The Broad and Narrow way to Heaven or Hell - Religious conceptsTHE BROAD AND NARROW WAY the good take the narrow road to Heaven while the wicked take the broad way to Hell
Roman ambassadors, Second Punic WarSECOND PUNIC WAR : the Roman ambassadors offer the Carthaginians a choice between peace or war -- they choose war !
Advert for Underwood portable typewriters 1931Underwood creates the new portable typewriter
S Dixon & Co seed catalogueThe colourful front cover of thes Dixon & Co seed catalogue, offering choice seeds for the flower and kitchen garden
Hand ManicureA hand manicure. Nails are carefully clipped and a choice of stylish nail varnishes in little bottles is offered. Date: 1930s
Advert for Underwood portable typewriters 1931Your personal letters... write them on the Underwood portable
Wartime postcard for soldiers to send home, with options to delete or retain
Barabbas ReleasedOffered a choice between releasing Jesus or the robber Barabbas, the crowd choose Barabbas
Hobsons Choice opens at the Apollo Theatre, 1916Hobsons Choice, the comedy play by J. B. Priestley set in Hobsons boot shop, Salford, opens at the Apollo in London in 1916
Paris Cabarets, Ciel and Enfer (Heaven and Hell)The cabarets of Heaven and Hell (Le Ciel et LEnfer) in the Boulevard de Clichy, Montmartre, Paris. Date: circa 1905
All dressed up - an the button would go! A little girl suffers a wardrobe malfunction before having to make the choice between her two suitors...! Date: 1954
Chappell AdvertisementAn illustrated advertisement for Chappell, pianoforte and gramophone salons in London. The image showsa Chappell piano in a fine interior by a fireplace, The choice of the conoisseur. Date: circa 1922
Thomas HobsonTHOMAS HOBSON English Liveryman at Cambridge. He was the sourse of the expression Hobsons Choice. Date: 1544 - 1630
Daimler 15 SaloonAn aristocratic car at a moderate price, the choice of the well-to-do business or professional man. Date: 1936
Costume / Out & away 1919Man: brown tweed suit, bowtie, trilby & spats. Women: riding habit of grey jacket with sloping front borders, bowler hat, cravat & crop or cap & goggles & fur lined greatcoat Date: 1919
Liberty or DeathLiberty, Equality, Fraternity - or Death - the French citizen, though blindfolded, must make his choice !
Edward Viii / P Journal 36AMOUR OU COURONNE ? EDWARD VIII makes his choice, with a little help from Stanley Baldwin, the Prime Minister
Cubas choice. Illustration shows a young woman wearing a hat labeled Cuba, standing, with her arms crossed, trying to decide which of three paths to choose; the first path
Rich Woman fishes for suitorsLeap Year - A Sure Bait A rich woman sits on the riverbank, loading up her hook with her riches ( LSD - pounds shillings and pence) - a sure bait for the mass of suitors she has already caught
Tin Cooking MouldsTin Moulds for Sweets and Savouries
Comic postcard, Soldier versus civilian - a clear winner! Date: 1914-1918
Comic postcard, Little girl wants to be a soldier. Date: 1914-1918
Comic postcard - A Sore Point - Label your Trunk, Sir? - a younf porter uses a slightly ill-advised phrase whe addressing a Gentleman with a rather pronounced and protrusing proboscis !! Date: 1911
Partners there. Image in a series on the benefits of Australia over England, to encourage emigration. Ladies have a choice of partners in Australia. Date: 1863
Choice FruitA side profile portrait painting of a Spanish woman holding a bunch of red apples in a countryside setting. Date: circa 1913
Maids offer the day's catch of fish and lobster to a gourmetTwo maids offer the day's catch of fish and lobster to a gourmet with an eyeglass in an armchair in his parlour in a Gothic hall. His gouty foot is bandaged and rests on a stool. Indecision
Anti-suffrage satirical postcard - Leap Year Goods - " Will wear well". A woman in full tweed suit of jacket and plus fours standing with her motorbike. 1908
Allenburys Infant Foods AdvertisementAn advertisement for Allen & Hanburys Ltd. promoting Allenburys foods for infants, The ideal choice, now and always
William Baker Oxford Bookcase AdvertisementAn advertisement for William Baker & Co. Ltd. promoting the Oxford sectional bookcase, well made, handsome and inexpensive, a popular choice for libraries. Date: circa 1920
Frank partridge AdvertisementAn illustrated advertisement for Frank Partridge, promoting a choice selection of old English furniture
Felix Minette BicycletteAn original antique promotional bicycle poster for the retailer Felix Minette, 16 Rue Descombes, Paris
Cover design, Astounding Science Fiction, November 1950, pulp science fiction Date: 1950
De Libero Arbitrio (Fragments)Two fragments of leaves from a copy of De Libero Arbitrio (On Free Choice of Will) by St Augustine. Both are from Book 3 although not from the same leaf. Date: circa 9th Century
Marcovitch Cigarettes AdvertisementAn illustrated advertisement for Marcovitch & Co. Ltd. promoting their cigarettes, renowned for distinctive flavor and choice aroma
AJEP W-8 Tailwind G-BALRAJEP W-8 Tailwind Series 1 G-BALR (msn TW4-381), at Southend Airport in October 1977. This aircraft was destroyed when it flew into Steeple, Scoat Fell, in bad weather on 29 February 1984
Comic postcard, Two women listen to radio - Housewives Choice Date: 20th century
Comic postcard, Large woman at the races - two men discuss which horse to bet on Date: 20th century
Comic postcard, Man with glass of beer at the seaside Date: 20th century
Comic postcard, Choice of underwear for Oxford man Date: 20th century
Michelin Tyre Company promo postcardcirca 1910s
The difficult choiceFashionable woman choosing a new outfit in a salon. The difficult choice. Le choix difficile
Girl in white coat and boy in sailor suitGirl in white coat trimmed with check, and boy in sailor suit trimmed with fox fur, with pet dog
Cartoon, Clapham Junction Station, SW LondonCartoon, Metropolitan Prize Puzzles No.6, underground passage at Clapham Junction Station, SW London - a passenger can t remember which stairs to take
Matthew Skeggs, as Seignor Bumbasto, playingMatthew Skeggs, in the character of Seignor Bumbasto, playing a broomstick instead of a cello with a bow. Skeggs was a publican and performer of musical tricks with the Choice Spirits
Choosing the jockey: Young woman in form-revealing dress and short martyr hairstyle seated on chaise longue pointing to a young man with a dog, while two older men and a black servant boy watch
Patriotic poster Buy British - I want the kind my Daddy Made" I want the kind my Daddy Made" - make Buy British the watchword of every family and create employment
Confession of Japanese PenitentsConfession of Japanese penitents ( a person repenting their sins). If the penitents fail to make a proper confession, the priest causes the balance to project them down the mountainside. Date: 1844
Bouquet of flowers on a paper lace romantic card - My Choice. Date: circa 1890s
The Language of Hairstyles - what one can glean from the state or choice of hairtsyle! On this card the different styles include: The Joan of Arc - The Permanent (wave) - After the Melee
PHAETONS FATAL DRIVEPhaetons irresponsible drive in his father (the Sun)s chariot endangers the planet : Zeus has no choice, but to destroy him with a timely thunderbolt
FALL / ENGLISH SPRINGER / 38CHOICE DIANA and RATHERTON JULIANA One sitting, one lying Date: 1938
THE LAST WALTZ - CHOICESix men present themselves as possible partners for the last waltz of the evening : well, which one would YOU choose ? Date: circa 1875
COVENT GARDEN IN THE SPRING 1867Covent Garden in the Spring - Londoners flock to buy fresh flowers; a manservant in livery waits while his mistress makes her choice Date: 1867
CHOCOLATE OR LOVE LETTERA French lady takes her bath (partly clothed) while her maid bringing in a tray offers her the choice of the drink of chocolate or the love letter. Date: circa 1770
SOCIAL / UK / ARIST / 1890A gentleman choosing between the mother or the daughter Date: 1890
Cartoons, Cigars -- all a matter of tasteCartoons on the subject of cigars -- quality and preference, all a matter of taste. Date: 1879
Young cat (humanised) torn between Good and EvilA young (humanised) cat, torn between Good and Evil, represented by a cat angel and a cat devil. The setting appears to be a rooftop with smoking chimney pots. Date: circa 1840
Pretty young woman in Harem PantsA tall glamorous lady draws approval (and less favourable opinion!) with her choice of new style Harem Pants. Date: 1911
Twos Company - Threes Trouble! A pretty girl is creating certain jealous thoughts between her TWO male companions. She seems happy just to have the choice on each arm! Date: circa 1910s
Tattooing - Side or Centre parting Sir?Tattooing - " Side or Centre parting Sir?" ! Date: circa 1920s
Montmartre CabaretsThe cabarets DU CIEL ET DE L ENFER on the Boulevard de Clichy, two celebrated night spots offering a choice of entertainment, divine or diabolical Date: circa 1905
WW1 recruitment poster, Which [hat] Ought You to Wear? Date: circa 1915
WW2 - Shortage of Potatoes in Britain during the WarSorry No Potatoes - a British housewife has limited choice for her vegetable purchasing, as potato stocks dry up due to tight rationing control over supply - December, 1941. Date: 1941
Advert for J. C Vickery personalised jewellery 1912Personalised disc shape pendants arranged with any border in diamonds, pearls or gold with a letter in the centre and a interchangable enamel backpiece. 1912
WWI Poster, Single Men FirstWWI Parliamentary Recruiting Committee Poster, Single Men First, How the Group System Works. Date: 1915
Good government vs. revolution; - an easy choice
Nun at the WindowA young nun looks through her window and contemplates life outside the convent walls : did she make the right choice, she asks herself... Date: early 19th century
Thumbelina and the Old ToadAn Old Toad tells Thumbelina that she must marry her ugly son. Illustration to a fairytale by Hans Christian Andersen, first published 1835
Which by Florence HardyA little boy dressed in a Pierrot costume has trouble choosing between three little girls all wearing similiar fetching clown outfits
Alto Horn (Wurlitzer)Three upright alto horns from the Wurlitzer catalogue - professional, lyric and American - you pays your money and you takes your choice
Idols of Bible Times 1Tartak, human but with a sheeps head (or is it a goat ?) is the god of choice of the Avites, a people settled in Samaria by the king of Assyria. (Second Kings 17.31)
Scene from Shakespeares play, The Merchant of VeniceA scene from Shakespeares comedy, The Merchant of Venice, in which Bassanio chooses the leaden casket rather than the gold or silver one, and wins Portia, a rich heiress
Comment on Womens Fashion for wearing trousers / culottesGerman Comment on Womens Fashion for wearing trouser suits / culottes - " You are in here if you are wearing trousers
Seaside, Oregon, USA - The Moose Bar, which offered a fine choice of wines, liquors and cigars
Cartoon, Lord Cairns and Miss FortescueCartoon, Lord Cairns to Miss Fortescue -- Delighted, my dear, that my son has shown such good taste
Woman with many presents, in Art Deco style. 1936
Leap Year - Running the Gauntlet! Date: 1904
Cartoon, politicians at the zooCartoon, Hobsons Choice Reception, a Family Party. Showing politicians at the zoo, looking at a monkey in a cage. 1880
Difficult Choice 1924A young lady faces a difficult choice at the shoe shop - which pair of Perugia shoes to go for. Perhaps the crocodile skin pair of lace-ups? Date: 1924
Camden electric fire 1939A choice of Camden electric fire with one or two bars : the second bar can be switched separately. Date: 1939
WWI Poster, Military Service Act 1916WWI Parliamentary Recruiting Committee Poster, Military Service Act 1916, Every Unmarried Man of Military Age can choose one of two courses. Date: 1916
German postcard, Which is the better way? Join hands across the sea. The choice is between ignorance and goodwill, selfishness and insight, militarism and peace
Poster, Britain Today, showing the benefits and freedoms available
Mass production of aircraft by G. H. DavisPotentialities of mass production of flying boats as troop carriers and heavy freighter airplanes during the Second World War