Loons and thread-legged bug
Red-throated loon, Gavia stellata 2, common loon, Gavia immer 3, black-throated loon, Gavia arctica 4, and thread-legged bug, Emesini species. Ploiere, plongeon catmarin, imbrim, lumme, gorge noire
Perch, velvet worm, lacewing and pearl oyster
European perch, Perca fluviatilis 1, velvet worm, Peripatus iuliformis 2, lacewing, Perla marginata 3, and pearl oyster, Isognomon isognomum 4. Perche, Peripate, Perle, Perne
Goliath stick insect, fly, bee-killer wasp and bark bug
Goliath stick insect, Eurycnema goliath, fly, Phasia species, bee-killer wasp, Philanthus triangulum, bark bug, Phloea corticata. Phasie, Phasme, Philanthe, Phlaea