Duke William of Normandy receiving Harold Godwinson in his palace at Rouen. At right, a meeting between a mystery woman Aelfgyva (perhaps Algitha, widow of Griffith King of Wales) and a cleric
Count Guy I of Ponthieu leads Harold to Duke William of Normandy. They wear chlamys capes and hold falcons on horseback. Dragons in the borders
Roman tripod, lamp, perfume box and mystical basketPortable metal tripod from Naples 1, metal lamp in the Casa Oddi, Perugia 2, perfume box for sacrifices decorated with chimera carved in the Arch 3
Roman metal and terracotta oil lampsMetal oil lamps with dolphins and swan from the Profane Museum, Vatican Library 1, 2, terracotta lamp with chimera owned by Bonini 3, and lamp on a pillar found in Florence 4
Ancient Roman altars and pitcher used in sacrificesAncient Roman altar with lions and garlands in the Villa Altieri 1, boccale, or pitcher used in sacrifices, from a bas-relief of the Campidoglio 2
Renaissance art: paintings on manuscripts. Decorations, figures, initials, grotesques and cartouches from Spanish grants of nobility to Juan Catano in 1588 and Augustin de Yturbe in 1593
Renaissance art: grotesques from the Vatican, 16th century
Etruscan altar, Imperial Roman cuirass and Greek cupEtruscan altar with figure of Neptune and chimera 1, Imperial Roman breastplate or cuirass found in the ancient Citta di Gubbio, now in the Villa Pinciana 2
A mounted Amazon spearing a lion (or chimera)A mounted Amazon impaling a lion (or chimera) with a spear. Woman warrior in helmet, breastplate, skirt and boots armed with a lance. From an engraved cornelian gem
Imaginary coats of arms of Eurypylus of Mysia and DiomedesImaginary coats of arms of mythological figures Eurypylus of Mysia, nephew of King Priam of Troy, with serpent-tailed lion, and Diomedes, King of Aetolia, with blue peacock
Imaginary coats of arms of Hercules and unknown blazonImaginary coats of arms of Hercules or Heracles with seven-headed hydra, unknown blazon with boar's head
Coats of arms of the Knight attired in Scarlet and Dezier the FiCoats of arms of the Eighth Chapter of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table: the Knight attired in Scarlet, with gold ship, Dezier the Fierce, with seven-headed serpent
Imaginary coats of arms of Lydeux the Strong and SacanarbinImaginary coats of arms of Seventh and Eighth Chapters of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table: Lydeux the Strong, with chimera on silver field, and Sacanarbin
Initials, frames, motifs and chimera from Byzantine art, 10th century.. Taken from the illuminated Psalter of Paris, Constantinope, and an illuminated manuscript by Eusebius of Caesarea
Alphabet of illuminated initials from the Heures de Charles d'AnAlphabet of illuminated initials with figures, animals and monsters from the Heures de Charles d'Angoulême, mid 15th century. Illuminated by Robinet Testard and Jean Bourdichon
Coats of arms with crests and supporters
Crocodile species, possibly the mugger crocodile, Crocodylus palustris, of Iran to India. Fanciful image of a chimera. De Crocodilo Terrestri, Aegyptico vel Arabico
Title page to the Oviparous Quadrupeds volume with vignette of a fanciful species of crocodile, Crocodilo Terrestri, Aegyptico vel Arabico
Figures of Robert II, Duke of Normandy, and William II, King ofRobert II, Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy (1051-1134) and William II, William Rufus, King of England (1056-1100). Both sons of William the Conqueror
Apotheosis of Caesar Augustus or Octavian, first Roman Emperor, 63 BC - 14 AD. Depicted with a goat chimera and dolphin. In crystal. Augusto et suo Ascendente. In cristallo
Nereid riding hippocamps in the oceanSea nymph or Nereid riding two hippocamps in the ocean. In cornelian. Nereide in corniola
Athena or Pallas, Greek goddess of wisdom and warfare, in cameo. Wearing a helmet decorated with winged horse Pegasus and chimera, breastplate with face of the Gorgon Medusa and snakes
Hippocamp, sacred animal chimera of NeptuneHippocamp, or seahorse, sacred animal chimera of Neptune or Poseidon. Celestial sign Hippocampus. In emerald plasma. Cavallo marino in plasma di smerado
Egyptian chimera in variegated agate. A hybrid animal with bull and lion parts. The bull was the symbol of the Egyptian god Apis or Ptah, the lion Osiris. Animale egitio in agata varia
Egyptian chimera in black agate. A hybrid animal with bull and lion parts. The bull was the symbol of the Egyptian god Apis or Ptah, the lion Osiris. Animale egitio in agata nera
Sphinx with one paw on a sun wheel. Egyptian chimera with the face of a virgin on a winged lion. in black agate. Sfinge in agata nera
The Egyptian god Canopus, a human head on a hydra. It is seated on a griffon, a winged lion with the head of an eagle, with one paw on a sun wheel. Canopus in cornelian. Canopo in corgnola
Amulet to ward off evil with a chimera in onyx. Dedicated to the Egyptian god Thoth, it shows an Ibis chimera with human faces and ram's head standing on a crocodile. Chimera in onice
Amulet to ward off evil with a chimera. A rooster with ram's head, bearded human head and cornucopia, standing on a dolphin with feather tail. Chimera in nicolo
A sideboard in mahogany with gilt ornaments and Chimera supportsA classical-style sideboard in mahogany with gilt ornaments and Chimera supports. Gold candlelabra with cupids
Centaur, chimera, Greek sphynx, Egyptian sphinxMythical creatures: centaur 1, chimera 2, Greek sphinx 3, Egyptian sphinx 4, gryllus 5 and siren 6
Ancient Etruscan wedding ceremony. The bride and groom hold each others hands in front of doors which are only opened after the ceremony has ended
Tages and Etruscan monstersEtruscan bronze statue of Tages as a noble boy with bracelets on his arms and legs 1, and bas-relief of the monster Volta with the muzzle of a dog emerging from a tomb 2
Ancient Etruscan chimera. A winged marine demon with fish tail limbs tormenting a man and woman 1, and Scylla an infernal winged mermaid with giant hooks 2. Geni infernali
The Porta all Arco, Etruscan door in the walls of Volterra, Tuscany. Decorated with three heads of Jupiter, Castor and Pollux (or Tinia, Uni and Menrva in Etruscan mythology)
Wall paintings of monsters from the Palazzo del Te, MantuaWall paintings of monsters, masks, tigers, winged creatures and chimera from the Palazzo del Te, Mantua
Wall painting with framed panels from an ostium (narrow corridor) in the Casa dell Orso Ferito or House of the Bear, Reg. VII, Ins. II, No. 45
Decorative figures from the House of Epigrams, Regio V, Insula 1, 18. An urn and mythical beast at top, and a goat and hunting scene with dog and hare below
A Nereid (sea nymph) in mantle and bracelets riding on a sea monster or hippocampus, half horse and half fish. Museo Naz. XXII, Stabiae
Nereid sea nymph supported by a monster, half panther and half fish. Museo Naz. XXII, Stabiae
Vase decorated with mythical figures of nereids and hippocampi from the British Museum. Copperplate engraving by Henry Moses from A Collection of Antique Vases, Altars, etc. London, 1814
BELLEROPHON & CHIMERA BELLEROPHON & CHIMERAOne of the tasks he has to perform for Iobates, king of Lycia, is to slay the CHIMERA, which he does with the aid of the winged horse PEGASUS
CLASSICAL MYTH / CHIMERAA monster made up from parts of different creatures
Ernest Louis Aquilas Christophe - Le Baiser supremeThe final work by Ernest Louis Aquilas Christophe (1827-1892) entitled Le Baiser supreme ( The Supreme Kiss or The Sphinx ) (marble), exhibited posthumously at the Salon of 1892
ChimeraAn illustration of a mythical creature, part mammal, part reptile, the Chimera
Chimeras - Notre Dame, Paris, France. On the left is Black Peter the stone gargoyle - all Parisian children know he watches out for naughty children
Arctic Chimaera, or Rabbit FishArctic Chimaera, also known as Rabbit Fish, Sea Ape and King of the Herrings. Date: 1862
Bellerophon & ChimeraOne of the tasks he has to perform for Iobates, king of Lycia, is to slay the CHIMERA, which he does with the aid of the winged horse PEGASUS
Fantastic Adventures - Land of the Shadow DragonsCover of Fantastic Adventures, May 1941, featuring the story Land of the Shadow Dragons by Eando Binder. Man in overall defend a pretty woman from a huge dragon after their plane crashed. Date: 1941
Multi-Limbed Child / 1560A freak birth with four arms and four legs. Date: 1560
Notre Dame Cathedral Gargoyle, Paris - Chimera. Date: circa 1920
Rouen Cathedral, France - Misericord in the Choir stalls. A stange female creature with the wings and tail of a Chimera and a crows feet, holding up a heart in her right hand. Date: circa 1910s
Folklore / ChimeraThe chimera has - a lions head - a goats body - a dragons tail
Two-Headed Child / 1691Two-headed child born alive at Pavia (died shortly afterwards)