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Casse Collection

Background imageCasse Collection: Great and lesser spotted woodpeckers

Great and lesser spotted woodpeckers
Great spotted woodpecker, Dendrocopos major, and Lesser spotted woodpecker, Dryobates minor

Background imageCasse Collection: Avec la carte, nous en aurons peu, mais nous en aurons tous

Avec la carte, nous en aurons peu, mais nous en aurons tous. Casse aujourd hui ton sucre en deux pour en avoir demain?. Large sword cutting sugar cone in two. Date 1916

Background imageCasse Collection: Golden rain tree or canafistula, Cassia fistula

Golden rain tree or canafistula, Cassia fistula, Casse purgative. Handcoloured steel engraving by Pierre after a botanical illustration by Edouard Maubert from Pierre Oscar Reveil, A. Dupuis, Fr

Background imageCasse Collection: Blue-headed fantail, Rhipidura cyaniceps 1

Blue-headed fantail, Rhipidura cyaniceps 1 and peony, Paeonia suffruticosa 2. Pitpit, Pivoine

Background imageCasse Collection: Bird anatomy, beak, wing, tail, feathers

Bird anatomy, beak, wing, tail, feathers

Background imageCasse Collection: Grey dagger, Apopestes spectrum and peach blossom moths

Grey dagger, Apopestes spectrum and peach blossom moths
Grey dagger moth and larva, Acronicta psi 1, Apopestes spectrum moth and larva 2, peach blossom moth and caterpillar, Thyatira batis 3. Noctuelles psi, spectre, batis

Background imageCasse Collection: Yellow lotus, white water lily and leaf-footed bugs

Yellow lotus, white water lily and leaf-footed bugs
Yellow lotus, Nelumbo lutea 1, leaf-footed bugs, Anisoscelis foliaceus 2 and Anoplocnemis curvipes 3, and white water lily, Nymphaea alba 4. Nelumbo, Nematope, Nenuphar

Background imageCasse Collection: Harold Turner, ballet dancer in Casse Noisette

Harold Turner, ballet dancer in Casse Noisette (Nutcracker), The Vic-Wells Ballet, supplement to The Dancing Times, December 1937 Date: 1937

Background imageCasse Collection: Loons and thread-legged bug

Loons and thread-legged bug
Red-throated loon, Gavia stellata 2, common loon, Gavia immer 3, black-throated loon, Gavia arctica 4, and thread-legged bug, Emesini species. Ploiere, plongeon catmarin, imbrim, lumme, gorge noire

Background imageCasse Collection: Common tortoise, sulfur-breasted toucan

Common tortoise, sulfur-breasted toucan
Common tortoise, Testudo graeca 1, sulfur-breasted toucan, Ramphastos sulfuratus 2, and white-throated toucan, Ramphastos tucanus 3. Tortue, Toucans

Background imageCasse Collection: Black oriole, green oriole, four-horned spider

Black oriole, green oriole, four-horned spider
Black oriole, Oriolus hosii 1, green oriole, Oriolus flavocinctus 1a, four-horned spider crab, Pisa tetraodon 2, weevil beetle, Pissodes species 3

Background imageCasse Collection: Woodpeckers and picarel

Woodpeckers and picarel
Three-toed woodpecker, Picoides tridactylus 1, and picarel, Spicara smaris 2. Pic tridactyle, picarel

Background imageCasse Collection: Hawfinch, crane and crickets

Hawfinch, crane and crickets
Hawfinch, Coccothraustes coccothraustes 2, common crane, Grus grus 3, and crickets, Gryllus campestris 1. Grillon, gros-bec, grue

Background imageCasse Collection: Red-bearded bee-eater, Nyctyornis amictus

Red-bearded bee-eater, Nyctyornis amictus, and fungoid bryozoan, Plumatella fungosa. Alcemerope, Alcyonelle

Background imageCasse Collection: White-tailed sea eagle, water spider, Purpuricenus

White-tailed sea eagle, water spider, Purpuricenus
White-tailed sea eagle, Haliaeetus albicilla 5, and prey, water spider, Argyroneta aquatica 1, Purpuricenus beetles 2.3, and Pycnogonum litorale sea spider 4

Background imageCasse Collection: Woodcock, red crossbill and black skimmer

Woodcock, red crossbill and black skimmer
Woodcock, Scolopax rusticola, red crossbill, Loxia curvirostra, and black skimmer, Rynchops niger Becasse, bec-croise, et bec en ciseaux

Background imageCasse Collection: Tree frog, water rail and landrail

Tree frog, water rail and landrail
European tree frog, Hyla arborea, water rail, Rallus aquaticus, and corn crake or landrail, Crex crex. Rainette verte, rale d eau, rale de genets

Background imageCasse Collection: Spotted pardalote, Pardalotus punctatus

Spotted pardalote, Pardalotus punctatus

Background imageCasse Collection: Alexandrine parakeet, Psittacula eupatria

Alexandrine parakeet, Psittacula eupatria, and long-tailed parakeet, Psittacula longicauda Perruche d Alexandre et perruche a longs brins

Background imageCasse Collection: Red-legged partridge, Lectures rufa, and grey

Red-legged partridge, Lectures rufa, and grey partridge, Perdix perdix Perdrix rouge et perdrix grise

Background imageCasse Collection: Palm cockatoo and red-tailed black cockatoo

Palm cockatoo and red-tailed black cockatoo
Palm cockatoo, Probosciger aterrimus, and red-tailed black cockatoo, Calyptorhynchus banks Mycroglosse noir et Perroquet de Banks

Background imageCasse Collection: Eastern rosella and yellow-crowned amazon

Eastern rosella and yellow-crowned amazon
Eastern rosella, Platycercus exams, and yellow-crowned amazon, Amazona ochrocephala. Perruche omnicolore et Perroquet tete jaune

Background imageCasse Collection: Rufous tailed hummingbird, tufted coquette

Rufous tailed hummingbird, tufted coquette
Rufous tailed hummingbird, Amazilia tzacatl, Tufted coquette, Lophornis ornatus, and black-eared fairy, Heliothryx auritus Oiseau-mouche ventre gris, huppe col, oreilles d azur

Background imageCasse Collection: Penduline tit, Remiz pendulinus, and nest

Penduline tit, Remiz pendulinus, and nest

Background imageCasse Collection: Three-toed woodpecker, Picoides tridactylus

Three-toed woodpecker, Picoides tridactylus, male, female and juvenile outside nest. Pic a camel rouge

Background imageCasse Collection: Common magpie, Pica pica, and white-throated

Common magpie, Pica pica, and white-throated magpie-jay, Calocitta formosa, with egg. Pie commune et pie commandeur

Background imageCasse Collection: White woodpecker and Philippine pygmy woodpecker

White woodpecker and Philippine pygmy woodpecker
White woodpecker, Melanerpes candidus, Philippine pygmy woodpecker, Yungipicus maculatus, male and female

Background imageCasse Collection: Black woodpecker and great spotted woodpecker with egg

Black woodpecker and great spotted woodpecker with egg
Black woodpecker, Dryocopus martius, and great spotted woodpecker, Dendrocopos major. Pic noir et Pic epeiche moyenne

Background imageCasse Collection: Jamaican tody, Mariana kingfisher and sunflower

Jamaican tody, Mariana kingfisher and sunflower
Jamaican tody, Todus todus, Mariana kingfisher, Todiramphus albicilla, and sunflower, Tithonia tagetiflora. Tithonie, Todier et Todiramphe

Background imageCasse Collection: Black-cheeked gnateater, handsome sweetpea and wasp

Black-cheeked gnateater, handsome sweetpea and wasp
Black-cheeked gnateater, Conopophaga melanops, handsome sweetpea, Platylobium formosum, and Inostemma boscii wasp. Platygastra, Platylobier et Platyrhinque

Background imageCasse Collection: Italian sparrow, Passer italiae, and Eurasian

Italian sparrow, Passer italiae, and Eurasian tree sparrow with egg, Passer montanus

Background imageCasse Collection: Northern mockingbird, nightshades and beetle

Northern mockingbird, nightshades and beetle
Northern mockingbird, Mimus polyglottos orpheus 1, bittersweet nightshade, Solanum dulcamara 3, Solanum quercifolium 4, Mordella fasciata beetle 2. Moqueur, mordelle et morelles

Background imageCasse Collection: Kingfisher, Alcedo atthis, and laughing kookaburra

Kingfisher, Alcedo atthis, and laughing kookaburra, Dacelo novaeguineae. Martin pecheur, martin chasseur

Background imageCasse Collection: Beautiful sunbird and common spoonbill

Beautiful sunbird and common spoonbill
Beautiful sunbird, Cinnyris pulchella, and common spoonbill, Platalea leucorodia. Soui-manga et Spatule

Background imageCasse Collection: Nightingale, nest and egg, Luscinia megarhynchos

Nightingale, nest and egg, Luscinia megarhynchos, and European robin, egg, Erithacus rubecula

Background imageCasse Collection: Secretary bird, Sagittarius serpentarius

Secretary bird, Sagittarius serpentarius, wild and tame canaries, Serinus canaria

Background imageCasse Collection: Guinea turaco, Tauraco persa, and Eurasian

Guinea turaco, Tauraco persa, and Eurasian wryneck, Jynx torquilla

Background imageCasse Collection: Goldcrests, Regulus regulus, and European

Goldcrests, Regulus regulus, and European roller, Coracias garrulus

Background imageCasse Collection: Twelve-wired bird-of-paradise, Seleucidis melanoleucus

Twelve-wired bird-of-paradise, Seleucidis melanoleucus. Mislabeled Cape sugarbird, Promerops cafer

Background imageCasse Collection: Village weaver bird and nest, Ploceus cucullatus

Village weaver bird and nest, Ploceus cucullatus, and crane fly, Tipula species. Tipule, Tisserin gendarme

Background imageCasse Collection: Papuan frogmouth, Podargus papuensis

Papuan frogmouth, Podargus papuensis Podarge papou

Background imageCasse Collection: Wood warbler, Phylloscopus sibilatrix

Wood warbler, Phylloscopus sibilatrix, and moorhen, Gallinula chloropus Pouillot et poule d eau

Background imageCasse Collection: European golden plover, Pluvialis apricaria

European golden plover, Pluvialis apricaria, and ringed plover, Charadrius hiaticula

Background imageCasse Collection: Red-billed scythebill and olivaceous woodcreeper

Red-billed scythebill and olivaceous woodcreeper
Red-billed scythebill, Campylorhamphus trochilirostris and olivaceous woodcreeper, Sittasomus griseicapillus

Background imageCasse Collection: Common chaffinch and brambling

Common chaffinch and brambling
Common chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs, nest and eggs, and brambling, Fringilla montifringilla with eggs Pinson commun et pinson d Ardenne

Background imageCasse Collection: Pigeon Columba livia breeds: pigeon cavalier

Pigeon Columba livia breeds: pigeon cavalier faraud, pigeon lillois elegant

Background imageCasse Collection: Pigeon varieties, Columba livia: hirondelle

Pigeon varieties, Columba livia: hirondelle, glouglou tambour, polonais

Background imageCasse Collection: Pigeon Columba livia breeds: Pigeon turc ordinaire

Pigeon Columba livia breeds: Pigeon turc ordinaire, bai dore suisse, bagadais batard

Background imageCasse Collection: Pigeon Columba livia breeds: cravatte francais

Pigeon Columba livia breeds: cravatte francais, nonain capucin, trembleur paon

Background imageCasse Collection: Wood pigeon, common pigeon and turtle dove

Wood pigeon, common pigeon and turtle dove
Wood pigeon, Columba palumbus, common pigeon, Columba livia, and turtle dove, Streptopelia risoria. Pigeon ramier, biset, tourterelle

Background imageCasse Collection: Pink-headed fruit-dove, Buru green pigeon

Pink-headed fruit-dove, Buru green pigeon
Pink-headed fruit-dove, Ptilinopus porphyreus, Buru green pigeon, Treron aromaticus, and Luzon bleeding-heart, Gallicolumba luzonica

Background imageCasse Collection: Great grey shrike, grey-backed fiscal and fiscal shrike

Great grey shrike, grey-backed fiscal and fiscal shrike
Great grey shrike, Lanius excubitor, grey-backed fiscal, Lanius excubitoroides, and fiscal shrike, Lanius collaris Pie Grieche commune, septentrionale, fiscal

Background imageCasse Collection: Woodchat shrike, Lanius senator, and Southern

Woodchat shrike, Lanius senator, and Southern grey shrike, Lanius meridionalis

Background imageCasse Collection: Indian peafowl, Pavo cristatus, and parrotfinch

Indian peafowl, Pavo cristatus, and parrotfinch, Erythrura species

Background imageCasse Collection: Phyllosoma larval stage of a spiny lobster

Phyllosoma larval stage of a spiny lobster, Palinurus elephas. Phyllosome

Background imageCasse Collection: Moon snail and nautilus

Moon snail and nautilus
Bladder moon snail, Neverita didyma 1, crusty nautilus, Nonion umbilicatulum 2, and chambered nautilus, Nautilus pompilius 3, 4. Natice, Nautile

Background imageCasse Collection: Humboldt squid and European flying squid

Humboldt squid and European flying squid
Humboldt squid, Dosidicus gigas 1, and European flying squid, Todarodes sagittatus 2. Ommastrephe geant, Ommastrephe des pecheurs

Background imageCasse Collection: Peacocks tail algae and hermit crabs

Peacocks tail algae and hermit crabs
Peacocks tail algae, Padina pavonica 1, common hermit crab, Pagurus bernhardus 2, blue-eyed hermit crab, Paragiopagurus diogenes 3, and Pagurus alatus 4. Padine, Pagures

Background imageCasse Collection: Perch, velvet worm, lacewing and pearl oyster

Perch, velvet worm, lacewing and pearl oyster
European perch, Perca fluviatilis 1, velvet worm, Peripatus iuliformis 2, lacewing, Perla marginata 3, and pearl oyster, Isognomon isognomum 4. Perche, Peripate, Perle, Perne

Background imageCasse Collection: Cretan scar-fish and beetles

Cretan scar-fish and beetles
Rhinoceros scarab beetle, Golofa porteri 1, Cretan scar-fish, Scarus creticus 2, and Scarites buparius beetle 3. Scarabee, Scare, Scarite

Background imageCasse Collection: Great auk, extinct, and Brazilian sandperch

Great auk, extinct, and Brazilian sandperch
Great auk, Pinguinus impennis 1, exctinct, and Brazilian sandperch, Pinguipes brasilianus 2. Pingouin, Pinguipes

Background imageCasse Collection: Saddleback clownfish and white worm lizard

Saddleback clownfish and white worm lizard
Amphicoma scullelata 1, saddleback clownfish, Amphiprion polymnus 2 and white worm lizard, Amphisbaena alba 3. Amphiprion laticlavius Amphicome, Amphiprion, Amphisbene

Background imageCasse Collection: Octopus and insects

Octopus and insects
Pseudoscorpion, Chthonius orthodactylus 1, Octyptera bicolor 2, tuberculate pelagic octopus, Ocythoe tuberculata 3, and false oil beetle, Oedemera nobilis 4. Obisie, Ocyptere, Ocythoe, Oedemere

Background imageCasse Collection: European plaice, dab and Dover sole

European plaice, dab and Dover sole
European plaice, Pleuronectes platessa 1, common dab, Limanda limanda 1a, and Dover sole, Solea solea 2. Pleuronectes: Plie carelet, Plie limande, Sole

Background imageCasse Collection: Thornback ray, cownose ray and giant devil ray

Thornback ray, cownose ray and giant devil ray
Thornback ray, Raja clavata 1, Lusitanian cownose ray, Rhinoptera marginata 2, and giant devil ray, Mobula mobular 3, endangered. Raies: Raja bouclee, Raja mourine, Raja cephaloptera

Background imageCasse Collection: Velvet crab, marbled swimming crab and Pennant s

Velvet crab, marbled swimming crab and Pennant s
Velvet crab, Necora puber 1, marbled swimming crab, Liocarcinus marmoreus 2, and Pennants swimming crab, Portumnus latipes 3. Portunes: etrille, marbre, varie

Background imageCasse Collection: Octopus and sea snail

Octopus and sea snail
Common octopus, Octopus vulgaris 1, and sea snail, Dicathais orbita 2. Poulpe commun, Pourpre

Background imageCasse Collection: Portuguese man-of-war and zoophyte

Portuguese man-of-war and zoophyte
Indo-Pacific Portuguese man-of-war, Physalia utriculus 1, Azores man-of-war, Physalia physalis 2, and Siphonophora zoophyte, Physsophora disticha 3. Physalies, Physsophore

Background imageCasse Collection: Painted coral snake, Indian elephant and box turtle

Painted coral snake, Indian elephant and box turtle
Painted coral snake, Micrurus corallinus 1, Indian elephant, Elephas maximus indicus 2, and common box turtle, Terrapene carolina 3. Elaps, elephant, emyde

Background imageCasse Collection: Toque macaque, rhesus macaque and parakeet auklet

Toque macaque, rhesus macaque and parakeet auklet
Toque macaque, Macaca sinica, endangered 1, rhesus macaque, Macaca mulatta 2, and parakeet auklet, Aethia psittacula 3. Macaque bonnet chinois, macaque rhesus, macareux

Background imageCasse Collection: Sea pen, spider wasp and long-nosed bandicoot

Sea pen, spider wasp and long-nosed bandicoot
Sea pen, Pennatula phosphorea 1, spider wasp, Pepsis limbata 2, and long-nosed bandicoot, Perameles nasuta 3. Pennatule, pepsis, peramele

Background imageCasse Collection: Bamboo fungus, scarab beetles and wombat

Bamboo fungus, scarab beetles and wombat
Bamboo fungus, Phallus indusiatus 1, scarab dung beetles, Coprophanaeus ensifer 2 and Diabroctis mimas 3, and common wombat, Vombatus ursinus 4. Phallus, phanee, phascolome

Background imageCasse Collection: Fossil skeleton of an extinct pterodactyl

Fossil skeleton of an extinct pterodactyl, Pterodactylus antiquus, and red lionfish, Pterois volitans

Background imageCasse Collection: Cuscus, yellow-bellied glider, feathertail

Cuscus, yellow-bellied glider, feathertail
Northern common cuscus, Phalanger orientalis 3, yellow-bellied glider, Petaurus australis 4, feathertail glider, Acrobates pygmaeus 5, Peziza fungi 1 and Psygmatocerus wagleri beetle 2

Background imageCasse Collection: Fossil skeleton of an extinct plesiosaurus, and wasps

Fossil skeleton of an extinct plesiosaurus, and wasps
Fossil skeleton of an extinct plesiosaurus 4, and wasps, Plesia species 1-3

Background imageCasse Collection: Greater white-toothed shrew, grey musk shrew

Greater white-toothed shrew, grey musk shrew
Greater white-toothed shrew, Crocidura russula 1, grey musk shrew, Suncus murinus 2 and dusky musk deer, Moschus fuscus, endangered 3. Musaraigne musette, Musaraigne montjourou, Musc

Background imageCasse Collection: Striped hyena and siamang, endangered

Striped hyena and siamang, endangered
Striped hyena, Hyaena hyaena 1, and siamang, Symphalangus syndactylus, endangered 2. Hyene raye, Hylobate siamang. Handcoloured steel engraving by August Dumenil after an illustration by A

Background imageCasse Collection: Fat-tailed and Merino sheep breeds

Fat-tailed and Merino sheep breeds
Fat-tailed sheep, Ovis aries 1, and Merino sheep, Ovis aries 2. Domestic sheep breeds. Mouton a grosse queue, mouton merinos

Background imageCasse Collection: Skeleton of the common seal and Australian sea lion

Skeleton of the common seal and Australian sea lion
Skeleton of the common seal, Phoca vitulina 1, and Australian sea lion, Neophoca cinerea 2. Phoque commun squelette, Phoque austral (s.g. Otarie)

Background imageCasse Collection: Common seal and elephant seal

Common seal and elephant seal
Common seal, Phoca vitulina 1 and northern elephant seal, Mirounga angustirostris 2. Phoque commun, Phoque a trompe (macrorhine)

Background imageCasse Collection: Two-tailed pasha and Cramers eighty-eight butterfly

Two-tailed pasha and Cramers eighty-eight butterfly
Two-tailed pasha or foxy emperor, Charaxes jasius, with pupa and caterpillar 1, and Cramers eighty-eight butterfly, Diaethria clymena 2. Nymphale jasius, Nymphale clymene

Background imageCasse Collection: Purple emperor and Eurasian white admiral

Purple emperor and Eurasian white admiral
Purple emperor, Apatura iris 1, and Eurasian white admiral, Limenitis camilla 2. Nymphale iris, Nymphale camille

Background imageCasse Collection: Noctua butterflies

Noctua butterflies
Pease blossom, Periphanes delphinii 1, cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera 2, yellow underwing, Anarta myrtilli 3, and large yellow underwing, Noctua pronuba, larva and pupa 4

Background imageCasse Collection: Goliath stick insect, fly, bee-killer wasp and bark bug

Goliath stick insect, fly, bee-killer wasp and bark bug
Goliath stick insect, Eurycnema goliath, fly, Phasia species, bee-killer wasp, Philanthus triangulum, bark bug, Phloea corticata. Phasie, Phasme, Philanthe, Phlaea

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