Army Chaplain in Great War Deeds, WW1An Army Chaplain holding a night service on the battlefield, with a packing case as an altar and a tin mug as a chalice
Army Nursing SisterA nursing sister, together with Army medical staff and hospital corps, and army chaplain
Baxters House, High Street, Kidderminster - Dining RoomsBaxters House, High Street, Kidderminster (not Stourbridge as incorrectly labelled on the card!!) - Dining Rooms
Canon John Neale Dalton (1839-1931), Steward of St. Georges Chapel, Windsor, and appointed tutor to the future George V and his elder brother, Albert Victor, in 1871
Church of England Service on a WWI battlefield for troops heading into the trenches - the Chaplain is officiating from a small field altar. Date: circa 1915
The Padre and his old churchA British Artillery chaplain during the Somme advance of 1918 surveys the ruins of a Nissen hut which once served as a makeshift church in 1916
Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878). Siege of Plevna (20 July to 10 December 1877). Combats that took place between the joint army of Russia and the Kingdom of Romania against that of the Ottoman Empire
The Court of Ladies of Marie of Anjou (1404-1463)Marie of Anjou (1404-1463). Queen consort of France (1422-1461). The Court of Ladies of Marie of Anjou, wife of Charles VII
John Hewit, royalist divine, chaplain to King Charles I of England, 1614-1658. In skull cap, collar and ecclesiastical robes
Thomas Sailly (1553-1623). Jesuit military chaplain
Abbe Bauer, chaplain to the Empress Eugenie Date: circa 1860s
Rev. Samuel MarsdenA miniature portrait painting of Rev. Samuel Marsden, a senior chaplain in New South Wales during the governorship of Lachlan Macquarie. Date: circa 1921
Christian Religious Orders - L-R (standing) Benedictine nun, Benedictine monk, Cluniac, Cistercian, Carthusian, nun of St Gilbert, regular canon of St Gilbert, Trinitarian, Knight Templar
Army chaplain tending British graves, WW1. 1914-1918
WW II - American chaplain leads prayers Le Shima, PacificVintage World War II photograph - American chaplain leads prayers for fallen soldiers on the island of Le Shima after victory on the island over the Japanese
Voluntary Aid Detachment nurses at military hospitalLarge group of Voluntary Aid Detachment nurses outside military hospital. A man in military uniform stands at far left and another in central row next to doctors and chaplain
THOMAS HAWEIS 2THOMAS HAWEIS English churchman, chaplain to the countess of Huntingdon Date: 1734 - 1820
Social Scenes - France - 15th centuryThe French court - Marie dAnjou, queen of Charles VII, receives a book from her chaplain, Robert Blondel, while courtiers stand around Date: 1455
Presentation of New Colours to Irish GuardsThe Presentation of New Colours to the First Battalion of the Irish Guards, in the Grounds of Buckingham Palace: The Consecration by the Chaplain-General of the Forces and a Roman Catholic Chaplain
Fred ZiegenhagenFREDERICK MICHAEL ZIEGENHAGEN churchman, chaplain to the German Chapel, St Jamess Palace, London Date: 1693 - 1776
Boy scouts and camp chaplain, British Honduras (now Belize), Central America. Date: 1951
Reverend Edward Noel Mellish V. C. M. CThe Reverend Edward Noel Mellish (1880-1962), Army chaplain during the First World War attached to the 4th Battalion of the Royal Fusiliers
Chaplains visit, Wakefield Prison, West YorkshireThe prison chaplain, jocularly referred to as the sky pilot, visits a cell at Wakefield Prison, West Yorkshire. The prison was originally built as a House of Correction in 1594
La France Maritime - Chaplain. 19th century
Portrait of Johannes Wtenbogaert (1557-1644), 1633, by RembrRembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606-1669). Dutch painter. Portrait of Johannes Wtenbogaert (1557-1644), 1633. Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam. Holland
George Robert GleigGEORGE ROBERT GLEIG English Chaplain-General, and author of The subaltern. Date: 1796 - 1888
Samuel GlasseSAMUEL GLASSE English churchman, Chaplain in Ordinary to George III. Date: 1735 - 1812
John DenisonJOHN DENISON English churchman, vicar of St Mary s, Reading; chaplain to king James I. Date: - 1629
Richard CorbetRICHARD CORBET (1582 - 1635) - churchman, chaplain to James I, best known for The Fairies Farewell. (Farewell, rewards and fairies, good housewives now may say...)
Charles De CoetlogonCHARLES EDWARD DE COETLOGON Churchman, assistant chaplain to the Lock Hospital, London, which doesn t seem much of a claim to fame... Date: CIRCA 1746 - 1820
William RomaineWILLIAM ROMAINE Astronomer, chaplain to Lady Huntington Date: 1714 - 1795
Alexander RossALEXANDER ROSS schoolmaster, chaplain to Charles I Date: 1591 - 1654
Alexander HendersonALEXANDER HENDERSON Scottish Presbyterian divine, chaplain to Charles I : also served as a diplomat Date: 1583 - 1646
George HakewillGEORGE HAKEWILL Protestant divine and scholar, chaplain to young Charles I but fell out of favour when he opposed the Spanish Marriage of C to Henrietta Maria Date: 1578 - 1649
Richard EdesRICHARD EDES (1555 - 16040 Presbyterian divine, chaplain to James I
Hugh Peters (Satire)HUGH PETERS chaplain to Oliver Cromwell, satirised as a preacher of blasphemy, rebellion and heresy Date: 1598 - 1660
Pauline SerpentTravellers on the Pauline, en route to Zanzibar, see a whale encircled by this serpent-like creature : the ships chaplain sketches it and Captain Drevar confirms the sighting Date: July 1875
Three Edinburgh gentlemen by John KayThe Grand Chaplain (1), the Grand Clerk (2), and the Grand Secretary (3), alias John McLure, Mr Meikle and Mr Mason Date: 1787
WW1 - Decorated Belgian aeroplanes - Charlie ChaplainWW1 - An illustration of the world-popular cinema star, Charlie Chaplain, on the nose of a Belgian aeroplane
Alexander Henderson - Presbyterian divine, and diplomatAlexander Henderson (1583-1646) - Scottish Presbyterian divine, theologian, and an important ecclesiastical statesman of his period. He was a chaplain to King Charles I and also served as a diplomat
Robert de Eglesfield, English clergymanRobert de Eglesfield (c.1295-1349), English clergyman, founder of Queens College Oxford in 1341 and chaplain to Queen Philippa of Hainault. Date: circa 1340s
WW1 Recruitment Poster -- A ResolutionRecruitment poster, printed by A Thom and Company, Dublin. A Resolution passed in the Trenches
LFB Headquarters - Awaiting arrival of their majestiesThe opening of the new LFB Headquarters at Lambeth - the top brass await the arrival of their majesties. Date: 1937
Prayer Book for Jewish Sailors and Soldiers - WWIPrayer Book for Jewish Sailors and Soldiers - enlarged edition. Published by Eyre & Spottiswoode Ltd. His Majestys Printers. 5676 - 1916. Stamped Rev. I
The Bishop of London, Arthur Foley Winnington-Ingram KCVO PCFront-cover of The Sketch featuring The Bishop of London (1858-1946), who was Chaplain to the London Rifle Brigade and London Royal Naval Volunteers from 1901
Arthur Winnington-Ingram, Bishop of London, WW1Arthur Foley Winnington-Ingram (18581946), bishop of London, wearing the uniform of the Rifle Brigade to which he was attached as chaplain in 1914
British padre with elderly woman, Western Front, WW1A British padre helping an elderly local woman down the street of a town during shelling, on the Western Front in France during World War One. Date: circa 1916
British army padre in makeshift church, Western Front, WW1A British army padre in a makeshift church not far from the Western Front in France during World War One. He is working on a flower arrangement. Date: circa 1916
Black minister at a camp, Western Front, France, WW1Black minister at a camp on the Western Front in France during World War One. Date: circa 1916
Arthur Winnington-Ingram (1858 - 1946)The Bishop of London, Dr Arthur Winnington-Ingram, Chaplain of the London Rifle Brigade, pictured in uniform, having declared his intention to accompany the battalion in the field. Date: August 1914
Rev. Canon Frederick A. J. Hervey, Vanity Fair, AoRev. Canon FREDERICK ALFRED JOHN HERVEY (1846-1910) Chaplain-in-Ordinary to Queen Victoria (1886 to 1901), Domestic Chaplain to King Edward VII (1878 to 1910)
Frederic William Farrar, Vanity Fair, SpyFREDERIC WILLIAM FARRAR (1831-1903) Theological writer. His daughter, Maud, was the mother of World War II British field marshal Bernard Montgomery. Caption: Chaplain to the Commons Date: 1831 - 1903
William WoolleyWILLIAM WOOLLEY churchman, chaplain of the Marshalsea prison, London. Date: CIRCA 1790
Henry Gostling WhiteHENRY GOSTLING WHITE churchman, chaplain to the duke of Kent Date: 1769 - 1846
George Webb, BishopGEORGE WEBB churchman, bishop of Limerick and chaplain to Charles I Date: 1581 - 1642
William SlaterWILLIAM SLATER churchman, chaplain to queen Anne of Denmark, scholar and translator of the Psalms. Date: 1587 - 1647
Walter ShirleyWALTER SHIRLEY churchman, rector of Loughrea in Ireland, chaplain to the countess dowager of Huntingdon. Date: 1725 - 1786
Bruno RyvesBRUNO RYVES protestant churchman, chaplain to Charles II Date: 1596 - 1677
Samuel Rogers (Church)SAMUEL ROGERS English churchman, rector of Husbands Bosworth and Brampton in the county of Northampton and chaplain to earl Spencer. Date: ? - 1790
Robert Markham, ChurchROBERT MARKHAM English churchman, rector of Whitechapel and chaplain to the king. Date: 1727 - 1786
Eton Cricket CrowdThe well-to-do crowd at a cricket match held on 4 June at Eton College, England, including pupils in top hats, well-heeled parents and the college chaplain or priest. Date: 4 June (early 1930s)
Norman Macleod - 2NORMAN MACLEOD Churchman, chaplain to Queen Victoria. Date: 1812 - 1872
Norman Macleod - 3NORMAN MACLEOD Churchman, chaplain to Queen Victoria. Date: 1812 - 1872
John McLureJOHN MCLURE Scottish churchman, chaplain to the Grand Lodge of Freemasons at Edinburgh, writing-master. Date: ? - 1787
Norman Macleod - 1NORMAN MACLEOD Churchman, chaplain to Queen Victoria. Date: 1812 - 1872
Edward Lake - 2EDWARD LAKE English churchman, chaplain and tutor to Queen Mary and Queen Anne. Date: 1641 - 1704
Edward Lake - 1EDWARD LAKE English churchman, pious and truly orthodox chaplain and tutor to Queen Mary and Queen Anne. Date: 1641 - 1704
Richard KingstonRICHARD KINGSTON Churchman, chaplain to Charles II, political pamphleteer. Date: ? - 1707+
Thomas HeatherTHOMAS HEATHER English churchman, vicar of Portsmouth and Chaplain-in- ordinary to his devout majesty Charles II. Date: CIRCA 1670
Thomas HaweisTHOMAS HAWEIS English churchman, chaplain to the countess of Huntingdon Date: 1734 - 1820
Henry Hammond, ChurchmanHENRY HAMMOND English churchman, chaplain to Charles I. Date: 1605 - 1660
VINIEGRA Y LASSO, Salvador (1862-1915). Courtyard of the convent of San Francisco in Cadiz. 1881. The priest is father Salabot, chaplain of the church during the secularization of the friars
Great Chronicles of France, edition of Antoine Verard of 1493. Picture of the archbishop Turpin and Egmeaux, Charlemagnes chaplain, writting on the emperors life. Gothic art. Miniature Painting
Thomas CarveTHOMAS CARVE (also spelt Carue or Carew) Irish chaplain to British forces in Germany, notary apostolic in Vienna, historian. Date: 1590 - 1672
Atlanta campaign. Army of the Cumberland. Divine service by Rev. P.P. Cooney, C.S.C. Chaplain Gen. of Ind. Troops in the field. Soldiers in church service in the field, portrait of Rev. P.P
The General Strike, 1926: volunteersAre we downhearted? The answer is Negative
Rev. HP Wright, principal chaplain to the forces in the Crimea & Reverend Messieurs Wallace, Sykes, Parson, HA Taylor, Boudier, Parker, Preston & Crozier
British Chaplain writes for a wounded soldierA British Chaplain writing home for a wounded British Tommy, seated on a stretcher with injuries to his right leg circa 1916
Moses BrowneMOSES BROWNE Chaplain of Morden College, and poet when his duties permitted it. Date: 1704 - 1787
Richard YatesRICHARD YATES churchman, rector of Ashen, Essex, and chaplain of Chelsea Hospital, historian of Bury St Edmunds. Date: 1769 - 1834
Anton Wilhelm BoehmANTON WILHELM BOEHM German chaplain to the court of George I at St James palace, London. Date: 1673 - 1722
Joshua Brookes, ChurchmanJOSHUA BROOKES Chaplain of the Collegiate Church of Christ, at Manchester : his behaviour was sometimes considered to be eccentric. Date: 1754 - 1821
Rev. Dr. A. C. Don, Dean of WestminsterThe Dean of Westminster, according to ancient traditional rights, assists the Archbishop of Canterbury at the coronation of British Sovereigns, in particular at the Unction, the Investiture
Australian chaplain in box respirator, France, WW1An Australian chaplain wearing a box respirator to protect him from a gas attack at Fleurbaix, northern France, during the First World War. Date: June 1916