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Cine Collection

Background imageCine Collection: Queen Elizabeth II uses a cine camera

Queen Elizabeth II uses a cine camera
Queen Elizabeth II using a cine camera to capture the action at an event she attends. Date: c.1965

Background imageCine Collection: Queen Elizabeth II using a cine camera

Queen Elizabeth II using a cine camera
Queen Elizabeth II spotted using a cine camera to capture the action of an event she is attending. Date: c.1965

Background imageCine Collection: Harry Prices ghost hunting kit

Harry Prices ghost hunting kit
Undated photograph of Harry Prices ghost hunting kit, comprising a Reflex and cine cameras, tools for sealing doors and windows, apparatus for secret electrical controls, steel tape

Background imageCine Collection: Indoor filming

Indoor filming
Televising a Spanish scene at the Crystal Palace, filmed on cine-film at the studios of the Baird Television Company

Background imageCine Collection: Advert for Kodak movies

Advert for Kodak movies
A woman enjoying the Cine-Kodak. Date: 1926

Background imageCine Collection: Wartime House Party, Cliveden

Wartime House Party, Cliveden, Taplow, Buckinghamshire. Photographs of Cliveden House, and Viscount and Viscountess Astor with child evacuees, with cine camera and playing games. Date: 1939

Background imageCine Collection: San Sebastiᮮ Festival 2009. Qin Lan

San Sebastiᮮ Festival 2009. Qin Lan
SPAIN. Donostia. Chinese actress Qin Lan poses at Kursaal Palace after the screening Lu Chan's film City of Life and Death (Nanjing! Nanjing!). 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival

Background imageCine Collection: San Sebastiᮮ Festival 2009. Lu Chan

San Sebastiᮮ Festival 2009. Lu Chan
SPAIN. Donostia. Chinese director Lu Chan poses at Kursaal Palace after the screening of his film City of Life and Death (Nanjing! Nanjing!). 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival

Background imageCine Collection: San Sebastiᮮ Festival 2009. Liu Ye

San Sebastiᮮ Festival 2009. Liu Ye
SPAIN. Donostia. Chinese actor Liu Ye poses at Kursaal Palace after the screening Lu Chan's film City of Life and Death (Nanjing! Nanjing!). 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival

Background imageCine Collection: A woman using what looks to be a cine camera, probably a Bell and Howell 252

A woman using what looks to be a cine camera, probably a Bell and Howell 252. Date: 1950s

Background imageCine Collection: Lady Morrison-Low filming Fife point-to-point

Lady Morrison-Low filming Fife point-to-point
Lady Morrison-Low cine filming the Fife hunt point-to-point. 1935

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Brad Pitt

San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Brad Pitt
PITT, Brad (1963). American film actor. Presentation of Quentin Tarantinos film Inglourious Basterds during the 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival, on September 18, 2009. SPAIN. Donostia

Background imageCine Collection: Advert for Siemens Cine Cameras 1933

Advert for Siemens Cine Cameras 1933
Woman holding a portable Siemens Cine Camera. 1933

Background imageCine Collection: Woody Allen. Premiere in Avil

Woody Allen. Premiere in Avil
Allen, Woody. American film director, writer and actor. Poses with his wife Soon Yi Previn during the premiere of his latest film You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger. August 24, 2010. SPAIN

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Jens Albinus

San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Jens Albinus
SPAIN. Donostia. German actor Jens Albinus poses for photographers after the screening of Mathias Glasners film This is Love. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 20, 2009

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2003. Sean Penn

San SebastiᮮFestival 2003. Sean Penn
PENN, Sean (1960). American actor and film director. US actor Sean Penn poses few hours before receiving the 51 San Sebastian International Film Festival Donostia Award. 23-09-2003. SPAIN. Donostia

Background imageCine Collection: Lima - Peru - Plaza San Martin

Lima - Peru - Plaza San Martin. Its central monument gives homage to Perus liberator, Jose de San Martin. Date: circa 1920s

Background imageCine Collection: WW2 - With the W. A. A. F. - Cine Projectionists

WW2 - With the W. A. A. F. - Cine Projectionists
WW2 - With the W.A.A.F. - Cine Projectionists Date: circa 1942

Background imageCine Collection: Press photographers, Trinity College, Cambridge University

Press photographers, Trinity College, Cambridge University
Press photographers at Trinity College, Cambridge University, at the time that Prince Charles became a student there. Date: 1967

Background imageCine Collection: Cine-Miroir featuring Genevieve Felix in L Engrenage, 1925

Cine-Miroir featuring Genevieve Felix in L Engrenage, 1925
Cine-Miroir featuring the French film star Genevieve Felix in L Engrenage, 1925 Date: 1925

Background imageCine Collection: Dornier Do 335A -a rare cine still of the first of its

Dornier Do 335A -a rare cine still of the first of its breed Fortunately this very fast twin propeller engined fighter was too late to have any impact in combat

Background imageCine Collection: MAURIAC, Fran篩s (1885-1970). French writer. Nobel

MAURIAC, Fran篩s (1885-1970). French writer. Nobel Prize in Literature (1952). Portrait from 1910

Background imageCine Collection: Spain. San SebastiᮮFilm Festival 2009

Spain. San SebastiᮮFilm Festival 2009
SPAIN. Donostia. Hundreds of fans await in the rain in front of the Kursaal palace in San Sebastian, North of Spain

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2012. S. Sarandon, R. Gere

San SebastiᮮFestival 2012. S. Sarandon, R. Gere
SPAIN. Donostia. US actors Susan Sarandon and Richard Gere present their film Arbitrage during the 60th San Sebastian International Film Festival opening ceremony, on September 21, 2012

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. SebastiᮠCordero

San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. SebastiᮠCordero
SPAIN. Donostia. Ecuatorian director Sebastian Cordero, president of the jury of the 58th San Sebastian International Film Festivals section Horizontes Latinos

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. Yun Junghee

San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. Yun Junghee
JEONG-HEE, Yoon (1944). South Korean actress. Opening ceremony of the 58th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 17, 2010. SPAIN. Donostia

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. Santiago Segura

San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. Santiago Segura
SEGURA, Santiago (1965). Spanish actor and film director. Poses during a photocall after the screening of his film El Gran Vazquez. 58th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 18, 2010

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. Ra�iz

San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. Ra�iz
SPAIN. Donostia. Chilean director Raoul Ruiz takes part in a photocall after the screening of his film Misterios de Lisboa (Mysteries of Lisbon). 58th San Sebastian International Film Festival

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. Kim Jee Woon

San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. Kim Jee Woon
SPAIN. Donostia. South Korean director Kim Jee Woon poses after the screening of his film I Saw the Devil. 58th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 18, 2010

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. Julia Roberts

San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. Julia Roberts
ROBERTS, Julia (1967). American film actress. Receives the 58th San Sebastian International Film Festivals Donostia Award from Spanish actor Javier Bardem. September 20, 2010. SPAIN. Donostia

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. John Malkovich

San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. John Malkovich
MALKOVICH, John (1953). American film actor. Takes part in the presentation of Mexican Director Diego Lunas film Abel, produced by Malkovich. 58th San Sebastian International Film Festival

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. Goran Paskaljevic

San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. Goran Paskaljevic
SPAIN. Donostia. Yogoslavian director Goran Paskaljevic, president of the official jury, takes part during the opening ceremony of the 58th San Sebastian International Film Festival

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. Felipe Cazals

San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. Felipe Cazals
SPAIN. Donostia. Mexican director Felipe Cazals poses after the screening of his film Chicogrande. 58th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 17, 2010

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. lex de la Iglesia

San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. lex de la Iglesia
DE LA IGLESIA, lex (1965). Spanish film director. Poses after receiving the Cinematography National Award during the 58th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 18, 2010. SPAIN. Donostia

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. NEDS

San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. NEDS
SPAIN. Donostia. Scottish director and actor Peter Mullan and actor Connor McCarron pose during a photocall after the screening of their film NEDS. 58th San Sebastian International Film Festival

Background imageCine Collection: San Sebastiᮮ Festival 2010. El Gran Vằuez

San Sebastiᮮ Festival 2010. El Gran Vằuez
SPAIN. Donostia. Spanish actors Alex Angulo, Merc蠌lorens, Santiago Segura y el director ӳcar Aibar pose after the screening of their film El Gran Vằuez'

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. El Gran Vằuez

San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. El Gran Vằuez
SPAIN. Donostia. Spanish actors Santiago Segura and Merc蠌 lorens pose after the screening of their film El Gran Vằ uez. 58th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 18, 2010

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. Chicogrande

San SebastiᮮFestival 2010. Chicogrande
SPAIN. Donostia. Mexican actors Daniel Mart� z, Damian Alcạ r y Juan Manuel Bernal

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Robert Duvall

San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Robert Duvall
DUVALL, Robert (1931). American film actor. Poses for photographers at Kursaal Palace, after the screening of Aaron Schneiders film Get Low. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Quentin Tarantino

San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Quentin Tarantino
TARANTINO, Quentin (1963). American film director and actor

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Naomi Watts

San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Naomi Watts
WATTS, Naomi (1968). Australian film actress. Poses for photographers after the screening of Rodrigo Garcias film Mother and Child. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 25, 2009

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Pablo Pineda

San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Pablo Pineda
SPAIN. Donostia. Spanish actor Pablo Pineda, poses at Kursaal Palace, after the screening of his film Yo, Tambien (Me, too). 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 23, 2009

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Mikel Olaziregi

San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Mikel Olaziregi
SPAIN. Donostia. Mikel Olaziregi, director of the San Sebastian International Film Festival

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Marib鬠Verd

San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Marib鬠Verd
Verd� ribel. Spanish actress. Receiving the Premio Nacional de Cinematografia (National Cinematography Prize) at the Hotel Maria Cristina. 57th San Sebastian International Film

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Louis-Ronan Choisy

San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Louis-Ronan Choisy
SPAIN. Donostia. French actor Louis-Ronan Choisy poses in a photocall after the screening of their film Le Refuge. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 19, 2009

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Kerry Washington

San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Kerry Washington
SPAIN. Donostia. US actress Kerry Washington poses for photographers after the screening of Rodrigo Garcias film Mother and Child. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 25, 2009

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Lola Due

San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Lola Due
DUEс S, Lola (1971). Spanish actress. Poses at Kursaal Palace, after the screening of her film Yo, Tambien (Me, too). 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 23, 2009. SPAIN

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Julie Sokolowski

San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Julie Sokolowski
SPAIN. Donostia. Actress Julie Sokolowski poses at Kursaal Palace, after the screening of Bruno Dumonts film Hadewijch. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 22, 2009

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Jimmy Smits

San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Jimmy Smits
SPAIN. Donostia. US actor Jimmy Smits poses after the screening of Rodrigo Garcias film Mother and Child. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 25, 2009

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Isabelle Carr

San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Isabelle Carr
SPAIN. Donostia. French actress Isabelle Carr頰 oses in a photocall after the screening of her film Le Refuge, during the second day of the 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. John Cusack

San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. John Cusack
CUSACK, John (1966). American film actor. Photocall to promote his film 2012, at the Kursaal Palace. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 24, 2009. SPAIN. Donostia

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Javier Rebollo

San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Javier Rebollo
SPAIN. Donostia. Spanish director Javier Rebollo recieves the 57th San Sebastian International Film Festivals Silver Shell to the best director

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Ian Mckellen

San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Ian Mckellen
McKELLEN, Ian (1939). British theater and film actor. Poses at the Kursaal Palace, few hours prior to receive the Donostia Award to his career. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Hana Makhmalbaf

San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Hana Makhmalbaf
SPAIN. Donostia. Iranian director Hana Makhmalbaf poses for photographers after the screening of her film Green Days (Ruzhaye sabz). 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 26, 2009

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Bong Joon-ho

San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Bong Joon-ho
SPAIN. Donostia. Film director Bong Joon-ho of South Korea, poses for photographers at Kursaal Palace, after the screening of his film Mother (Madeo).57th San Sebastian International Film Festival

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Antonio SkᲭeta

San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Antonio SkᲭeta
SKARMETA, Antonio (1930). Chilean writer. Author of the novel El baile de la vcitoria. Interview at the Hotel Maria Cristina. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival, September 19, 2009

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Ang Lee

San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Ang Lee
LEE, Ang (1954). Taiwanese-born American film director. Poses for photographers after the screening of his film Taking Woodstock. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 20, 2009

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Ana Kokkinos

San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Ana Kokkinos
SPAIN. Donostia. Australian director Ana Kokkinos recieves the 57th San Sebastian International Film Festivals award to the best script, por her film Blessed. September 26, 2009

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Aaron Schneider

San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Aaron Schneider
SPAIN. Donostia. US director Aaron Schneider poses for photographers at Kursaal Palace, after the screening of his film Get Low. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival. September 22, 2009

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. This is Love

San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. This is Love
SPAIN. Donostia. The director Mathias Glasner and the actor Jens Albinus, pose for photographers after the screening of their film This is Love. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Mother and Child

San SebastiᮮFestival 2009. Mother and Child
SPAIN. Donostia. US actress Kerry Washington and Naomi Watts pose for photographers after the screening of Rodrigo Garcias film Mother and Child. 57th San Sebastian International Film Festival

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2008. Yesim Ustaoglu

San SebastiᮮFestival 2008. Yesim Ustaoglu
SPAIN. Donostia. 56th International Film Festival

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2008. Tsilla Chelton

San SebastiᮮFestival 2008. Tsilla Chelton
SPAIN. Donostia. 56th International Film Festival

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2008. Tatiana Astengo

San SebastiᮮFestival 2008. Tatiana Astengo
SPAIN. Donostia. The Peruvian actress Tatiana Astengo, poses during the 56th International Film Festival. September 2008

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2008. Samira Makhmalbaf

San SebastiᮮFestival 2008. Samira Makhmalbaf
SPAIN. Donostia. 56th International Film Festival. Iranian director Samira Makhmalbaf receives the Special Jury Prize, for her film Asbe du-pa (Two Legged Horse), on September 27, 2008

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2008. Meryl Streep

San SebastiᮮFestival 2008. Meryl Streep
STREEP, Meryl (1949). American film and theater actress. Receiving the Donostia award. 56th International Film Festival. September 26, 2008. SPAIN. Donostia

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2008. Melissa Leo

San SebastiᮮFestival 2008. Melissa Leo
SPAIN. Donostia. 56th International Film Festival. US actress Melissa Leo receives the Silver Shell award to the best actress, for her film Frozen River, on September 27, 2008

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2007. Samuel L. Jackson

San SebastiᮮFestival 2007. Samuel L. Jackson
JACKSON, Samuel L. (1948). American film actor. Posing for photographers, 27 September 2007, after the screening of his film Cleaner, during the 55th International Film Festival. SPAIN. Donostia

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2007. Wayne Wang

San SebastiᮮFestival 2007. Wayne Wang
WANG, Wayne (1949). American film director. Posing for photographers after the screening of his film A Thousand Years of Good Prayers. 26 September 2007. 55th International Film Festival. SPAIN

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2007. Richard Gere

San SebastiᮮFestival 2007. Richard Gere
GERE, Richard (1949). American film actor. Posing for photographers few hours before receiving the San Sebastian Film Festivals Donostia award. 55th International Film Festival. 23 September 2007

Background imageCine Collection: San SebastiᮮFestival 2005. Abel Ferrara

San SebastiᮮFestival 2005. Abel Ferrara
FERRARA, Abel (1951). American film director and screenwriter. 53rd San Sebastian International Film Festival. 16 September 2005. SPAIN. Donostia

Background imageCine Collection: Cinematography trophies on display

Cinematography trophies on display
Various trophies on display

Background imageCine Collection: People in a park, with cine camera

People in a park, with cine camera
People in a park, watching an event. A man stands with a cine camera on a tripod, filming

Background imageCine Collection: Patches painted on the bow of the Queen Elizabeth

Patches painted on the bow of the Queen Elizabeth
To record the movements of the hull at all stages of the ships plunge to the waters of the Clyde the white patches painted on the bow of the Queen Elizabeth are photographed by cine-camera when she

Background imageCine Collection: LCC-LFB Brigade photographers at work

LCC-LFB Brigade photographers at work
Two of the London Fire Brigades team of operational photographers

Background imageCine Collection: Cinema projectors, Regal Cinema, Walton, Essex

Cinema projectors, Regal Cinema, Walton, Essex
Cinema projection equipment in the Regal Cinema, Walton-on-the-Naze, Essex

Background imageCine Collection: Members of the royal family at Badminton Horse Trials

Members of the royal family at Badminton Horse Trials
The Queen, Queen Mother, Princess Royal and Princess Margaret in a grandstand made from a farm wagon at the Badminton Three-day Horse Trials

Background imageCine Collection: Kodak Advert 1929 (B&eve

Kodak Advert 1929 (B&eve
Make your own COLOUR MOVIES - its as easy as snapshotting! - with a Cine- Kodak 1929

Background imageCine Collection: Jean Gabin / Cine Miroir

Jean Gabin / Cine Miroir
JEAN GABIN French actor in Gueule d Amour

Background imageCine Collection: Kidak home Movie Camera

Kidak home Movie Camera
The Cine-Kodak model K - takes black-and-white, Kodacolor and Telephoto movies ! weighs only 3 lbs 11 1/2 ounces !

Background imageCine Collection: Kodak Advert 1929 (Punch

Kodak Advert 1929 (Punch
You can make your own movies in FULL COLOUR - with a Cine- Kodak

Background imageCine Collection: Futuristic cine-phono-telegraph

Futuristic cine-phono-telegraph
A futuristic cine-phono-telegraph, which allows people to speak over the telephone and see each other on a screen at the same time

All products are expertly crafted, using premium materials, tailored to your specifications and promptly shipped