Two priestesses making an offering to CybeleTwo priestesses making an offering at an altar to Cybele, Anatolian mother goddess. One carries a knife, the other bangs cymbals. A musician plays an aulos
Roman gladiator with helmet, shield and sword, with his leg on a shield. Engraved on carnelian and dactylotheca from the collection of art dealer Thomas Moore Slade
Bust of one of Laocoon's sons attacked by giant serpents in Greek myth. Laocoontis Filius. Engraved on jasper and dactylotheca from the collection of art dealer Thomas Moore Slade
Germanicus Julius Caesar with his mother Antonia MinorGermanicus Julius Caesar, 15 BC - AD 19, Roman general famous for his campaigns in Germania, with his mother Antonia Minor, 36 BC - 37 AD. Germanicus et Antenia
Ajax and Ulysses protect Achilles with their shieldsAjax and Ulysses protect a kneeling Achilles with their shields. Ajax et Ulysses Achillem Clypeis Tuentur
Bust of Medusa, a Gorgon with venomous snakes in her hairBust of Medusa, a monstrous Gorgon with venomous snakes and wings in her hair in Greek mythology
Peleus performing a purification ritualPeleus, Greek hero, king of Phthia, husband of Thetis and father of Achilles, performing a purification ritual at a fountain
Isis breastfeeding her son HorusIsis, ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility and magic, breastfeeding her son Horus, the falcon-headed god. Isis et Orus
Cupid, Roman god of love, bending a bow. Cupido arcum curvat. Engraved on amethyst and dactylotheca from the collection of Algernon Percy, First Earl of Beverley
Figure of a cow. Vacca. Engraved on onyx and dactylotheca from the collection of Algernon Percy, First Earl of Beverley
Neptune, Roman god of rivers and the sea, holding a trident and riding a chariot drawn by seahorses. Neptunus
A satyr playing panpipes and faun with ram's horn before an altar. Faunus et Satyrus. Engraved on carnelian and dactylotheca from the collection of the art dealer Thomas Moore Slade
Figure of a sleeping cupid. Cupido Dormiens. Engraved on agate and dactylotheca from the collection of the art dealer Thomas Moore Slade
Figure of Apollo, Greek and Roman god of archery, music, dance, truth and poetry. Holding a lyre. Engraved on sardonyx and dactylotheca from the collection of the art dealer Thomas Moore Slade
Figure of a charging bull. Taurus. Carved in carnelian, onyx and dactylotheca from the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville
Greek hero Hercules and Omphale, Queen of Lydia. Engraved on agate and dactylotheca from the collection of the art dealer Thomas Moore Slade
Figure of a horse with the inscription C. Fufius PhilostratusFigure of a Roman horse pawing the ground with the inscription C. Fufius Philostratus, the owner? In sardonyx and dactylotheca from the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville
Portrait of a Greek Muse. Musa. In sardonyx and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville
Roman bath attendant with jar of oil and strigil, a tool to scrape oil from the skin. Engraved in emerald and dactylotheca from the collection of antiquarian Charles Francis Greville. Balneator inc
Mercury, Roman god of commerce and communicationPortrait of Mercury, Roman god of commerce and communication with petasos, caduceus, cloak and winged ankles
Bacchus with thyrsus riding a centaurBacchus, Roman god of win, with thyrsus (pine-cone staff) riding a centaur with its hands tied behind its back
Bacchus and Ariadne on a chariot on Naxos islandAriadne sits in a chariot drawn by two winged cheetahs on the island of Naxos. Bacchus, Roman god of wine, with his thyrsus (pine-cone staff) supports her
Greek warriors defeating Amazons on horseback. The destruction of the Amazons. In jaspidum, sanguin and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville
Roman man and woman lounging on a couch in a triclinium or dining room. With oil lamp and vase. In carnelian and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville
Ancient warriors leading a sacrificial bull to an altarAncient warriors in armour leading a sacrificial bull to an altar. Engraved on carnelian and dactylotheca from the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville
Warrior with spear running alongside a horseAncient warrior with spear running alongside a horse. Unknown figure on carnelian and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville. Ignotus inc. Carneolo & Dactyl
Cupid fishing with a rod and basket on the shoreline. Cupido Piscator. In carnelian and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville
Figure of Fortuna, the goddess of fortune and the personification of luck in Roman religion. With cornucopia and gubernaculum or ship's rudder. On emerald and dactylotheca
Military piety with soldier carrying a dead warriorMilitary piety with soldier in armour carrying a dead warrior colleague over his shoulder. Perhaps Ajax carrying Achilles. Pietas militaris. In antique paste and dactylotheca
Bust of Maecenas, political advisor to OctavianGaius Cilnius Maecenas c. 70 BC - 8 BC, friend and political advisor to Octavian, who later reigned as Augustus. Signed by AVAOY in cornelian and dactylotheca. Maecenas in Cornel & Dactyl
Etruscan faun squeezing grapes into a bowlNaked Etruscan faun squeezing grapes into a bowl. In sardonyx and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville
Scipio Africanus, 236/235-183 BC, Roman generalPublius Cornelius Scipio Africanus, 236/235-183 BC, Roman general and military commander. Scipio Africanus. In sardonyx, coelatus and dactylotheca
Lion in cornelian and dactylotheca. Leo in Carneolo & Dactyl. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville
Unknown woman, perhaps the Lemnian AthenaUnknown woman by Heioy or Heius. Perhaps the Lemnian Athena. On cornelian and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville. Incognita in Carneolo & Dactyl
Etruscan faun playing with a tiger. In cornelian and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville. Faunus Etruscus Tigride ludens in Cor. & Dactyl
Egyptian chimera with lion's head, goat's body and dragon's tail. On cornelian and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville
Lion and Egyptian scarab beetle in Egyptian sardonyx and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville. Leo feritus & Scarabaeus Aegypt in Sardony Aegypt & Dactyl
The lyre player on cornelian and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville. Lyricen in Carneolo & Dactyl
Omphale, Queen of Ludia, combing Greek hero Hercules hair. He reaches out for the skin of the Nemean lion
Portrait of Triptolemus, a warrior connected to DemeterPortrait of Triptolemus, a warrior connected with the goddess Demeter of the Eleusinian Mysteries in Greek mythology. In oriental sardonyx and dactylotheca
Portrait of Othryadess, Spartan warriorPortrait of Othryades or Othryadas, the last surviving Spartan of the 300 Spartans selected to fight against 300 Argives in the Battle of the 300 Champions. In cornelian and dactylotheca
Portrait of Mercury, Roman god of communicationPortrait of Mercury, Roman god of commerce and communication with lyre, petasos, cloak and winged ankles. In cornelian and dactylotheca. From the collection of antiquarian Charles Francis Greville
Portrait in profile of King Juba I of Numidia, c. 85-46 BC. Juba in Nicolo & Dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville
Antinous, favourite of Roman emperor HadrianPortrait of Antinous in multicolour sapphire. Bithynian Greek youth and favourite of Roman emperor Hadrian. Antinous in Sapphero versicoloro & dactylotheca
Unknown figure in profile in carnelian and dactylotheca. From the collection of the antiquarian Charles Francis Greville. Incognito in Cornel. & Dactyl. Hon. C. F. Greville
Coats of arms of the Greeks and RomansCoats of arms of the Greeks, with ram rampant, and Romans, with black two-headed eagle. Grecs, Romains
Title page with vignette from Richard Dagley's Gems, 1804Title page with calligraphy and vignette of winged Cupid writing in a book. Near antique ruins with vase, plinth, coins, and bust with wreath