Parthenon. Athens. GreeceGreece. Athens. Parthenon. 447-438 BC. in Doric style under leadership of Pericles. The building was designed by the architects Ictinos and Callicrates. Acropolis
Athens. Panoramic view of the Acropolis. Parthenon. Attica. Central Greece
Athens. Panoramic view of the Acropolis at night. Attica. Central Greece
Goddess Sekhmet, Sculpture. Medinet Habu. EgyptGoddess Sekhmet, goddess of war, represented with head of a lioness and the human body and crowned with the solar disk. Sculpture in the mortuary temple of Ramses III (1187-1156 BC). New Kingdom
Athens. Panoramic view of the Acropolis. Attica. Central Greece
Ostia Antica. Theater. Italy
Lamassu or Bull-man. Gate from Sargon IIs Palace. Dur-SharrAssyrian Art. Lamassu or Bull-man. Gate from Sargon IIs Palace. Dur-Sharrukin (Khorsabad). Assyria, 721-705 BC. Alabaster. Louvre Museum. Paris. France
Italy. Rome. Circular Temple of Hercules VictorItaly. Rome. The circular temple of Hercules Victor. Built in the 2nd century B.C.. Forum Boarium
Lamasu or Bull-man. Reliefs from Sargon IIs Palace. Dur-ShaAssyrian Art. Lamasu or Bull-man. Reliefs from Sargon IIs Palace. Dur-Sharrukin (Khorsabad). Assyria, 721-705 BC. Alabaster. 8th century BC. Louvre Museum. Paris. France
Relief depicting a hand with an ankh or crux ansata. EgyptRelief depicting a hand with an ankh or crux ansata. Temple of Hatshepsut. Eighteenth Dynasty. New Kingdom. Egypt
Relief depicting Hatshepsut and hieroglyph on the walls. Temple of Hatshepsut. Egypt. 18th Dynasty. New Kingdom. Deir el-Bahari. Egypt
Lamasu or Bull-man. Detail of the head. Reliefs from SargonAssyrian Art. Lamasu or Bull-man. Detail of the head. Reliefs from Sargon IIs Palace. Dur-Sharrukin (Khorsabad). Assyria, 721-705 BC. Alabaster. 8th century BC. Louvre Museum. Paris. France
Hieroglyph on the walls of the Temple of Hatshepsut. At the top is a vulture Nekhbet, opening its protective wings.18th Dynasty. New Kingdom. Deir el-Bahari. Egypt
Hieroglyph. Temple of Hatshepsut. Deir el-Bahari. EgyptHieroglyph. Temple of Hatshepsut. 18th Dynasty. New Kingdom. Deir el-Bahari. Egypt
Constantine I, The Great (272-337). Roman Emperor. Hand of CConstantine I, The Great (272-337). Roman Emperor. Best known for beign the first christian roman emperor. Hand of Constantines colossal Statue at the Capitoline Museums. Rome. Italy
Rome. Circular Temple of Hercules Victor. ItalyRoman Art. The circular temple of Hercules Victor (formerly tought to be a Temple of Vesta). Built in the second century B.C. Forum Boarium. Itay. Rome
Trajans Column. Relief depicting scenes of Dacian War (1101-106 A.D.) Forum of Trajan. Rome. Italy
Apollo. Greek Mythology. Athens. GreeceApollo. (Greek Mythology). Is the god of music, archery and healing. Statue of Apollo at the Athens Academy. Athens. Central Greece. Attica. Europe
Rome. The Colosseum. ItalyRoman Art. The Colosseum or Flavian Amphitheatre. Outside view. Rome. Italy
Roman Art. Column of Marcus Aurelius. Built in honour of romRoman Art. Column of Marcus Aurelius. Doric column, with a spiral relief. Built in honour of roman emperor Marcus Aurelius (180 AD.)
Greek Art. Parthenon (447-438 BC). Entablature. Acropolis. AGreek Art. Parthenon. Was built between 447-438 BC. in Doric style under leadership of Pericles. The building was designed by the architects Ictinos and Callicrates
Greek Art. The Propylaea. Acropolis. Athens. Attica. CentraGreek Art. The Propylaea. In 437 BC Mnesicles started building the monument gates with columns of Pentelic marble. (437-432 BC). Acropolis. Athens. Attica. Central Greece. Europe
Greek Art. Parthenon (447-438 BC). Acropolis. Athens. AtticaGreek Art. Parthenon. Was built between 447-438 BC. in Doric style under leadership of Pericles. The building was designed by the architects Ictinos and Callicrates. Acropolis. Athens. Attica
Emporium. Greek colonyGreek Art. Emporium (Ampurias). Greek colony founded by the greeks of Foci, 570 BC. Statue of Asclepius. God of medicin. Neapolis. Girona province. Catalonia. Spain. Europe
Ampurias. Ruins whit statue of Asclepius. Catalonia. SpainGreek Art. Ampurias. Greek colony founded by the greeks of Foci. 575 BC. Ruins whit statue of Asclepius, god of medicine. Catalonia. Spain
Syria. Ugarit. Ancient port city at the Ras Shamra. Neolithic-Late Bronze Age. Acequia
Greek Art. Temple of Poseidon. Sunset. Cap Sounion. GreeceGreek Art. Temple of Poseidon. Doric style. Was built in the 5th century BC. Sunset. Cap Sounion. Peloponessos. Greece. Europe
Assyrian Art. Reliefs from Sargon IIs Palace. Civil servanAssyrian Art. Lamasu or Bull-man. Reliefs from Sargon IIs Palace. Functionary. Dur-Sharrukin (Khorsabad). Assyria, 721-705 BC. Alabaster. 8th century BC. Louvre Museum. Paris. France
Assyrian Art. Reliefs from Sargon IIs Palace. Genius. DurAssyrian Art. Lamasu or Bull-man. Reliefs from Sargon IIs Palace. Genius. Dur-Sharrukin (Khorsabad). Assyria, 721-705 BC. Alabaster. 8th century BC. Louvre Museum. Paris. France
Mycenaean civilization. Mycenae. Cyclopean walls of the cityMycenaean civilization. Mycenae. Ancient city of Greece. Cyclopean walls of the city. Argolis. 1600 -1100 B.C. Peloponese. Greece. Europe
Mycenaean civilization. Mycenae. Royal Tombs. Argolis. PelopMycenaean civilization. Mycenae. Ancient city of Greece. Royal Tombs. Grave circle A and B. Mycenae Acropolis. Argolis. 1600 -1100 B.C. Peloponese. Greece. Europe
Relief with hieroglyphic symbols. Temple of Ramses III. New Kingdom. Egypt
Goddess Sekhmet, Sculpture. Detail. Medinet Habu. EgyptGoddess Sekhmet, goddess of war, represented with head of a lioness and the human body and crowned with the solar disk. Detail. Sculpture in the mortuary temple of Ramses III (1187-1156 BC)
Relief with hieroglyphic symbols. Crook. Temple of Ramses III. New Kingdom. Egypt
Relief with the Ankh. Temple of Ramses III. New Kingdom. Egypt
Hieroglyphic. Relief depicting consonant sounds. The f (horned viper) and m (owl). Temple of Hatshepsut. Egypt
Lamasu or Bull-man. Gate from Sargon IIs Palace. Dur-SharruAssyrian Art. Lamasu or Bull-man. Gate from Sargon IIs Palace. Dur-Sharrukin (Khorsabad). Assyria, 721-705 BC. Alabaster. 8th century BC. Louvre Museum. Paris. France
Italy. Rome. Market of TrajanForum of Trajan, attributed to the architect Apollodorus of Damascus. Trajans Market (Mercatus Traiani). Built in 100-100 A.D. Rome. Italy
Athens. View of the Acropolis. Parthenon. SunsetAthens. View ot the Acropolis. Temple of Parthenon. Sunset. Attica. Central Greece
The Stoa of Attalos (Atallus). Athenian Agora. Athens. GreecGreek Art. The Stoa of Attalos (Atallus). It was built by and named after King Attalos II of Pergamon who ruled between 159 BC and 138 BC. In the years 1953-1956 the Stoa was reconstructed
Greek Art. Erechtheion. Porch of the Caryatids. AcropolisGreek Art. Erechtheion. Temple ionic. Was built between 421 - 407 BC. View of the Kariatides (Porch of the Caryatids). Acropolis. Athens. Attica. Central Greece
Athens. Panoramic view of the Acropolis. SunsetAthens. Panoramic view of the Acropolis from Philapoppos Hill. Sunset. Attica. Central Greece
Rome. Circular Temple of Hercules Victor and Temple of the VRoman Art. The circular temple of Hercules Victor (formerly tought to be a Temple of Vesta). Built in the second century B.C. In second term, Temple of the Virile Fortune or Portonus ( 2nd BC.)
Greek Art. Temple of Hephaestus or Theseion. Agora of AthensGreek Art. Temple of Hephaestus or Theseion. The doric temple, which stands at the western end of the Agora, on the hill of Agoraios Kolonos. Erected by the architect Ictinos (449-415 B.C.)
Greek Art. Erechtheion. Acropolis. Athens. Attica. CentralGreek Art. Erechtheion. Temple ionic. Was built between 421 - 407 BC. Acropolis. Athens. Attica. Central Greece
Italy. Rome. Forum of Trajan. Ruins of Basilica Ulpia
Roman mosaic. Ostia Antica. Italy
Italy. Rome. Circular Temple of Hercules VictorItaly. Rome. The circular temple of Hercules Victor. Built in the 2nd century B.C. and the fountain of two tritons by Carl Bizzachieri (1715). Forum Boarium
Italy. Rome. Column of TrajanItaly. Rome. Trajans Column. 2nd century A.D. Forum of Trajan
Roman Art. Arch of Titus. Triumphal arch. It was constructeRoman Art. Arch of Titus. Triumphal arch, with a single arched, located on the Via Sacra. South-East of the Forum
Roman city of Ampurias. Amphitheater. Built 1st century afthRoman city of Ampurias. Outside the Amphitheater. Built 1st century after Christ. Regio?n Alt Emporda?. Girona province. Catalonia. Spain
Cyclopean wall. Tarragona. Catalonia. SpainCyclopean wall (6th or 5thcentury B.C.) built of irregular stone blocks. Tarragona. Catalonia. Spain
Spain. Catalonia. Tarragona. Houses and the roman cyclopeanSpain. Catalonia. Tarragona. Houses in the old town. At the botton, the remains of the roman cyclopean wall
Tower of the Scipions. Detail. Near Tarragona. Via AugustaRoman Art. The Tower of the Scipions ( I century AD). Detail. High relief figure. Near Tarragona city. Catalonia. Spain
Roman Mausoleum in Centcelles. Detail of mosaics. ConstantiRoman Art. Early Christian Art. Roman Mausoleum in Centcelles. Built in the IVth A.D. for Constans, son of the Emperor Constantine. Detail Mosaics. Hunding. Constanti. Tarragona Province. Catalonia
Tarragona. Colonial Forum. Catalonia. SpainTarragona. Colonial Forum. Built in 2nd century B.C.. Arcades with shops or tabernaes. Catalonia. Spain
Spain. Tarragona. Roman Forum. 2nd century B. C CorinthianSpain. Tarragona. Roman Forum. 2nd century B.C.. Corinthian columns of porch square. Tarragona city. Catalonia. Spain
Tarragona city. Augusto Palace or Prredtorium or Pilatos TowRoman Art. Roman Praetorium, also known as the Torreon de Pilatos or Augustus Palace. It is not in fact a palace but one of the towers bounding the Forum
Ampurias. Wall. 1st century B. C Catalonia. SpainAmpurias. Southern wall. 1st century B.C.. Catalonia. Spain
Ampurias. Wall. 1st century B. C Door. Catalonia. SpainAmpurias. Southern wall. 1st century B.C.. Door. Catalonia. Spain
Mycenaean Art. The Lion Gate of Mycenes fortress. PeloponnesMycenaean Art. The Lion Gate of Mycenes fortress. Argos. Peloponnese. Greece. Europe
Rome. Mausoleum of Hadrian, usually known as the Castle SantRoman Art. Mausoleum of emperor Hadrian or Castle Sant Angelo. Built in 139 A.D. and turned into a fortress during the Middle Age. Rome. Italy. Europe
Aquincum. The ruins of the roman city. Near Budapest. HungarRoman Art. Aquincum. The ancient city of Aquincum was situated on the North-Eastern borders of the Pannonia province within the Roman Imperi. Near Budapest. Hungary. Europe
Roman Art. Ruins of the roman wall. Barcelona. Catalonia. SpRoman Art. Ruins of the roman wall, incorporated into later buildings. Tower of Gateways Praetoira Gate, inside in medieval building (XII AD). Square Nova. Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain. Europe
Trajan. Roman emperor. BustTrajan (53-117). Roman emperor (98-117). Bust. Marble. 2th century. Vatican Museums. City of the Vatican
Roman Agora of Athens. GreeceRoman Art. Roman Agora. Remains of the gate into the Roman Forum. Athens. Central Greece. Attica. Europe