Altar of Duke Ratchis. 740s. Detail of the Adoration of the Magi. Lombardys romanesque style. Romanesque art. Relief on marble. ITALY. FRIULI-VENEZIA GIULIA. UDINE. Cividale del Friuli
Codex Egberti. ca. 980. Nativity. Ottonian art. Miniature Painting. ITALY. Cividale del Friuli. Archaeological Museum
Psalter of Saint Elizabeth. 1200s. April: farmer digging. Romanesque art. Miniature Painting. ITALY. Cividale del Friuli. Archaeological Museum
Architecture / FriuliA selection of details from the chapel at Cividale del Friuli. These include interior sculptures, a floor plan and masonry pieces. Date: 1855
ITALY. Cividale del Friuli. Santa Maria in Valle. Grape picker. 7th-8th c. Ostrogothic or Lombardian art. Relief on rock
ITALY. Cividale del Friuli. Mary Magdalene and Saint Sofia with the theological virtues. Romanesque art. Fresco
Cover of Saint Isabels bible, 13th century. Late Byzantine art. Jewelry. ITALY. FRIULI-VENEZIA GIULIA. UDINE. Cividale del Friuli. Archaeological Museum
Altar of Duke Ratchis. 740s. Deatil of the frontal
Psalter of Saint Elizabeth. 1200s. September. Festival of exaltation of Saint George. Romanesque art. Miniature Painting. ITALY. Cividale del Friuli. Archaeological Museum