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Cast Collection

Background imageCast Collection: Gilbert & Sullivan Operas, D Oyly Carte Souvenir

Gilbert & Sullivan Operas, D Oyly Carte Souvenir
D Oyly Cartes Season of Gilbert and Sullivan Operas, Souvenir Programme, Princes Theatre, London, 29 September 1919 - 31 January 1920, showing a large cast of characters from the operettas. 1919-1920

Background imageCast Collection: Hominid crania

Hominid crania
L to R: Australopithecus africanus; Homo rudolfensis; H.erectus; H. heildebergensis; H. neanderthalensis and H. sapiens

Background imageCast Collection: Mills Bomb No 5 hand grenade, used during World War One

Mills Bomb No 5 hand grenade, used during World War One, 1915. Oval cast iron segmented body with handle and split pin. Marked on base plate with grenade number and maker?s name P B and Company

Background imageCast Collection: Australopithecus afarensis (AL 288-1) (Lucy)

Australopithecus afarensis (AL 288-1) (Lucy)
A cast of the partial skeleton (nicknamed Lucy) of Australopithecus afarensis found at the Hadar, North East Ethiopia in 1974 by Donald Johanson

Background imageCast Collection: Possession is nine points of the law by Louis Wain

Possession is nine points of the law by Louis Wain
Illustration by Louis Wain showing a cat occupying a cast-off saucepan or cooking pot during snowy weather. A selection of birds, including a magpie and a blue tit bemusedly face the cat

Background imageCast Collection: Homo erectus (Sangiran 17), H. sapiens (?) H. neanderthalens

Homo erectus (Sangiran 17), H. sapiens (?) H. neanderthalens
L to R, cast of Homo erectus, (Sangiran 17), Sangiran, Java, 700, 000 years old; cast of recent Homo sapiens skull from South East Asia; cast of Neanderthal skull from La Ferrassie, France, 50

Background imageCast Collection: Pygmalion - George Bernard Shaws play opens in 1914

Pygmalion - George Bernard Shaws play opens in 1914
Spread from The Sketch magazine showing scenes from the George Bernard Shaw play, Pygmalion, which opened at His Majestys Theatre, London on 11 April 1914

Background imageCast Collection: WW2 - NaFI presents ENSA Production at Alexandria, Egypt

WW2 - NaFI presents ENSA Production at Alexandria, Egypt
WW2 - A playbill for a production of The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde produced by N.A.A.F.I (Navy)

Background imageCast Collection: View of the River Wye and Old Wye Bridge at Chepstow

View of the River Wye and Old Wye Bridge at Chepstow
View of the River Wye (at low tide) at Chepstow, Monmouthshire, Wales

Background imageCast Collection: Coelophysis fossil

Coelophysis fossil
Coelophysis was one of the earliest known dinosaurs which lived 225 to 220 million years ago during the Upper Triassic

Background imageCast Collection: Old Time Music Hall Show

Old Time Music Hall Show
The cast of the Old Time Music Hall show from the City Varieties in Leeds take a bow; the audience, dressed in Victorian and Edwardian costume, are part of the show Date: 1960s

Background imageCast Collection: Shepherd with sheep, horse and dog

Shepherd with sheep, horse and dog
A delightful scene on a country track in Cumbria showing a lakeland shepherd carrying home a lame member of his flock, accompanied by his trusty hound and a fine white horse

Background imageCast Collection: Arion on a Dolphin

Arion on a Dolphin
A Greek poet and musician, reputed to have been cast into the sea by mariners but carried to Taenaros on a dolphins back

Background imageCast Collection: Lincoln Assass. / Playbill

Lincoln Assass. / Playbill
The playbill found in President Abraham Lincolns box after his assassination by John Wilkes Booth at Fords Theatre

Background imageCast Collection: Trajan Column, Rome, base portion

Trajan Column, Rome, base portion
Black and white lantern slide capturing image of the cast of the base of Trajans Column inside the Victoria and Albert Museum Cast Court

Background imageCast Collection: Coal mining by G. H. Davis

Coal mining by G. H. Davis
Coal mine working and outcrop production: how coal, so vital to every form of war industry, can be won from opencast veins at shallow depths. Date: 1944

Background imageCast Collection: Woman & Aspidistra Photo

Woman & Aspidistra Photo
A woman in an enormous hat festooned with plumes & fabric sits in the garden outside her door. She rests her arm upon a small, 3 legged table on which stands an aspidistra in a pot

Background imageCast Collection: Odysseus & Tame Animals

Odysseus & Tame Animals
Odysseus and his men are amazed by a group of strangely tame wild animals - a lion licks Eurylochuss foot. Circe has cast a spell on them

Background imageCast Collection: RIVERA, Diego (1886-1957). Zapotec Civilization

RIVERA, Diego (1886-1957). Zapotec Civilization. 1947. Mural Pre-Hispanic Mexico and Colony in the corridor of the north wall. Detail

Background imageCast Collection: Mrs Bryan Guinness (Diana Freeman Mitford) as Venus

Mrs Bryan Guinness (Diana Freeman Mitford) as Venus
Front cover photograph from The Sketch of the Hon. Mrs. Bryan Guinness, formerly the Hon

Background imageCast Collection: Cast copy of the Juno Ludovisi

Cast copy of the Juno Ludovisi
Modern cast copy of the Juno Ludovisi (Hera Ludovisi) - a colossal 1st century Roman marble head depicting an idealized and youthful Antonia Minor as the goddess Juno. Date: circa 1910s

Background imageCast Collection: London Life cover - On the Level - 1960s fashions

London Life cover - On the Level - 1960s fashions
Front cover of London Life magazine showing three cast members from a new musical, On The Level (about a GCE scandal) which opened in London on 19 April 1966

Background imageCast Collection: Busby Berkeley montage

Busby Berkeley montage
A Busby Berkeley stage show montage featured in London Life magazine to coincide with a season of films at the National Film Theatre in 1965. Date: 1965

Background imageCast Collection: Messrs Vickers Iron Foundry - Barrow-in-Furness

Messrs Vickers Iron Foundry - Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, England. Date: circa 1910s

Background imageCast Collection: Australopithecine or Homo habilis foot (OH8) cast

Australopithecine or Homo habilis foot (OH8) cast
Cast of a near complete foot (OH 8) from an Australopthecus or Homo habilis discovered at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania by Louis Leakey in 1960. It dates back to 1.75 million years ago

Background imageCast Collection: Homo rudolfensis (KNM-ER 1470) Homo habilis (KNM-ER 1813)

Homo rudolfensis (KNM-ER 1470) Homo habilis (KNM-ER 1813)
On the left, KNM-ER 1470 (also attributed to H. rudolfensis). On the right, KNM-ER 1813. Both skulls are about 2 million years old. Held at The Natural History Museum, London

Background imageCast Collection: Advert, Doultons improved hooded baths

Advert, Doultons improved hooded baths, London, Paisley and Paris. circa 1890

Background imageCast Collection: Diplodocus Carnegii - Reptile Gallery, Natural History Museu

Diplodocus Carnegii - Reptile Gallery, Natural History Museu
Cast of Diplodocus Carnegii - Reptile Gallery, British Natural History Museum, Kensington, County of London, England. Date: 1910s

Background imageCast Collection: The Dandy Doctor by Edward Marris with music by Dudley Powell

The Dandy Doctor by Edward Marris with music by Dudley Powell. First produced at the Avenue Theatre in Sunderland, 26 March 1900. Touring to the Palace Theatre, Newcastle, 22 June for six nights

Background imageCast Collection: Caricature of Harry Paulton, actor and dramatist

Caricature of Harry Paulton, actor and dramatist
Caricature of Harry Paulton (1842-1917), actor and dramatist. Seen here outside the Avenue Theatre, London, in cloak and hat -- Manteaux Noirs; or, a Tale of the Embankment

Background imageCast Collection: The Bing Boys are Here, 1916

The Bing Boys are Here, 1916
Scenes from the popular revue, The Bing Boys are Here starring Alfred Lester, George Robey, Lillian Davies and Blanche Stocker. The show was one of the most popular of the Great War period. Date: 1916

Background imageCast Collection: First Royal Variety Show dress rehersal, 1912

First Royal Variety Show dress rehersal, 1912
The dress rehearsal for the first Royal Variety Show performance at the Palace Theatre, 1912, which was attended by many celebrities

Background imageCast Collection: The Embankment, London on wet night with Policeman and Trams

The Embankment, London on wet night with Policeman and Trams
A truly superb postcard photograph of The Embankment, London on wet night. The lights cast a strange eerie glow on the scene, magnified through the windows of a row of parked trams

Background imageCast Collection: Danae Cast Adrift (1903)

Danae Cast Adrift (1903)
Danae, daughter of Acrisius king of Argos, is impregnated by Zeus : perceiving her son Perseus as a threat, papa casts them adrift in a boat, but of course they survive Date: 1903

Background imageCast Collection: Cover design for Dutch Dolls Polka

Cover design for Dutch Dolls Polka, a song by May Ostlere, published by Enoch & Sons, London. Arrangements are also available for orchestra, instrumental septet, and military and brass bands

Background imageCast Collection: Kluski Spirit Glove

Kluski Spirit Glove
Cast of a spirit glove made at Warsaw by Franek Kluski (pseudonym) (1874 - ?) in the presence of Richet, Geley and others

Background imageCast Collection: The cast of Hay Fever, described as Noel Cowards Clean Play 'by The Sketch

The cast of Hay Fever, described as Noel Cowards Clean Play "by The Sketch
The cast of Hay Fever, described as Noel Cowards Clean Play " by The Sketch. Marie Tempest played the role of Judith Bliss, a bohemian ex-actress, while Graham Browne her husband, David Bliss

Background imageCast Collection: Angler near Waltons Cottage, Stafford

Angler near Waltons Cottage, Stafford
An angler in vintage gear fishing on the River Sow near Isaac Waltons cottage in Stafford, England. He wears a deerstalker hat, carries a wickerwork fishing basket and a vintage fly rod

Background imageCast Collection: Palace Theatre Company - London - Theatrical Garden Party

Palace Theatre Company - London - Theatrical Garden Party Date: 1912

Background imageCast Collection: Cast of Chu Chin Chow catch bus to Night of the Stage Ball

Cast of Chu Chin Chow catch bus to Night of the Stage Ball
The cast of Chu Chin Chow at His Majestys Theatre board a bus and head for the Night of the Stage Ball at the Albert Hall held in aid of Sir Arthur Pearsons Fund for the children of blinded solders

Background imageCast Collection: Daily lives in London during the Blitz

Daily lives in London during the Blitz
Four images relating to air-raided London in October 1940

Background imageCast Collection: Cardinale family making silk flowers. Father wears a cast. D

Cardinale family making silk flowers. Father wears a cast. D
8:00 PM January 29, 1912. Cardinale family making silk flowers. Father wears a cast. Does not work. (See report on schedule.) Boy, 11 years old, helps some, even at night. 43 Carmine St

Background imageCast Collection: Dr. Zanders apparatus, 1897

Dr. Zanders apparatus, 1897
Dr Zanders apparatus: a lady rides side saddle on a horse simulator. A fixed saddle is attached to a cast iron frame, simulating similar vibrations to those experienced when riding a horse. 1897

Background imageCast Collection: Actresses on National Service, 1939

Actresses on National Service, 1939
Cast members of Tony Draws a Horse at the Comedy Theatre in London pictured in their other war roles

Background imageCast Collection: London / Temple Gardens

London / Temple Gardens
Sun patterns cast by young trees and iron railings on the lawn at Temple Gardens, London, England. Date: 1930s

Background imageCast Collection: Amalfi, Italy - Panorama of the Hotel San Caterina

Amalfi, Italy - Panorama of the Hotel San Caterina Date: circa 1930s

Background imageCast Collection: Wedding Garment Parable

Wedding Garment Parable
The Parable of the Wedding Garment : the king orders the improperly dressed guest to be bound hand and foot and cast into outer darkness

Background imageCast Collection: Fishing at Bewdley, Worcestershire

Fishing at Bewdley, Worcestershire
An angler casts his line out into the River Severn in the misty morning light at Bewdley, Worcestershire. Photograph by Norman Synge Waller Budd

Background imageCast Collection: Wyclif / Fox Martyrs / Burnt

Wyclif / Fox Martyrs / Burnt
JOHN WYCLIF In 1425 his body is exhumed and burnt at Lutterworth by the ecclesiastical establishment and his ashes cast into the river

Background imageCast Collection: Buddha of Kamakura

Buddha of Kamakura
The great bronze image of Buddha at Kamakura, Japan, cast in the 13th century, centrepiece of a group of shrines and temples which attract pilgrims

Background imageCast Collection: The Expulsion from Eden

The Expulsion from Eden by Edmund Dulac. Scenes from Biblical History by Dulac, no. 1 of the series published in The Illustrated London News. Date: 1925

Background imageCast Collection: Advert for Carron Company - Cooker Range 1911

Advert for Carron Company - Cooker Range 1911
Advertising the Carron range, with inner glass door. Date: 1911

Background imageCast Collection: Henrik Ibsen's Ghosts - the Lyric Revue company

Henrik Ibsen's Ghosts - the Lyric Revue company
Henrik Ibsen's Ghosts performed by the Lyric Revue company, at the Globe. This performance was classical drama set to music (lyrics by Arthur Macrae with music by Donald Swann). Date: 1952

Background imageCast Collection: Advert for Carron Company - Cooking Range 1910

Advert for Carron Company - Cooking Range 1910
New range the Carron with thermometer fitted and an inner door that was of transparent glass so the cook could see the progress of the food. Date: 1910

Background imageCast Collection: Advert for New Carron Company - Range 1910

Advert for New Carron Company - Range 1910
The new Carron case iron range, fitted in recessed fireplace. Date: 1910

Background imageCast Collection: Ernest Trimmingham in Room V at the Garrick

Ernest Trimmingham in Room V at the Garrick
Ernest Trimmingham (1880-1942) performing as Winnie in Room V at the Garrick alongside (lfrom left) Wenda Rogerson (Policeman's Wife), Christine Silver (Little Old Lady), Nancy Parsons (Girl)

Background imageCast Collection: Walter MacFarlane, Saracen Foundry in Glasgow manufacturer of cast iron clocks

Walter MacFarlane, Saracen Foundry in Glasgow manufacturer of cast iron clocks, towers, drinking fountains, bandstands, belfries. lamp pillars seat shelters and drinking troughs. Date: 1897

Background imageCast Collection: IRELAND/DUNSEVERICK CAST

Date: 1879

Background imageCast Collection: Profile portrait of Mary, Queen of Scots (1542-1587)

Profile portrait of Mary, Queen of Scots (1542-1587), queen from 1542 until her forced abdication in 1567. In wimple with long veil, dress with ruff collar, Mary, Queen of Scotland

Background imageCast Collection: Head of Psyche, Greek goddess of the soul

Head of Psyche, Greek goddess of the soul, holding a butterfly on her throat. From a cast engraved on cornelian in Tassie's collection

Background imageCast Collection: Bust of Jupiter Aegiochus in breastplate or aegis

Bust of Jupiter Aegiochus in breastplate or aegis
Bust of the Roman god Jupiter Aegiochus in breastplate of divine armour or aegis. From a cast in the Musee Nationale, Paris

Background imageCast Collection: Firths Cast Steel Files 1917

Firths Cast Steel Files 1917 - Thos Firth & Sons Ltd. Date: 1917

Background imageCast Collection: Thos Firth & Sons Cast Steels

Thos Firth & Sons Cast Steels - Thos Firth & Sons Ltd. Date: 1916

Background imageCast Collection: This etching shows a silhouetted form of a house

This etching shows a silhouetted form of a house, cast by a glorious sunset on a large Scottish hill. Date: circa 1925

Background imageCast Collection: Hardy Patent Pick Co. mining tools 1890s

Hardy Patent Pick Co. mining tools 1890s
Selection of solid steel mining hand tools made by Hardy Patent Pick Co, in Sheffield. Date: 1890s

Background imageCast Collection: Cast of a basking shark(Selache Maxima)

Cast of a basking shark(Selache Maxima)
Described in The Illustrated London News as a cast of the skeleton of a basking shark(Selache Maxima) caught off Bergen in 1901

Background imageCast Collection: The Vic-Wells Season & Dance, Waterloo, London

The Vic-Wells Season & Dance, Waterloo, London, with portraits and signatures of creative staff, actors and actresses, including Tyrone Guthrie, Athene Seyler, Charles Laughton, Flora Robson

Background imageCast Collection: Cast of Hiawatha at the open-air Theatre, Scarborough

Cast of Hiawatha at the open-air Theatre, Scarborough
The touring cast of The Song of Hiawatha by Samuel Coleridge-Taylor at the open-air Theatre, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, England

Background imageCast Collection: A young woman fishes from the pier at Aberdovey (Aberdyfi)

A young woman fishes from the pier at Aberdovey (Aberdyfi)
A young woman fishing from the pier at Aberdovey (Aberdyfi), on the estuary of the River Dovey in Gwynedd, north Wales. She wears a sparkling bikini and black socks and shoes Date: 2019

Background imageCast Collection: Busker plays an accordian on Ha penny Bridge, Dublin

Busker plays an accordian on Ha penny Bridge, Dublin
A mature man sits on Ha penny Bridge over the River Liffey in Dublin, Ireland. He plays an accordian

Background imageCast Collection: Open Mine, Kimberley, South Africa

Open Mine, Kimberley, South Africa

Background imageCast Collection: RMS Majestic, First Class cast iron bed single ends

RMS Majestic, First Class cast iron bed single ends
RMS MAJESTIC: First-Class cast iron bed single ends with pierced geometric decoration

Background imageCast Collection: RMS Olympic cast iron table base

RMS Olympic cast iron table base
RMS OLYMPIC: Rare cast iron Second-Class table base, fluted central column with lion's head supports. 24ins

Background imageCast Collection: RMS Mauretania, First Class dining room, cast iron chair bas

RMS Mauretania, First Class dining room, cast iron chair bas
CUNARD: Extremely rare RMS Mauretania cast iron chair base believed from First-Class dining room. 15ins. x 12ins

Background imageCast Collection: Pair of cast iron cannon on carriages

Pair of cast iron cannon on carriages
MARITIME: A pair of cast iron cannon on carriages with tapering barrels and armorial crest to the barrel. Barrels measure 38ins. long with a 6ins. diameter breech, 4ins

Background imageCast Collection: Plaster cast in Pompeii Museum, Pompeii, Italy

Plaster cast in Pompeii Museum, Pompeii, Italy, Victorian period

Background imageCast Collection: House In Surrey, Garden Front

House In Surrey, Garden Front
An architectural photograph of the garden front of a house in Surrey, in brick and Portland stone. The upper part of the staircase bay is covered with cast lead, enriched. Date: circa 1903

Background imageCast Collection: Safe. 16th century. Spain

Safe. 16th century. Spain
Safe. 16th century. Cast iron and fretwork. Maria Pita House-Museum. Corunna, Galicia, Spain

Background imageCast Collection: The Castle of the Counts

The Castle of the Counts
An etching showing a scene in the shadows cast by the Castle of the Counts, or The Gravensteen, at Ghent, East Flanders in Belgium

Background imageCast Collection: Light and Shade

Light and Shade
A painting of a white building which has yellow flowers to each side of the green entrance door, shadows of nearby trees are cast onto the walls. Date: circa 1915

Background imageCast Collection: Wawel Castle, Krakow

Wawel Castle, Krakow
An illustration of the Wawel Royal Castle in central krakow, Poland, with more modern buildings set in front

Background imageCast Collection: White Star Line, RMS Titanic - Mercator cast models

White Star Line, RMS Titanic - Mercator cast models
White Star Line, RMS Titanic - boxed pair of modern Mercator cast models, on treen stands. 11.5 inches. Date: 20th century

Background imageCast Collection: RMS Lusitania - propaganda medal, leaflet and other items

RMS Lusitania - propaganda medal, leaflet and other items
RMS Lusitania - Carlton ware model 6.5 inches, together with German propaganda medal, leaflet, and other items. The bronze German Lusitania medal was designed by Karl Goetz

Background imageCast Collection: Cast iron ship's table base with fish design

Cast iron ship's table base with fish design
Cast iron ship's table base - the single pedestal support is decorated with a flying fish design. Date: 20th century

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