Krak des Chevaliers, famous Crusader Castle near Homs, Syria - View from the South West
Syria. Krak des Chevaliers. Castle built in the twelfth century by the Knights Hospitaller during the Crusades to the Holy Land
Banquet des Chevaliers de l Ordre du Saint-Esprit donne au chateau de Fontainebleau le 14 mai 1633, French School
Judgement of God. Two knights fight a duel. EngravingMiddle Ages. Judgement of God. Trials by means of duels and combats to elucidate who was the possessor of the truth or to be right. Each side chose a champion to act on their behalf
Exercise of the quintain. Medieval chivalry trainingExercise of quintain. Medieval chivalry training. A dummy, mounted on a rotating pivot with a shield, was used by mounted riders to simulate real combat situations
The chivalry represented by allegorical characters
Sash badges of orders of chivalry
Seal of Amaury de Montfort, and crusader knights from a 13th cenAmaury de Montfort, 1192-1241, Grand Constable of France, and crusader knights in hauberk, armorial tunic, caparisoned horses, 13th century
Chevaliers of Portugal
Fashionable people playing the memory game of the gentle knight. Players who have made errors have to wear paper horns in their hair. At the beginning, everyone is a gentle knight
Knights of the Order of the Golden Shield, 1369Knights of the Order of the Golden Shield, chevaliers de l ordre de l ecu d or, founded by Louis II duc de Bourbon in 1369. The ceremonial robes have gold shields on the chest
TOISON D ORCharles le Temeraire, duc de Bourgogne, presides over an assembly of the chevaliers des Toison d Or (knights of the Golden Fleece)
Krak des Chevaliers in SyriaKrak des Chevaliers, a UNESCO World Heritage site in west Syria
Les Grands As : Fonck - Guynemer - Madon - Nungesser - Heurtaux. On reverse - BLASONS ET COSTUMES DES CHEVALIERS Aɒ IENS - giving further information in French. Maurice Busset (1879-1936)
Henri IV & Saint-EspritHenri IV receives the homage of the chevaliers du Saint- Esprit : the Holy Spirit attends the occasion in person, though none of those present seems to notice. Date: 8 January 1595
Krak des Chevaliers, Syria - Medieval Crusader Castle Date: circa 1910s
The Cloisters at Krak des Chevaliers, famous Crusader Castle near Homs, Syria. View of the Inner Court fom the south
Mont St Michel, Normandy, France (4 / 6)Mont St Michel, Normandy, France - The Hall of the Knights (13th century) Date: circa 1930s
French Revolution 1791The Affaire des Poignards ( Affair of the daggers ) - royalist Chevaliers du Poignard attempt a coup at the Palais des Tuileries but are foiled by Lafayette. Date: 28 February 1791
Rhodes, Greece - The Ancient Palace of the Chevaliers - The Italian Barracks
Chevaliers Saint-EspritLouis XIII appoints new chevaliers du Saint-Esprit, at Fontainebleau. Date: 14 May 1633
Crusaders castle / SyriaThis fortress was built by the Kurds. It was taken by the crusaders in the 12th century. They made additions to it before the fort was taken by Baybars in the 13th century
Syria / Krak / Castle C1125Krak des Chevaliers, the Crusaders Castle, as it looked in the 12th century
Round TableLes Chevaliers de la Table- Ronde. The Knights of the Round Table