Plate 17 from Libellulinae Europaeae by de CharpentierIllustration of dragonflies. Plate 17 from Libellulinae Europaeae illustrated and described by Toussint de Charpentier, 1840
Plate 45 from Libellulinae Europaeae by de CharpentierIllustration of dragonflies. Plate 45 from Libellulinae Europaeae illustrated and described by Toussaint von Charpentier (1780-1847), 1840
Aeshna sp. dragonfliesDragonflies illustrated and described by Toussaint de Charpentier in Libellulinae europaeae descriptae e depictae (1840)
Mlle Marie De GuiseMLLE MARIE DE GUISE aka Mademoiselle Marie de Lorraine et de Guise. Duchess of Guise and Joyeuse from 1675; patron of composer Charpentier
Plate 13 from Libellulinae Europaeae by de CharpentierIllustration of dragonflies. Plate 13 from Libellulinae Europaeae illustrated and described by Toussaint von Charpentier (1780-1847). 1840
Napoleon Iii / CharpentierLOUIS NAPOLEON III Emperor of France
Scots pine and Norway pineScots pine, Pinus sylvestris 1-5, and red or Norway pine, Pinus resinosa 6, weaver beetle, Lamia textor 7 and pine beetle, Tomicus piniperda 8. Pin sauvage, Pin rouge
Moustached guenon or moustached monkey, Cercopithecus cephus. Moustac
Hugo CharpentierHUBERT CHARPENTIER French churchman of Meaux Date: 1562 - 1650
Gustave CharpentierGUSTAVE CHARPENTIER French composer at the window of his garret Date: 1860 - 1956
Aeschna pilosa, dragonfilesPlate 21, an illustration of two dragonflies from Libellulinae Europaeae 1840 by Toussaint de Charpentier
Plate 22 from Libellulinae Europaeae by de CharpentierIllustration of dragonflies. Plate 22 from Libellulinae Europaeae illustrated and described by Toussaint von Charpentier (1780-1847), 1840
Plate 15 from Libellulinae Europaeae by de CharpentierIllustration of dragonflies. Plate 15 from Libellulinae Europaeae illustrated and described by Toussint de Charpentier, 1840
Plate 11 from Libellulinae Europaeae by de CharpentierIllustration of dragonflies. Plate 11 from Libellulinae Europaeae illustrated and described by Toussint de Charpentier, 1840
Plate 18 from Libellulinae Europaeae by de CharpentierIllustration of dragonflies. Plate 18 from Libellulinae Europaeae illustrated and described by Toussint de Charpentier, 1840
Plate 30 from Libellulinae Europaeae by de CharpentierIllustration of dragonflies. Plate 30 from Libellulinae Europaeae illustrated and described by Toussint de Charpentier, 1840
JOURDAN, Jean-Baptiste, Count (1762-1833). French Marshal. He was Chief of Staff of king Joseph Bonaparte during the Peninsular War. Portrait by Eug讥 Charpentier
CHARPENTIER, Gustave (1860-1956). French composer. Louise. Performance at the Theatre National de l Opera-Comique
Sand (Charpentier)GEORGES SAND French writer
G Charpentier / Louise OpGUSTAVE CHARPENTIER French composer with a scene from his opera Louise
RIOTON AS LOUISEMlle. Rioton takes the leading role in the first production of Louise at the Theatre- Comique, Paris : the story of everyday life is a huge popular success
G Charpentier / PostcardGUSTAVE CHARPENTIER French composer