later King Charles I of England, 1600-1649. In ruff collar, Order of Garter on ribbon, doublet, sash, breeches, hose, court sword, buckle shoes

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Robert Greville, 2nd Baron Brooke, 1607-1643

Robert Greville, 2nd Baron Brooke, 1607-1643. Radical Puritan activist and leading member of the opposition to King Charles I of England. In armour on horseback with coat of arms

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Sir John Brocket, English noble, guard to Queen Elizabeth I

Sir John Brocket, English noble, guard to Queen Elizabeth I
Sir John Brocket, 1540-1598, English noble, captain of Queen Elizabeth I's personal guard. Sir John Brockett, Brockett Hall, Herts

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Mary Tudor and second husband Charles Brandon, 1515

Mary Tudor and second husband Charles Brandon, 1515
Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk, 1484-1546, and Mary Tudor, Queen of France, 1496-1533. He in hat, furred mantle, collar of the Garter, she in hood, bejeweled gown, holding an emblem

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Francis Atterbury, Bishop of Rochester

Francis Atterbury, Bishop of Rochester
Francis Atterbury, 1663 - 1732, English man of letters, politician, Bishop of Rochester, Dean of Westminster. Oval portrait in ecclesiastical robes with coat of arms

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Robert Abbot, Bishop of Salisbury

Robert Abbot, Bishop of Salisbury
Robert Abbot, Anglican bishop, academic and polemical writer 1560-1618. Master of Balliol College, Oxford, Regius Professor of Divinity, Bishop of Salisbury

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: George Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury

George Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury
George Abbot, English Calvinist divine, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1562-1633. In cap, ruff collar, robe with puff sleeves, holding a book

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Prince James VI of Scotland, 1566-1625

Prince James VI of Scotland, 1566-1625. Later King James VI of Scotland, James I of England

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: John Howson, Bishop of Durham, c.1557-1632

John Howson, Bishop of Durham, c.1557-1632
John Howson, English academic and ecclesiastic, Bishop of Durham, c.1557-1632. In cap, full beard, ruff collar, velvet robes. With coat of arms. Johannis Howsoni Episcopi Dunelmensis

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Thomas Howard, 1st Earl of Suffolk, 1561-1626

Thomas Howard, 1st Earl of Suffolk, 1561-1626. Lord Chamberlain, Lord High Treasurer of England to King James I, Knight of the Garter. In hat, ruff collar, doublet and cloak, holding a ribbon

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: King James II of England, as Knight of the Garter

King James II of England, as Knight of the Garter
King James II of England, as Duke of York. In ceremonial robes of the Order of the Garter, with collar, plumed hat, and coat of arms

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Venetian in armor of the 12th century

Venetian in armor of the 12th century. He wears a suit of chainmail armor, armorial tunic, belt with sword and scabbard, plate armor greaves with spurs. He holds a lance and helm with plume

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Marchese Vincenzo Giustiniani, Italian aristocrat, 1564-1637

Marchese Vincenzo Giustiniani, Italian aristocrat, 1564-1637
Marchese Vincenzo Giustiniani, Italian aristocrat, banker, art collector and intellectual, creator of the Giustiniani art collection and patron of Caravaggio, 1564-1637

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Oval portrait of Joachim von Sandrart

Oval portrait of Joachim von Sandrart
Portrait of Joachim von Sandrart, German Baroque art historian and painter, 1606-1688. Worked in Amsterdam during the Dutch Golden Age. With book and coat of arms

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Military weapons, 11th and 12th centuries

Military weapons, 11th and 12th centuries. Lances with pennants, trumpet with flag, round buckler, kite shields, helmet, short swords, etc, Equipmente militaire No. 4

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Coats of arms or escutcheons of the guilds of Ghent

Coats of arms or escutcheons of the guilds of Ghent

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Coats of arms or escutcheons of the guilds of Ghent

Coats of arms or escutcheons of the guilds of Ghent. Bakers, boat builders, fish merchants, dyers, blue dyers, woolcutters, weavers, etc. Blasons des Corporations de Gand

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Military shields or bucklers, 11th to 16th centuries

Military shields or bucklers, 11th to 16th centuries

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Military shields or bucklers, 14th to 16th centuries

Military shields or bucklers, 14th to 16th centuries

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Military shields or bucklers, 11th to 16th centuries

Military shields or bucklers, 11th to 16th centuries. 1, 3, 6 from a manuscript by Jean Fouquet, 5 from Mr. Carpentier's cabinet, and the others from MS 109 H, Bibliotheque de l'Arsenal

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Jean Mielot offering his book to the Duke of Burgundy, 1457

Jean Mielot offering his book to the Duke of Burgundy, 1457
Jean Mielot offering his manuscript to Philip III, Duke of Burgundy, 1457. The duke in chaperon and mantle in a palace with throne and coat of arms

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: John of France, Duke of Berry. 1340-1416

John of France, Duke of Berry. 1340-1416
Illuminated initial J depicting John of France, Duke of Berry. 1340-1416. Seated on a throne in a long mantle with ermine collar. Johannes in calligraphy. Le Duc de Berri. 15th century

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Banners, pennants, ensigns, 10th to 14th century

Banners, pennants, ensigns, 10th to 14th century
Banners, pennants, ensigns, etc. 10th to 14th century. Pennon or penonceau, showing ranks of chivalry, 2, 3, 4, 6. Military flags, pavilion or tent banners with coats of arms

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Mahaut, Countess of Boulogne, and her daughter Joan, 13th C

Mahaut, Countess of Boulogne, and her daughter Joan, 13th C
Mahaut or Matilda II, Countess of Boulogne, wife of Philip I, and their daughter, Jeanne de France or Joan, who married Gaucher de Chatillon, France, 13th century

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: King Richard II and his father, Edward the Black Prince

King Richard II and his father, Edward the Black Prince
King Richard II (1367-1400) and his father, Edward the Black Prince (1330-1376). Both wear crowns and armorial robes with coats of arms of fleurs-de-lys and lions

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: King in coronation habit, 13th century

King in coronation habit, 13th century
A bearded king with crown and sceptre, in a green mantle, lined with vair, over a dalmatic adorned with fleurs-de-lys and richly ornamented with jewels. A coronation habit of the 13th century

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Military habits of the 14th century

Military habits of the 14th century. Soldiers in chainmail hauberks and surcoats with shields and shoulder armor with coats of arms from f.153v, Scholastic Bible, Douce MS 211

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Dedication page with illuminated inscription, initial and coat o

Dedication page with illuminated inscription, initial and coat o
Dedication page to Eleanor Percy, Duchess of Northumberland, with illuminated inscription, initial and coat of arms. Initial letter T showing knights in hauberks attacking dragons

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Sir Robert Ayton, Scottish poet and courtier, 1570-1638

Sir Robert Ayton, Scottish poet and courtier, 1570-1638
Portrait of Sir Robert Ayton. Scottish poet, 1570-1638. Groom, Gentleman of the Bedchamber, Kinght and courtier to King James VI of Scotland

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Portrait of King James II, of Scotland, 1430-1460

Portrait of King James II, of Scotland, 1430-1460. Dressed in doublet and hose, a wide-brimmed hat, jeweled chain on his chest, crakows or poulaines on his feet

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Grand platter for the table, Rouen

Grand platter for the table, Rouen
Grand platter for the table. With the coats of arms of Louis de Rouvroy and his wife Marie Gabrielle de Durfort. Grand plateau de table. Aux armes du Duc de Saint-Simon et de sa femme

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Plates in the rockery style, Rouen

Plates in the rockery style, Rouen
Plates in the rockery style. Decorated a la corne and with solitary flowers, rose, tulip, and coat of arms. Assiette: type du decor a la corne. Assiette a decor de fleurs isolees. Style rocaille

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Plate with Chinese figures in the Dutch-Japanese style, Rouen

Plate with Chinese figures in the Dutch-Japanese style, Rouen
Plate with Chinese figures in the Dutch-Japanese style. With the coat of arms of Duc Francois III d'Harcourt. Assiette a personnages Chinois de genre Hollandais. Type Hollando-Japonais

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Imitation Chinese service platter, Rouen, circa 1730

Imitation Chinese service platter, Rouen, circa 1730
Imitation Chinese service platter with coat of arms of Charles II François Frédéric de Montmorency. Produced by Jean-Baptiste Guillibaud, 1720-39

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Round plate with coat of arms in central rosette, Rouen

Round plate with coat of arms in central rosette, Rouen
Round plate with coat of arms in central rosette, black arabesques on yellow ocher. Assiette a rosace centrale avec double ecusson d'armoires, arabesques noires sur fond jaune ocre

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Early plate manufactured by Edme Poterat, Rouen, 1647

Early plate manufactured by Edme Poterat, Rouen, 1647
Early plate manufactured by Edme Poterat with the Poterat coat of arms, Rouen, 1647. WIth underside and profile. Origins of fabrication. Plat primitif de la Fabrique d'Edme Poterat

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Ewer in blue camaieu, festoon style, Rouen, 18th century

Ewer in blue camaieu, festoon style, Rouen, 18th century
Ewer in blue camaieu, festoon style. With the coat of arms of Charles-Louis de Froulay de Tesse, Bishop of Mars. Aiguiere en camaieu bleu, aux armes de Froulay-Tesse, Eveque du Mans. style rayonnant

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Coats of arms of Teuta, Queen of the Ardiaei, and Tomyris, Queen

Coats of arms of Teuta, Queen of the Ardiaei, and Tomyris, Queen
Coats of arms of Nine Worthy Ladies, Teuta, Queen of the Ardiaei, with black eagle with woman's head on breast, and Tomyris, Queen of the Massagetae, with three gold nascent leopards

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Imaginary coats of arms of Minothaea and Hippolyte

Imaginary coats of arms of Minothaea and Hippolyte
Imaginary coats of arms of Scythian queen Minothaea, with three gold chairs, and Amazon Queen Antiope's sister, Hippolyte, with blue lion rampant and three crowned queens. Nine Worthy Women

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Imaginary coats of arms of Queens of the Amazons Antiope and Pen

Imaginary coats of arms of Queens of the Amazons Antiope and Pen
Imaginary coats of arms of Queens of the Amazons Antiope, with three crowned women's heads, and Penthesilea, with three crowned women's heads and six silver bells. Nine Worthy Women

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Coats of arms of Queens of the Amazons, Marpesia, Lampetho and O

Coats of arms of Queens of the Amazons, Marpesia, Lampetho and O
Coats of arms of Queens of the Amazons, Marpesia with griffin, Lampetho and Orithyia with swan. MARTHESIA, ou MARPESIA, LAMPEDO, ou LEMPHETO, OTHRERA, ou ORYTHIA

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Coats of arms of Biblical figures Shammah, Benaiah and Judah Mac

Coats of arms of Biblical figures Shammah, Benaiah and Judah Mac
Coats of arms of Biblical figures Shammah, son of Agee the Hararite, Benaiah, son of the priest Jehoiada, and Judah Maccabee. SAMMA fils d'AGE Araite, BANAIAS fils de JOIADA, JUDA MACHABEE

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Imaginary coats of arms of King David's mighty warriors Adino an

Imaginary coats of arms of King David's mighty warriors Adino an
Imaginary coats of arms of Biblical figures, King David's mighty warriors Adino the Eznite with gold vase, and Eleazar, son of Dodo or Dodai, with caltrops and silver sword

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Coats of arms of Biblical figures Samson, and David, king and pr

Coats of arms of Biblical figures Samson, and David, king and pr
Imaginary coats of arms of Biblical figures Samson, with gold lion leopard and silver bees, and David, king and prophet, with slingshot and stone. SAMSON, DAVID Roy et Prophete

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Coats of arms of Biblical figures Joshua and Gideon. Josue, Gede

Coats of arms of Biblical figures Joshua and Gideon. Josue, Gede
Coats of arms of Biblical figures Joshua with golden sun and Gideon with golden fleece. Josue, Gedeon

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Coat of arms of mythological figures Protesilaus and Ceneus

Coat of arms of mythological figures Protesilaus and Ceneus
Coat of arms of mythological figures Protesilaus, king of the Phylaceans, and Ceneus, King of Scythia. PROTHESILAUS Roy de Phylace, CENEUS Roy de Scythie

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Imaginary coats of arms of Eurypylus of Mysia and Diomedes

Imaginary coats of arms of Eurypylus of Mysia and Diomedes
Imaginary coats of arms of mythological figures Eurypylus of Mysia, nephew of King Priam of Troy, with serpent-tailed lion, and Diomedes, King of Aetolia, with blue peacock

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Coats of arms of Polydamas and Antenor

Coats of arms of Polydamas and Antenor
Imaginary coats of arms of Polydamas, son of Baron Panthous, with gold horse head, and Antenor, counselor to King Priam of Troy, with lion wearing a red hat and holding a shepherd's crook

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Coats of arms of mythological figures King Priam of Troy, Anchis

Coats of arms of mythological figures King Priam of Troy, Anchises, father of Aeneas, and Memnon, Ethiopian king, nephew of Priam

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Imaginary coats of arms of Telamon and Theseus

Imaginary coats of arms of Telamon and Theseus
Imaginary coats of arms of Telamon, son of King Aeacus, with dragon-tailed lion chimera and Theseus with gold minotaur

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Imaginary coats of arms of Hercules and unknown blazon

Imaginary coats of arms of Hercules and unknown blazon
Imaginary coats of arms of Hercules or Heracles with seven-headed hydra, unknown blazon with boar's head

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Imaginary coat of arms of the Dioscuri twins Castor and Pollux

Imaginary coat of arms of the Dioscuri twins Castor and Pollux
Imaginary coat of arms of the Dioscuri twins Castor with star on silver field and Pollux with star on red field

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Imaginary coat of arms of Jason of the Argonauts and helmsman Ti

Imaginary coat of arms of Jason of the Argonauts and helmsman Ti
Imaginary coat of arms of Jason of the Argonauts with golden fleece, helmsman Tiphys with griffon

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Coat of arms of mythological figures King Ninus and Queen Semira

Coat of arms of mythological figures King Ninus and Queen Semiramis of Nineveh, Assyria. Babylon. Ninus & Semiramis, Roy & Royne de Babylone

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Coats of arms of mythological figures Anubis and Macedon

Coats of arms of mythological figures Anubis and Macedon
Coats of arms of mythological figures Anubis, son of Osiris, and Macedon, first king of Aemathia, son of Osiris. Anubis fils d'OSIRIS. MACEDON premier Roy de Aemathie fils d'OSIRIS

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Coats of arms of mythological figures Osiris and Hercules Lybius

Coats of arms of mythological figures Osiris and Hercules Lybius
Coats of arms of mythological figures Osiris son of Cham, son of the Patriarch Noah, and Hercules Lybius, 10th king of the Gauls, surnamed the grandson of Osiris

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Coat of arms of the Duke of Lorraine. Le Duc de Lorraine

Coat of arms of the Duke of Lorraine. Le Duc de Lorraine, with lion, fleurs-de-lys, corss, fish and crown

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Coat of arms of the Duke of Savoy

Coat of arms of the Duke of Savoy, with eagles, lions, towers, cross, horse, etc. Le Duc de Savoye

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Coat of arms of the Duchy of Saxony

Coat of arms of the Duchy of Saxony, with swords, eagle, lions, rose, etc. Le Duc de Saxe

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Coat of arms of Matthias, Holy Roman Emperor, Archduke of Austri

Coat of arms of Matthias, Holy Roman Emperor, Archduke of Austria, King of Hungary, Croatia and Bohemia, 1556-1619. With rose, castle, eagle, lion, etc

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Coat of arms of the King of Navarre

Coat of arms of the King of Navarre, with fleurs-de-lys, tower, lions, cows, etc. Le Roy de Navarre

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Coat of arms of the King of Denmark, Norway and Slavonia

Coat of arms of the King of Denmark, Norway and Slavonia. With three lions, crowned lion with axe, three crowns, hearts, swan, dragon, etc. Le Roy de Dannemarck, Nordvegve & Sclavonie

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Coat of arms of the Lords of Villers and the Isle of Man

Coat of arms of the Lords of Villers and the Isle of Man
Coat of arms of the Lord of Villers, silver right arm on gold field, Lord of the Isle of Man, England, with three men's legs in armor on red field. Seigneurs: Villers, Isle de Man Anglois

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Coat of arms of the Vidames of:Chartres and Amiens

Coat of arms of the Vidames of:Chartres and Amiens
Coat of arms of the Vidame of:Chartres, with black fesses and martlet birds on gold field, the Vidame of Amiens, with silver and blue chequy on red field. Vidames de Chartres et d'Amiens

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Coat of arms of the Counties of Nassau, Tyrol, and Zuimberc

Coat of arms of the Counties of Nassau, Tyrol, and Zuimberc
Coat of arms of the Counties of Nassau with lions, Tyrol with eagle, and Zuimberc with lion holding an axe. Comtez de Nansau, Thyrol, Zvimberc

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Coats of arms of the Counts of Horne and the Palatine of the Rhi

Coats of arms of the Counts of Horne and the Palatine of the Rhi
Coats of arms of the Count of Horne, with three red trumpets on gold field, and the Count of Palatine of the Rhine, with gold lion and red crown on black field. Comtez: Hornes, Palatin

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Coats of arms of the Counts of Burgundy and Rethel

Coats of arms of the Counts of Burgundy and Rethel
Coats of arms of the Counts of Burgundy, gold lion on blue field with silver billets, and Count of Rethel, with three gold rakes on red field. Comtez: Bourgongne, Rotel

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Coat of arms of the Counts of Hainaut and Holland

Coat of arms of the Counts of Hainaut and Holland
Coat of arms of the Count of Hainaut, Low Countries, black and red lions on gold field, and the Count of Holland, Low Countries, with red lion on gold field. Comtez: Henaut, Hollande

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Coat of arms of the Counts of Chaerny, Arthois

Coat of arms of the Counts of Chaerny, Arthois
Coat of arms of the Count of Chaerny, with silver escutcheons on red field, and the Count of Artois, with red label in chief with gold castles, on blue field with fleurs-de-lys

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Coat of arms of the Counts of Venice and Bauge

Coat of arms of the Counts of Venice and Bauge
Coat of arms of the Count of Venice, Italy, with two gold keys on red field, and the Count of Bauge, with ermine lion on red field. Comtez:Venice, Bavgie

Background imageCoat Of Arms Collection: Coat of arms of the Counts of Forets and Albanois

Coat of arms of the Counts of Forets and Albanois
Coat of arms of the Count of Forets, France, gold dolphin on red field, and the Count of Albanois, with silver bird on blue field. Comtez: Forest, Albanois

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