The Pot-Hunter by George StuddyBonzo here shows what might have been, had his pedigree been equal to his popularity
Balloon ascent by BlanchardJean-Pierre Blanchards balloon, probably for the planned ascent from the Champ de Mars, Paris, 2 March 1784. A slightly fanciful representation of the balloon, parachute and carriage. circa 1784
Balloon ascent, Champ de Mars, ParisBalloon ascent by Montgolfier, d Anonai and Vivarais from the Champ de Mars, Paris. 27 August 1783
French Motorbike ChampDemester, winner of La Coupe Internationale des Motocyclettes Date: 1904
French Motorbike Champ 2Hoffmann, French motor cycling champion; to tell the truth, hes standing still, but a little retouching gives the illusion hes travelling at speed
Comic postcard, Children sitting on wall at the seaside - underwater record Date: 20th century
Exposition Universelle Internationale, Paris, 1889Vintage 19th central Dome Central, Palais du Champ-de-Mars, Exposition Universelle Internationale, Paris, 1889
A stand at the Champ de Mars races, 1848Woman watching the horse race at Champ de Mars racetrack. She wears a bonnet and blue redingote over a crinoline dress. Men in top hat and tails. A stand at the Champ de Mars races, 1848
The carrefour Gaillon and the fountain, 1848Woman in front of the fountain at Place Gaillon, Paris. She wears a cashmere shawl with arm holes called la visite over her crinoline. The carrefour Gaillon and the fountain, 1848
Woman at the horse races on the Champ de Mars, 1811Fashionable woman at the horse races on the Champ de Mars, 1811. She wears a bonnet, high-waisted walking dress and carries a shawl and large feather
Woman at window overlooking the Panoramas, Paris, 1810Woman at window overlooking the Panoramas and the Passage des Panoramas, on Boulevard Montmartre, Paris, 1810. View of the Two Panoramas and of the Passage between them
REVOLUTIONARY FESTIVALParisians celebrate the Foundation of the Republic with a chariot race in the Champ de Mars Date: 22 September 1796
EXHIBITIONS / FRANCE / PARISBirds-eye view of the site of the exhibition, erected on the Champ de Mars, where the Tour Eiffel was subsequently located; note the splendid bathing boat on the Seine Date: 1867
Moon over Paris / 1886A surreal image of the moon over Le Champ-de-Mars, in Paris
Exhibitions / France / ParisBird s-eye view of the site of the exhibition, erected on the Champ de Mars, where the Tour Eiffel was subsequently located; note the splendid bathing boat on the Seine
Balloon descent at Gonesse, FranceThe first trial hydrogen balloon which ascended from the Champ de Mars, and descended in the village of Gonesse, north east of Paris
Procession in the grand vestibule, Exposition UniverselleProcession in the grand vestibule upon the opening of Exposition Universelle, 1867, at the Champ de Mars, Paris. Date: 1867
Paris Exhibition of 1889 - ( Exhibition) from Dome - right - View over building
Paris Exhibition of 1889 - Eiffel Tower - Col Slide. Eiffel Tower against Sunset. Part of Box 119 Boswell Collection
France. Paris. Champ de Mars during a ceremony. Engraving, 1France. Paris. Champ de Mars during a ceremony. French engraving, 1849
France. Paris. Eiffel Tower (1887-1889) by Gustave Eiffel (1France. Paris. Eiffel Tower (1887-1889). Built by Gustave Eiffel (1832-1923) as the entrance arch to the 1889 Worlds Fair
Charles Balloon LandsThe unmanned gas-filled balloon flies from the Champ de Mars, Paris, to Gonzesse, where it is attacked by peasants who know a device of the Devil when they see one. Date: 27 August 1783
Charles Balloon LeavesThe unmanned balloon with inflammable Air drawn from Iron by a Vitriolic Acid soars from the Champ de Mars, Paris, to Gonzesse where it will be attacked by peasants. Date: 27 August 1783
Charles Balloon SoarsThe unmanned balloon with inflammable Air drawn from Iron by a Vitriolic Acid rises from the Champ de Mars, Paris : landing at Gonzesse it will be attacked by peasants. Date: 27 August 1783
Inflating Charles BallonThe balloon is filled with inflammable Air drawn from Iron by means of a Vitriolic Acid; it will make an unmanned flight from the Champ de Mars to Gonzesse. Date: 27 August 1783
Gown of Late 1820SLady of the Champ-Elysees during the Restoration according to a later source: a gown with natural waist, gigot sleeves, antique cuffs & a floral motif on the hem. Date: late 1820s
Paris / Ecole MilitaireThe CHAMP DE MARS, site of so many events in French history, depicted with a parade of Napoleon IIIs soldiery which many of those present don t even bother to look at Date: circa 1856
Champ de Manoeuvres Roundabout, Algiers, Algeria, with the Brasserie de la Bourse on the left. Date: circa 1910
Costume of Saint-Lo The hat is called a bonnet rondCostume of Saint-Lo. The hat is called a bonnet rond.. Handcolored fashion plate illustration from Louis-Marie Lantes Costumes des femmes du Pays de Caux, 1827/1885
Paris, France - Ecole Militaire. Date: 1830
Federation Celebrated 4On the Champ de Mars, Parisians celebrate the Fete de la Federation, marking the first anniversary of the fall of the Bastille. Date: 14 July 1790
Federation Celebrated 3On the Champ de Mars, Parisians celebrate the Fete de la Federation, marking the first anniversary of the fall of the Bastille. Date: 14 July 1790
Thessaloniki, Greece - Cavalry Exercise in Champs de MarsThessaloniki, Greece - Ottoman Empire era postcard, showing an exercise by Cavalry troops in the Champ de Mars. Date: circa 1903
Thessaloniki, Greece - Patriotic Ottoman Empire Card (when Thessaloniki was still under Ottoman control), showing a shooting exercise by Cavalry troops in the Champ de Mars. Date: circa 1903
Paris Universal Exhibition o 1867. Panoramic view of the pavilions on Champ de Mars. Litography. FRANCE. Paris. National Library
Balloon descent, Prairie de Billancourt, FranceView of Jean-Pierre Blanchards balloon, which ascended from the Champ de Mars, Paris, and landed on the Prairie de Billancourt (on the Haute-de-Seine) later the same day. 2 March 1784
Balloon ascent by Blanchard, Champ de Mars, ParisBalloon ascent by Jean-Pierre Blanchard from the Champ de Mars, Paris, with Pere Dont-Pecque (Dom Pech, a Benedictine monk). 2 March 1784
Ballooning event, Champ de Mars, ParisA balloon held by ropes, the burning of a wooden castle, and a chariot race going on around them, on the Champ de Mars, Paris. late 1790s
Elisa Garnerin parachute descentElisa Garnerin descending in a parachute, possibly into the Champ de Mars, Paris, entitled Pour la Fete Du Roy! par Elisa Garnerin. The released balloon is in the top left. early 19th century
Montgolfier balloon, Champ de Mars, ParisMontgolfiers air balloon above the Champ de Mars, Paris, watched by a large crowd. 27 August 1783
Ce ciel est notre azur ce champ est notre terre! Cette Lorraine et cette Alsace, c est a nous! Victor Hugo
Union des familles Francaises et Alliees. Aide aux meres veu
Eiffel Tower and Champ de Mars seen from Trocadero Palace, Paris Exposition, 1889. Date 1889. Eiffel Tower and Champ de Mars seen from Trocadero Palace, Paris Exposition, 1889. Date 1889
3eme et derniere experience de descente en parachute par Melle. Garnerin, au Champ de Mars, dimanche 21 avril, a son profit
Fete de la Concorde, arrivee des corporations au Champ-de-Mars
Champ de Mars, dimanche 17 juin, a 5 heures preciss. Ascension aerostatique du ballon le Pole Nord au benefice de l expedition de M. Gustave Lambert
Champ-de-Mars. Premiere ascension aerostatique du ballon le Pole Nord executee le dimanche 27 juin, a cinq heures, au profit de l expedition de M. Gustave Lambert
French Exhibition of 1900 - the pavilions of French colonies abroad and the Champ de Mars - Paris. The lower level of the Eiffel Tower can be seen in the mdle distance Date: 1900
Federation Celebrated 5On the Champ de Mars, Parisians celebrate the Fete de la Federation, marking the first anniversary of the fall of the Bastille. Date: 14 July 1790
Abdication Demanded 2Angered by Louis attempt to quit the country, the people of Paris at a meeting on the Champ de Mars demand that he abdicate. Lafayette quells the riot with a fusillade. Date: 17 July 1791
French Spinning ChampMademoiselle Liane Roch, who received a medal from the President of France, for being the fastest and most skillful hand spinner in Alsace. Shown here with her spinning wheel! Date: 1930s
Indonesia - Jakarta - The Telephone Exchange. Jakarta was formerly known as Sunda Kelapa (3971527), Jayakarta (15271619), Batavia (16191942), and Djakarta (19421972)
Indonesia - Jakarta - Governors PalaceThe Dutch Governor Generals Palace at Jakarta, Indonesia. Jakarta was formerly known as Sunda Kelapa (3971527), Jayakarta (15271619), Batavia (16191942), and Djakarta (19421972)
Social / Marbles ChampA group of men at a championship game of marbles at Tinsley Green, Sussex (held every Good Friday): the winner receives a cask of beer Date: 1950s
Battle of Tardenois 1918The advance of the 5th Battalion, Duke of Wellingtons Regiment, 62nd Division
Imperial FetesParisians celebrate the Fetes de l Empereur in the Champ de Mars : he keeps his subjects happy with bread and circuses
Charles, Robert, BalloonUnmanned balloon, filled with inflammable Air drawn from Iron by means of a Vitriolic Acid travels from the Champ de Mars to Gonzesse where it is attacked by peasants
Supreme being FeteRobespierre orders a Festival of the Supreme Being, in the Tuileries and the Champ de Mars, Paris : but he is thought by many to be setting himself up as high priest
Federation Celebrated 1Works at the Champ de Mars, Paris, preparing the ground for the Fete de la Federation, celebrating the first anniversary of the fall of the Bastille
Abdication DemandedAngered by Louis attempt to quit the country, the people of Paris at a meeting on the Champ de Mars demand that he abdicate. Lafayette quells the riot with a fusillade
Federation Celebrated 6On the Champ de Mars, Parisians celebrate the Fete de la Federation, marking the first anniversary of the fall of the Bastille
Federation Celebrated 2Men, women and children toil at the Champ de Mars, Paris, preparing the ground for the Fete de la Federation, celebrating the anniversary of the fall of the Bastille
Franco-Pruss / Mans-ChampBattle of Le Mans-Champagne on a snow-covered plain during the Franco-Prussian War
Revolutionary CelebrateThe Champ de Mars, Paris, seen from across the Seine, on the occasion of the commemoration of the fall of the Bastille when thousands of Parisians gathered to celebrate
Federation, Paris 1790In the Champ de Mars, Paris, as in major cities throughout the country, the Federation is proclaimed by the Assemblee Constituante, to signalise the nation united by revolution
Fete De LA FederationA year to the day after the fall of the Bastille, France celebrates the Revolution with a fete on the Champ de Mars, Paris, where Louis swears to uphold the constitution