Michelangelo (1475-1564). Sistine Chapel. The Last Judgement. 1537-1541. VATICAN CITY. Vatican Palaces. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Fresco
Michelangelo (1475-1564). Pieta. 1498-1499. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Sculpture on marble. VATICAN CITY. Saint Peters Basilica
Michelangelo (1475-1564). Madonna of Bruges. 1501 - 1504. BELGIUM. Bruges. Church of Our Lady. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Sculpture on marble
Raphael (1483-1520). The Sistine Madonna. 1512-1517. Lower detail with the figures of two cherubs. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on canvas. GERMANY. Dresden
Mary Queen of Scotland (1542-1567)Mary (1542-1587). Queen of Scotland (1542-1567). CLOUET, Francois (1505-1573). Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on canvas. FRANCE. OE-DE-FRANCE. Paris. Musue Carnavalet (Carnavalet Museum)
Raphael (1483-1520). Transfiguration. 1517 -
TINTORETTO, Jacopo Robusti, called Il (1518-1594). The Last Supper. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Venetian school
SUSTERMANS, Joost (1597-1681). Portrait of Galileo Galilei. ca. mid. 17th c. Detail. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on canvas. ITALY. Florence. Galleria degli Uffizi (Uffizi Gallery)
RAIMUNDI, Vicente (16th century). Antiphonary of Charles V. 1537. Santiago Matamoros fighting. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Miniature Painting. SPAIN. Madrid. National Library
LEONARDO DA VINCI (1452-1519). The Mona Lisa or La Gioconda. ca. 1503-1506. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on wood. FRANCE. Paris. Louvre Museum. Proc: ITALY. Florence
Raphael (1483-1520). Resurrection of Christ. 1499 - 1502. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on wood. BRAZIL. Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo Museum of Art
Medici, Lorenzo the Magnificient (1449-1492). Italian patrician and humanist, ruler of Florence from 1469 to 1492. Lorenzo de Medici receiving gifts from his ambassadors. VASARI, Giorgio (1511-1574)
ARCIMBOLDO, Giuseppe (1527-1593). The Spring. mid. 16th c. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil. ITALY. Brescia. Civic Pinacotheca Tosio Martinengo
PALLADIO, Andrea di Pietro dalla Gondola, called Andrea (1508-1580). Villa Capra. 1566. ITALY. Vicenza. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Venetian school. Architecture
Pontormo, Jacopo da (1494-1556). Portrait of Garcilaso de la Vega (1st half 16 c. - ). Spanish poet. Renaissance. Cinquecento. Painting. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on canvas. GERMANY. Kassel
Charles VRUBENS, Peter Paul (1577-1640). The Emperor Charles V and the Empress Isabella. 1628. Copy of the original portrait by Titian destroyed in the fire at the Alcạ r of Madrid in 1734
Raphael (1483-1520). Madonna Conestabile. 1504. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Tempera. RUSSIA. Saint Petersburg. State Hermitage Museum
LEONARDO DA VINCI, school of (first half 16th)" LEONARDO DA VINCI, school of (first half 16th). Bacchus. 1513 - 1516. Painted after Leonardos original " St John the Baptist Dionysus". Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on canvas
Michelangelo (1475-1564). Rondanini Piet1555-1564Michelangelo (1475-1564). Rondanini Piet 1555-1564. ITALY. Milan. Sforzesco Palace. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Sculpture on marble
Raphael (1483-1520). Portrait of Baltazar Castiglione. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on canvas
GIORGIONE, Giorgio da Castelfranco, called (1477-1510)
Moses. 1513-1515. Statue by Michelangelo (1475-1564). MarbleMoses. 1513-1515. Statue by Michelangelo (Michelangelo Buonarroti) (1475-1564). Marble. San Pietro in Vincoli Church. Rome. Italy
ITALY. Caprarola. Villa Farnese. Map of Europe. 1574 painting by Giovanni Antonio da Varese Vanosino. Stanza del Mappamondo (Geographic room or Room of the World Map). Renaissance art. Cinquecento
PARMIGIANINO, Francesco Mazzola, called Il (1503-1540). Legend of Artemis and Actaeon. 1523. ITALY. Fontanellato. La Rocca. Detail. Greyhound. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Fresco
Raphael (1483-1520). Portrait of a lady. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Painting. Private Collection
Tomb of Pope Julius II (1443-1513). 1505-1545. By MichelangeTomb of Pope Julius II (1443-1513). 1505-1545. Built by Michelangelo (Michelangelo Buonarroti) (1475-1564) and his assistants. Detail. San Pietro in Vincoli Church. Rome. Italy
VERONESE, Paolo Caliari, called Paolo (1528-1588). Arachne or Dialects. 1575 - 1577. ITALY. Venice. Ducal Palace. Ceiling decoration in the Sala del Collegio. Renaissance art. Cinquecento
Medici porcelain. Three grotesque-style spouts. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. China / Porcelain. FRANCE. Ό E-DE-FRANCE. HAUTS-DE-SEINE. S趲 es. Sevres National Museum for Ceramics
Raphael (1483-1520). Angel. 1500-1501. Fragment of the old Altar Baronci with the representation of the Coronation of Saint Nicholas of Tolentino. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on canvas. ITALY
TINTORETTO, Il. Battle of ZaraTINTORETTO, Jacopo Robusti, called Il (1518-1594). Battle of Zara. 1582 - 1587. Victory of the Venetians over the Hungarians in the capture of the city in 1346. Central detail
GIORGIONE. Youth holding an Arrow 1505GIORGIONE, Giorgio da Castelfranco, called (1477-1510). Youth holding an Arrow. 1505. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Venetian school. Oil on canvas. AUSTRIA. VIENNA. Vienna
Sistine Chapel. The Creation of Adam. 1510. VATICAN CITY. Vatican Palaces. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Fresco
Raphael (1483-1520). Stanza della Segnatura: The School of Athens. VATICAN CITY. Vatican Palaces. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Fresco
Grimani Breviary. 16th c. Month of September. The Wine Harvest (fol. 9v). Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Miniature Painting. ITALY. Venice. Biblioteca nazionale marciana (St. Marks Library)
DOSSO DOSSI, Giovanni di Luteri, called (h. 1479-1542)DOSSO DOSSI, Giovanni di Luteri, called (h.1479-1542). Portrait of a man, possibly Cesare Borgia. beg. 16th c. Detail. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on canvas. FRANCE. Paris. Louvre Museum
Giulio Romano, Giulio Pippi, called (1492-1546). The noble banquet. 1526-1528. Wall painting placed in the Room of Love and Psyche. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Roman school. Fresco. ITALY. Mantua
Raphael (1483-1520). The Loggetta of Cardinal Bibbiena. 1516-1517. VATICAN CITY. Vatican Palaces. Scene of the myth of Apollo. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Fresco
ARCIMBOLDO, Giuseppe (1527-1593)
Ecce HomoTiziano Vecello, also called Titian (1490-1576). Ecce Homo. Jesus Christ presented scourged and bound. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on canvas
Diana and CallistoTiziano Vecello, also called Titian (1490-1576). Diana and Callisto (Diana e Callisto). Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Venetian
Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564). The Cristo della Minerva, also known as Christ the Redeemer or Christ Carrying the Cross. Marble sculpture, 1521. Located to the left of the main altar
Arrival of Henry III to Venice. ca. 1593. MICHIELI, Andrea, called Il Vicentino (1542-1617). Henri III of France is received in 1574 by Doge Alvise Mocenigo
JEROME, Saint (347-420). Father and doctor of the Church. ROBUSTI, Domenico Tintoretto II (1560-1635). Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Venetian school. Oil on canvas. ITALY. Rome
SARTO, Andrea del (1486-1531). The Annunciation. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on canvas. ITALY. TUSCANY. Florence. Pitti Palace
War machine. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Drawing. ITALY. VENETO. Venice. Gallerie dell Accademia (Academy Gallery)
ITALY. Venice. The Arsenals main gate, the Porta Magna. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Venetian school. Architecture
RUBENS, Peter Paul (1577-1640). The Emperor Charles V and the Empress Isabella. 1628. Copy of the original portrait by Titian destroyed in the fire at the Alcạ r of Madrid in 1734
CASTELLO, Fabrizio (1562-1617). Battle of St. Quentin. 1590-1591. The spanish troops defeated the french of Henry II in 1557. Detail of the spanish camp and the tent of Philip II
Michelangelo (1475-1564). Italian Renaissance artist. Bust of Michelangelo. 16th c. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Sculpture on bronze. ITALY. TUSCANY. Florence. Bargello National Museum
STRADANO, Giovanni (1523-1605). The Laboratory of Alchemy. ca. 1570. Lower right detail. Wolrk located at the Francis Is chamber.. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Painting. ITALY. TUSCANY. Florence
GIORGIONE. LauraGIORGIONE, Giorgio da Castelfranco, called (1477-1510). Laura. 1506. Renaissance art. Quattrocento. Venetian school. Oil on canvas. AUSTRIA. VIENNA. Vienna
BARCELO, Joan. The Visitation AltarpieceBARCELO, Joan (15th c.-16th c.). The Visitation Altarpiece. ca. 1485. Detail. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on wood. ITALY. SARDINIA. Cagliari. National Picture Gallery
Self-portrait. ca. 1512. Renaissance art. Cinquecento
Flying machine. ca. 1487. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Drawing. FRANCE. Paris. Library of the Institute of France
TIZIANO, pupil of (16th century). Portrait of Philip II of Spain. 1530s-1550s. Portrait of youth as Duke of Milan. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Prado Museum
Michelangelo (1475-1564). Bacchus. 1496 - 1497. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Sculpture on marble. ITALY. Florence. Bargello National Museum
Michelangelo (1475-1564). Sistine Chapel. 1508-1512. VATICAN CITY. Vatican Palaces. Detail of the vault. The Creation of the universe and the planets. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Fresco
WEYDEN, Rogier van der (1400-1464); LEONARDO DA VINCI (1452-1519). Madonna Benois. 1478. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on canvas. RUSSIA. Saint Petersburg. State Hermitage Museum
VERONESE, Paolo Caliari, called Paolo (1528-1588). Supper in the House of Simon. 1560. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on canvas. ITALY. Turin. Galleria Sabauda (Sabauda Gallery)
ITALY. PUGLIA. BARI. Monopoli. Fortified Palace of Masseria Spina (16th c.). Renaissance art. Cinquecento
Bassano, Jacopo. Noah after the Flood. ca. 1575. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Prado Museum
BADILE, Antonio (1518-1560). Presentation of Jesus in Temple. 1st half 16th c. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on canvas. ITALY. Turin. Galleria Sabauda (Sabauda Gallery)
TTITIA, Tiziano Vecello, also called (1490-1576). Leda and the Swan. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Venetian school. Oil on canvas. ITALY. Turin. Galleria Sabauda (Sabauda Gallery)
Raphael (1483-1520). The Marriage of the Virgin
Raphael (1483-1520). Logge. Joshua Stopping the Sun. 1518-1519. VATICAN CITY. Vatican Palaces. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Fresco
BELLINI, Gentile (1429-1507). Miracle of the Cross on San Lorenzo Channel. ca. 1500. Detail with gondoliers. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Venetian school. Oil on canvas. ITALY. Venice
Raphael (1483-1520). Portrait of Pregnant Woman. ca. 1504 - 1506. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on canvas. ITALY. Florence. Pitti Palace
Raphael (1483-1520). Self-portrait (Autoritratto). 1506. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on canvas. ITALY. Florence. Galleria degli Uffizi (Uffizi Gallery)
ROMANO, Giulio, Workshop of. Venus and Vulcan. ca. 1530. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Roman school. Oil on wood. FRANCE. Paris. Louvre Museum
SARTO, Andrea del (1486-1531). Lucrecia di Baccio. ca. 1517. The artists wife. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Prado Museum
Disciples of Emmaus. 16th c. Work by Francesco Bassanos workshop. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Pamplona. Navarra Museum
SARTO, Andrea del (1486-1531). Assumption of the Virgin. 1527. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on wood. ITALY. Florence. Pitti Palace
BASSANO, Leandro (1557-1622). The return of the prodigal son. end 16th c. Central detail. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Prado Museum
BECCAFUMI, Domenico (1484-1551). Moses Showing the Tables of the Law. 1517-1546. ITALY. Siena. Cathedral. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Mosaic
FERRARI, Defendente (1480-1540). Christ in meditation
Limosin or Limousin, Leonard (c. 1505-c. 1575). Portrait of the Constable of Montmorency. 1556. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Enamel. FRANCE. Paris. Louvre Museum
SANSOVINO, Jacopo Tatti, called (1486-1570). Madonna and Child. ca. 1527. Relief in multicoloured stucco. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Relief on stucco. ITALY. Florence. Bargello National Museum
ITALY. Venice. Ducal Palace. Sala del Collegio
Head of Christ the Redeemer. 16th c. Leonardo da Vincis school. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Drawing. ITALY. Milan. Accademia di Belle Arti bi Brera (Fine Arts Academy of Brera)
Raphael (1483-1520). Stanza of the Signatura. Philosophy. VATICAN CITY. Vatican Palaces. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Fresco
ROBUSTI, Domenico Tintoretto II (1560-1635)" ROBUSTI, Domenico " Tintoretto II" (1560-1635); TINTORETTO, Jacopo Robusti, called Il (1518-1594). Triumphant Exaltation of Venice. ca. 1595-. ITALY. Venice. Ducal Palace
Raphael (1483-1520). Woman with an Unicorn. 1505. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on wood. ITALY. Rome. Borghese Gallery and Museum
TINTORETTA, Marieta Robusti, also called (1560-1590). Self-portrait. ca. 1580. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. Madrid. Prado Museum
BAGNACAVALLO, Bartolomeo Ramenghi, called (h. 1484-1542). The Mystic Marriage of St Catherine. 1501-. Renaissance art. Cinquecento. Oil on canvas. ITALY. Bologna. National Picture Gallery