Carson Speaks 1913Edward Carson, leader of the Irish Unionists (1910-21) speaks out against Home Rule at a meeting in Belfast
Violet Carson as Ena Sharples, Coronation StreetViolet Carson (right, 1898-1983) as Ena Sharples in the long-running TV soap, Coronation Street, with her two friends, Minnie Caldwell (played by Margot Bryant)
Sir Edward Carson signing against Irish Home RuleSir Edward Carson signing the Covenant resisting Irish Home Rule. 1912
Sir Edward Carson, K. CSir Edward Carson, K.C. Postcard showing Sir Edward Carson, three-quarter length portrait, seated, facing right. Date ca. 1900
General view of Carson City, Nevada, USA. Date: circa 1910
Legal leaders during the reign of King George VLegal leaders during the first 25 years of the reign of King George V: Earl of Reading, Earl of Birkenhead, Lord Sankey, Lord Carson, Sir John Simon. Date: 1935
Caricature illustration of Rt Hon Sir Edward Carson, speaking in lawyer's wig and gown, holding spectacles, by Starr Wood, caricature artist, (1870-1944)
Bonar Law and Sir Edward Carson, at NewcastleBonar Law and Sir Edward Carson, Unionists opposed to Irish Home Rule, at Newcastle in 1913. 1913
Truckee River Dam, near Reno, Nevada, USATruckee River Dam, Truckee Carson Irrigation Project, near Reno, Nevada, USA. Date: circa 1908
Willie Carson - Flat race jockey Date: 1970s - 1980s
The annual celebration of the Relief of Derry, attracted a large group of nationalist protesters in Londonderry
Sir Edward and Lady Carson on their wedding daySir Edward Carson (1854-1935), Irish barrister, judge and unionist politician, seen here on his wedding day with his bride, formerly Miss Ruby Frewen. They married at Charlton Musgrove, Somerset
Jack Carson (1910 - 1963), Canadian-born American-based film actor
When my dream boat comes home - Music Sheet Cover by Cliff Friend and Dave Franklin featured by the Carson Sisters (Violet and Nellie Carson), a illustration of boat and the moon is shining
Irish Ulster and Nationalist men united, WW1Nationalists and Ulstermen as comrades in camp as members of King Edwards Horse in September 1914
The Bishops Move by John Oliver Hobbes and Murray Carson. First produced at the Garrick Theatre 7th June 1902 (one performance only) and on 13th July 1903. Date: 1902
E H CarsonEDWARD HENRY CARSON BARON CARSON OF DUNCAIRN British jurist and politician, leader of Irish Unionists (1910-21) Date: 1854 - 1935
Time waits for no one - Music Sheet Cover, Time Waits for No One From the Warner Bros. Picture Shine on Harvest Moon, starring Ann Sheridan, Dennis Morgan, Jack Carson, and Irene Manning
A Modern Adventuress by Lingford CarsonPromotional postcard for A Modern Adventuress by Lingford Carson. First produced at the Queens Theatre, Keighley, 10th November 1902 and Theatre Royal, Stratford East 21st August 1905
North Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada, USA. Date: circa 1940s
Men on Rock in Wind River, Carson, WashingtonMen on Rock in Wind River, Carson, Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Washington, USA. Date: 1910s
Solid Wooden Cart WheelWagon with solid wooden wheels from the Kit Carson house in Taos, New Mexico
Cart at Kit Carson HouseWagon with solid wooden wheels from the Kit Carson house in Taos, New Mexico
Edward Henry Carson, Baron Carson (18541935) - an Irish barrister, judge and unionist politician. Date: 1926
Frank E Petley as Jim Carson in A White ManFrank E Petley (1872-1945) as Jim Carson in the western film, A White Man. Date: 1910
A political arguement. Bonar Law vs Edward Carson, as represented by a Bulldog and a poodle
Fisherman in a Hut. Smith, J. Carson 19th - 20th century
Lord Carson, PC 1854 - 1935 (1922). Lavery, Sir John 1856-1941. Date: 1922
Junction of State and Madison Streets - Chicago, USAJunction of State and Madison Streets - Chicago, Illinois, USA. Date: circa 1910s
The Salted mine (Carson)
Tom Titt / Edward CarsonSir Edward Henry Carson, Baron Carson. Leader of the Ulster Unionist Party, senior barrister and judge