Playtime at Wimbledon. by William Heath RobinsonThe new craze of Jazz Tennis caught in full swing by our extra special artist. A humorous illustration of tennis players dancing the foxtrot on a tennis court
Winston Churchill Holding a Sub-Machine GunWinston Churchill (1874-1965) - pictured holding a Sub-Machine Gun. Date: circa 1940
Heath Robinson Kitchen 3 of 4Heath Robinson Does Away with Servants - Patent Applied for by " The Sketch" in the Kitchen
Winston Churchill (1874-1965) holding tommy gun while visiting America
Che Guevara / SmokingERNESTO GUEVARA Known as CHE GUEVARA Latin American guerrilla leader and revolutionary theorist. Listening to an address in Santiago de Cuba. *UNAVAILABLE FOR USE IN ASIA AT PRESENT* Date: 1928 - 1967
Groucho Marx / PostcardGROUCHO MARX (Julius Marx) American comedian with his characteristic cigar and painted-on moustache
Anthony TrollopeANTHONY TROLLOPE English novelist in old age Date: 1815 - 1882
An Alligator - all dressed up to meet you in Florida, USA. Date: 1935
Birthday card - Man relaxing in a chairBirthday card, Man relaxing in a chair. circa 1930s
I K Brunel / Chain CdvISAMBARD KINGDOM BRUNEL Designer and builder of railroads, bridges, tunnels, steamships, docks &c. pictured in front of the anchor chain of the Great Eastern
The Man Who Lit His Cigar Before The Royal Toast - BatemanThe Man Who Lit His Cigar Before The Royal Toast - H M Bateman. This illustration shows an arrogant man who has defied etiquette by lighting his cigar before the correct course of dinner
Silhouette of a landlord and his dogSilhouette of a pub landlord with a glass of beer in his hand, his dog sitting at his feet. An advertisement for Worthington beer
Silhouette of barmaid and customer in a pubThe best drink is the last drink -- scene at 10pm in The Crown, Harrogate, with a barmaid, a customer and his dog
Sentimental German wartime postcardYou, Only you alone are my true love - a sentimental wartime postcard sent from a German soldier to his girl back home in Munich
Ufos / AdamskiCigar-shaped Venusian interplanetary carrier photographed through a 6" telescope over Palomar Gardens, California; it was 50 km distant at the time
Arnold BennettENOCH ARNOLD BENNETT English novelist, dramatist and critic Date: 1867 - 1931
A Reader in cigar factory, Tampa, Fla. He reads books and newspapers at top of his voice all day long. This is all the education many of these workers receive
Huntsman with CigarHughie A huntsman in traditional attire smokes a large cigar
Tobacconist - Treyer and FribourgThe famous (and charming) 18th century tobacco, cigar and snuff shop Treyer and Fribourg at 34 Haymarket, London, SW1
Humanised elephant in the role of a bon viveurA humanised elephant, wearing waistcoat, trousers and tailcoat, cast in the role of a bon viveur, with corks popping out of wine bottles behind him
Flo Dixie - impersonating a male army officerFlo Dixie, Music Hall Performer - impersonating a male army officer. Known as the bantam male impersonator'. Dressed as an army officer with cane, monocle and cigar. Signed card.. Date: circa 1921
Winston Churchill riding, c. 1928Winston Churchill at Duke of Westminsters boar hunt in France, circa 1928
Churchill taken ill, 1932Winston Churchill (1874-1965), English politician, having a cheeky puff on his cigar whilst being stretchered from his London flat to a West End nursing home via ambulance
Che Guevara / 1962ERNESTO GUEVARA Known as CHE GUEVARA Latin American guerrilla leader and revolutionary theorist. Smoking a cazadores cigar; the cheapest possible. *UNAVAILABLE FOR USE IN ASIA AT PRESENT*
Che Guevara / 1963ERNESTO GUEVARA Known as CHE GUEVARA Latin American guerrilla leader and revolutionary theorist. Holding a cigar. *UNAVAILABLE FOR USE IN ASIA AT PRESENT*
May / Phil / Vanity Fair 95PHILIP WILLIAM MAY known as PHIL MAY English cartoonist Date: 1864 - 1903
Doncella cigar advertisement, 1965Advertisement for Doncella cigars featuring a man under a bunch of mistletoe smoking a cigar and attracting much interest from a bevy of beautiful brunettes. Date: 1965
Winston Churchill at Croydon Airport, 1939Churchill leaves his plane at Croydon Airport after flying back from an inspection of the Maginot Line on August 23rd, 1939 - just over a week before the Second World War broke out. Date: 1939
Chartreux liqueur advertisementAdvertisement for La Liqueur des Peres Chartreux de Tarragone, a French aperitif, best enjoyed with a cigar if the picture is anything go by. Date: c.1895
Railway Sleeper - Marylebone StationThe Railway Sleeper series - A snoozing post young gentleman propped up against a bollard at Marylebone Station after a wild Christmas party! Painting by Malcolm Greensmith
Advert for Parkins and Gotto electrical novelties 1906Advertisement from 1906 for Parkins and Gotto, of Oxford Street, London, showing the wide range of electrical novelties
WW2 poster, Back him up to the hilt. Your united efforts will put the Win in Winston. Design by Victor Hicks. Date: 1940s
Poster advertising Rajah Cigars, showing an Indian man in ornate clothes, wearing a turban. 20th century
DeLara Cigar Factory, New YorkBuilding, DeLara Cigar factory, 382 South Street. DeLara Cigar factory at 382 South Street; sign advertising building for sale visible
Michelin Tyre AdvertA Michelin Tyre Advertisement, showing the Michelin Man aiding the local workers in rubber collection!
The Great Game of PokerFour men sit around a table playing poker while a fifth stands watching the game and smoking
Cigars LabelCigar label for Havana cigars manufactured by M Valle in Cuba
Smartly dressed man on a comic greetings card with verse and pull tab. Date: circa 1850s
Chanteclair or Hi! Cock-a-Lorum by Joe Peterman and Geo Ricketts co, with music by Frank Leedham. First produced at the Oxford Music Hall on 20th June 1910
F C Burnand / Vanity FairSIR FRANCIS COWLEY BURNAND journalist, editor of Punch Date: 1836 - 1917
Tramp smoking cigar with cane over arm. Date c1899
Gentlemen Smoking CigarsA languid group of Victorian gentlemen smoking cigars in front of the fire
Silhouette portrait of Harry Rountree, artistSilhouette portrait of Harry Rountree (1878-1950), artist and illustrator. Date: circa 1920s
Alec ( Sir Affable ) Knowles - Theatrical JournalistAlec (" Sir Affable" ) Knowles (1851-1917) - Theatrical Journalist and member of Londons notorious Pelican Club
John Bews shop front in Guernsey, Channel IslandsJohn Bew, Wholesale & Retail Tobacco & Cigar Merchant, and Ship Insurance Agent -- his shop front in Guernsey, Channel Islands, with a female assistant standing in the doorway. Date: circa 1905
Count Gyorgy ApponyiCOUNT GYORGY APPONYI Austro-Hungarian statesman Date: 1809 - 1899
Comic postcard, Man dreaming on the beach Date: 20th century
Comic postcard, Neutral American with newspaper. Date: 1914-1918
Christmas postcard, Flor Fina cigars Date: early 20th century
Comic postcard, Tipsy man arriving home - Entering the war zone. Date: early 20th century
Christmas postcard, Tipsy man walking home, watched by a policeman. Date: 20th century
Comic postcard, German soldier with cigar - How the rumour got about (Berlin official). Date: 1914-1918
Comic postcard, Man pushing baby in a pram - Carriage forward Date: early 20th century
Comic postcard, Drunken man asks scarecrow where his Derby Scheme armband is, showing that he is signed up and ready for active service. Date: circa 1915
Comic postcard, Fat man after his army medical. A Derby Scheme armband tied round his waist shows that he is signed up and ready for active service, as and when required, despite his excess weight
Sir Harry Preston (1860 - 1936), hotel magnate, philanthropist and sports entrepreneur, caricatured by Autori in The Tatler in 1932
Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965), British statesman, soldier, and writer who twice served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom At the General Election he was defeated at Leicester by Mr
Albert Edward, Prince of Wales (later Edward VII) visiting his two eldest sons when they were serving for three years on board the H.M.S. Bacchante
Woolfe family of The Clough, Hale, Bucklow, Cheshire - sisters Mary and Lucy, with Robert Harrop (Great Uncle Bob, brother-in-law of Charles Woolfe, born c1836), sitting at a table. Date: 1889
Simpson's-in-the-Strand - famous London restaurant. As seen in circa 1830s (postcard from the 1930s)
Silhouette - Postcard DesignStelldichein (Tryst). Man with his cane and cigar meets a fashionable woman seated on a bench reading. Date: 1920s
Boeing Fortress III EM988 - BU-WRoyal Air Force - Boeing Fortress III EM988 / BU-W, of No.214 (Federated Malay States) Squadron, 100 Group
Chamorro woman of the island of Guam, Mariana Islands, Micronesia. Josephe Cortez, daugher of the Alcalde (Mayor) of Umati. She wears a cross, chemise and petticoat, and smokes a cigar
Mapuche man of Chile smoking a cigar. He wears a sugar-loaf hat, traditional striped poncho, jacket, culottes and leather sandals called ojotes. Chilien. Handcoloured woodcut by T.S
Aztec tobacco, Nicotiana rusticaAztec tobacco, strong tobacco or mapacho, Le nicotiane sauvage, Nicotiana rustica
Cultivated tobacco, Nicotiana tabacumCultivated tobacco, Le nicotiane tabac, Nicotiana tabacum
WILLIAM KISSAM VANDERBILT (1849 - 1920), American businessman
Aztec tobacco or mapacho, Nicotiana rustica
Fancy dress costume - BibendumMr R. H. Cobb as Bibendum (the Michelin Man) at the Chelsea Arts Club Ball in 1912. Date: 1912
Comic postcard, Man with donkey on the beach Date: 20th century
More Sausages for Me by Louis WainCartoon, More Sausages for Me by Louis Wain. 1914
A Heavy Dude - boy smoking a cigar
Gentleman cat in a top hat on a greetings postcard. Date: circa 1890s
Advertising Russian Pneumatic Tyres in BelgiumAdvertising - Provodnik Russian Pneumatic Tyres in Belgium - " This is what I need to prevent skidding!". Date: circa 1910
Comic postcard, Large man at the seaside - Naval Reserve Date: 20th century
Che Guevara / 1964ERNESTO GUEVARA Known as CHE GUEVARA Latin American guerrilla leader and revolutionary theorist. Smoking a cazadores cigar; the cheapest possible. *UNAVAILABLE FOR USE IN ASIA AT PRESENT*
Cigar factory, Kingston, Jamaica Date: early 1900s
Cigar factory, Kingston, Jamaica, early 1900s Date: early 1900s
Sorting tobacco, St Catherine, Jamaica, early 1900s Date: early 1900s
Label design, Select, Belgian cigar box, Brussels
WW2 - Prime Minister Winston ChurchillWW2 era portrait of Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874-1965) - British statesman, soldier, and writer who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom twice
Walter D Floersheim, banker and philanthropistCaricature of Walter D Floersheim, banker and philanthropist, by Philippe Ledoux Date: circa 1930
Walter Boodle, landscape painter and etcherCaricature of Walter Boodle, landscape painter and etcher, by Philippe Ledoux Date: circa 1930
Kodak Ltd Advertisement, Man SmokingAn advertisement photograph for Kodak Ltd, portraying an older man wearing a monacle, smoking a large cigar. Date: circa 1939