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Catfish Collection

Background imageCatfish Collection: Silurus glanis, or Wels Catfish

Silurus glanis, or Wels Catfish, also known as Sheatfish and Sly Silurus, a freshwater and brackish water fish. Date: 1865

Background imageCatfish Collection: Wels catfish and Blochs catfish

Wels catfish and Blochs catfish
Wels catfish, Silurus glanis 74, and Blochs catfish, Pimelodus blochii 75

Background imageCatfish Collection: Haliaetus leucocephalus, bald eagle

Haliaetus leucocephalus, bald eagle
Plate 31 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1827-30), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London

Background imageCatfish Collection: Catfish, dwarf siren, wasp and beetle

Catfish, dwarf siren, wasp and beetle
Catfish, Siluranodon auritus (Silurus auritus) 2, northern dwarf siren, Pseudobranchus striatus (Siren striata) 3, parasitoid wasp, Sigalphus irrorator 1, dung beetle, Sisyphus schaefferii 4

Background imageCatfish Collection: Electric eel and electric catfish

Electric eel and electric catfish
Electric eel, Electrophorus electricus (Gymnotus electricus) and electric catfish, Malapterurus electricus.Handcoloured lithograph from Georg Friedrich Treitschkes Gallery of Natural History

Background imageCatfish Collection: Armored catfish species, Acanthicus hystrix

Armored catfish species, Acanthicus hystrix. Porcupine acanthicus, Acanthicus histrix. Fort St. Joaquin in the distance. Handcoloured steel engraving by W.H

Background imageCatfish Collection: Globe flower and buttercups

Globe flower and buttercups
Globe flower, Trollius europaeus, and other species of buttercups, Ranunculus glacialis, etc

Background imageCatfish Collection: Soldier catfish and driftwood catfish

Soldier catfish and driftwood catfish
Soldier catfish, Osteogeneiosus militaris 79, and driftwood catfish, Trachelyopterus galeatus 80

Background imageCatfish Collection: Fish varieties

Fish varieties
Monkfish, Lophius piscatorius, toadfish, Batrachoides surinamensis, armored catfish, Loricaria cataphracta, Atlantic stargazer, Uranoscopus scaber, sculpin or bullhead, Cottus gobio, and cascarudo

Background imageCatfish Collection: Striped eel catfish, Plotosus lineatus

Striped eel catfish, Plotosus lineatus (Eel-shaped platystacus, Platystacus anguillaris). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageCatfish Collection: Raphael catfish, Platydoras costatus

Raphael catfish, Platydoras costatus (Ribbed soldier fish, Cataphractus costatus). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageCatfish Collection: Slopehead catfish, Ageneiosus inermis

Slopehead catfish, Ageneiosus inermis (Dawalla of the Arawaaks, Hypothalmus davalla). Handcoloured steel engraving by W.H

Background imageCatfish Collection: Tiger sorubim, Pseudoplatystoma tigrinum

Tiger sorubim, Pseudoplatystoma tigrinum (Striped platystoma, Platystoma tigrinum). Handcoloured steel engraving by W.H

Background imageCatfish Collection: Platynematichthys notatus catfish

Platynematichthys notatus catfish (Stripe-tailed pimelodus, Pimelodus notatus). Handcoloured steel engraving by W.H

Background imageCatfish Collection: Flatwhiskered catfish, Pinirampus pirinampu

Flatwhiskered catfish, Pinirampus pirinampu (Black-spotted green pimelodus, Pimelodus insignis). Handcoloured steel engraving by W.H

Background imageCatfish Collection: Blochs pim, Pimelodus blochii

Blochs pim, Pimelodus blochii (Tiger pimelodus, Pimelodus arekaima). Handcoloured steel engraving by W.H

Background imageCatfish Collection: Jaguar catfish, Liosomadoras oncinus

Jaguar catfish, Liosomadoras oncinus (Marbled arius, Arius oncinus). Handcoloured steel engraving by W.H

Background imageCatfish Collection: Spiny catfish or bacu, Acanthodoras cataphractus

Spiny catfish or bacu, Acanthodoras cataphractus (Chestnut-bellied doras, Doras castaneo-ventris). Handcoloured steel engraving by W.H

Background imageCatfish Collection: Steindachnerina binotata

Steindachnerina binotata (Double-marked salmon carp, Prochilodus binotatus). Handcoloured steel engraving by W.H

Background imageCatfish Collection: Bocachico or koulimata, Prochilodus rubrotaeniatus

Bocachico or koulimata, Prochilodus rubrotaeniatus (Pale red-streaked salmon carp, Prochilodus rubro-taeniatus). Handcoloured steel engraving by W.H

Background imageCatfish Collection: Wolf fish, Hoplias malabaricus

Wolf fish, Hoplias malabaricus
Wolf fish, tiger fish or trahira, Hoplias malabaricus (Haimura, Erythrinus macrodon). Handcoloured steel engraving by W.H

Background imageCatfish Collection: Banded schizodon or boga lisa, Schizodon fasciatus

Banded schizodon or boga lisa, Schizodon fasciatus. Handcoloured steel engraving by W.H

Background imageCatfish Collection: Payara, Hydrolycus armatus

Payara, Hydrolycus armatus (Strong-toothed hydrocyon, Hydrocyon? armatus). Handcoloured steel engraving by W.H

Background imageCatfish Collection: Cuviers pike-characin, Boulengerella cuvieri

Cuviers pike-characin, Boulengerella cuvieri (Ocellated xiphostoma, Xiphostoma ocellatum). Handcoloured steel engraving by W.H

Background imageCatfish Collection: Tetragonopterus chalceus

Tetragonopterus chalceus (Schomburgks tetragonopterus, Tetragonopterus schomburgkii). Handcoloured steel engraving by W.H

Background imageCatfish Collection: Red-eye piranha, Serrasalmus rhombeus

Red-eye piranha, Serrasalmus rhombeus. Black saw-bellied salmon, Serrasalmo niger. Handcoloured steel engraving by W.H

Background imageCatfish Collection: Pygopristis denticulata piranha

Pygopristis denticulata piranha (Spotted saw-bellied salmon, Serrasalmo punctatus). Handcoloured steel engraving by W.H

Background imageCatfish Collection: Hemiodus unimaculatus

Hemiodus unimaculatus (Black-marked anodus, Anodus notatus). Handcoloured steel engraving by W.H

Background imageCatfish Collection: Pink-tailed chalceus, Chalceus macrolepidotus

Pink-tailed chalceus, Chalceus macrolepidotus. (Large-scaled chalceus.) Handcoloured steel engraving by W.H

Background imageCatfish Collection: Silver arowana, Osteoglossum bicirrhosum

Silver arowana, Osteoglossum bicirrhosum (Arowana of Guiana, Osteoglossum arowana). Handcoloured steel engraving by W.H

Background imageCatfish Collection: Arapaima, Arapaima gigas

Arapaima, Arapaima gigas (Gigantic sudis, Sudis gigas). Handcoloured steel engraving by W.H

Background imageCatfish Collection: Oriole blackbird, chocolate loricarid catfish

Oriole blackbird, chocolate loricarid catfish
Oriole blackbird, Gymnomystax mexicanus, nest and eggs 3, chocolate loricarid armored catfish, Loricaria cataphracta 2, and pine sawfly, Neodiprion sertifer 1

Background imageCatfish Collection: Atlantic seawolf or striped sea wolf, Anarhichas lupus

Atlantic seawolf or striped sea wolf, Anarhichas lupus. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his Natural History of British Fishes, Donovan and F.C. and J

Background imageCatfish Collection: Longnose gar, suckermouth, Raphael and spotted catfish

Longnose gar, suckermouth, Raphael and spotted catfish
Longnose gar, Lepisosteus osseus 1, suckermouth catfish, Hypostomus plecostomus 2, Raphael catfish, Platydoras costatus 3 and spotted catfish, Corydoras punctatus 4

Background imageCatfish Collection: Synodontis maculipinna, catfish

Synodontis maculipinna, catfish
Synodontis is the most widely-distributed mochokid genus. This specimen was collected from the Rufigi River near Lake Tanganyika in Tanzania and arrived at the museum in 1922

Background imageCatfish Collection: Anarhichas lupus, or Atlantic Wolffish

Anarhichas lupus, or Atlantic Wolffish, also known as Seawolf, Atlantic Catfish, Ocean Catfish, Devil Fish, Wolf Eel and Sea Cat. Date: 1863

Background imageCatfish Collection: Painted skull of Arius sp. crucifix fish

Painted skull of Arius sp. crucifix fish
Specimen of the skull of a crucifix fish painted to resemble a statue of Jesus Christ on the cross. Often painted and sold as curios

Background imageCatfish Collection: Synodontis maculipinna, catfish

Synodontis maculipinna, catfish
Synodontis is the most widely-distributed mochokid genus. This specimen was collected from the Rufigi River near Lake Tanganyika in Tanzania and arrived at the museum in 1922

Background imageCatfish Collection: Vandellia cirrhosa, candiru

Vandellia cirrhosa, candiru

Background imageCatfish Collection: Pterygolichthys gibbiceps, sailfin pleco

Pterygolichthys gibbiceps, sailfin pleco
Plate 53 from Vol 4 of a notebook by Alfred Russel Wallace

Background imageCatfish Collection: Acanthodoras cataphractus, spiny catfish

Acanthodoras cataphractus, spiny catfish
Plate 23 from Drawings of Fishes of Rio Negro, Vol 1, by Alfred Russel Wallace (1850-1852)

Background imageCatfish Collection: Ancistrus gibbiceps, Knu

Ancistrus gibbiceps, Knu

Background imageCatfish Collection: Hemidoras stenopeltis, catfish

Hemidoras stenopeltis, catfish
Drawing by Alfred Russel Wallace of the catfish Hemidoras stenopeltis from Cuyucuyu, Upper Rio Negro

Background imageCatfish Collection: Catfish

Drawing no 114 by Alfred Russel Wallace

Background imageCatfish Collection: Anarhichas lupus, Atlantic catfish

Anarhichas lupus, Atlantic catfish
A specimen of the Atlantic catfish (Anarhichas lupus)

Background imageCatfish Collection: Asterophysus batrachus, ogre catfish

Asterophysus batrachus, ogre catfish
Drawing by Alfred Russel Wallace of the ogre catfish (Asterophysus batrachus) from Mamyacu, Upper Rio Negro

Background imageCatfish Collection: Ictalurus punctatus, river catfish

Ictalurus punctatus, river catfish
Hand coloured etching from The Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama islands (1731) Vol. 2 by Mark Catesby

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