Cartoon, Royal Bird Catchers -- two men attempting to capture Queen Victoria. 1881
Sergeant Ewart capturing the French eagle at WaterlooSergeant Charles Ewart capturing the French 45th Regiment's eagle standard at the Battle of Waterloo - The Bird Catchers, Royal Scots Greys Date: 1815
Rat-catcher 1850sJack Black, was a rat-catcher and mole destroyer from Battersea. Date: circa 1850s
Cow riding on a trainA Deadhead Passenger. How an intelligent animal refused to be butted off the track by the cowcatcher, and stole a free ride on the railroad. Date: 1883
Cat and owl as rat catchers on a Christmas cardCat and owl as rat and mouse catchers on a Christmas card. Date: circa 1890s
Rat catching on the home front during WWIThe Emancipation of Women - another sphere of industry. A member of a family of a resident in Camberwell who is the official rat-catcher to the London County Council
Eeling in Kent / 1930SEel spearers at work on the marshes at Reculver, Kent, England. By digging a pronged spear into the mud, skilled eel catchers catch as many as ten pounds of eels an hour. Date: 1930s
Rounding up Stray Dogs#NAME?